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As the need for employees with technology skills and other expertise has increased within the contemporary academic library environment, so too has the need for employees with “soft skills.” Soft skills refer to personal, learnable attributes, such as emotional intelligence, communication aptitude, persuasion facility, storytelling ability, collegiality, and even woo. While academic libraries are ever-changing, it is critical to bear in mind the importance of the human component. This article considers the need for soft skills within the contemporary academic library environment. It will draw upon successful instances of soft skills development from outside the academic library environment to synthesize new ways of enhancing library employees’ soft skills.  相似文献   

The academic library continues to formulate strategies for providing and sustaining a creative learning environment for knowledge creation. But little has been said about its role in skills building through micro employment that is enabling students to develop and integrate their academic, personal, and social skills sets. This study examines the role that Access Services plays in boosting the learning experiences of student employees in readiness for workplace integration. A survey that seeks to assess their experience was administered to 32 student employees at Access Services. The results indicate that student employees, through information delivery functions, gain personal transferable skills crucial for employment.  相似文献   

馆藏学术信息资源整合模型初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以知识服务为基点,针对馆藏学术信息资源存在的问题,提出了面向知识服务的馆藏学术信息资源整合模型。通过馆藏学术资源采集模块、数据挖掘及文献知识发现、用户行为分析与用户知识挖掘、知识内容可视化及服务四个相互关联的模块,构建了以知识服务为中心的馆藏学术信息资源网络,提供一站式检索服务,是未来数字图书馆服务拓展的基石。  相似文献   

Technology has altered the traditional academic library beyond recognition. These dramatic changes have impacted significantly on the knowledge and skills requirements for LIS professionals practising in this environment. While there have been studies in other parts of the world which have investigated the knowledge and skills requirements for the digital era academic library environment, to date no comprehensive study has ‘drilled’ down into this area in the South African context. This paper reports on a preliminary study which is part of a wider study aimed at developing a comprehensive skills statement which would provide an objective framework against which professional LIS practitioners in the modern academic library environment in South Africa may both measure their existing competencies and also identify the need for further skills acquisition. The research question guiding this preliminary investigation was: What key knowledge and skills are required for LIS professionals to effectively and efficiently practise in a digital era academic library in South Africa? The triangulated findings (using content analysis of job advertisements and semi-structured interviews) from this preliminary investigation are used to ascertain an initial picture of key knowledge and skills sets required for LIS professionals in this environment. These preliminary findings also proved useful in teasing out some of the parameters for the wider study targeting the development of a comprehensive skills statement for higher education libraries in South Africa. The study reported here has relevance for the academic library context in other parts of the world as well.  相似文献   

从信息环境的网络化、用户需求的知识化、馆藏资源的同质化等方面分析了学术图书馆面临的环境巨变。通过调研国内外学术图书馆发展现状,阐述了目前学术图书馆发展的主要特征,如馆藏资源向纯数字化发展,信息服务向嵌入式知识化发展,信息组织向关联化、语义化和集成化发展,原生信息资源纳入机构知识资产管理范畴,数字图书馆员在科学数据监管中应运而生,SoLoMo成为创建下一代移动图书馆服务的理念。指出学术图书馆的发展趋向是成为以用户为中心的知识服务中心,应构建用户驱动型的知识服务范式、构建全能型的知识管理范式、构建智慧型的图书馆物理场所。同时也指出,为适应未来发展的需要,学术图书馆要倍加重视科技人员的信息需求、以用户为中心的业务布局、信息技术的应用、馆际间的协作共享和馆员素质能力的提升。  相似文献   

高校数字图书馆知识服务能力评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校数字图书馆知识服务能力评价受服务内容、特点和数字图书馆固有特性等因素的影响,而各影响因素不能都以定量的形式体现。文章以定性分析和定量分析相结合的思路,采用层次分析法确定指标体系及权重,给出了高校数字图书馆知识服务能力的评价方法,并进行了评价验证,较好地解决了高校数字图书馆知识服务能力的评价问题。  相似文献   

通过对国内外图书馆管理的回顾,得出知识管理是传统图书馆向现代化图书馆转型的管理模式。据此提出高校图书馆知识管理的核心理念——知识服务,并从这一理念出发探讨如何开展面向知识管理的高校图书馆读者服务工作。参考文献21。  相似文献   

研究型大学学科馆员知识服务的条件支撑与保障   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章在探讨研究型大学图书馆知识服务价值效应的基础上,对图书馆知识服务的条件建设问题进行了研究,认为学科馆员的资质条件、专业学科的特色馆藏和图书馆数字化网络化技术条件是知识服务的前提和基础,建立知识服务的制度体系、激励机制以及学术组织是知识服务有效运行的根本保障。  相似文献   

This article presents the findings of a small-scale study undertaken at a UK university. The purpose of the research was to investigate the perceived impact and value of the Academic Library Liaison service at the university. This was considered to be a critical issue of concern, in the light of drivers threatening the UK higher education library sector to de-professionalize—or worse, remove such services. A mixed methods approach was adopted, combining an online questionnaire disseminated to academic staff, resulting in 29 responses from three academic departments and in-depth interviews with eight members of academic staff. The results indicate that although academic staff do value the service provided by Academic Liaison Librarians (ALLs), there is scope to increase awareness of the range of services on offer. The study also demonstrates that academic staff prioritize the contribution that ALLs can make through the possession of in-depth subject knowledge, IT skills and well-developed communication skills, and the provision of advice on copyright matters and assistance with institutional repositories. This holds implications for curriculum design on the part of LIS educators.  相似文献   

