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反向融合是融合教育的一种形式。江苏省徐州市特殊教育学校在学前和小学阶段开设普通班,招收普通儿童,"聋健合一",让听障儿童与普通儿童在同样的环境中接受合适的教育,取得了明显的办学成效。  相似文献   

融合教育中的同伴作用策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
同伴作用是融合教育中需要予以特别重视的问题,其决定着融合教育的质量,它可以分担教师的工作压力和拓展融合教育的发展。常用的同伴作用策略有同伴指导、合作学习和反向融合。同伴作用策略的实施应着眼于满足残障儿童的特殊需要,形成系统的计划和关注全体学生的发展。  相似文献   

采用自编问卷,以学前融合教育专业的幼儿园教师为对象展开调查研究,结果表明:融合理念、沟通能力、实践能力、特教经历、融合教育培训等对教师融合教育专业素养具有一定的预测作用,但由于融合教育培训不足等原因,学前融合教育专业背景教师在职后依然存在融合教育理念不坚定、融合教育素养不高及融合教育能力不足等问题.提升学前融合教育教师...  相似文献   

"热交换器原理与设计"是能源动力专业的核心课程之一,为了培养适应新世纪能源动力类创新型人才,本文针对目前课程教学中存在的突出问题,提出了"学与问""经典与前沿""科研与教学""正反向思维"多维度融合的教学模式和教学方法,并用具体的实例探讨了一些体会和观点。  相似文献   

<正>产教融合是我国职业教育和高等教育的基本办学模式,也是提高人才培养质量的重要保证。党的十九大报告指出,要"完善职业教育和培训体系,深化产教融合、校企合作"。就职业教育来说,目前产教融合、校企合作依然是薄弱环节,不少地方的产教融合还停留在理念上,校企合作则停留在浅层次的就业合作上,育人环节的合作还存在诸多问题与困难。一些职业学校对产业的发展贡献率较低,对产业的支撑度和依赖度都不高。产业与教育两张皮的现象还比较突出,更难说相互融合发展了,因此需要花大力气推进和  相似文献   

对于产业融合问题的理论研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
产业融合是在产业边界界定清晰的前提下发生的现象,到目前为止,无论在国外还是在国内,对于产业融合问题的研究都还处于初期阶段。本文在借鉴已有研究成果的基础上,对产业融合的识别、产业融合的类型、产业融合的发生机制等问题进行了理论分析。  相似文献   

提高融合教育教师质量对推进融合教育发展有着重要意义。通过文献计量可视化软件CiteSpace,对国际有关融合教育教师近十年的文献进行系统梳理,分析该领域的研究热点及前沿趋势,从多元化融合教育教师培养路径、影响融合教育教师专业发展内外因素等方面进行全方位分析,建议未来可探索一条“人工智能+融合教育”、面向实践导向的可持续促进融合教育教师成长的发展路径。  相似文献   

近年来,中国高校悄然兴起的“通专融合”改革,主要是为解决长期以来高校人才培养中“专强通弱”乃至“通专对立”的尖锐矛盾,其在推进过程中存在三大缺失:宏观政策缺失、理论研究缺失、系统策略缺失。通专融合的实质是追求“相通”而不是“相同”,是通专各要素之间所形成的一种适切的张力平衡状态,并可能存在多种融合模式:根据融合方式分为小融合、中融合和大融合;根据融合程度分为融入、融汇、融通;根据参与要素分为片断性融合与系统性融合。实现通专融合,必须采取相关策略对人才培养各要素、各环节进行系统性变革:以立德树人理念引领通专目标一致,以“超学科”范式建构通专融合课程,以“后方法”理论变革通专融合方法,以“第五代评价”建设推动通专融合评价创新。  相似文献   

