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竞技体育之人文社会学研究的若干反思   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究主要采用文献研究及比较、逻辑推理等。研究得出以下结论:竞技体育人文社会学研究的内涵与指向包括:(1)竞技体育的运动、文化等内容的多重包容;(2)竞技体育的发展中一定的价值、理想取向;(3)体育的发展必须关注人的研究;(4)竞技体育的运行、发展规律及对社会问题的关注;(5)研究的元理论。竞技体育人文社会学研究及理论构建的层次与分类有:(1)宏观层次———竞技体育价值、理想、精神、品质的阐述;(2)中观联结层次面———元理论与方法、工具性中介;(3)实际操作层次———具体应用方面。研究中呈现多学科交叉、结合与渗透的特色,竞技体育人文社会学研究中要注重两大关系的处理与协调,即理论与实践、"实证化"与"人文化"的关系。  相似文献   

从支撑竞技表现的"能量"角度出发,提出了"竞技势能"的概念,它是指在比赛过程中,项目团队所具备的能力水平和状态,或称参赛者参加比赛所具有的应对比赛的能量,具体体现为运动员的竞技能力和竞技状态,以及教练员的临场指挥能力与指挥状态。竞技势能的特征主要有可调控性、相对性、波动性。其中,竞技势能的调控以运动员的竞技状态为目标,主导竞技能力调节为手段,并具有项群差异性。竞技势能的相对性具有两个层面,一是相对于自身的不同比赛阶段,二是相对于比赛对手。不同项群竞技势能波动的概率与幅度不同,一方面与调整机会的可得性有关,另一方面与运动项目的主导竞技能力相对应。  相似文献   

本文以篮球进攻基础配合分类概念及其临场表现指标作为研究对象,运用系统论科学工具并结合竞技篮球专业知识与实践经验,采取理论分析和内容效度检验法重构进攻基础配合分类概念及其临场表现指标。研究结果如下:(1)经过统筹安排后新的进攻基础配合分类概念能够做到整体与局部视角相兼顾。(2)进攻基础配合相互间联系可概括为"链组合"与"变排列",而在临场比赛中这两种系统联系同时并存,复合性进攻思路将创造性地导致防守顾此失彼。(3)本文根据新的进攻基础配合分类概念建构了11个临场表现指标,即有球掩护之实挡、实挡变为■传切、实挡变为■虚档、无球掩护之实掩护、实掩护变为■传切、实掩护变为■虚掩护、传切、突分、策应、策应变为■突破/分、策应变为■传切,内容效度检验结果表明,上述指标可以作为统一观测口径下的临场统计与分析参数。  相似文献   

竞技表现的特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
运动员的竞技能力是竞技对抗的基础,而临场竞技表现可以直接决定最终的胜负.把握竞技表现的特征对竞技实践有重要的意义.竞技表现的特征主要有:稳定性、波动性、相对性、不可预测性、相对可控性等.  相似文献   

随着现代体育团体竞技项目比赛激烈程度的不断增加,不仅场上首发主力队员的竞技状态与临场发挥决定着比赛的结果,替补上场队员的发挥也同样与比赛成绩息息相关,同时替补未上场队员的精神状态也会在一定程度上影响着场上队员的发挥。教练员应科学合理地对替补队员开展日常训练工作,临场比赛时也应有针对性围绕替补队员的特点制定特定的战术方针。然而目前专门针对替补队员的训练、管理办法及临场控制的研究还相对比较薄弱,需要引起广大体育科研工作者的关注。  相似文献   

蔡睿 《体育科学》2002,22(2):80-84
以技能主导类非测量性的若干项目近年来337场高水平比赛的技术统计资料为基本信息源,以条件极值理论为基础,主要运用数理统计与多维单目标线性规划最优化方法,在竞技表现指标体系的建立,以及竞技表现条件极值模型的构建、解析、应用方面展开研究。结果表明:竞技表现条件极值模型可应用于运动员(队)比赛成绩的预测、竞技状态的诊断、竞技目标的确立、技战术风格的确定及制胜对策的选择等多个方面,对运动训练和比赛的诸多环节具有应用价值。  相似文献   

