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Lack of clarity in university teaching: A case study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Correlational studies suggest that clarity in teaching plays a crucial role in student learning and satisfaction from instruction. Other quantitative studies identify low-inference teacher behaviors that are components of clear instruction. The present study used qualitative methods to examine unclarity in teaching of a physics undergraduate course for non-science majors. Teaching clarity was measured both as a high- and low-inference behavior. Evidence of several data sources converge and reveal very low level of understanding of the material presented, strong dissatisfaction with instruction, and a good match between high- and low-inference teacher clarity behaviors. This is explained by the instructor's insufficient pedagogical knowledge, by his inability to apply those pedagogical principles he does know in actual classroom instruction, by his misconceptions regarding teaching and student learning, and by his detachment from his students and the subsequent lack of adjustment of instruction to them.  相似文献   

硕士研究生培养方式的弊端及改革的几点建议   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
目前,我国硕士研究生教育的培养方式存在着手段异化、课程设置弹性不足、教学形式单一等弊端。为此,我们认为只有注重研究生综合素质的培养,加强课程和课堂教学改革,严格导师资格评审和履职考核制度,才能确保硕士研究生教育质量的提高。  相似文献   

略论经济数学教学内容与方法之改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在深入分析当代经济数学教学存在的弊端后,提出了经济管理类研究生经济数学的教学内容重点应放在投入产出分析、最优化理论和计量经济方法三个方面的基本设想,并提出了经济数学教学应以提供给学生强有力的基础平台,以培养和提高学生独立从事科学研究能力为目标,以教师讲授、学生讲授、师生互动探讨为主的新的课堂教学模式。  相似文献   

This article presents a “telling case” of an interdisciplinary, team-teaching experience that explores how participants eschewed ethnocentricism of their fields of study in order to learn from each other, while providing instruction to students and analysing data collected from the class (a graduate course on literature and pedagogy). Through the process, the participants (a professor of English education and a professor of literature) ground the perspectives of literary interpretation in their field of study and languaculture, and developed a conceptual framework that guided their interactions and analysis of the discursive actions of the class. An ethnographic perspective served as the conceptual frame and informed how the participants observed, described, and developed claims about classroom interactions. Through this study, the participants answer calls for more examples of how faculty in higher education engage in interdisciplinary teaching and research and the need for faculty to develop conceptual ethnographic frameworks for their collaborations.  相似文献   

Improving the quality of higher education for all students requires researchers to focus on factors that potentially influence learning. Of particular interest are student entry characteristics and effective teaching behaviors. Accordingly, structural equation modeling was used to examine the relationships between student differences, prior experience with the subject material, past performances, teaching behaviors, and perceived learning and achievement. A theoretical model containing 8 variables was formulated and tested on students who were either experienced or inexperienced with the course material. The data were gathered at a large midwestern university fitting the Carnegie classification as a research institution. Overall, student achievement is affected by test anxiety and high school GPA. Prior experience with the course content revealed that content-unfamiliar students' perception of learning is more positively influenced by instructor organization than by instructor expressiveness, whereas for content-familiar students, expressiveness is much more influential than organization. Additionally, content-unfamiliar students are more sensitive to both teaching behaviors than content-familiar students. These findings have important implications for administrators, instructors, and researchers.  相似文献   

Existing research on limits documents many difficulties students encounter when learning about the concept. There is also some research on teaching of limits but it is not yet as extensive as the research on student learning about limits. This study explores the discourse on limits in a beginning-level undergraduate calculus classroom by focusing on one instructor’s and his students’ discourses through a communicational approach to cognition. The findings indicate that some of the limit-related contexts in which students struggled coincided with those in which the instructor shifted his elements of discourse on limits. The instructor did not attend to the shifts in his discourse, making them implicit for the students. The study highlights that the discrepancies among participants’ discourses signal communicational breakages and suggests that future studies should examine whether teachers’ explicit attention to the elements of their discourse can enhance communication in the classrooms.  相似文献   

高师美术教育实习是培养和训练美术教师的重要一环。美术课教学有其自身的学科特点 ,实习指导教师职责重大 ,对实习生的指导工作直接影响着美术教育实习的质量。因此 ,要求实习指导教师必须以身作则 ,言传身教 ;对实习生尊重信任 ,严格要求 ;在指导中突出重点 ,发挥特点。  相似文献   

外语教师在课堂教学中的角色转换   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前我国外语教学改革的重要课题之一,是深入研究教师在课堂教学中所应扮演的角色,并迅速完成其角色转换。外语教师应该花大力气去研究如何引起学生学和帮助学生学,以培养能力为目标,进行精心细致的备课,用实践活动作课堂教学的主线,使外语课堂教学从知识灌输型转化为能力培养型。如此,则必然给外语课堂教学带来革命性变化,实现大幅度提高外语教学质量的目标。  相似文献   