上海市幼教工作者融合教育观念调查   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文通过问卷法和访谈法对上海市115名幼教工作者的融合教育观念进行调查.结果表明:1.半融合幼儿园教育者对融合教育持最积极态度,但对特殊幼儿能力的评价低于非融合幼儿园教育者;非融合幼儿园教育者对融合教育的接纳,对特殊幼儿随班就读的评价及对融合教育资源的需求高于全融合幼儿园教育者.2.在不同职务的幼儿教育者中,管理者的融合教育观念最强,保育员对融合教育的理解和接纳,对特殊幼儿随班就读的评价等方面高于教师.研究显示,加强融合教育知识的普及与宣传对进一步发展上海市学前特殊教育至关重要.  相似文献   

融合教育的普及与质量提升对融合教师提出了更高的要求。当前教师培养的模式需要进行调整以应对融合教育带来的挑战。本文对国外两种主要的融合教育教师培养模式进行了介绍,分析了两种模式的课程调整方式、课程调整内容、课程实施方式以及两种模式各自的优缺点,并在此基础上,针对我国的融合教师培训现状,提出了融合教师培养的若干建议。  相似文献   

Recent policy on inclusion has had an impact on the development of museum galleries and related educational provision. Museums are used as learning organisations and, as such, need to consider how to create an inclusive environment. However, inclusive provision for people with learning difficulties in museums tends to be isolated and small scale, lacking the formal structure found within schools. While much can be learnt from the development and evaluation of practice in schools, there is little research or published literature that explores the inclusion of people with learning difficulties in museums. This article, by Hannah Shepherd, Exhibition Co‐ordinator at Freeman College in Sheffield, analyses an example of a specific exhibit within a gallery development. This example reflects an approach that uses guidance from the literature to create a more inclusive experience for visitors, particularly those with learning difficulties. A case is made for the use of consultation and partnership to develop inclusive museum provision.  相似文献   

Mainstreaming and inclusion of students with special educational needs in regular education, challenge traditional concepts and common practices. Traditionally, special education has been a parallel yet separate educational system. Even though there is almost universal agreement on the goals of inclusion and mainstreaming, special education schools have proved to be resilient and still exist in many countries. One approach to promoting the goal of inclusion is the establishment of collaborative partnerships between special and mainstream schools. This paper will discuss models of such partnerships based on a literature review and visits to partner special and mainstream schools in Israel. Positive elements of these partnerships as well as challenges involved are presented.  相似文献   

This paper reviews literature examining the perspectives of children with special educational needs related to their experiences of Physical Education (PE). The extent to which literature addresses inclusion in PE was determined and emerging themes arising from consultation with children with special educational needs regarding PE were examined. Qualitative studies, concentrating on consultation with special educational needs children, were reviewed and six key themes were identified: children's experiences of PE; their experiences of PE teachers; discrimination by others; feelings of self‐doubt; barriers to inclusion; and empowerment and consultation. Findings indicate children with special educational needs enjoy PE when fully included; however, participation is restricted by discrimination, limited teacher training and material barriers to inclusion. Consequently, teacher training in special educational needs and the education of non‐disabled children about special educational needs requires extensive consideration.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to examine current policy reforms that situate education as a means of addressing social inclusion. Borrowing from the work of Popkewitz and Lindblad, the paper takes the form of a cross‐disciplinary literature review that informs understanding of the relationship between educational governance and social inclusion/exclusion in policy research in Australia. To do so, the author examines the assumptions, omissions and contradictions in policy direction via two problematics – the engagement problematic and the early intervention and prevention problematic – to emphasise how policy discourse produces ways of thinking about inclusion/exclusion. The author argues that discourses of engagement and intervention and prevention reinscribe each other, acting as a palimpsest which produces notions of the ‘proper’ family and ‘proper’ participation. These notions of propriety ironically exclude particular types of individuals and families by situating them outside of possibilities for ‘success’ in social and systemic participation. Therefore, the author seeks to examine the ‘systems of reason’ that enable these discursively produced notions of propriety to become normalised.  相似文献   

