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This essay presents an English teacher’s inquiry into her professional practice in an institutional setting that is heavily regulated by standards-based reforms. Rather than something external to her, she sees those reforms as part of an internal conflict that affects her capacity to be fully responsive to her students. In dialogue with a colleague, she writes stories that reaffirm the deeply relational character of her work, both as an ethically responsive stance and as a means to understand the socially mediated character of her everyday world. She attempts to find alternative ways of seeing and accounting for her work than the reified mentality of standards-based reforms, positing a world that is relational, rather than compartmentalised, where our chief responsibility as teachers is to cultivate a sensitivity towards others around us, rather than continually being compelled to classify and judge them.  相似文献   

This paper reports on how Maria (pseudonym), a non-native English speaker (NNES) and preservice teacher (PST) of English as an additional language (EAL), developed her professional identity during the practicum in an Australian secondary school. Drawing on activity theory, the study identified contradictions in Maria’s practicum activity and examined how Maria’s professional identity developed through her negotiation of the contradictions. Data included interviews with Maria before, during and after the practicum, her reflections, an interview with her school mentor (Ms Davies, pseudonym), and relevant documents. The findings reveal that Maria experienced contradictions between her multiple identities of NNES, student, becoming teacher, and classroom teacher, between her mentor’s teaching approach and that of her own, and between her practice and rules. The findings provide implications for researching teacher identity and supporting preservice EAL teachers in developing productive teacher identities during the practicum.  相似文献   

作为自白派的代表诗人,西尔维娅.普拉斯在她短暂的一生中始终没有建立完整的自我意识。尽管大多数研究者都将其死亡归咎于其丈夫——英国著名诗人泰德.休斯,但笔者始终认为,她早年怨恨父亲的辞世,青年纠结于母亲教育的期盼,成年后深陷在被丈夫抛弃的悲伤中无法自拔,她生命中最重要也最亲近的三个人,共同构成了中介普拉斯生命的"凶手"。三重重压,既是这位才女迸发才情的点金石,也是加速这个可怜女人走向灭亡的助推器。  相似文献   

Drawing on a Chicana feminist epistemology, the author, a Latina immigrant, presents how she used her cultural intuition to engage in a two-year ethnography with Latino immigrant families. She argues that for her engaging in ethnography with her “own community” is an endeavor that calls to the fore her homegrown epistemologies and her positioning as a Latina immigrant. The themes of doing ethnography en familia, using collective remembering and sense-making, and developing a libratory pedagogy point to an ethnography that strays from traditional, presumed “objective” data sources. Further, she argues that in these contexts of ethnography she was able to reclaim and integrate her various knowledges and identities toward a potential process of liberation.  相似文献   

王熙凤是红楼中的女强人形象 ,但她的所作所为却表现出了一种变态心理 ,探究原因发现封建的特权家庭培养了她的性格 ,又压抑了她 ;特殊的生活经历成就了她的性格 ,也纵容了她。这些造成了她敏感、多疑、嫉妒、狠毒、冷酷、报复等行为。  相似文献   

Louisa's Birth     
In this column, Rachel Mann shares the story of the birth of her third daughter, Louisa. After a previous pregnancy loss, Mann chose to give birth to her third baby in a hospital with attending care from an obstetrician. In spite of the high-risk medical environment, she was able to have an unmedicated, powerful birth. Mann's careful planning, the support of her husband and doula, and her confidence in her ability to give birth helped make Louisa's birth all that Mann hoped it would be.  相似文献   

从残雪近年来所作的自我阐释与自我解读出发,结合精神分析学说,解析残雪以“潜意识写作”的标志,执着于摹写灵魂世界的创作观念和写作方式,揭示其所描绘的现代艺术家精神生活的特点。  相似文献   

Sylvia Plath is a major representative of the American confessional poetry. Her idiosyncratic poetry and her suicide in1963 aroused an intensive interest and study on her and her poems that hasn't subsided until now. This paper tries to explore the so-called Sylvia Plath myth and analyzes the various factors that molded her extreme psychology, theme and style by Lacanian psychoanalytic approach.  相似文献   

本文认为宋代李清照之所以能在词学上取得突出成就 ,占有重要地位 ,最主要的原因就是最善言情 ,真挚、浓烈的情感是她词作的主题和灵魂。按她一生的情感轨迹与时代的变迁 ,其词可分为少女时期的闲情词 ,少妇时期的怨情词 ,南渡丧夫后的哀情词 ,内涵愈来愈深刻 ,社会价值亦愈来愈高。  相似文献   

延安时期是丁玲创作生涯中的重要阶段,这一时期丁玲的创作态度是主动的,但也受当时时代要求的约束。本文从丁玲到延安前后的经历、丁玲性格的双重性、丁玲知识分子和党员的双重身份体认三方面结合具体作品进行分析,说明丁玲延安时期创作尴尬的原因,以期对丁玲延安时期的创作有更深的认识。  相似文献   