设置教学型教授,能使专注教学的人安于教学,擅长教学的人乐于教学,是突出大学教学中心地位,切实提高大学教学质量的需要。教学型教授并非是反对设置教学型教授的人所认为的只会教学不会科研或者是教学好而科研差的教授,而是教学学术型教授。教学学术观下的大学教学是优秀的学术性教学,是与科研(专业学术)享有同等地位的学术工作,教学研究也是科学研究,教学学术成果与科学研究成果享有同等地位。因此,评聘教学型教授并没有放弃对教师科研业绩的要求。只要教学好且具有丰富的教学学术成果或丰富的专业学术成果或两者兼备者皆可以评聘教授,其中,教学好是共同的基本条件。  相似文献   

This article presents two separate but related studies on native-English speaking (NES) instructors’ teaching writing practice in Chinese universities. One study is a case study that explores the teaching practice of three NES instructors’ writing instruction in a southern Chinese university as well as students’ responses to their practice. Another study takes on an auto-ethnographic approach, in which the researcher retrospectively examines his own writing instruction as a college NES instructor in China with his new understanding of Bakhtin’s dialogic theory and theories of multi/biliteracy. The pairing of these two studies, methodologically and conceptually, illustrates the NES instructors’ teaching experiences in China from both an outsider and an insider’s perspectives. The findings of the studies indicate that one of the key factors that hinder the effectiveness in teaching writing in English as a foreign language (EFL) contexts is the doctrine of ‘native fallacy’ widespread in the EFL field. This is an ethnocentric view of treating English as a hegemonic practice that drives EFL students to reach native-like English proficiency in both their English speaking and writing. The article concludes with a call for a paradigm shift in teaching and learning in the EFL field, which requires fundamental changes in the view of English from ‘native English’ to World Englishes or an international language for today’s globalized community.  相似文献   

Conclusion Technology advancement is shifting our education paradigm. The role of the instructor is changing from an information-giver to a facilitator. Students no longer passively receive information but may become instructional resources in class. Given opportunities, they may be self-learners and self-trainers. In a multimedia course, the instructor employed teaching methods allowing her to be a facilitator and her students to be self-learners. It was discovered that the course motivated students; fostered active, meaningful, and constructive learning; enhanced critical thinking skills; and increased students’ confidence. Class observations, interviews, and student feedback revealed that the new teaching methods and new role of the instructor had a positive impact on student learning. As a university professor in Instructional Technology, the author might have experienced the education paradigm shift and its impact on the role of an instructor earlier or faster than instructors of other subject areas might. However, the new paradigm is expected to spread widely in education. As NCATE stated in 1997, teachers need to develop a new understanding, new attitude, new approach, and new role. Every instructor should be open to the changes and explore the possibility of creating a learning community in which instructors, students, and community members may contribute, benefit, and generate meaningful learning experiences. One can only look forward to participating in the dynamic learning and expect its positive impact on our society.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to answer the question: What is the Israeli instructor's conception of a “good university professor?” The study deals with the instructor's conception of the characteristics of the “good professor” with regard to the department in which he is teaching. A sample of 51 instructors from two departments were asked to select the three most important characteristics of a “good university professor” from a list of fifteen. It was shown that instructors attached primary importance to the professor's ability to spark intellectual growth. Of secondary importance was his method of instruction. The professor's traits connected to his academic status and his personality were of relatively little concern. There was unanimity among instructors from the two departments in their conception of what a “good professor” should be. They singled out characteristics that fall under the heading of delivery. A disparity exists between the instructor's conception of the “good professor” and the students' conception.  相似文献   

By happenstance rather than design, what began as a single study intended to refute the validity of student ratings of instruction turned into a 30-year quest into the nature of college teaching. Although I found that student ratings can be affected by seemingly extraneous variables such as instructor reputation, I quickly realized that the validity issue was not as simple as it first appeared, raising further questions such as: Was the student ratings questionnaire used in my study valid to begin with? Is instructor reputation simply a nuisance variable, even though it affects the validity of student ratings? Are students seduced by instructor reputation only under certain conditions? and so on. Oddly enough, a number of researchers, including myself, initially became interested in studying college teaching by attempting to demonstrate the invalidity of student ratings despite a research.  相似文献   

Graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) are used extensively as instructors in higher education, yet their status and authority as teachers may be unclear to undergraduates, to administrators, and even to the GTAs themselves. This study explored undergraduate perception of classroom instruction by GTAs and professors to identify factors unique to each type of instructor versus the type of classes they teach. Data collection was via an online survey composed of subscales from two validated instruments, as well as one open-ended question asking students to compare the same class taught by a professor versus a GTA. Quantitative and qualitative results indicated that some student instructional perceptions are specific to instructor type, and not class type. For example, regardless of type of class, professors are perceived as being confident, in control, organized, experienced, knowledgeable, distant, formal, strict, hard, boring, and respected. Conversely, GTAs are perceived as uncertain, hesitant, nervous, relaxed, laid-back, engaging, interactive, relatable, understanding, and able to personalize teaching. Overall, undergraduates seem to perceive professors as having more knowledge and authority over the curriculum, but enjoy the instructional style of GTAs. The results of this study will be used to make recommendations for GTA professional development programs.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between students' evaluations of university instruction and self-ratings of instructors. The sample consisted of 52 instructors, from the School of Education at Tel-Aviv University, who taught 93 classes. The instructors, as well as their students, responded to a 20-item instructional-practices questionnaire. Instructor self-ratings had only a modest relationship with the ratings given by students (a median correlation of .28). Discrepancies between instructor ratings and ratings given by the students were further analyzed for (1) varying training in teaching - no difference was found; and (2) number of years of teaching experience - differences were noted; the self-ratings of less experienced instructors were closer to student ratings.  相似文献   

在教与学的过程中,学生与教师都会提出反馈,也会收到反馈.课程应该提供不会让人感到威胁的环境,学生在其中能够向教师和其他学生充分地表达自己.学生需要得到针对他们工作和表现的、持续的、及时的反馈.提供有效的反馈有助于保证学生的需求得以满足,有助于保证他们能够开展高质量的学习.(Co-hen,2003:Thurmond 和 Wambach,2004)本文主要讨论的是对学生提供的反馈,而反馈本身也是对学习者的工作和活动的回应,帮助学习者更好地理解他所取得的进步,或帮助学习者改善他的学习或表现.反馈可以在教师和学生之间、学生与学生之间,也可以是学生对自身的长处或改进学习活动的某一方面进行的反思和评价.要使反馈真正有效,对学生提供的反馈应着重于缩小学生当前的表现与期望目标之间的差距.文中所提出的案例均来自于本人在线教学经历过的或访谈在线教师过程中了解到的.  相似文献   


From its inception, social work education has consistently embraced the position that field learning is an essential element of professional education. It is through field work that the student has the opportunity to apply knowledge gained in the classroom and to learn the skills necessary for effective social work practice

A study conducted by Fortune et at. (1985) on student satisfaction with field placement revealed that the field instructor or supervisor was a link to student satisfaction with the field practicum. Much has been written on the concept and principles of field education, with discussions on the field instructor's functions in field instruction. However, it seems that such discussions vary greatly in their degree of specificity in spelling out the field instruction tasks. On the other hand, relatively little has been reported on how social work students perceive the roles and tasks of field instructors. It seems obvious that students, with first hand experiences in field work practice, can contribute much to the formulation of knowledge in field instruction

Hence, it is vital and essential to study what social work students actually expect of the roles and behaviors of field instructors as contrast to what is written in the theories of field instruction.

This paper attempts to identify the set of behaviours and tasks perceived by students as important to the work of a field instructor. In the process, it is also envisaged that the “anatomy of field instruction” can be better understood through a clear specification of the activities involved.  相似文献   

美国研究生助教制度与大学教师职前教学发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国研究生助教制度经历了开创、扩张和超越三个阶段。助教既是助理教师,又是教学学徒和信使,自20世纪90年代始,教学学徒的角色更为凸显。助教制度有助于研究生完成学业和缓解高等教育大众化过程中的师资压力,有助于研究生做出正确的职业选择和促进研究生社会化,尤其有助于促进大学教师职前教学的发展。  相似文献   

Student rating of teachers in five disciplines (science and math, education, social sciences, humanities, and business) were analyzed to determine which teacher attributes were important in predicting ratings of teaching effectiveness. Rating results from 1,439 courses taught at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale from 1973 to 1974 were used as data for this study. The results indicated that the instructor attributes rated as characteristic of effective instruction were highly consistent across disciplines, and the effective instructor was described as (1) knowing when students understood him, (2) increasing students' appreciation of the subject matter, (3) answering impromptu questions satisfactorily, (4) achieving the objectives of the course, and (5) giving several examples to explain complex topics.  相似文献   

Instructional design for distance education   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary The instructional design process provides the framework for planning. It is essential that the instructor take the time to plan and organize the learning experience prior to implementation when engaged in teaching at a distance. The instruction will be at a standard that is acceptable in all venues. The students will be engaged and the instructor will be satisfied. Planning makes the difference in a successful learning environment  相似文献   

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