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目的:确定提高运动皮层兴奋性且具有足够持续效应的磁刺激参数,为使用重复经颅磁刺激(rTMS)提高运动员的唤醒水平提供理论基础.方法:采用被试内设计,在被试左侧初级运动皮层(M1区)施加不同刺激数量(1000次、2000次、3000次)的rTMS(频率为20 Hz,强度为90%RMT,持续5 s、间隔55 s),分别测试刺激前,刺激结束后即刻,刺激结束后30 min、60 min、120 min时的运动诱发电位振幅.结果:20 Hz,90%RMT的1000次rTMS(持续5 s、间隔55 s)未能导致运动诱发电位振幅发生变化,2000次、3000次rTMS均导致运动诱发电位振幅增加及产生一定持续时间的后效应,其中3000次rTMS的运动诱发电位振幅增加的幅度较大及其后效应持续的时间较长.结论:20 Hz,90%RMT,3000次rTMS(持续5 s、间隔55 s)能较好地提高运动皮层的兴奋性,其后效应持续的时间大于60 min、小于120 min,可作为使用rTMS提高运动员唤醒水平的刺激参数.  相似文献   

刘运洲  张忠秋 《体育科学》2011,31(11):71-76
目的:探讨重复经颅磁刺激(rTMS)改善睡眠的效果,为使用rTMS提高运动员的睡眠质量提供理论基础。方法:采用被试内设计,在被试脑干的中缝核区域分别施加假刺激(S)、无刺激(N)和磁刺激(T),比较刺激后主观感觉、生理及行为的变化。结果:在被试脑干的中缝核区域施加1 Hz,80%RMT,1 500次rTMS(持续10 s间隔2 s)后,被试的自评睡眠质量提高,状态焦虑降低;呼吸曲线的波动减少、呼吸频率降低,脉率降低,心率变异性(HRV)的相邻NN间期差值的均方根(RMSSD)和相邻NN间期差值的标准差(SDSD)降低;肢体活动减少。结论:rTMS能够提高睡眠质量,rTMS刺激后呼吸、脉率以及心率变异性(HRV)的变化在一定程度上可以对其生理效果进行解释。  相似文献   

实验对北京体育大学运动系速度运动员和耐力运动员(各10名)不同强度运动后脑电的变化进行了测试。结果发现,①大强度运动后1分钟的脑电与安静时比较,δ、θ、α1频段所有导联功率值减少,而 α2、α3、β频段功率值增加。提示:短时间大强度运动后,大脑皮层兴奋性加强,抑制减弱。②较长时间小强度运动后1分钟与安静比δ、θ、α1频段所有导联功率值增加,α2、α3、β频段功率值减少。说明较长时间小强度运动后,大脑皮层抑制加强,兴奋性降低。③速度组运动员和耐力组运动员小强度运动后δ、θ、α1频段功率值的增加幅度速度组高于耐力组,α、α3、β频段功率值的减少幅度速度组高于耐力组,从脑电角度说明耐力运动员对小强度运动的耐受力优于速度组运动员;两组运动员大强度运动以后,δ、θ、α1频段功率值的减少幅度耐力组高于速度组,而α2、α3、β频段功率值的增加幅度,耐力组高于速度组,从脑电的角度反映出速度组运动员对大强度运动的耐受力优于耐力组运动员。  相似文献   

目的:确定能够较好降低运动皮层兴奋性且具有足够持续效应的磁刺激参数,为使用重复经颅磁刺激(rTMS)降低运动员的赛前焦虑提供理论基础.方法:采用被试内设计,在被试左侧初级运动皮层(M1区)施加不同刺激数量(500次、1 000次、1 500次)的rTMS(频率为1 Hz,强度为80%RMT),分别测试刺激前,刺激结束后即刻,刺激结束后30 min、60 min、120 min时的运动诱发电位振幅.结果:1 Hz,80%RMT 的500次、1 000次、1 500次rTMS均能导致运动诱发电位振幅减少及产生一定持续时间的后效应;与500次、1 000次rTMS相比,1 500次rTMS的运动诱发电位振幅减少的幅度较大且其后效应持续的时间较长.结论:1 Hz,80%RMT,1 500次rTMS能较好地降低运动皮层兴奋性,其后效应持续的时间大于60 min小于120 min,可作为使用rTMS降低运动员赛前焦虑的刺激参数.  相似文献   

通过EEG的测试,探讨青少年女子气手枪运动员不同环数击发前左、右颞区(T7和T8)、枕叶中线(Oz)、运动区(Cz)的α波功率和额叶中线(Fz)的θ波功率变化特征。研究发现:1)运动员在安静闭眼、睁眼状态下,左、右颞区(T7、T8)的α波功率值没有显著性差异;2)在击发前3s,运动员左颞区(T7)的α波功率值显著高于右颞区(T8)的值;3)在击发前3s,运动员枕叶中线(Oz)的α波脑电功率值呈上升趋势,其中,击发前倒数第3s的值显著低于倒数第2s的值;4)在击发前3s,运动员10环的额叶中线(Fz)θ波功率值显著高于8环的值。  相似文献   

