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文化适应问题是当前文化研究中的重要课题,通过分析少数民族大学生这样一个特殊群体在文化适应过程中存在的心理适应问题和社会文化适应问题,及影响少数民族大学生文化适应的障碍因素,并针对存在问题提出心理适应对策、文化适应能力的培养对策以及学校的教育对策,对于解决少数民族大学生的文化适应问题具有重要意义。  相似文献   

文化适应是少数民族大学生进入地方高校以后,要面临的首要问题.本研究以赤峰学院的少数民族大学生为例,从主流文化生活适应、学校学习适应、人际关系和宗教氛围等四个维度来调查赤峰学院少数民族大学生文化适应的状况.对当前地方高校中少数民族大学生文化适应过程出现的问题进行了梳理和分析,有针对性地提出了建议和对策,对于提升少数民族大学生的文化适应现状具有积极的现实意义.  相似文献   

将"能力"作为文化适应的一个研究范畴,与"态度"、"策略"、"模式"一同构成教育人类学文化适应研究的四维研究路向。通过问卷调查,运用教育统计方法,结合民族学/人类学文化适应理论进行研究,认为学校、生源地、性别、专业、年级、民族在不同程度上影响少数民族大学生的文化适应能力,其中学校和民族分别是影响少数民族大学生文化适应能力最显著和最不明显的因素;少数民族大学生的文化适应能力未呈现出随年级的增加而随之提高的趋势;民族院校大学生文化适应能力普遍低于其他高校大学生;少数民族大学生文化适应能力与学校生活满意度正性相关。  相似文献   

多民族大学生的民族认同、文化适应与心理健康的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取768名不同民族的大学生,采用问卷法,分析了大学生民族认同和文化适应的特点,以自尊和幸福感为心理健康的两个指标,探讨了大学生的民族认同、文化适应与心理健康的关系,结果表明:(1)民族认同能正向预测大学生的自尊水平,民族认同以自尊为中介变量,对抑郁幸福感产生影响。(2)民族认同和中华民族认同呈正相关,少数民族大学生的民族认同显著高于汉族大学生;(3)少数民族大学生的民族认同与对主流群体态度呈负相关;(4)民族认同具有情景性,随着不同民族成员之间的接触和交流,民族认同逐渐减弱;(5)民族认同影响着少数民族大学生在主流文化社会中采取的文化适应策略,采取不同文化适应策略的少数民族大学生的自尊和幸福感存在显著差异。  相似文献   

民族地区信息化的发展,需要大量具有较高信息素养的复合型人才,因而提升少数民族大学生信息素养是民族地区发展的现实需求。少数民族大学生在具有多元民族文化背景的民族院校进行跨文化学习和生活,文化适应能力成为其信息素养构建和发展的一个重要影响因素。本研究借助文化适应理论,依据少数民族大学生信息素养问卷调查和个体深度访谈的数据分析结果,对民族院校少数民族大学生信息素养构建中的态度倾向、存在问题和影响因素进行归因分析。研究发现:少数民族大学生的信息素养建构与其文化适应意识、能力具有显著的相关性;少数民族大学生进入大学前的信息素养文化资本较弱,入学后普遍对信息素养重要性的认识呈现积极态度;民族院校开设的信息技术等公共必修基础课程为少数民族大学生提升信息素养提供了重要帮助,校园网络、在线网络课程、同伴间的互相学习也是少数民族大学生跨文化适应和信息素养发展的关键影响因素;民族院校的信息素养教育课程体系和教学环境亟待完善。最后,本研究基于文化适应的学习环境,提出提升民族院校少数民族大学生信息素养的路径:(1)在意识观念上加强少数民族大学生的信息素养意识教育;(2)在技术知识上不断完善民族院校的信息素养教学改革;(3)在组织管理上加强民族院校的顶层设计和制度建设。  相似文献   

金璇 《教师》2014,(26):21-21
结合文化适应的特点,对当前我国少数民族大学生在普通话学习中的文化适应问题进行了简单分析,并提出了相应的应对措施,提升少数民族大学生对于汉文化的适应能力。  相似文献   

