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植物学野外实习教学保障体系的构建   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
植物学野外实习是一项系统工程,牵涉到教学和管理的方方面面。植物学野外实习教学的保障体系主要包括加强实习指导教师队伍建设、加强野外实习基地建设、实习过程中加强学生组织管理与宣传教育工作、装备精良的野外实习用具和检索工具书等。当务之急是积极争取学校加大对野外实习的经费支持。只有搞好植物学野外实习的教学保障体系建设,才能全面提高野外实习的教学质量,达到预期的野外实习目的。  相似文献   

天目山生物学野外实习基地建设的创新与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章以天目山生物学野外实习基地建设为背景,在“树立野外实习创新理念、建立野外实习管理机制、改善野外实习硬件条件、开辟野外实习新的线路、设立野外实习创新项目”等方面进行了创新与实践,并对建设过程中的体会与问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

依据课程评价的新理念和方法,在调查我校动物学野外实习现状和分析国内野外实习评价改革趋势的基础上,制定了野外实习的评价量表,探讨了野外实习的评价方式、内容、标准、方法和实施条件,以指导野外实习实践.评价改革的实践表明:该改革大大提高了动物学野外实习的教学质量.  相似文献   

以商丘师范学院地理科学专业(师范类)人文地理学野外实习课程建设为例,阐述了人文地理学野外实习课程教学目标,提出了高等师范院校人文地理学野外实习教学设计方案,包括四大块,分别为指导思想、实习基地的选择与建立、实习内容、实习方法和实习评价等,并对野外实习课程的建设进行了综合评价;系统构建了高师人文地理野外实习课程教学的基本流程,为提高人文地理学野外实习教学质量提供参考.  相似文献   

曹小玉  吕勇 《文教资料》2012,(11):173-174,194
野外实习是理论和实践相结合的重要环节,对提高教学质量具有重要作用。因此,如何搞好野外实习教学是一个值得研究的重要课题。结合森林经理学野外实习的经验,本文着重从野外实习的准备阶段、实施阶段和考核阶段三个方面探讨了森林经理学野外实习如何进行教学改革,并指出加强野外实习教学基地建设;重视实习教学仪器及时更新;加强指导教师和带队教师队伍建设及丰富实习内容、改革教学方法是有效地提高野外实习教学质量,培养出更多的社会需要的森林经理领域应用型人才的关键措施。  相似文献   

相对于室内教学,野外实习教学在教学环境、教学手段和教学方法上都存在差异。为激发学生野外实习兴趣,提升野外实习教学效果,保证野外实习教学质量,在微信被学生广泛使用的背景下,设计开发出了基于微信公众号和小程序的野外地质实习辅助教学系统。公众号主要负责推送野外实习教学活动安排和相关实习背景知识,微信小程序包括基础功能、实习信息查询功能、实习工具及辅助功能四个功能模块。该系统使用方便、开发简单、系统兼容、快速分发迭代,具有较好的推广应用前景。  相似文献   

探索动物学野外实习管理模式的实践,改革野外实习管理模式的内容,启发学生更好地融入自然且在野外实习中获得更多知识,为学生创造将课堂理论知识与实践相结合的良好条件。通过分析动物学野外实习在高校生物学教学过程中存在的问题,结合本院多年的野外实践摸索和改革经验,在经费支持、指导教师队伍建设、实习时间和地点安排、实习纪律和考核制定、安全保障等方面提出了新型的管理模式,以此提高野外实习的实践教学质量。  相似文献   

微生物野外实习对于全面培养生物学人才具有重要意义,文章在以学生为主体、以培养全面及科研创新性人才为目标的理念下,针对传统野外实习普遍以植物学、动物学实习为主、实习内容缺乏创新等不利于学生全面发展的弊端,基于近年对微生物学野外实习的初步探索式教学,提出了一些大型真菌野外实习的教学模式,以期实现野外实习课程的全面完善与创新。  相似文献   

植物学野外实习是高等师范院校生物科学专业植物学教学的重要组成部分。本文对该专业传统野外实习所存在的弊端进行了阐述和分析,并从良好的实习基地选择,学生思想教育,野外实习的内容与教学、考核方式等植物学野外实习教学活动的改革提出看法,以求提高植物学野外实习的效果。  相似文献   

野外实习是植物学教学活动中不可缺少的环节,祖山和小五台自然保护区作为两个植物学野外实习基地,植物资源丰富,植被类型多样。作者经过多年的野外实习教学实践,对传统的植物学野外实习模式进行了改革,在野外实习过程中采取多种方法提高了野外实习的教学质量,提高了植物学实习的教学效果。  相似文献   