我国优秀射箭运动员冬训期间脑机能变化的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:对冬训期间不同阶段脑电图进行对比研究,了解冬训期间不同阶段射箭运动员大脑机能变化的特点,为科学训练提供客观依据.研究结果:专项负荷训练课后,射箭运动员顶枕区双侧α频段脑电功率值有下降趋势,而中央回双侧β频段脑电功率值有上升趋势,且具有显著性差异,表明专项训练课对运动员中枢机能有较显著的影响;冬训期间大负荷量低强度专项训练阶段,射箭运动员的中枢神经系统会由兴奋转向抑制;在冬训期间小负荷量高强度专项训练阶段,由于训练的负荷强度增加以及运动员注意力高度集中,中枢神经系统的兴奋性会随之增高;优秀射箭运动员中枢机能的各项脑电指标波动范围较大,存在个体差异.在建立优秀射箭运动员冬训期间主要脑电指标评价参考标准的基础上进一步建立重点运动员个性化参照标准,以便更好地用于训练监控.  相似文献   

研究目的:对新一届国家射箭集训队运动员在不同训练负荷状态下脑电超慢涨落图SET及其脑电复杂度进行对比研究,探讨不同训练负荷对优秀射箭运动员大脑机能产生影响的特点,为提高射箭训练的科学化水平提供客观依据。研究结果:1)在射箭训练中,负荷量的增加并不能提高运动员中枢神经的兴奋性和训练效益,因此,负荷量安排应在合理的区间内进行波动式的设置。同时,射箭运动员LL-HLI阶段与LL-LLI阶段额区β频段功率值有显著差异,快速放电的强度增加会导致能量消耗加大,其中枢神经虽然兴奋性得到提高,却更容易出现疲劳。2)在LL-LLI阶段运动员6种神经递质水平呈"飞燕型"分布,与正常人脑电超慢涨落图分布并无差异。在HL-LLI阶段,一方面,作为人体的内源性活性物质的运动员脑内5羟色氨(5-HT)水平呈显著上升趋势;另一方面,这一阶段脑内多巴胺(DA)水平则较LL-LLI阶段有所下降。3)不论是HL-LLI阶段,还是LL-HLI阶段,运动员脑电复杂度均出现下降趋势,虽然两阶段之间的差异并不显著,但均显著低于LL-LLI阶段,均有运动员处于中枢疲劳状态,并且两个阶段出现中枢疲劳现象的运动员人数呈上升趋势,提示应该在强调运动训练科学性的同时,也需要对训练后的恢复更加重视,科学训练与科学恢复是一个有机的整体。  相似文献   

目的:研究人脑中无数神经在本体感受性传入信息和运动控制时的生理机制和振荡特征,从全脑的整体观点,论述数个大脑区域的活动和他们的复合电位的综合性神经生理功能。方法:研究在宏范围EEG测量的皮层动态脑理论与大脑刺激性质的振荡反应的基础上,用0 2ms间隔取点时程为100ms高采样率分析头皮脑电位。结果:数字量化头皮脑电位中FP2,F6,C4,F8等脑区的绝对值,相对值和运动觉与运动知觉电位在δ,θ,α,β4个频带比相对应脑区各项值低。频率和功率谱分析发现皮层的主要活动区域4个频带的波峰功率,总功率,最高波幅以及功率95%以下的频率比非主控区高。结论:神经电位从无序到有序状态的转换中,多而强的感觉刺激使大脑成为更好的协调并使脑神经电活动具有空间分布性但时间上同步性的状态。全部振荡频率在整个大脑是选择性分布的,选择性分布的振荡系统控制着全部脑结构的兴奋和交流。  相似文献   

利用心率变异指标评价运动员睡眠质量   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:通过同步测量多导睡眠图(脑电、眼动和颌肌电)以及心率变异,找出睡眠质量指标和心率变异指标之间的关联性,从而利用心率变异指标来反映睡眠质量.方法:10名田径运动员参加测试,利用多导睡眠监测结果评价运动员睡眠质量,与用Polar表同步记录计算所得的心率变异数据进行相关性分析.结果:睡眠效率,即睡眠总时间与总记录时间之比,同心率变异频域指标的低频与高频比(LF/HF)呈负相关(r=-0.853,P<0.01);深度睡眠时间百分比,即(S3+s4)/SUM,同心率变异频域指标LF/HF呈负相关(r=-0.827,P0.01).结论:利用通用的心率表可以在一定程度上较便利地评价运动员睡眠质量,主要应用指标为LF/HF.  相似文献   