随着我国民族高等教育事业的发展,少数民族大学生在学校教育中的文化适应逐渐受到研究者的关注.当少数民族大学生脱离自己的母体文化群体进入大学校园后,必然要面临着来自与原来的生活环境和文化环境有较大差异的主流文化的考验和民族认同的困境.通过对云南民族大学少数民族大学生文化适应与民族认同的调查分析,提出引导少数民族大学生尽快适应大学生活和加强民族认同的对策.  相似文献   

在内地求学的少数民族大学生不仅要完成从中学生到大学生的角色转换,还要在以汉文化为主要背景的内地进行跨文化的适应。在这一角色和文化适应过程中,不少少数民族大学生因为不能形成积极健康的文化认同,以致产生被疏远、被孤立、不和谐等消极情感,从而影响心理健康。从个体行动者的角度入手探讨少数民族大学生文化认同的张力及困惑,试图探索一种比较理想的"叠合认同"方式,以帮助少数民族大学生形成对母文化和主流文化的积极认同,从而实现内心和谐。  相似文献   

本文以西北少数民族大学生为研究对象,通过学生对就读院校管理制度的看法、在校的恋爱观和对待毕业就业问题态度的调查研究,分析了西北少数民族大学生对于制度层面上的文化适应状态及其引起不适应的原因,为帮助西北少数民族大学生更好地融入新的文化氛围提供了方向。对构建和谐校园,促进民族和谐发展具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

内地少数民族大学生普遍存在文化适应问题,文化适应包含着重要的思想政治引导功能,需要持续的挖掘发挥。本文运用文化适应基本理论,结合心理学有关知识,深入研究了文化适应的心理成因,概括了内地少数民族大学生文化适应的三个特点。化解文化适应的方式包括:解决交流障碍和认知障碍。  相似文献   

Background: The achievement gap between immigrant and non-immigrant students that has been identified in most OECD countries and the considerable educational dropout rate among students from ethnic minority backgrounds in some countries have become serious challenges for national educational systems. The educational underachievement of young people from ethnic minority backgrounds is embedded in the process of their acculturation. In the tradition of cross-cultural psychology, acculturation describes individual or ethno-cultural group changes in behaviour and attitudes in the situation of intercultural contact. Such cultural changes are central to the experience of ethnic minority students including newly arriving immigrants, children of immigrants and members of marginalised ethnic and racial groups. Acculturation has been described as a stressful process, and acculturation orientations adopted by young people from ethnic minority backgrounds have been shown to have an impact on their adjustment.

Purpose: The school context has been recognised to be the crucial context for acculturation of young people from ethnic minority backgrounds. The academic achievement of these students is thus embedded in the acculturation process, which involves cultural identity development, psychological adjustment and behavioural adjustment. The study is aimed at analysing and systematising the findings of empirical research on acculturation in the school context with a focus on the academic achievement of young people from minority backgrounds.

Design and methods: For this study, 29 peer-reviewed articles from a total of 348 articles that matched the search criteria in the database of the Education Resources Information Centre were selected according to inclusion criteria. The selected articles addressed academic achievement of young people from minority backgrounds in relation to at least one of the issues of acculturation such as cultural identity, psychological adjustment and behavioural adjustment. The articles were analysed by applying the method of qualitative content analysis, using MAXQDA software. The findings presented in the selected articles were analysed and integrated according to a deductively developed and inductively enriched category system.

Conclusions: Overall, the results of our analysis offer insight into issues of acculturation in relation to academic achievement. Moreover, our findings reveal the complexity of the relationship between cultural transition and school adjustment for young people. As shown in our review, although a bi-cultural orientation was predominantly positively related to school adjustment of minority students, some studies also identified assimilative attitudes as advantageous for students’ academic achievement as well as for their psychological and behavioural adjustment. Moreover, our study has also shown that young people’s acculturative attitudes may have a different impact on their school adjustment relative to acculturative behaviours.  相似文献   