通过查阅相关研究成果,结合实践训练经验,从训练学的角度,运用哲学原理对竞技蹦床比赛制胜规律进行了层次解析.研究认为,蹦床比赛制胜因素“高、难、准、稳、美”,在新的奥运周期具有了新的涵义.相互之间具有很强的辩证关系,“高”与“难”的对立与统一、蹦床动作完成质量与难度的螺旋发展、蹦床比赛制胜因素发展的协同关系,以及蹦床比赛制胜因素的本质联系是蹦床训练实践的理论源泉.通过对制胜规律的基础训练、专项提高、最佳竞技以及竞技保持4个层次的剖析,厘清蹦床运动训练的思路.  相似文献   

<正>阅读比赛,即在体育比赛过程中,学生或指导教师在规则允许的情况下,应根据对手所表现出的技、战术的信息,及时做出相应的技、战术和人员的调整。阅读篮球比赛的能力包括:临场观察与分析的能力、临场应变的能力、技战术执行力、临场协同配合的能力、临场指挥的能力、合理运用规则的能力等。为更加有效地提高学生阅读比赛的能力,笔者认为,在日常训练中,必须注意以下五个方面。一、配备水平相当的比赛队伍,"勇者相逢智者胜"学生们往往喜欢和实力较弱的对手比赛,因为他们能够比较容易地赢球,甚至还会有"戏耍"对手的快感,这就失去了开展教学  相似文献   

一、前言篮球临场指挥是一门综合性的科学,是一门艺术。因此要求教练员不仅要精通篮球理论,而且还要具有其它有关的科学理论知识,才能在竞技舞台上导演出一场有声有色的令人回味的比赛喜剧。随着现代篮球运动的飞跃发展,比赛情况错综复杂,快速多变,传统的篮球临场指挥程序和方法已显示出一些弱点。一是不善于用宏观的方法来研究整个临场指  相似文献   

为了提高运动员的竞技水平,本文通过访谈调查法,查阅相关资料,对所获得资料进行分析,对散打比赛中教练员的临场指导做了详细调查,通过对参加辽宁省十运会以及辽宁散打锦标赛的朝阳市体校散打队教练和全体比赛运动员的调查,结果表明,教练员临场指导在比赛中至关重要。根据临场指导的体会调查,就临场指导的有关问题提出观点,共同参考。  相似文献   

Tom Webb 《Soccer & Society》2018,19(2):205-221
The association football/media relationship has evolved since the sport was covered in newspapers, and on radio and television. The impact of the media on association football is undeniable with increased wealth in the game directly attributable to the increasing monetary value of television deals covering the English Premier League. This has, in turn, meant that refereeing decisions are now subject to intensified scrutiny and historically this has been identified as a significant source of pressure for referees. This article has utilized semi-structured interviews with the broadcast media in the UK alongside a notational analysis of 20 live Premier League matches in the 2013–2014 season, in order to analyse the pressure exerted by the media on referees. Findings indicate that the pressure on referees is not as great as previously accepted. Interviews and notational analysis demonstrate a more considered interpretation of the role of the referee today in association football.  相似文献   

This article presents a hypothetical dialogue between a notational analyst (NA) recently schooled in the positivistic assessment of athletic performance, an ‘old-school’ traditional coach (TC) who favours subjective analysis, and a pragmatic educator (PE). The conversation opens with NA and TC debating the respective value of quantitative and qualitative methods of performance analysis. Having considered their arguments from a-distance, PE offers a philosophically underpinned point of view that helps to practically reconcile NA's and TC's opposing positions. While primarily focusing on practical issues relating to the analysis of athletic performance, PE contends that ‘quantitative’ and ‘qualitative’ approaches can be legitimately used in combination. Such a stance would appear in-line with a pragmatic philosophical perspective, which by focusing on practical issues embraces pluralistic methods. It is hoped that this dialogue will facilitate further philosophical and practical debate to generate knowledge that could enrich coaches' understanding by presenting an approach to performance analysis that is more realistic for practitioners.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to develop a notational system to evaluate passing, dribbling, first touch, and individual defensive skills as they relate to success during women's soccer games and to develop a statistical model to weigh the importance of each skill on creating scoring opportunities. Sequences of skills in ten games of a National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I intercollegiate women's soccer team were coded using well defined performance scores and outcomes. The notational analysis system was highly reliable as demonstrated by Spearman's rank correlations (>.98) between the first and second notation of three games for all four skills. The importance scores calculated from a Bayesian model demonstrated that dribbling (.0127) was the most important skill on creating scoring opportunities, followed by first touch (.0079), passing (.0075), and individual defense (.0050). The notational system developed from this study provides coaches with reliable and objective information to improve practice planning and optimize performance.  相似文献   