优秀射箭运动员大赛前脑机能特点的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对3场国际比赛前射箭运动员脑电监测结果的对比分析,发现国家射箭队运动员表象和过度换气状态时具有良好的适应力和调节能力。专项训练对运动员大脑的刺激有特异性。射箭项目运动员最佳竞技状态脑电功率谱比值低于射击,而α波抑制程度高于射击运动员,说明在诊断运动员竞技状态时要科学地借鉴其他项目的评价标准,但不可盲目使用。射箭运动员赛前脑机能的水平对射箭比赛成绩有一定影响,但存在个体差异。一味提高射箭运动员赛前α波抑制程度、功率谱比值并不能有效地提高比赛成绩。应加强每一个运动员临界水平的监测,科学确定每一个运动员的临界值,特别是老运动员应在训练中区别对待。在奥运会上射出660环以上成绩的优秀运动员表象状态时心理能量基本趋于稳定、动作协调、时间空间感觉均衡、注意力集中。赛前脑电指标值可作为她们(国家射箭女队重点运动员)备战北京奥运会的评定标准,也可作为其他运动员的赛前参考值。  相似文献   


Understanding the effects of increased and decreased gravity on central nervous system is essential for developing proper physical and cognitive countermeasures to assure safe and effective space missions and human survival in space. This short review covers the available literature on the brain electrocortical activity effects of decreased and increased gravitational force comparing to the 1g Earth conditions. Among all neuroimaging methods such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), positron-emission tomography (PET), diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), the electroencephalography (EEG) was found to be suitable method to monitor brain electrocortical activity in the extreme environments. Due to complexity and high cost of space flight missions, ground-based models have been employed to simulate microgravity effects on human body. Surprisingly, there is very limited number of publications reporting gravity-dependent EEG spectral changes. With increased gravity there are initially increased EEG activity in higher frequencies and at around 4g appears loss of consciousness with accompanying slowing of EEG due to hypoxia. In microgravity, the most prevalent changes in EEG are faster frequencies such as alpha and beta. The results from simulated microgravity (bed rest) are pointing to changes in theta and alpha, representing signs of cortical inhibition. The changes in EEG activity in space flight are attributed to a decreased sensorimotor input while in parabolic flights short and fast transitions from hyper to microgravity presumably reflect lower arousal levels and emotional processes in microgravity. Thus, based on limited research about gravity-related changes in EEG from different environments it is difficult to draw any unequivocal conclusions. Additional systematic studies about electrocortical activity in space and parabolic flights, as well as longer bed rest studies are needed in order to advance knowledge about brain functioning in extreme conditions such as space flights.  相似文献   

刘书强 《体育科研》2018,(3):81-85,91
对上海青年女子足球运动员个性及竞赛焦虑情况进行测试,并对测试中发现的个性特质忧虑性和紧张性较高以及特质焦虑水平较高的运动员使用生物反馈仪进行放松训练。结果表明,生物反馈训练中,音乐放松和指导语加音乐放松训练可以有效地提高运动员的皮肤温度,降低皮肤导电性,改善脑电α波、θ波和SMR波,且指导语加音乐放松的训练方式更加有效。结论:利用生物反馈训练仪可以调节女足运动员自主神经及大脑皮质功能,特别是指导语加音乐放松能良好地调节运动员心理状态及情绪状态。  相似文献   


This study examined the effects of aerobic exercise on spontaneous electroencephalographic (EEG) activity. Participants (N = 34) were asked to (a) sit quietly for a 10-min adaptation period, (b) either exercise on a cycle ergometer (n = 18) or watch a videotape (n = 16) for 15 min, and (c) sit quietly for a 10-min recovery period. EEGs were collected during the last 2 min of the adaptation period, the last 2 min of each 5-min stage of the exercise/videotape period, and the last 2 min of the recovery period. EEG power densities were combined across the alpha and beta frequency bands. The results indicated that brain activation increased (i.e., alpha activity decreased and beta activity increased) during the exercise condition and returned, to baseline following exercise. This did not occur in the nonexercise condition. Thus, the results were consistent with the opponent-process theory (Solomon, 1980) in that brain activation increased during exercise.  相似文献   

Hemispheric asymmetry, cardiac response, and performance in elite archers   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Previous sport research on elite athletes has shown systematic changes in psychophysiological measures, such as heart rate (HR) deceleration and hemispheric asymmetries in EEG activity, in the few seconds prior to executing a motor response. These changes are believed to be due to a more focused attention on the external environment. Using archery (an attentive state), this investigation was designed to examine: (a) whether hemispheric asymmetry and HR deceleration would occur during the aiming period, and (b) if they did, whether this would affect performance. HR and left and right temporal EEG were recorded from 28 right-handed elite archers for 16 shots. The results indicated that (a) there was no HR deceleration; (b) during the aiming period, EEG alpha activity formed the dominant frequency and this was significantly greater in the left than in the right hemisphere; (c) there were no significant right hemisphere EEG changes in spectral power from 3 s before the shot to arrow release, but there were significant left hemisphere increases at 10, 12, and 24 Hz; and (d) at 1 s prior to the shot, there were no significant right hemisphere spectral power differences between best and worst shots, but there were significant left hemisphere differences at 6, 12, and 28 Hz. The relationships among hemispheric asymmetry, HR deceleration, attentional processes, and shooting performance are discussed.  相似文献   


