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论传统师范大学的现代转型   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
传统师范大学是与我国长期实行的封闭式师范教育体制紧密联系在一起的一种办学形式,自身存在着一定的局限。随着我国社会主义现代化的迅速推进和高等教育改革的不断深入,这种局限日益凸显,给师范大学的进一步发展带来了一系列困难和问题。适应现代大学的发展特点和未来师范教育的要求,师范大学应努力实现由传统模式向现代综合性大学的转变。  相似文献   

近代中国大学校训--大学理念的追求   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
大学校训是大学对其自身办学理念、人才培养要求和学校特有精神的一种表征形式,从某种意义上讲,它是大学理念凝炼后的符号表示,具有稳定性、继承性、融合性和个性化的特征。本文试图通过对近代中国大学校训的考察,揭示其所蕴涵的教育理念和共同特征;同时比较同期中西方大学校训在大学理念追求方面的异同,阐释其原因,从而为当代大学校训的形塑和大学精神的张扬提供历史的启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

"UDS"合作共同体是由高师(University),地区(District)和学校(School)三方构成,以实现教师专业良性发展为目标,以教育资源共享为条件,基于外部制度安排和内部环境所构建的教师学习与发展实践共同体。特色发展为契机、教师专业发展为根本、项目研究为驱动器、课堂教学为主阵地、制度安排为保障是"UDS"合作共同体的实施策略。  相似文献   

The starting medical advances of this century have created unparalleled opportunities for ill and suffering people, but these same forces have combined to make the experience of dying a terrifying, fearful, lonely vigil for many. Devoid of traditional myths, rituals, and family support, many patients now die in sterile institutional settings often appearing as mere appendages to life-supporting machines. This shift from the moral to the technical order manifests itself in doctors' fascination with gadgets, the emphasis upon parts of the body, and a concomitant blurring of distinctions concerning death, personhood, and individual rights. The patient is reduced to a secondary role in his or her own death, thus engendering a widespread desire for a sudden death. In light of these circumstances, health care personnel need to create circumstances that would give people more opportunities to die in styles commensurate with their life styles. Society must seriously study the implications of the unthinking treatment of people; and routines, policies, and procedures based on matters of mere efficiency and technological convenience must be replaced by those human and humane ceremonies, attitudes, and policies that must assure that technology's magnificent achievements do not obscure the human need for individuality and spiritual growth even during the dying process.  相似文献   

文章通过对电子文献特点的分析,指出了电子文献资源是当今高校图书馆馆藏的重要组成部分,从馆藏、馆员、馆舍等方面阐述了电子文献对高校图书馆的影响,提出了高校图书馆开发利用电子文献的主要策略。  相似文献   

文章通过对电子文献特点的分析,指出了电子文献资源是当今高校图书馆馆藏的重要组成部分,从馆藏、馆员、馆舍等方面阐述了电子文献对高校图书馆的影响,提出了高校图书馆开发利用电子文献的主要策略。  相似文献   

To use a symbolic object such as a model, map, or picture, one must achieve dual representation; that is, one must mentally represent both the symbol itself and its relation to its referent. The studies reported here confirm predictions derived from this concept. As hypothesized, dual representation was as difficult for 2 1/2-year-olds to achieve with a set of individual objects as it was with an integrated model. Decreasing the physical salience of a scale model (by placing it behind a window) made it easier for 2 1/2-year-old children to treat it as a representation of something other than itself. Conversely, increasing the model's salience as an object (by allowing 3-year-old children to manipulate it) made it more difficult to appreciate its symbolic import. The results provide strong support for dual representation.  相似文献   

新办本科院校科研发展战略探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前新办本科院校正面临着要由原来的注重数量规模扩张向提升办学质量转变的新时期.要适应这种形势发展变化、实现自身的可持续发展和跨越式提升,新办本科院校应当在对教学常抓不懈的基础上,通过对科研工作的大力推进来实现发展的突破,探索出一条符合自身特点的科研兴校、科研强校之路.对新办本科院校来说,发展科研至少有五种战略可供选择:夯实基础战略、内联外合战略、特色化战略、区域化战略、应用化战略.  相似文献   

在近几年的教学实践中发现学生经常会把大学物理视为一门较难的学科.究其原因,除了物理学科自身的难度外,数学方法在物理中的运用是又一因素.本文以曲边梯形面积为例简要介绍了微积分方法在大学物理力、热教学中的应用,并对大学物理的教学工作提出了一些有益的建议.  相似文献   

现代大学已不再是少数人独享的禁脔,而必须面向普通大众,关注普通人的职业人生。倡导大学的职业取向,不仅是大学无可回避的选择,而且也体现了它在新的时代基本的人文关怀精神。因此,以职业取向来重塑后现代时代大学的办学理念、改革现代大学本科专业教育制度乃至课程结构,或许是大学走出自20世纪80年代以来一直无法摆脱的生存困境,并获得新的生命力的唯一有效途径。  相似文献   