In this paper, we identify appropriate statistical methods for analysing categorical differences in discrete variables or 'performance indicators' resulting from performance analysis. The random mechanisms associated with discrete events do not follow a normal distribution; that is, the normal distribution is a continuous not a discrete probability distribution. We propose appropriate statistical methods based on two key discrete probability distributions, the Poisson and binomial distributions. Two approaches are proposed and compared using examples from notational analysis. The first approach is based on the classic chi-square test of significance (both the goodness-of-fit test and the test of independence). The second approach adopts a more contemporary method based on log-linear and logit models fitted using the statistical software GLIM. Provided relatively simple one-way and two-way comparisons in categorical data are required, both of these approaches result in very similar conclusions. However, as soon as more complex models or higher-order comparisons are required, the approach based on log-linear and logit models is shown to be more effective. Indeed, when investigating those factors and categorical differences associated with binomial or binary response variables, such as the proportion of winners when attempting decisive shots in squash or the proportion of goals scored from all shots in association football, logit models become the only realistic method available. By applying log-linear and logit models to discrete events resulting from notational analysis, greater insight into the underlying mechanisms associated with sport performance can be achieved.  相似文献   

In this paper, we identify appropriate statistical methods for analysing categorical differences in discrete variables or 'performance indicators' resulting from performance analysis. The random mechanisms associated with discrete events do not follow a normal distribution; that is, the normal distribution is a continuous not a discrete probability distribution. We propose appropriate statistical methods based on two key discrete probability distributions, the Poisson and binomial distributions. Two approaches are proposed and compared using examples from notational analysis. The first approach is based on the classic chi-square test of significance (both the goodness-of-fit test and the test of independence). The second approach adopts a more contemporary method based on log-linear and logit models fitted using the statistical software GLIM. Provided relatively simple one-way and two-way comparisons in categorical data are required, both of these approaches result in very similar conclusions. However, as soon as more complex models or higher-order comparisons are required, the approach based on log-linear and logit models is shown to be more effective. Indeed, when investigating those factors and categorical differences associated with binomial or binary response variables, such as the proportion of winners when attempting decisive shots in squash or the proportion of goals scored from all shots in association football, logit models become the only realistic method available. By applying log-linear and logit models to discrete events resulting from notational analysis, greater insight into the underlying mechanisms associated with sport performance can be achieved.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the effects of match location, quality of opposition, and match status on the technical aspects of performance within a single professional British football team. Forty matches from the 2002--2003 and 2003--2004 domestic league seasons were notated post-event using a computerized notational analysis system with 13 on-the-ball behaviours and corresponding outcomes (successful or unsuccessful) assessed. Log-linear modelling procedures indicated that the incidences of all on-the-ball technical behaviours, with the exception of "set-pieces", were influenced by at least one of the three situation variables, with both independent and interactive effects found. In contrast, logit modelling suggested that there was no general influence of the situation variables on the outcomes of the on-the-ball behaviours. The findings emphasize the need for notational analysts and coaches to consider the potential independent and interactive effects of match location, quality of opposition, and match status when assessing the technical components of football performance, particularly those relating to behaviour occurrence. Future research should consider the effects of additional situation variables purported to influence the mental, physical, technical, and tactical components of football performance.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to examine the effects of match location, quality of opposition, and match status on the technical aspects of performance within a single professional British football team. Forty matches from the 2002–2003 and 2003–2004 domestic league seasons were notated post-event using a computerized notational analysis system with 13 on-the-ball behaviours and corresponding outcomes (successful or unsuccessful) assessed. Log-linear modelling procedures indicated that the incidences of all on-the-ball technical behaviours, with the exception of “set-pieces”, were influenced by at least one of the three situation variables, with both independent and interactive effects found. In contrast, logit modelling suggested that there was no general influence of the situation variables on the outcomes of the on-the-ball behaviours. The findings emphasize the need for notational analysts and coaches to consider the potential independent and interactive effects of match location, quality of opposition, and match status when assessing the technical components of football performance, particularly those relating to behaviour occurrence. Future research should consider the effects of additional situation variables purported to influence the mental, physical, technical, and tactical components of football performance.  相似文献   

