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在体操训练中,鞍马全旋的基本功训练对少年运动员来说十分重要。本文在对其进行力学分析的同时,着重结合笔者在通过多年的训练教学中掌握、积累出的一些经验以及对全旋技术的理解,来对鞍马全旋进行分析研究,并对其训练手段和方法谈谈自己的观点。  相似文献   

本文回顾了我国鞍马技术发展过程,分析了在“7运会”体操比赛中鞍马技术水平的现状,旨在进一步探讨提高鞍马技术水平的途径,从而激励体操健儿在今后的训练中,不断努力,发挥特长,弥补不足,在国际大赛中取得好成绩。  相似文献   

作者对鞍马训练中的心理训练,进行了一些有益的尝试,使该队鞍马训练成绩逐年提高,在比赛中取得较好成绩。一些做法可供同行参考。  相似文献   

坚持在全年训练的全过程,进行鞍马成套训练和强化成套训练的强度,是提高专项耐力、专项技术熟练性从而提高稳定性及成功率的有效途径。  相似文献   

随着体操技术的迅速发展,鞍马的新颖动作层出不穷,由于马上各种复杂的单环全旋转体加移位和纵向移位等难新动作的出现,使鞍马项目稳定控制的特点更加突出,对全旋这一关键性基本技术提出了更高的要求,由于成套动作的加长,动作难度的增加,对鞍马专项耐力的要求也越来越大。为了赶超鞍马项目的世界先进水平,各国采用了一些辅助性训练手段,鉴于各种辅助性训练器材及训练方法的优缺点,我设计了一种制造简单结构较精密的鞍马练习器(图一)。经实际训练试验对体操初学者及体操运动员学习鞍马各种全旋等动作,提高动作的技术质量,增强鞍马专项耐力、提高稳定支撑能力等均有积极效果,现介绍供体操界同志参考。  相似文献   

本文是我自己在少年时期,学习鞍马基本动作全旋和交叉两个部分的一些训练体会以及教练员对我的要求。一、全旋“开法儿”把全旋分解成两步进行练习 1、在学鞍马全旋前,先做双杠挂臂、脚悬空的全旋。  相似文献   

一、谋求体操动作的“最大幅度”和节能训练是体操教学训练的两个经常性的重要课题。鞍马全旋动作的演变过程也充分体现了上述命题的重要性。全旋是鞍马旋转动作的基础,它不仅决定着动作旋转的方式,还是创新的主要技术条件。第一代全旋起源于十九世纪中期的德国,称为德国式全旋。它的做法是两腿蹭  相似文献   

通过录像观察和数理统计法,对2005年至2007年三届世界体操锦标赛男子决赛成绩进行统计分析,分析2008奥运会我国男子体操夺金展望,结果表明:在新规则的影响下,我国男子体操在团体、全能、鞍马与吊环等项目夺金有很大希望。建议:应积极适应新规则,更新训练理念,加强心理训练。  相似文献   

李东华是1987年中国体操鞍马冠军的获得者、1996年亚特兰大奥运会鞍马金牌得主。1988年6月19日,在训练中身受重伤刚刚痊愈的李东华在北京体育馆路与一位名叫爱丝珀兰莎的瑞士姑娘邂逅相遇,在经过了一段日子的相知、相恋后结为夫妻,并移居瑞士。随后的几年中,李东华一边打工,一边自己坚持训练,令人难以置信地登上了世界冠军和奥运冠军的领奖台。  相似文献   

