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In 2015, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) announced that the Science Year 2015 would focus on the “City of the Future”. It called for innovative projects from cities and communities in Germany dedicated to exploring future options and scenarios for sustainable development. Among the successful respondents was the city of Lüneburg, located in the north of Germany, which was awarded funding to establish a community learning project to envision a sustainable future (“City of the Future Lüneburg 2030+”). What made Lüneburg’s approach unique was that the city itself initiated the project and invited a broad range of stakeholders to participate in a community learning process for sustainable development. The authors of this article use the project as a blueprint for sustainable city development. Presenting a reflexive case study, they report on the process and outcomes of the project and investigate community learning processes amongst different stakeholders as an opportunity for transformative social learning. They discuss outputs and outcomes (intended as well as unintended) in relation to the specific starting points of the project to provide a context-sensitive yet rich narrative of the case and to overcome typical criticisms of case studies in the field.  相似文献   

哈钦斯提出的学习型社会理念已成为当代教育发展和社会进步的基本主题。学习型社会要求形成与之相对应的现代大学理念。在建设学习型社会中。我国大学应明确自身的目标取向。即倡导先进的学习理念。采用团队的学习形态。并与城市互动。建设成为学习型城市的人才高地。才能真正成为未来社会的“学习中心”。  相似文献   

Some schools and teachers in Korea and Japan have begun practicing classroom-based reform according to similar visions of a learning community. The purpose of this study was to investigate reform efforts made by teachers in Korea and Japan toward turning classrooms into learning communities. Two elementary schools, School K in Korea and School T in Japan, were selected as major school sites. Research data was collected from two classrooms in each school through teacher interview and classroom observation. The results of our study showed that efforts made by teachers from the two countries, though aimed at similar goals to create learning communities and change classroom practices, produced different results. Teachers from both countries displayed differences in their views or attitudes toward the learning materials and the ways in which they build relationships with their students. These differences seemed to be derived from the different social and cultural contexts of the teachers in the two countries.  相似文献   

江西近代法律人经历清末留日学习法政,民初兴办法政专门学校两次求学高潮后,已形成较为庞大的职业群体,基本垄断了地方司法行政的主要社会资源.但因为个人事业经营路径迥异,使得同为法律人的成长轨迹显得千差万别.而律师蓝鼎中坎坷的职业生涯,从一个侧面较为完整反映了近代江西法律人成长的基本路径,也折射这一群体生存发展的复杂环境和频繁变换的社会角色.  相似文献   

恽代英早期成长经历正值近代中国发生转型的阶段.在此阶段日本一举成为东亚的霸主,中国则陷入列强瓜分的危机之中.由中日冲突而引发的中国民族存亡观念,在清末民初的教科书中以“反日思想”的样貌呈现出来,而恽代英就是在这种“反日教科书”的熏陶下成长为一个致力于拯救国家危亡的爱国志士.从一战到五四期间所发生的排日运动,恽代英都参与期间,在此过程中,他的民族思想和国家观念趋于成熟.在五四运动期间,恽代英的目标已经不再局限于“反日”,而是把“日本”作为中国的“救亡之具”,通过传播日本的侵华故事来弘扬爱国主义观念,启蒙大众.在启蒙与救亡之间,恽代英的“日本观念”是矛盾的,但在实际的救国实践中期矛盾的日本观念却又奇妙的统一起来.  相似文献   

This study compares older adult learning in Korean and Japanese sample populations, paying special attention to learning after age 70. Surveys with nearly identical questionnaires were conducted in the Bundang Senior Welfare Center in Korea (N = 549, mean age 73.6 years) and at Osaka Prefecture Senior College in Japan (N = 1,491, 787, mean age = 67.4, 69.5 years). The main results are as follows: (a) in terms of learning needs, selected ratios of topics of “life review” and “communication with other seniors” increased as respondents increased in age from their 60s to 70s in both countries; (b) attitudes toward learning and social activities changed from “Novelty” to “Continuity” to “Disengagement” as respondents increased in age in both countries; and (c) the threshold age to old age was identified at around 75 years, not 70 years, particularly in Korean data. These results suggest that old age is a diverse period, and that creating ways to facilitate learning after age 70 is an urgent issue in the field of educational gerontology.  相似文献   

Social Learning: a new perspective on learning in participatory systems   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In many cases experiential learning is located in individuals. Sometimes it is agreed that experiential learning can also be located in groups or social systems. Yet, little effort has been made to conceptualise these processes of “social learning”. In this contribution the authors point out the importance of social learning against the backdrop of changing circumstances in times of reflexive modernisation. Drawing on research, they develop an overall picture of four basic axes of social learning: action, reflection, cooperation and communication. They argue that social learning is all about balancing between various tensions which influence the decisions and directions of the learning systems. They also outline how power, responsibility and creativity hereby play a role. Finally, they formulate some insights about how these processes of social learning can be influenced by external or internal partners of participatory systems.  相似文献   

