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对举重"双屈式"上挺技术的生物力学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过录像解析、文献资料和专家咨询等方法,对举重挺举预蹲上挺中创新型技术——“双屈式”上挺技术进行了科学研究。认为“双屈式”上挺技术通过屈膝预蹲时配合相应的屈髋和翘臀的动作,使预蹲发力蹬腿同时能够辅以较大的伸髋动作.能最大限度地发挥运动员的腰背及腿部力量,加大了杠铃最后的上抛速度,从而能够提高上挺成绩;预蹲屈髋时杠铃重心水平前移导致的人体和杠铃总重心的前移,可以通过适当的翘臀动作予以弥补,以保持总重心的稳定。  相似文献   

举重上挺动作是由预备姿势、预蹲、上挺发力、支撑与起立四部分组成。上挺是将置于锁骨上的杠铃通过预蹲和借助于上挺发力,使杠铃举过头顶至两臂伸直支撑的动作。  相似文献   

在举重比赛中,我们经常可以看到这种现象:不少举重运动员在挺举中能将大重量的杠铃很协调地提至胸上并轻松地从下蹲中站起,但往往在上挺成功的边缘(分腿支撑的瞬间)突然失败;然而,也有这样的运动员,从下蹲中站起时非常吃力,但却能以良好的上挺技术和顽强的意志出人意料地将沉重的杠铃稳固地举起。上述两种现象,反映了截然不同的两种上挺效果。这里关键在于上挺预蹲动作的合理性。  相似文献   

影响挺举上挺效果因素的生物力学分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
针对我国运动员,挺举上挺技术差的现状,应用生物力学和统计学的分析方法,对影响挺举上挺效果的因素进行初步分析。结果表明:制动时间是评价上挺效果的重要指标。制动时间长,上挺效果差。由于制动时间与单位杠铃重的最大爆发力之间的相关系数为-0.842(P<0.01),因此欲缩短制动时间,就要提高爆发力这一力量素质。此外,还发现单位杠铃重运动员输出的最大功率与杠铃上升的最大垂直速度之间呈高度相关(r=0.982,P>0.01),故建立两参数之间的回归方程:P_(max)/BW=19.01·V_(max)-10.16。应用此方程可对运动员的上挺能力进行评定。  相似文献   

一、对上挺前预蹲动作的评价有的同志提出,预蹲是上挺成败的关键,认为预蹲动作做不好,上挺就很难成功。对于这点,我认为,预蹲的确是上挺的一个非常重要的环节,但能不能就说预蹲是上挺成败的关键呢?正确的预蹲作用在于保证较合理地发挥腿部伸膝的力量,使杠铃沿着较正确的上升路线运动,以达到所需的高度。但是光做到这点还不一定能使上挺成功,即是它对上挺的成败起不了决定性的作用(或称之为关键作用)。往往有这种情况:运动员预蹲较准确,杠铃上升的路线也好,杠铃也上升到足够的高度,但上挺还是失败了,原因是支撑不好,缺乏合理的积极的支撑姿势和足够的支撑力量。上挺本来就是由预蹲和分腿支撑两个主要部分构成的完整动作。预蹲好可以为支撑创造良好条件,但预蹲  相似文献   

举重上挺动作利用杠铃横杠弹力的生物力学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对举重中上挺动作利用杠铃的振动问题进行了生物力学分析,提出了上挺动作的最佳时机,充分利用杠铃横杆的弹力将有助于举重成绩的提高。  相似文献   

预蹲的目的是为上挺创造冲击外力,即杠铃与人的共同惯性外力和杠铃的惯性力,从而为发力冲举杠铃奠定基础。预蹲在上挺中占据了相当重要的位置,因此,引起了国内外许多专家的重视,也发表了一些重要的论著,为运动员正确地理解并掌握预蹲技术起到了指导作用。笔者通过观察及研究,只就上挺预蹲中两肘部位的选择提出见解。  相似文献   

挺举上挺动作的阶段结构与特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试从上挺动作各阶段结构、特征,分析上挺动作过程中人体重心、各关节角度、身体和杠铃速度等,使上挺的动作和技术进一步规范化。  相似文献   

预蹲的目的是为上挺创造冲击外力。这种冲击外力是由预蹲中杠铃与人体共同创造的。它的效应有两个方面:一、杠铃与人体共同的惯性力作用于地,使地面产生支撑反作用力 R_地。二、杠铃的惯性力作用于人,即人的支持力R_人引起杠铃震动而产生弹力。比赛中我们看到,不少运动员因不能充分创造和利用惯性力的效应而造成失败的例子不胜枚举。为使预蹲技术日臻完善,取得最佳上挺效果,我们对预蹲中杠铃  相似文献   

挺举上挺阶段的功率分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用运动生物力学的研究方法对挺举上挺阶段运动员的输出功率进行了分析。分析结果表明:发力阶段运动员单位杠铃重量的平均输出功率和最大瞬时输出功率对上挺时杠铃的最大速度起决定作用。本研究还确定了最大瞬时输出功率,杠铃重量与杠铃最大速度和最大升高参数之间的定量关系,探讨了预蹲制动阶段的力学参数对发力阶段最大瞬时输出功率的影响,并应用功率参数对运动员的运动能力进行了初步的分析。  相似文献   