杨岳山,今年十三岁,在1978年全国体操锦标中,获得鞍马决赛第二名。杨岳山75年6月十岁调入体操队半训半读。一年半以后,从1977年2月起,随队正式训练,前后一共3年多。进队前曾在东城区业余体校体操班进行了两年业余训练,在技巧、鞍马等项上有一定基础。训练的指导思想: 当前,体操运动员出成绩的年龄不断提前,动作难度不断发展,对于体操运动员灵巧、速度、力量、控制身体的能力等  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of a suspended aid on the reaction forces during a basic skill on pommel horse. Twenty gymnasts performed three sets of 10 circles with and without a suspended aid on a pommel horse under which two force plates were set. The results confirmed that the suspended aid could reduce the magnitude of the pommel reaction forces during circles while maintaining the general loading pattern. On the left hand, the average and peak forces were attenuated to 0.59 body weight (BW) and 0.85 BW from 0.76 BW and 1.13 BW, respectively. The right hand experienced slightly larger forces with no-aid trials, but the asymmetry between the hands decreased with the aid. Despite a relatively large variability, all gymnasts experienced smaller impact peak forces with the aid. A suspended aid is most commonly used for a beginner gymnast as an introduction to pommel horse exercises. However, this study confirmed that it can also be useful for all levels of gymnasts who would like to practice pommel horse exercises with reduced pommel reaction forces for a purpose such as a progression for learning a new skill, control of training volume, or rehabilitation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of a suspended aid on the reaction forces during a basic skill on pommel horse. Twenty gymnasts performed three sets of 10 circles with and without a suspended aid on a pommel horse under which two force plates were set. The results confirmed that the suspended aid could reduce the magnitude of the pommel reaction forces during circles while maintaining the general loading pattern. On the left hand, the average and peak forces were attenuated to 0.59 body weight (BW) and 0.85 BW from 0.76 BW and 1.13 BW, respectively. The right hand experienced slightly larger forces with no-aid trials, but the asymmetry between the hands decreased with the aid. Despite a relatively large variability, all gymnasts experienced smaller impact peak forces with the aid. A suspended aid is most commonly used for a beginner gymnast as an introduction to pommel horse exercises. However, this study confirmed that it can also be useful for all levels of gymnasts who would like to practice pommel horse exercises with reduced pommel reaction forces for a purpose such as a progression for learning a new skill, control of training volume, or rehabilitation.  相似文献   


One of the most fundamental skills on the pommel horse is double leg circles (circles). Circles can be performed on all parts of the pommel horse. It was hypothesized that the different sets of physical constraints of the apparatus require a gymnast to adapt circles technique. The purpose of this study was to quantify how gymnasts modify their technique during circles to accommodate different physical obstacles due to different support surfaces and body orientations. To investigate these adaptations, a comparison of the two most common circles on pommel horse – namely, circles in cross support (cross-circles) and circles in side support (side-circles) – was carried out. Seven elite male gymnasts performed three sets of 10 cross-circles and side-circles on a pommel horse. Three-dimensional coordinates were acquired using 12 Qualisys ProReflex motion tracking cameras operating at 120 Hz. Temporal characteristics, the motion of the centre of mass, and the body angles – flexion and lateral flexion – were analysed. We found that cross-circles took less time to complete a single circle (0.92±0.02 vs. 0.95±0.02 s), had a smaller ratio for the rear support phase (0.15±0.02 vs. 0.18±0.03), a narrower supporting-hand distance (0.33±0.03 vs. 0.52±0.00 m), greater flexion of the body over the rear support phase (44±12° vs. 27±8°), and less lateral flexion of the body over the single-hand support phase (entry: 20±5° vs. 35±3°; exit: 26±4° vs. 33±4°) than side-circles. Our results suggest that gymnasts adapt their technique to the physical constraints imposed by the shape of the pommel horse and the location and orientation of the circles. Cross-circles were characterized by a high rear support position with a narrower hand-spacing, which would require excellent shoulder flexibility and strength. Consequently, lack of these traits may explain the need for greater body flexion in cross-circles than in side-circles during rear support. Understanding the technical differences will facilitate an effective transfer of the technical similarities among different types of circles.  相似文献   

Abstract Scores in artistic gymnastics are subject to changes in the rules that occur each Olympic cycle as outlined in the Code of Points, because rules influence the composition of routines and therefore performance. The aim of this study was to identify the most important routine apparatus for success in a World competition. The data were the official results for the 478 gymnasts (262 men, 216 women) who competed in the 43rd Artistic Gymnastic World Championships in 2011 in Tokyo, Japan. The factors least influenced by the technical standard of competitors were performance scores on uneven bars and balance beam for women, and those on pommel horse for men. For uneven bars, balance beam, and pommel horse, scores were consistently good predictors of final standing. Our results suggest that high scores on these apparatus have a greater influence on overall performance than scores on the other apparatus, regardless of the competitors' standard.  相似文献   