本文采用自编问卷对289名大学生进行社会责任意识的现状调查。调查表明大学生总体是积极向上的,具有较为强烈的社会责任意识,但其中少数大学生仍存在着家庭责任心不强,对社会发展关注不高等问题。高校应该通过改进传统教育模式,发挥环境育人功能,依托情感教育和价值观教育,增强大学生社会责任的主体意识,提升当代大学生社会责任意识教育。  相似文献   

The Director of Distance Learning in a university in Colorado reflects on the steps that must be taken to assure that that university-level e-learning courses be of the same quality as traditional courses. He suggests that the quality levels will be the same, if proper efforts are made to select suitable faculty members for on-line courses and that they be given proper training and support. Moreover, learning environments must be designed with care, and students must be provided with technical and academic support. Indeed, on-line students need to be offered the same level of services as traditional students. Finally, the technology policies in place must support monitoring and upgrading.  相似文献   

从传统图书馆向现代化图书馆转型的过程中,图书馆受传统观念及管理方式的影响,发展受到了束缚。新时期,图书馆需要解除自身束缚,完全施放学习教育功能,更好地为读者服务。  相似文献   

从英国城市学院发展看大学的内在逻辑   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在英国近代历史上出现了一场城市学院运动,作为一种重视技术教育的新型学校,这无疑给一向注重人文教育的英国高等教育带来了一股新鲜空气,同时也对英国传统大学提出了挑战。但是在城市学院发展过程中出现了向以牛津、剑桥为代表的传统大学靠拢的现象,城市学院逐渐走上传统大学之路。是什么力量驱使它们这样发展呢?这是大学自身内在逻辑的结果,大学内在逻辑实际上就是大学为知识而知识,为学术而学术的办学理念,这也是大学在社会上存在的理由。  相似文献   

An entrepreneurial university must undertake two tasks: it must train future entrepreneurs, persons who will found their own businesses, and also develop an entrepreneurial spirit in students in all subject areas. Second, it must operate in an entrepreneurial manner itself, organizing business incubators, technology parks, and the like, involving students in these organizations and, through them, assisting students and graduates in the founding of businesses. Financial assistance to start‐ups should eventually be repaid to the given university from the profits made by the maturing companies and then be reinvested in new start‐ups. Thus the entrepreneurial university will contribute to the development of its region, and through co‐operation with other entities, to economic development in general.  相似文献   

A bstract .  Universities currently face new environmental demands and significant internal complexities that appear to challenge their traditional modes of work and organization — and thus their very identities. In this essay, Mark Considine argues that the prospect of such changes requires us to reflect carefully upon the theoretical and normative underpinnings of universities and to delineate the structures and processes through which they might seek to negotiate their identities. Considine re-theorizes the university as a higher education system composed by distinctions and networks acting through an important class of boundary objects. He moves beyond an environmental analysis, asserting that systems are best theorized as cultural practices based upon actors making and protecting important kinds of distinctions. Thus, the university system must be investigated as a knowledge-based binary for dividing knowledge from other things. This approach, in turn, produces an identity-centering (cultural) model of the system that assumes universities must perform two different acts of distinction to exist: first, they must distinguish themselves from other systems (such as the economy, organized religion, and the labor market), and, second, they must operate successfully in a chosen resource environment. Ultimately, Considine argues that while environmental problems (such as cuts in government grants) may generate periodic crises, threats within identities produce emergencies generating a radical kind of problematic for actor networks.  相似文献   

文化产业与新时期博物馆的走向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在当今中国社会转型时期,博物馆事业表现出明显的不适应性,有些博物馆甚至连生存都难以为继。为了摆脱这种尴尬境地,博物馆在新时期必须克服旧的管理体制与思想观念的障碍,引入新的管理经营观念,开发博物馆文化产品,走文化产业之路,以获得较大的社会效益与经济效益,迎来新的发展生机。  相似文献   

现代大学的科层管理及其改造   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
科层制是一种行政和生产管理的组织形式,现代大学是一个正式的社会组织,大学实行科层管理有其不可忽略的合理性。然而,大学作为学术性组织,其内在属性即目标的模糊性、多元化的价值观、活动过程与效果的不确定性、对分权管理的诉求、学术权力的合法性基础是魅力型权威等,又使得大学的科层管理存在着不可避免的局限性。因此,必须在遵循现代大学自身内在逻辑的基础上,对科层管理进行改造。  相似文献   

高等教育创新与我国现代大学制度建设   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
高等教育创新对于现代大学制度建设具有重要意义。高等教育创新往往会上升到制度层面,从而实现创新效果的最大化。因此,本文提出,高等教育创新首先要解决现代大学的定位问题,并创建有利于现代大学制度的发展环境,促进大学内部组织结构与权力结构的调整,协调大学发展的内外部关系。  相似文献   

本文通过大量的调查和分析,明确了网络信息技术在高校招生宣传发挥的重要作用,同时指出高校招生应该调整思路,要更加注重招生宣传的长效性和针对性。在新形势下,传统的招生宣传方式已经难以满足社会多元化的要求,手机客户端的应用可以弥补传统宣传方式存在的弊端,使高校招生宣传工作更加高效完善。  相似文献   

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