Science and the major racket sports: a review   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The major racket sports include badminton, squash, table tennis and tennis. The growth of sports science and the commercialization of racket sports in recent years have focused attention on improved performance and this has led to a more detailed study and understanding of all aspects of racket sports. The aim here, therefore, is to review recent developments of the application of science to racket sports. The scientific disciplines of sports physiology and nutrition, notational analysis, sports biomechanics, sports medicine, sports engineering, sports psychology and motor skills are briefly considered in turn. It is evident from these reviews that a great deal of scientific endeavour has been applied to racket sports, but this is variable across both the racket sports and the scientific disciplines. A scientific approach has helped to: implement training programmes to improve players' fitness; guide players in nutritional and psychological preparation for play; inform players of the strategy and tactics used by themselves and their opponents; provide insight into the technical performance of skills; understand the effect of equipment on play; and accelerate the recovery from racket-arm injuries. Racket sports have also posed a unique challenge to scientists and have provided vehicles for developing scientific methodology. Racket sports provide a good model for investigating the interplay between aerobic and anaerobic metabolism and the effect of nutrition, heat and fatigue on performance. They have driven the development of mathematical solutions for multi-segment interactions within the racket arm during the performance of shots, which have contributed to our understanding of the mechanisms of both performance and injury. They have provided a unique challenge to sports engineers in relation to equipment performance and interaction with the player. Racket sports have encouraged developments in notational analysis both in terms of analytical procedures and the conceptualization of strategy and tactics. Racket sports have provided a vehicle for investigating fast interceptive actions, hand-eye coordination and perception-action coupling in the field of motor control. In conclusion, science has contributed considerably to our knowledge and understanding of racket sports, and racket sports have contributed to science by providing unique challenges to researchers.  相似文献   

This study aimed to compare youth football players’ performance during two small-sided games with different pitch orientation: i) 40x30m and ii) 30x40m formats. Twenty under-15 players (age = 14.1 ± 0.5 years) participated in nine GK+4vs4+GK situations in each format, with the duration of six minutes each. Positional data were collected using individual GPS units, and computed for tactical and physical performance indicators. The SSG were video recorded, using notational analysis for collecting technical indicators. A novel method that incorporates time dependent notational information with spatiotemporal data was used to compute multidimensional parameters. Standardised effect sizes and non-clinical magnitude-based inferences were used to compare formats. Results showed that players covered more distance at higher intensities, presented more passes and dribbles and were more synchronised in the longitudinal axis while playing in the 40x30m pitch. In the 30x40m pitch, results showed a lower distance between team centroids, higher number of shots, more lateral passes and a wider team positioning. Multidimensional indicators, as players position and distance to the closest defender while shooting, revealed a more constant distance between attacker and defender in the 40x30m pitch. These results highlight the importance of integrating information from different indicators for a contextually valid information.  相似文献   

研究目的和方法:针对体育视频使用过程中存在的问题和现状,利用数据库管理技术和第三方视频控件开发方法,设计并实现了一个基于标注的体育视频管理系统。研究结果与结论:以一种较为简便的方式解决了目前体育视频使用过程中关于相关片段的精确定位、快速搜索和标注信息共享的问题。  相似文献   

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