本编从民国、新中国两大时段继续探寻教育现代化过程中"自然之维"丧失的关键因素与过程,直至经典自然观的当代新生。其中,民国时期着重分析、揭示中国社会由近代向现代转型过程中,为追求西式工业文明和社会经济发展,提倡与天地斗,将自然当作研究、征服和控制的对象。民国时期学术转型又使整体的自然被分学科的科学分解,整体的人被知识、伦理分解。教育在走向现代化的过程中,疏离了"自然"和"经典自然观"。新中国70年来历经曲折。自20世纪末21世纪初,国家经济实力急速增强,中央提出了新发展观。随着传统文化的复兴,经典自然观逐渐苏醒,重新生根。当代新自然观正在逐渐形成并呈现特质。基于"新自然观"的当代教育改革,需要直面社会新转型,从社会、教育系统内部和学校三个层面,把丢失的自然找回来,成就全局意义上的中国教育由现代向当代的新转型,走向依"教育所是"而行、达"自然而然"之境,开创"教育与自然"内在关联的新阶段。  相似文献   

周馥、周学熙都主张"中学为体、西学为用",主张"实业救国",在中国近代化方面,做出了重大贡献。同时,也有其局限性。周叔弢已进步到全心全意为人民服务。周家这150年的历史,是中国社会发展史的典型实例,很值得研究。  相似文献   

There is broad agreement that innovation, knowledge and learning have become the main source of wealth, employment and economic development of cities, regions and nations. Over the past two decades, the number of European cities and regions which label themselves as “learning city” or “learning region” has constantly grown. However, there are also pitfalls and constraints which not only hinder them in unlocking their full potential, but also significantly narrow their effects and their wider impact on society. Most prominently, learning cities and regions manifest serious difficulties in rendering transparent the surplus value they generate, which is vital for attracting investment into lifelong learning. While evaluation and quality management are still perceived as being a bureaucratic necessity rather than a lesson one could learn from or an investment in the future, it is also true that without evaluation and quality assurance local networks do not have the means to examine their strengths and weaknesses. In order to design strategies to maximise the strengths and effectively address the weaknesses it is necessary to understand the factors that contribute to success and those that pose challenges. This article proposes an analytical quality framework which is generic and can be used to promote a culture of quality in learning cities and regions. The proposed framework builds on the findings and results of the R3L+ project, part-funded by the European Commission under the Grundtvig (adult education) strand of the Lifelong Learning programme 2007–2013.  相似文献   

上世纪初日本帝国主义为了侵略中国延边地区,以中朝边界纠纷和保护越垦朝鲜人为借口,捏造了"间岛问题",至1909年中日签订的《间岛协约》标志着"间岛案"的终结。"间岛问题"虽然已经过去了一个多世纪,但近年来在韩国《间岛协约》"无效论"甚嚣尘上,否认"间岛"为中国领土的言论被重提。深入探究"间岛问题"之真相,一方面是为了驳斥韩方谬论,证明"间岛"地区自古以来便是中国领土;另一方面是以史为鉴,为当代和后世更好地应对领土边界争端提供历史经验。  相似文献   

我国幼儿园教师专业发展观经历了理智取向、实践取向和精神取向的三次转变,由此带来了幼儿园教师职前教育课程从关注知能到关注实践再到关注精神的变革。随着幼儿园教师教育的深化发展,研究术语从“教师培训”改为“教师专业发展”,进而被“教师学习”所替代。这一转变凸显了幼儿园教师是自主的终身学习者,体现了幼儿园教师培训观从外铄论转向内发论,自主取向的幼儿园教师发展观得到了普遍认同。同时,这一转变还催生了个人和集体的教师文化之间的相互调适,营造合作共生、带有学习共同体特征的幼儿园教师文化生态成为共识。在方法论层面,哲学思辨范式、科学实证范式、人文诠释范式、社会批判范式等研究范式呈现出齐头并进、互取所长的横向格局,但在当前大数据和人工智能的时代背景下,同时也存在着过度推崇“基于证据”的实证研究的倾向。研究范式的多元化是幼儿园教师教育研究发展的内在要求,基于“复杂性思想”,从多元整合的视角开展研究应是未来幼儿园教师教育研究发展的重要趋势。  相似文献   

近代以来,中国传统城市在社会转型中普遍因经济动力不足而衰落,部分城市依靠行政权力的推动作用而焕发生机。晚清民初是保定城市近代化快速发展时期,北洋集团凭借政治军事权力为保定近代转型提供了动力,然而伴随着其政治上式微,城市亦渐衰落。本文以保定为例,探究"行政导向型"发展路径对城市近代化的影响及其动因。  相似文献   

本文就韩国学者金贞培在其《韩国民族的文化和起源》一书中关于因燕国境内多为貊族 ,从而认定卫满及燕满亡民为“朝鲜人系统”的观点展开论述。本文认为民族是一个历史的范畴 ,许多古代民族不断分化融合到其他民族中去 ,并成为这其他民族不可分割的一部份 ,因而将貊族完全认为“朝鲜人系统”是错误的。无论卫满和燕满是不是貊族 ,他们都是中国人 ;卫满朝鲜的成份是不容否认的。  相似文献   