Deborah Mixson‐Brookshire shares an experience that opened her mind to the transformative nature of her ropes course work with students and reminded her why she does it.  相似文献   

情感上的缺憾对张爱玲的创作影响重大。张爱玲童年时代失爱于家庭,青年时代失落于爱情,又和家庭一起失落于时代,所有这些体验,参与了她日后对于新的人生经验和行为方式的构建。张爱玲对爱的缺失的永久性的心理意向,决定了她精神上的悲观气质,并由此生成了对人性自私本性的悲观认识,构成了她思想性格内涵极为重要的方面,对其作品产生了题材上强烈的倾向性引导,无不标示出一种以孤独和荒凉情绪为特征的悲剧蕴含。张爱玲是以自己的心灵世界经营和表现着对现代生命的体验。  相似文献   

林徽因的诗文带着雍容华贵的自信和宁静,营造的唯美意境让人难以忘怀。但她自信宁静的诗歌中又在不断的证明着没有永恒的残酷现实,自信和喟叹时世无恒与无常矛盾而和谐地完美融合在她生命之中,让人无限神往和着迷。  相似文献   

沈祖蕖创作,以词作造诣最高,诗次之,新诗又次之。她有三个现象耐人寻味:1.她自称“一生低首小山(小晏)词”,其词体创作实践却与这一关学理想不符。她的婉约词,走周邦彦、南宋格律词派及清代常州词派的路线,其令词也更近温韦、南唐,而不是小山。究其原因,乃在于“时序”,“非作者所能自主也”(汪东)。2.沈祖莱词篇篇可读,集中等闲之作,置诸“他人集中仍是佳词”(汪东),而求其代表作,反不易得。在当代词的选本中,倘若没有量的保证,比较吃亏。3.在沈祖菜称不上大家的古近体诗及新诗领域,她反能以少少许胜人多多许,占尽风滴.  相似文献   

心情复杂的Sabrina和同样孤单的Lily一起坐火车去西藏,想在那圣洁的地方好好净化一下心灵。孰料竟阴差阳错地碰到了Paul。Lily把Sabrina怀孕的事情告诉了Paul,惊慌失措的Sabrina从布达拉宫的阶梯上摔了下来……  相似文献   

女性在家庭中的角色主要为女儿、妻子、媳妇、母亲等,而由女性这一家庭角色所衍生出的女性特质则是“女儿性”“妻性”“母性”等。作为综合属性,三者始终蕴含在女性的成长过程中,而何种特质占主导地位,这与女性的角色阶段、责任意识、价值定位等密切相关。在情感问题日益凸显的今天,女性唯有正确理解自身在亲情关系中的角色定位及价值体现,才能处理好各种家庭情感问题,从而在立足社会时少一些后顾之忧。  相似文献   

本文介绍了凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德的生平和写作历程,探讨了她创作一系列以新西兰为背景的短篇小说的动机和原由;并通过分析<序曲>和<在海湾>的景物描写,揭示出隐藏在她作品背后浓浓的乡愁.  相似文献   

<红字>是纳撒尼尔·霍桑所著的一部关于道德、文化、宗教的经典作品,也是一部关于精神分析的有先见之明的杰作.本文拟从精神分析批评学的角度出发,以弗洛伊德的力比多理论为依据,指出白兰力比多升华的原因主要在于清教社会的束缚及其健全人格所提供的保障;白兰力比多升华的途径则在于将早期力比多升华成为爱的信念、艺术美的追求及对人们的博爱;白兰力比多升华的结果是实现了自己本能冲动的适当满足,也避免了自己力比多与社会的冲突,为社会文明发展做出了自己的贡献,从而最终成为人们认可和尊重的真正女主角.  相似文献   

Through the examination of the experiences of a pre-service teacher participating in a field-based science methods course, we make evident the ways in which a combination of collaborative teaching experiences and reflexive dialogues allowed for the evolution and transformation of her identity. This teacher is Johaira Lara, the second author of this paper, and we have engaged in a cowriting approach that has created layers of writings over time, with the focus of providing evidence of her changing perceptions and understandings of teaching and learning science. We describe the ways coteaching and cogenerative dialogues provided the opportunity for Johaira to examine and reconsider her views on science teaching, and mediated the production and transformation of her identity. We offer an evolving analysis of her identity transformation related to specific aspects of the course that were pivotal for her emergence as an elementary teacher of science.  相似文献   

朱淑真一生悲哀,嫁非所爱,漂泊东西。她把满腹愁苦灌注在她的诗词作品之中。尔后虽其大部分作品被其父母一火焚之,亦有少数有幸得以存世,后人结集之,名曰"断肠"。何为断肠?古人云:悲之极也,肝肠为之寸断。纵观朱淑真一生,经历着错嫁、思亲、相思、曲高和寡、叛道的感情煎熬,这些情愫最终凝结成了她的断肠之悲。  相似文献   

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