随着科学研究范式的转变,图书馆服务的模式与内涵都在发生变化。图书馆通过促进知识的传播、交流与创造,寻求其立足之本。美国学术图书馆在服务规划、理念、架构、知识服务模式方面不断创新,重视对学习与研究者互动交流的支持,重视参与性服务,鼓励和支持用户共享图书馆的无差别服务等,旨在充分激发与挖掘用户需求,鼓励并支持大规模协同创新,力求使学术图书馆逐步成为开放学术研究中心。  相似文献   

文章通过分析目前我国高校数字图书馆建设现状,引出我国高校数字图书馆建设存在的问题。以此为基 础,将经济学中的知识溢出机制引入到我国高校数字图书馆建设中,从知识溢出的构成要素、实现过程等角度提出我国 高校数字图书馆资源与服务建设策略,包括分布式建设模式、市场化运作模式和科学管理机制。  相似文献   

文章认为知识服务是高校图书馆信息服务的发展方向,而知识能力与服务能力则是高校图书馆的核心能力.核心能力是基于知识与服务的互动整合,通过实施知识战略与服务战略而形成的.核心能力促进了知识服务的实现以及高校图书馆的可持续发展.  相似文献   

This article offers librarians practical insight into a broad range of job-related conditions that affect the academic library director. It discusses the director's professional relationships with employees, colleagues, superiors, and patrons, and it also addresses the director's responsibilities for the quality of library service.  相似文献   

In the digital era, information literacy skills enable users to locate and use online materials effectively. One persistent library service for libraries is providing skills training to students. This article traces the creation of online library instructional tutorials, currently referred to as digital learning objects, in academic libraries. It isolates the factors that improve the success of these learning tools, including knowledge of the tutorials’ purpose and potential, collaboration with other individuals, the use of standards, student engagement, and evaluation. The literature review also illustrates the incorporation of multimedia learning theories and assessment strategies in these tutorials. By developing appropriate learning tools, librarians offer services aimed at meeting user needs while reducing time and resource demands on library staff.  相似文献   

The original purpose of creating the NMSU library oral histories collection was to learn how senior library employees document and pass on their professional expertise. The project was set up in an effort to find ways of retaining institutional knowledge that would otherwise have vanished. After analysis of the audio recordings, it became apparent that oral histories are the perfect venue for institutional knowledge retention. The collected material on documentation practices went beyond expectations providing deep insight into the NMSU library culture. Given its broad scope, such recorded material may be used for a variety of purposes, including creating a unified documentation policy, developing a library-wide succession plan, establishing an institutional socialization program, and sharing institutional knowledge with new employees. This article presents the research findings on documentation practices among NMSU librarians, and also discusses various possible applications of oral histories in academic institutions.  相似文献   

为推进图书馆学科知识服务的发展,使用户拥有一个良好的学术交流与知识共享氛围,文章分析了目前图书馆学科知识服务存在的不足;在深入讨论了学术博客应用于图书馆学科知识服务可行性的基础上,利用学术博客自身特点,构建了基于学术博客的图书馆学科知识服务模式,建立了图书馆学科知识服务的网络社区,包括学术博客网络社区与图书馆学科知识服务网络;并阐述了基于学术博客的图书馆学科知识服务的具体应用实现,以解决图书馆知识服务中存在的不足,为全面提升图书馆专业化、特色化、个性化的知识服务能力提供参考.  相似文献   

全面提升高校图书馆信息服务水平的创新体系   总被引:41,自引:2,他引:39  
结合我国高等教育发展形势和图书馆发展态势,提出并分析了在数字化时代,为全面提升高校图书馆的信息服务水平,高校图书馆在创新体系中的几点应变措施。  相似文献   

Despite the increasing interest taken in knowledge management (KM) by a wide range of practitioners as well as the library and information science (LIS) community, knowledge management is not systematically applied in libraries. Due to the complexity of knowledge, as well as the multifaceted nature of knowledge management, there is no consensus among LIS professionals regarding its relation to information management. In this context, the current study aims at exploring how library employees perceive knowledge management, as well as which KM tools and techniques are adopted by academic libraries. The results indicate that although practitioners are aware of knowledge management and appreciative of its benefits not only for library performance but also for LIS professionals' future career options, there is a lack of clarity on fundamental KM issues. Finally, academic libraries take steps towards capturing the knowledge of their users and internal explicit knowledge; however, social practices such as communities of practice, which facilitate tacit knowledge and expertise sharing, are not adopted.  相似文献   

我国高等教育体制和科技体制改革的不断深化,为地方高校图书馆开展知识创新和服务创新提供了更加宽广的空间,图书馆不再只是担当文献服务的角色,而是同时担负起为高校教学科研和地方经济建设提供文献信息利用与知识转化服务的重任,科学、高效、创造性强的高校图书馆学术性机构建设成为了研究的焦点。就目前发展情况而言,地方高校图书馆学术性机构建设应着重抓四个支撑点:以研究所(室)为基地,推动学术性机构的建设;以科研项目为纽带,牵动学术性机构的建设;以学科建设为驱动,带动学术性机构建设;以管理制度为保障,完善学术性机构建设。  相似文献   

UKEs下高校图书馆泛在知识服务特征探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
泛在知识环境下,高校图书馆泛在知识服务与传统图书馆服务相比,在服务时间和地点、服务范围和对象、服务内容、服务手段、服务理念、服务原则等方面都有所改进与创新,图书馆服务的变化对图书馆员能力提出了挑战,我们图书馆员应该思考怎样应对挑战。  相似文献   

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