The Okayama Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Project is an ongoing initiative in Okayama City, Japan, established in 2005 by the Regional Centre of Expertise (RCE) Okayama and the Okayama Municipal Government with the aim “to create a community where people learn, think and act together towards realising a sustainable society”. With a diverse participant base of over 240 organisations – including community learning centres (kominkans), schools, universities and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) – this initiative has administered numerous programmes. It has engaged a large and diverse group of citizens from Okayama City in exploring sustainability issues through collective discussion, envisioning and practice with the aim of living more sustainable lives. The decade-long experience of the Okayama ESD Project has gained international attention, and the “Okayama Model” is considered an inspiring example of community-based ESD due to the positive changes it has supported. In this article, the Okayama ESD Project is presented as a case study on effective social learning for sustainability. In particular, the practical efforts made are examined to provide insights into how various elements of a social learning process were strengthened and linked to create active learning cycles among community members. In addition, the conditions for creating an effective learning community are investigated, while the practical actions taken are examined in relation to creating an effective social learning process. Finally, this article presents the important role which social learning has played in Okayama City’s transition to sustainability and identifies the key efforts made to address and link each of these elements of social learning into a dynamic cycle.  相似文献   

U.S. community colleges are considered historical sites of educational access and opportunity for social mobility for nontraditional students. Theoretically framed in Acker’s theory of gendered organizations, this qualitative study explores low-income pregnant and parenting student mothers’ experiences with community colleges, spaces that are designed for an abstract, “ideal student.” Gendered analyses of in-depth interviews from 17 low-income pregnant and parenting student mothers across three community colleges in the Northeastern U.S. reveal compromised classroom and campus wide experiences that negatively impact processes of education and social growth. Findings illustrate the complexity of experiences for this marginalized student group who “do school” in institutional spaces that fail to meet their needs as students with multiple roles. Recommendations for institutional supports are offered.  相似文献   

Inherent in the rhetorical tradition of symbolic form is the search for the rhetorical processes which convert experience into the social forms of community. Fusing Robert Scott's notion of rhetoric as dynamic with the rhetorical concept of “spectacle,” this essay explores “the dynamic spectacle” as a rhetorical document of community building. Black America's struggle for identity in White America is offered as a case study.  相似文献   

We argue that beyond metaphors, according to which learning is a process of knowledge acquisition by individual learners (a “monological” approach) or participation to social interaction (a “dialogical” approach), one should distinguish a “trialogical” approach, i.e., learning as a process of knowledge creation which concentrates on mediated processes where common objects of activity are developed collaboratively. The third metaphor helps us to elicit and understand processes of knowledge advancement that are important in a knowledge society. We review three approaches to knowledge-creation, i.e., Bereiter‘s knowledge-building, Engeström‘s expansive learning, and Nonaka and Takeuchi‘s organizational knowledge-creation. We give a concise analysis of the trialogical character of the knowledge-creation approach, and illustrate how the third metaphor may be applied at the school level.  相似文献   

Teaching quality has been observed in large representative samples from Flanders (Belgium), Lower Saxony (Germany), the Slovak Republic, and The Netherlands. This study reveals that measures of “creating a safe and stimulating climate”, “clear and activating instruction”, and “teaching learning strategies” were reliable and fully or at least partially scalar equivalent across these countries. Flemish teachers score higher, on average, on measures related to creating a safe and stimulating learning climate than do teachers in Lower Saxony, the Slovak Republic, or The Netherlands. With regard to the provision of clear and activating instruction, no significant differences arose in average scores across the 4 countries. Dutch teachers scored significantly higher on teaching learning strategies than teachers in Flanders and Lower Saxony but did not differ significantly from teachers in the Slovak Republic. Flemish and Slovak teachers earned higher average scores on teaching learning strategies than teachers in Lower Saxony.  相似文献   

Although Africa has been home to famous ancient cities in the past, its modern conurbation areas are poor living spaces characterised by squalor, poor planning and human misery. The authors of this paper argue that the learning city concept, still almost unknown in Africa, holds enormous potential for redressing the dysfunctional state of things and for guiding future orderly development of African cities. There have been timid attempts at operationalising the learning city concept, for example in the Western Cape (South Africa) between 2004 and 2006, in Gaborone (Botswana) between 2008 and 2010, and in Lagos State (Nigeria) from 2007 onwards. Furthermore, two African governments, namely those of Nigeria (2005) and South Africa (2006), joined the global “Cities Alliance” partnership, which operates a “Cities without slums action plan”. However, many of these projects have not been successful, and the authors of this article identify five factors which have stood in the way of their proper take-off. Based on this analysis, the authors then propose a model for future learning city projects in Africa. It is a process model that uses critical awareness-building promoted by civil society organisations and government and harnesses the pressure of other social dynamics such as ethnic culture clusters. The authors then offer three policy recommendations and conclude by expressing their hope that the learning city concept will take hold and unfold its potential in Africa in the foreseeable future.  相似文献   

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