This article discusses ‘minor key research’ and doing this kind of research as ‘response-ability’. We explore the possibilities that education policy enactment research might hold for theorising and doing research, not just for work on ‘how schools do policy’, but also for how researchers do policy research with schools. A methodological question is raised here by us with respect to what researchers might ‘do’ in schools and other policy locations (such as when working with bureaucrats or politicians). We also discuss our researcher responsibility with respect to such work, and we have attempted to respond to the questions: ‘Is there an alternative for the current regime of accountability? Are there ways to resist and intervene in the current culture of accountability?’ In the first section, we focus on minor key research, and in the second section we discuss doing minor key research as ‘response-ability’.  相似文献   

培养学生自主学习能力是学校教育的一个重要方面,为达此目标而开展研究角度各有不同,实践的途径各有差异,获得的效果各有千秋。以项目为载体,开展自主学习活动是值得探索的途径之一。学生们在参与项目实践活动中,学会管理自己,学会主动学习。  相似文献   

了解毕业生的就业状况是高校毕业生就业工作中不可或缺的环节。为动态掌握毕业生的工作情况,了解毕业生对学校人才培养方面的意见和建议,有效推进和强化我校教育教学改革,做好我校毕业生就业指导工作,我们对本校2008届部分毕业生进行了跟踪调查。  相似文献   

As universities worldwide rapidly internationalise, higher education classrooms have become unique spaces for collaboration between students from different countries. One common way to encourage collaboration between diverse peers is through group work. However, previous research has highlighted that cross-cultural group work can be challenging and has hinted at potential social tensions. To understand this notion better, we have used robust quantitative tools in this study to select 20 participants from a larger classroom of 860 students to take part in an in-depth qualitative interview about cross-cultural group work experiences. Participant views on social tensions in cross-cultural group work were elicited using a unique mediating artefact method to encourage reflection and in-depth discussion. In our analysis of emergent interview themes, we compared student perspectives on the role of social relationships in group work by their academic performance level. Our findings indicated that all students interviewed desired the opportunity to form social relationships with their group work members, but their motivations for doing so varied widely by academic performance level.  相似文献   

论述了用马克思主义唯物论来认识教育技术装备和如何在新形势下做好教育技术装备工作的关键问题.认为教育技术装备是教育活动的基本条件;是培养高素质人才的重要保证.为了做好教育技术装备工作,必须坚持"一个中心,两个重点"的工作思路;既要"跟踪教育",更要"开发教育";还要解放思想,用好市场.  相似文献   

In educational research, it is well-known that collaborative work on core conceptual issues in physics leads to significant improvements in students’ conceptual understanding. In this paper, we explore collaborative learning in action, adding to previous research in engineering education with a specific focus on the students’ use of free body diagrams in interaction. By looking at details in interaction among a group of three engineering students, we illustrate how they collectively construct a free body diagram together when learning introductory mechanics. In doing so, we have focused on both learning possibilities and the dynamic processes that take place in the learning activity. These findings have a number of implications for educational practice.  相似文献   

毛泽东直接指导处理西藏问题所作出的若干重大决策及其实施理论.做好西藏工作,必须认真贯彻实事求是、调查研究、一切从西藏实际出发的思想.祖国统一、民族团结、民族平等的思想.统一战线,包括与宗教界人士开展统一战线的思想.必须始终注意谨慎从事,始终以最宽广的胸怀对待西藏及与西藏有关的人和事.  相似文献   

坚持生涯自主发展指导思想,坚持全员、全域、全程、全局的原则建立完整持久的开发体系,以便突破个人与组织的隔阂,缩小学习与工作的距离,缩小现实与未来的屏障。而要实现这样的目标,就需要政府在立法、经费、基础建设等方面做出努力,学校则要加强生涯教育和辅导,而企事业单位需要变革人力资源管理战略,建立员工与组织协调发展的机制,社区也需为此完善交流和学习的网络。  相似文献   

In this paper I seek to address a series of tensions in the ways we think, write and speak about gender in classrooms and playgrounds, and in the language we use to describe children and their behaviour. I shall examine some of the concepts we use for describing gender relations among children and consider the extent to which they are still useful. My main focus is on hegemonic masculinity; the female as Other; and ‘doing’ boy or girl, masculinity or femininity. I conclude that we need to take the language we use extremely seriously, and that in our work we need to primarily be focused on ensuring that all children are able to have ‘livable lives’ in school and elsewhere.  相似文献   

Bringing research into educational practice is necessary but does not happen automatically. The Transfercenter for Neuroscience and Learning, at the University of Ulm in Germany, is set up to transfer (neuro)scientific knowledge into educational practice. In doing so we have learned why this does not happen automatically, and have tried to make sure it happens anyway. We have realized that transferring research into educational practice needs a special research approach, which we suggest could be labeled “translational research” as seen in medical research. We have also realized that transfer requires a special type of scientist. We try to hire generalists who work and think interdisciplinarily and who are committed to providing a service to practitioners. Finally, we feel that neuroscience provides a possible foundation for learning sciences.  相似文献   

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