Here, we explored the relationship between incline and start strategy during alpine skiing. Eight FIS skiers performed starts on a flat (3°) and steep (21°) incline employing five different strategies. Their times, trajectories and velocities were monitored with a GNSS system and video. A significant interaction was observed between slope incline and start strategy with respect to the skier’s exit velocity (p < 0.001, ?2p = 0.716), but not for the start section time (p = 0.732, ?2p = 0.037). On the almost flat incline, both section time (p = 0.022, ?2p = 0.438) and exit velocity (p < 0.001, ?2p = 0.786) were influenced significantly by start strategy, with four V2 skate-pushes being optimal. On the steep incline, neither section time nor exit velocity was affected significantly by start strategy, the fastest section time and exit velocity being attained with four and two V2 skate-pushes, respectively. In conclusion, these findings demonstrate that the start strategy exerts considerable impact on start performance on almost flat inclines, with strategies involving three or more V2 skate-pushes being optimal. In contrast, start performance on the steep incline was not influenced by strategy.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、对比分析法、数据统计法等,分析我国男子三级跳远水平滞后的原因,并对此提出合理化建议,旨在为提高我国男子三级跳远运动水平提供参考。  相似文献   

李雯  洪涛 《湖北体育科技》2014,(10):890-892
采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、类比法、归纳法、综合分析法对现有书籍和杂志中有关学者对后蹬、后扒的定义进行评述和总结,对后蹬和后扒的异、同点、主要工作肌和动作工作机制进行分析,提出后蹬和后扒的新观点,在此基础上重新定义为"扒蹬"这一新概念。  相似文献   


This study aimed to examine the characteristics of electromyography (EMG) and kinematics of the supporting leg affecting energy cost while running at incline, level, and decline slopes. Twelve male Japanese middle- and long-distance runners volunteered for this study. The subjects were asked to run at 13.5 km·h?1 on a treadmill under three slope conditions. Sagittal plane kinematics and the EMG of the lower limb muscles, respiratory gases were recorded. Energy cost differed significantly between slopes, being the lowest in decline slope and the greatest in incline slope. Integrated EMG (iEMG) of leg extensor muscles was greater in the incline slope than in the decline slope, and iEMG of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles correlated positively with energy cost. The knee and ankle joint kinematics were associated with energy cost during running. In incline slope, the knee and ankle joints were more extended (plantarflexed) to lift the body. These movements may disturb the coordination between the ankle and knee joints. The gastrocnemius muscle would do greater mechanical work to plantarflex the ankle joint rather than transfer mechanical energy as well as greater mechanical work of mono-articular muscles. These muscular activities would increase energy cost.  相似文献   

当前高校体育教师的体质问题及对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
教师是人类灵魂的工程师 ,培养人材的中坚力量 ,教师体质的好坏 ,直接影响到对教学、科研的投入和教学质量的提高。通过座谈、了解并结合我校教师身体健康的实际状况 ,对当前高校教师忽视体质锻炼的原因 ,以及如何加强和提高教师自我保健意识 ,增强体质等问题做些分析 ,旨在引起教师自身和社会各界的关注 ,使高校教师真正成为身心健康长寿的社会精英。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to assess the reliability of cardiopulmonary responses in older adults with moderate-to-heavy chronic disease burdens. Twenty-three participants were considered to have significant chronic disease burdens. The average age was 79 ± 7.9 (70 to 94) years. Each participant was initially tested and retested within 7 days of the initial test and at approximately the same time of day. The testing protocol consisted of a treadmill protocol developed in 1995. The protocol began at a speed of 1.5 mph and 0% incline, with the speed and incline increasing by 0.5 mph and 3.0% incline every 3 min. Respiratory gases were collected using standard gas collection techniques during rest, peak exercise, and recovery. The BMDP-PC statistical software package was utilized to conduct a one-sample repeated measures analysis of variance (participants-within-repeated-measures design). Intraclass correlation estimates of what reliability would be for a single measurement or trial were calculated. Reliability estimates of .90 or better were obtained for all resting, peak exercise, and recovery variables except peak respiratory quotient (RQ) and for recovery RQ and heart rate (i.e., R = .89, .89, and .76, respectively). These findings indicate that the measurement of cardiorespiratory values are very reliable in older persons with moderate-to-heavy chronic disease burdens.  相似文献   

团身侧空翻三周是一个高难度动作。该动作衍发于团身后空翻三周,但其动作技术和素质及专项能力要求都要高于后者。通过程序教学的方法和手段在较短时间内能使运动员成功掌握该动作。  相似文献   

城镇化作为我国新时期发展的重大举措与引擎动力之一,其所产生的系列带动力对我国的发展起到了内驱作用.公共体育服务业随着城镇化建设的进程,基础设施、配套投入与管理服务等方面的都得到的同步跟进,在群众通过体育健身追求健康的热潮中,城镇公共体育服务得到了全面发展,但是也存在着资金缺乏、管理滞后、健身指导不足等一系列问题,但是总体来说还是为城镇公共体育服务开辟了良好的发展前景.  相似文献   

以第29届北京奥运会为切入点,对近20年来国际重大赛事成绩进行对比、分析,以竞技游泳成绩的变化特点对我国竞技游泳发展现状进行描绘;同时,针对现阶段我国竞技游泳存在的问题提出参考建议。  相似文献   

This study was carried out to design, construct and assess a training aid to assist in the learning of a backward handspring. A backward handspring is often the first backward dynamic skill gymnasts will learn and so its performance can be accompanied by anxiety. International high performance coaches were surveyed to establish the key coaching requirements of a backward handspring training aid. A video analysis of the skill was used to determine characteristic dimensions of the skill, and these were used in the design of the training aid. The aid was designed and manufactured in accordance with European Standards for safety. The device’s safety for use in supporting the backward handspring was confirmed through testing. The assessment of the training aid using 11 gymnasts showed that it permitted a safe dynamic performance; provided support; did not obstruct technically good performances; allowed progressive use by novices without additional coach support; and was adjustable for gymnasts of various size and ability. When assessed against other training aids, it was the only aid that fulfilled all of the key coaching requirements.  相似文献   

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