Exercise at different cadences might serve as potential stimulus for functional adaptations of the brain, because cortical activation is sensitive to frequency of movement. Therefore, we investigated the effects of high (HCT) and low cadence training (LCT) on brain cortical activity during exercise as well as endurance performance.

Cyclists were randomly assigned to low and high cadence training. Over the 4-week training period, participants performed 4 h of basic endurance training as well as four additional cadence-specific exercise sessions, 60 min weekly. At baseline and after 4 weeks, participants completed an incremental exercise test with spirometry and exercise at constant load with registration of electroencephalogram (EEG).

Compared with LCT, a greater increase of frontal alpha/beta ratio was confirmed in HCT. This was based on a lower level of beta activity during exercise. Both groups showed similar improvements in maximal oxygen consumption and power at the individual anaerobic threshold.

Whereas HCT and LCT elicit similar benefits on aerobic performance, cycling at high pedalling frequencies enables participants to perform an exercise bout with less cortical activation.  相似文献   

张莉  林丽雅 《湖北体育科技》2016,(12):1064-1070
目的:对赛前专项训练进行监控,为提高专项训练水平提供依据。方法:以22名优秀男子手球运动员为研究对象,对赛前专项训练手段进行心率和乳酸的监控,阶段训练后评价专项无氧能力训练效果。结果:1)3种教赛负荷强度不同。2)全场抢7分训练课的全场平均心率为155.1b/min。3)攻防转换训练课的平均心率为156.9b/min。4)300m×4间歇跑的乳酸峰值达13.7716.26mmol/L。5)专项综合训练课的平均心率为120.3b/min。6)阶段训练后,队员的最大功率、平均功率显著提高。结论:1)教赛3达到比赛强度。2)全场抢7分能提高队员强对抗条件下的快速得分能力。3)攻防转换训练对提高队员的攻防转换速度有较好的作用。4)300m×4间歇跑训练对提高运动员糖酵解供能能力有较好的作用。5)专项综合训练课不利于运动员发展强对抗条件下的技战术能力。6)赛前大强度训练对提高队员的无氧能力有比较好的作用。  相似文献   

目的:探究女子运动员力竭运动后脑电信号(EEG)与心率变异性(HRV)的变化,阐明其与运动性疲劳之间的关系。方法:随机选取19名女大学生运动员为实验对象,用布鲁斯(Bruce)运动方案进行力竭运动,检测其运动前后的EEG和HRV相关指标变化情况。结果:与运动前相比,疲劳后HRV时域指标SDNN、RMSSD、pNN50及频域指标LF和HF均非常显著性下降(P<0.01),但LF/HF比值却出现非常显著性上升(P<0.01);脑电信号方面,运动后疲劳状态下的α波和β波出现下降,δ波和θ波则出现上升趋势,且α波与运动前比在PZ区显著性下降(P<0.05),在FPZ区非常显著性下降(P<0.01),θ波与运动前比在FZ、FPZ区显著性上升(P<0.05),δ波在运动后有上升趋势但无显著差异。结论:力竭运动造成女子运动员心脏自主节律失衡,大脑皮层抑制,因此EEG与HRV变化可作为判别女子运动员力竭疲劳的有效指标。  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of sleep deprivation on autonomic and endocrine functions during the day and on exercise tolerance in the evening. Ten healthy young males completed two, 2-day control and sleep deprivation trials. For the control trial, participants were allowed normal sleep from 23:00 to 07:00 h. For the sleep deprivation trial, participants did not sleep for 34 h. Autonomic activity was measured from 19:00 h on day 1 to 16:00 h on day 2 by frequency-domain measures of heart rate variability. Endocrine function was examined by measuring adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol from venous blood samples collected on day 2 at 09:00, 13:00, and 17:00 h and immediately after an exercise tolerance testing. Autonomic regulation, particularly parasympathetic regulation estimated from the high-frequency component of heart rate variability analysis, was significantly higher in the sleep deprivation trial than in the control trial in the morning and afternoon of day 2. Plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone concentrations were significantly higher at 09:00 and 13:00 h of day 2 under sleep deprivation. Heart rate during exercise was significantly lower following sleep deprivation. Therefore, the effects of sleep deprivation on autonomic regulation depend on the time of the day.  相似文献   

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