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This article begins by recognizing that Finnish women, like those in the other Nordic countries, were admitted to universities relatively early. Although they now constitute some 52 percent of enrolled students in Finnish higher education and 47 percent of the labour force, they have lagged behind men in terms of obtaining academic employment and even more so with regard to being appointed to leadership positions in universities and in other academic organizations. A combination of factors accounts for this situation: the tendency to channel aspiring women academics into non‐scientific fields, the failure of women academics to be included in the informal professional networks, the deprecating attitudes of male academics towards the research results of women, and in general, a societal power structure which favours men. Finally, an economic climate which is leading to cutbacks in higher education budgets is creating a situation which makes catching up by women academics next to impossible. Only major structural changes in Finnish society will lead to further progress for Finnish women in academic careers.  相似文献   

This article examines the factors which contribute to the success of female academics engaging in research in social sciences. The data were obtained through a series of interviews carried out at public universities in Catalonia with women, all of whom were the heads of research groups recognized by the Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan Government). These results reveal several aspects relevant for women academics, at both the individual and institutional levels, in terms of employment opportunities, management of research programmes, development of teaching strategies and individual time management. This should assist the development of institutional policies and practices within higher education to help women build successful research careers.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a special agreement for scientific professions that is expected to reform structures and working conditions of staff in higher education and research institutions in Germany. While differentiating their professional levels and careers, such an agreement should also deal with issues of income, promotion of women, brain drain – brain gain, and the Europeanisation of higher education in Germany, with the aim of increasing the attractiveness of the academic profession.  相似文献   

The article sketches the history of the education of women in Austrian universities, particularly the University of Vienna, and the attempts of some of the first female graduates to pursue academic careers. Middle class women, just like middle class men, considered education and possible academic careers as sure ways to social and economic emancipation. However, if the model worked for men, it worked less well for women who although admitted to university studies in increasing numbers found that their attempts to pursue academic careers were fraught with many obstacles. Despite numerous female success stories, the university did not turn out to be, for women, a route to emancipation and career fulfilment. Even today, if Austrian women are accepted and are achieving success in other areas, in industry and in public service, for instance, they are doing so in these endeavours far more easily and in greater numbers than in the universities.  相似文献   

In the last years, the increasing pressure over higher education institutions to promote alternative non‐state funding sources has lead to an increasing importance given to research and, more specifically to applied research. The notion that women dedicate less time to research may be seen in the new context, as a prominent threat for women to reach universities top positions. In this article, which draws from an exploratory study case of two public universities in Portugal, we examine whether there are gender differences on perceptions about time dedicated to different academic activities. Findings reveal no significant gender differences in the academics' perceptions about their work.  相似文献   

Women in higher education appear to lag behind their male colleagues in many respects. Research has shown that women are less likely than men to have full-time positions, tenure, or senior status. In research -- crucial to an academic career -- they tend neither to lead research teams, nor to apply for, nor to hold large research grants. Female academics are often seen as less productive, especially when it comes to publication rates. Women just beginning or resuming their careers appear particularly vulnerable. This paper draws on data from a study of PhD graduates in Australian universities in order to investigate the research experiences of women and men at an early stage of their careers. The findings presented in the paper suggest that some of the traditional disadvantages seen as affecting university women are now diminishing. The paper goes on to argue, on the basis of the data, that some documented phenomena such as women's lower publication output and their non-participation in collaborative networks are due to factors not always highlighted in the literature -- factors, for example, such as women's choice of discipline area. While the paper rejects the proposition that an explicitly 'gendered agenda' exists in academia, it notes that newly-graduated female PhDs in Australia are still more likely than their male colleagues to report dissatisfaction on a number of levels. The paper concludes with a call for further research on the more affective aspects of academic women's research experiences.  相似文献   

随着2007年8月《综合大学自由与责任法》的颁布实施,法国高等教育新改革已经启动。针对综合大学的诸多问题,政府出台了旨在推进实施大学自主权的一揽子改革措施,并决定对高等教育和科学研究提供巨额财政投入。本次改革涉及政府角色的根本转变,大学实行优势重组,贯彻教育权利平等和参与原则,实施高等教育国际化等方面,反映了法国综合大学的发展趋势,将为21世纪法国高等教育的发展注入新的活力。  相似文献   

高校落实科学发展观,必须坚持以人为本的发展理念和战略理念,在高等教育发展的关键时刻抓住机遇,大力推进改革,建设和谐型大学,以实现高校的持续跨越发展。  相似文献   

This article considers the position of women academics in British universities. It begins with an historical survey of the evolution of the university teaching career in the United Kingdom, with special reference to women. It then concentrates on the entry of women into academic careers, particularly after the Second World War. Finally, it concludes with a discussion of the latest trends in higher education in the United Kingdom, especially attempts to make universities more cost effective, to rate their performance via performance indicators, and to attune them to the needs of the business world. These trends may end up making academic careers in the United Kingdom relatively less attractive than they were in the past, while inadvertently providing for greater feminization.  相似文献   