采用调研访问、录像统计和文献资料调研等方法,系统分析了世界男子鞍马成套加分动作结构编排的特征及发展趋向。结果表明,采用纵向移位动作为主体,以多个高难动作的直接连接构成加分为主干,并结合D组难度的下法,是鞍马成套动作结构编排的主要特征;使用“D E”难度以上的多个动作“直接”和发展新“F lops规则”内容的单环高难度动作,将是未来比赛中鞍马成套加分动作竞争的新内容。  相似文献   

运用录像观察法、文献资料法等研究方法,结合2013~2016年男子竞技体操评分规则,对第44届世界体操锦标赛鞍马决赛8名运动员成套动作特点、编排特征及得分情况进行分析。结果如下:(1)整体呈现高难度发展趋势和完成高质量化趋势;(2)难度类别及组别选择趋同化;(3)第Ⅱ组合、第Ⅳ组合动作发展空间较大,将是未来世界鞍马比赛中主导 D 分,影响比赛结果的关键因素。对我国运动员来说,保证动作高完成分为基础,提高 D 分是我国运动员再次开启金牌大门之匙。  相似文献   

采用文献资料和录像观察法,分析第41届和42届世界体操锦标赛鞍马单项决赛参赛运动员完成的成套动作,得出伦敦奥运周期鞍马动作的发展趋势,以期为我国男子体操队备战过程中鞍马训练提供依据。研究表明:世界优秀鞍马选手对动作类型的选择表现出更加集中的趋势;第Ⅰ组别动作逐渐向李宁和反交叉转体90°经单环起倒立落下成骑撑集中;马桥尔打滚成为第Ⅱ组别动作的首选难度动作;第Ⅲ组别集中在马桥尔前移和斯维多后移高度两个动作;第Ⅳ组别动作的使用将以E组或D组Flops、吴国年、(环中或马头)俄式挺身转体,以及E组或D组Flop组合为主;第Ⅴ组别动作将以D组或E组难度的斯托克里起倒立下为首选。  相似文献   

依据第28届奥运会体操比赛实况录像及2005年国际男子体操新评分规则变化的相关信息,采用调研访问法、录像统计法和文献资料法,分析世界男子鞍马成套加分动作结构编排的特征及发展趋向。采用纵向移位动作为主体,以多个高难动作的直接连接构成加分主干,并结合D组难度的下法,是鞍马成套动作结构编排的主要特征;而使用“D+E”难度以上的多个动作“直接”和发展新“Flops规则”内容的单环高难度动作,将是未来大赛鞍马成套加分动作竞争的新内容。  相似文献   

运用定性与定量分析,以2001年和2003年世界体操锦标赛比赛成绩为研究对象,对男子竞技体操比赛规则的效度进行分析,从技术层面对竞赛规则效度的时效性和完善的措施进行分析。结果表明:(1)2001—2008年世界男子竞技体操规则的效度随着运动员的技术适应性训练与发展有一定程度的提高,但从总体上分析规则的效度不高;(2)各单项规则的效度以单杠为最高,其他依次为双杠、吊环、跳马、鞍马、自由体操;(3)竞技体操规则效度的提高,既有运动员对规则的适应原因,也有规则不完善的因素;(4)在制定与完善规则要求的同时,应适当考虑市场发展的因素。  相似文献   

对伦敦奥运会男子体操团体决赛、个人全能决赛以及6个单项决赛进行统计和比较分析,结果表明:(1)中国队一军独大,日本和德国实力强劲,英国迅速崛起,传统强国俄罗斯和美国等表现不佳;(2)我国自由体操、单杠、双杠、吊环等单项实力强大,跳马和鞍马项目差距明显,男子全能人才尤为匮乏;(3)我国男子体操团体实力强大,处于垄断地位。  相似文献   

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