通过对少数民族大学生的调查,并结合高校少数民族学生教育管理的实践经验,分析了当前高校少数民族学生干部队伍中存在的问题、成因及其成长成才的必备素质,并提出加强少数民族大学生干部培养教育的对策。  相似文献   

Presently, there are a growing number of ethnic minority students in the primary schools in northwest England. Through sociocultural theory, this paper examines student and parent perspectives of their experiences in the schools. Using a qualitative methodology, including observation, in-depth interviews, and field notes this case study focused on children of ethnic minority parents from a primary school in the northwest of England. Specifically, this study investigates the perspectives of ethnic minority students and their parents while identifying the pedagogical knowledge and strategies already being used by teachers and schools who work with ethnic minority students. Foundational to this research is the belief that ethnic minority families and teachers need to make concerted, intentional efforts to engage in and acquire appropriate knowledge for building effective, communicative relationships in order to benefit student achievement.  相似文献   

在文献参考的基础上,首先简要回顾了旅游人类学理论,然后介绍了东巴文化的概念与内容,进而从文化涵化、舞台真实性、历史文化再建构与族群认同三个旅游人类学的视角探讨了旅游对东巴文化的影响。面对旅游业发展中的各种影响,旅游目的地社会如何保持自身文化的独特性,最大限度地保存和发扬民族文化,关键是提升少数民族内部的文化自觉和增强文化自信。在推进社会主义文化强国建设的新政策下,纳西族作为中华民族大家庭中的一员,应该保留发挥东巴文化的特质,吸纳外来文化,与旅游发展机制进行有效对接,促进纳西文化传承与旅游发展的双赢。  相似文献   

民族地区高校对非物质文化遗产的保护与传承具有丰富的民族文献资源、稳定的民族学生群体、现代化的技术手段和高级人才三大优势,可通过参与普查提供线索和论证依据、开展课题研究、开展民族文化进校园的教学活动、"产、学、研"相结合等途径保护与传承非物质文化遗产,以促进民族地区社会经济文化教育的发展。  相似文献   

This article examines minority teacher recruitment policies and programs of the past two decades and explores their influence on the racial/ethnic makeup of the teaching force in elementary and secondary public schools. The results show that while important progress has been made toward increasing the overall number and proportion of minority teachers in the public schools, those gains have been eclipsed by the rapid growth of the minority student population. As a result, the racial/ethnic gap between students of color and their teachers has actually increased over the years. The authors provide an overview of current minority teacher recruitment state policies and introduce the Teacher-Student Parity Index, a new metric for comparing the proportions of teachers and students from different racial/ethnic groups to gain a more textured understanding of the demographic reality of today's schools than is presently found in the literature. The authors conclude with recommendations for policy and research.  相似文献   

文化适应问题研究:西方的理论与模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着全球化进程在20世纪下半期的深化与扩展以及人们跨国及跨地区流动的增加,文化适应问题得到了西方研究者广泛的关注和研究。至今人们已提出了多个不同的文化适应理论和模型,其中影响比较深远的有:Berry的"跨文化适应模型",它区分了文化适应的四种不同类型;Ward的"文化适应过程模型",它描述了文化适应的过程及社会心理层面上的影响因素;还有Danckwortt的"对陌生文化的适应理论",它全面总结并分析了文化适应的特点、领域、过程和阶段。批判地借鉴和发展这三个理论与模型对于推进我国对留学生和少数民族学生的文化适应问题的研究以及本土化文化适应理论的构建,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

In this paper, we review research on parental expectations and their effects on student achievement within and across diverse racial and ethnic groups. Our review suggests that the level of parental expectations varies by racial/ethnic group, and that students' previous academic performance is a less influential determinant of parental expectations among racial/ethnic minority parents than among European American parents. To explain this pattern, we identify three processes associated with race/ethnicity that moderate the relation between students' previous performance and parental expectations. Our review also indicates that the relation of parental expectations to concurrent or future student achievement outcomes is weaker for racial/ethnic minority families than for European American families. We describe four mediating processes by which high parental expectations may influence children's academic trajectories and show how these processes are associated with racial/ethnic status. The article concludes with a discussion of educational implications as well as suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

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