This study details the results of a review of the academic and public sector literature on measuring inclusive education in large systems. It highlights some outcomes drawn from the international literature on inclusion that might be indicative of the presence and quality of inclusive education in an effort to develop a set of outcomes for Alberta, Canada. The international relevance of this study may be found in the process used, the themes identified, and the resources located. While the purpose of this review is to identify outcomes relevant to the Alberta context, much the same can be done for other international contexts using the findings of this paper as a basis.  相似文献   


This paper considers the challenges of promoting inclusive education in geographically isolated rural communities in Bangladesh. Inclusion is explored from both government and non-government (NGO) providers, and identifies challenges and opportunities for implementing inclusive practices. Challenges for implementing inclusion are linked to poverty, gender inequality, ethnicity, remoteness, language barriers, issues for children with disabilities, and the negative impact of climate (e.g. monsoonal flooding, landslides, and other natural calamities that beset Bangladesh on a regular basis) as well as the current humanitarian crisis with the Rohingya children now in Bangladesh. While there is sometimes a mismatch between government policy and the literature on inclusion in relation to practical implementation at the local level, opportunities for inclusion come with the dedication and passion of educators who provide teacher training about inclusive education, assistive technologies (Braille materials, hearing aids, etc.), multi-lingual education (MLE) materials, and advocacy by reaching out to parents and community members. Findings indicate that characteristics such as culture, the development of local resources, and the climate of the local context need to be considered in developing relevant inclusive policy to enact effective geographical inclusive practices in rural Bangladeshi communities.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to engage in an historical analysis of research about two concepts: social justice leadership and leadership for inclusion. Recent experiences have caused me to wonder about our interpretations of justice, equity, and inclusion. Analysis of the relevant literature revealed a lack of consensus among scholars as to a clear, operational definition of both social justice leadership and inclusion. I use a Foucauldian genealogical method to examine texts and uncover the historical development of social justice leadership and leadership for inclusion in the United States. Uncovering past meanings and contexts should help illuminate current meanings and uses of these concepts. It is recommended that leaders engage in critical reflection to uncover the common sense language of equity-oriented leadership practices and that researchers take a more critical, historical, open stance of social justice leadership, and inclusion.  相似文献   

This article explores the gendered ways in which issues of ability and exceptionality are presented in Governor-General award-winning Canadian children’s literature. In much of contemporary feminist thought, there is a strong focus on intersecting oppressions with gender as a central analytic lens. However, ability is still largely absent. Our aim is to bring ability to the forefront in an analysis of gendered representations in children’s literature. We therefore discuss gender, inclusion, and children’s fiction; detail our use of feminist discourse analysis; and present findings from our literature analysis, making connections to societal discourses of inclusion and gender. We conclude that educators must assist students in becoming aware of gendered and abled discourses, discussing their meanings, and deconstructing their hegemonic ideals. Without such critical discussions, the marginalisation of girls and individuals with exceptionalities will continue to be pervasive in children’s literature and, by extension, society.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the findings and wider policy implications of an evaluation of two pilot projects for the inclusion of disabled pupils from special schools into mainstream settings in a single English education authority. These included (a) paired Partnerships between schools, and (b) the use of special school staff and resources in a Support role within mainstream schools. The focus of the schemes was to promote the inclusion of those children with more complex impairments and health conditions not ‘easily’ included in mainstream settings. The research investigated the views and experiences of all stakeholders in the process, including pupils, parents, support staff, health professionals, teachers and senior managers. Although there was shared support for the principle of inclusion, there were significant differences of emphasis and concern among the different groups. In this paper, we review the commonalities and differences in these stakeholder views and highlight six key areas for evaluating process and outcome in the inclusion of disabled children. These findings are analysed within the wider context of UK educational policy and the inclusion literature. The paper concludes that although the pilot schemes under consideration had relatively little impact, they highlight a number of important tensions in the debate over inclusion, competition and managerialism in the British schooling system under the New Labour government.  相似文献   

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