Efforts to ameliorate gender disparity in pursuit of science careers in the USA have focused on equalizing girls' participation in pre-college science courses and out-of-school activities. Our examination of nearly 1500 US college students at 16 universities found that gender and preparation both have an impact on success in introductory college physics courses. In terminal, algebra-based physics females perform better than their male classmates. However, in calculus based introductory college physics courses, which are prerequisite to advanced study in many fields, women do significantly worse than their male counterparts with the same background. For both genders, taking a high school course that limits coverage and concentrates more time in in-depth study is associated with better performance in college physics. We conclude that efforts to ensure the success of women entering the physical sciences should concentrate on increasing the depth and reducing the vast coverage of most high school physics courses as well as addressing the apparent bias in college courses that mark the first step in careers within scientific research and engineering.  相似文献   

以科学发展观指导高校德育工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从新时期高校德育工作面临的新情况及大学生中存在的突出问题出发,根据科学发展观的要求,提出高校德育必须与时俱进,更新观念,以科学发展观为指导,将科学发展观与德育工作相结合,并在一定程度上探讨了两者结合的具体要求。  相似文献   

构建普通高校成人高等教育的科学发展观   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
科学发展观理论的提出是高等教育改革与发展的重要机遇,普通高校成人高等教育作为我国终身教育体系中重要的组成部分,更应抓住机遇、构建完善的成人高等教育的科学发展观,并以此为指导融入普通高校实质性的有机组成部分,科学合理配给教育资源与管理模式,以促进普通高校成人高等教育的科学发展。  相似文献   

目前,我国的社区教育正处于起步阶段,为了更好地发展这一新型教育形式,有必要利用各类教育资源为社区教育服务,尤其是高校的优质教育资源。文章就社区教育过程中高校资源的开发问题进行了讨论,主要涉及两个方面的内容:一是社区教育对高校资源的需求、高校举办社区教育的有利条件及社区教育开发高校资源的形式;二是社区教育过程中高校资源开发遇到的问题及解决对策。  相似文献   

在共享经济时代下,各类共享服务已进入大学生的日常生活,它们为高校服务育人内容也带来了变化。为做好服务育人工作,高校要创建服务育人共同体的格局和体制,在共享经济时代背景下,用与时俱进的服务理念为服务育人工作提供制度保障,用有形的、无形的、立体的、全方位的服务开展育人工作。文章通过问卷调查、访谈,就高校服务育人共同体的内涵、架构、机制进行了集中研究。  相似文献   

“三全育人”指出要实现全员、全方位、全过程育人,是新时代高校立德树人的重要途径。学生社区作为大学生学习生活聚集平台的教育功能受到更多的关注。移动互联技术的发展冲破了高校的传统樊篱,推动高等教育改革重新整合教育资源,给高校思想政治教育带来了新趋势,高校后勤社会化改革也为学生社区更好发挥教育功能奠定了基础。在此背景下,不少高校积极开展学生社区育人模式改革,社区书院、社区党建、智慧社区、学生自治和邻里规划等社区新型学生社区教育管理服务模式得到了实践,并取得显著成效。  相似文献   

英德美加等国远程高等教育取得了举世瞩目的成就,具有教育本土化、视野国际化、办 学合作化、目标对象化、招生开放化、教学信息化、媒体现代化、程序规范化、管理系统化、监督科学 化等特征。为了保障我国远程高等教育的健康发展,必须构建良好的外部支持系统、打造健康的内 部管理机制,尤其将中华民族优秀的传统文化作为远程高等教育发展的内在动力源泉,逐步形成以 国家开放大学为主导、地方开放大学为主体、普通高校为有益补充的远程高等教育运行质态,从而 推动全民学习、终身学习进程。  相似文献   

全球化背景下地方综合性大学教育创新探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应对"全球化"挑战,中国高等教育必须实施"教育创新",走"国际化"道路。在"高等教育国际化"进程中,地方综合性大学承受着来自国际、国内两方面的双重压力。面对压力,地方综合性大学的"教育创新"之路必然是"特色化"之路。  相似文献   

我国高等教育规模的持续扩张,使保证和提高高等教育质量成为一个突出问题。要解决这一问题,除了保证高等教育的基准质量外,还必须建设好一批以“追求卓越”为学术使命的研究型大学。而要建立好一批研究型大学,一方面必须坚持高等学校的多样化发展,避免高等学校办学中的某种趋同性;另一方面则需要努力促进高等教育与科研、经济的现代化发展,解决好高等教育体制与科技体制改革相割裂,大学科技工作与经济基础发展相松脱的问题。  相似文献   

高校思想政治理论教育有效性的现状不容乐观。师资队伍建设滞后、受教育者自身问题、教育理念偏差、教育内容重理论轻实践、教育方法单调低效和社会大环境的消极影响导致了其有效性的缺失。高校思想政治理论教育应针对以上问题采取有效的对策,为教育创新提供新的科学的理论依据。  相似文献   

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