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以内蒙古广播电视大学远程开放教育的学生为研究对象,通过分析发现:少数民族学习者在第一学期的平均成绩、专业排名、不及格科目数都明显弱于汉族学习者,而在第三学期,少数民族与汉族学习者的学业表现的各项指标均值不存在显著差异。说明经过一年半的学习过程,少数民族逐渐能够适应远程开放教育这种学习方式,在学习中不断进步。研究进而利用教育生产函数模型,对影响少数民族远程学习者学业表现变化的因素进行了分析。得到的研究结论:由于网络环境因素的改善,对少数民族远程学习者学业表现变化带来更大的益处;同样社会家庭环境的支持对促进他们在学业上取得更大的进步,工作环境带给他们的压力相比汉族学习者压力更大,工学矛盾更突出。  相似文献   

利用虚拟学习社区对远程学习者进行情感支持   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对远程学习者进行持续性关注和情感支持,可以有效地维持学习者孤独学习环境下的学习兴趣,使其更有信心克服困难,顺利完成学业。在分析了成人远程学习者的学习情感现状之后,提出了虚拟学习社区中进行情感支持的具体策略及建议。  相似文献   

远程学习者学习动力是由多种力量综合的一个系统,包括内部动力(内驱力)和外部动力(外驱力)。在对其现状的分析中,发现远程学习者学习动力存在着如课程教学设计、教学活动组织及学习者的学习能力等方面的一些问题。有效地激发远程学习者的学习动力,必须从多方面入手,引导学习者内部动力的正强化和外部动力的内化,只有使学习者经常找到一种愉快的学业成就感,获得满足,才能顺利完成学业。  相似文献   

远程学习者在学习过程中遇到困难时进行积极地学业求助,是一种比较好的解决问题的策略。对当前远程学习者在学业求助行为倾向、求助对象、求助方式等方面的调查研究发现:我国远程学习者具有比较积极地学业求助行为倾向,能够进行工具性求助,但也存在执行性求助和回避求助等不良的学业求助策略。以网络课程为平台,建设学业求助的硬环境;以教师为主导、同伴协作为途径,设计学业求助的软环境;激发学习者个体的自我效能,促进远程学习者的学业求助策略的改进。  相似文献   

基层电大远程学习者学习障碍成因研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基层电大的远程学习者在学习过程遇到各种困难和障碍是导致其不能顺利完成学业甚至辍学的重要诱因。研究者对远程学习障碍的含义和产生的诱因进行分析,并结合某市电大对学习者和教师的调查访谈的结果,提出了远程学习者学习障碍的成因及解决的对策。  相似文献   

有关内蒙古电大少数民族学习者家庭文化环境、工作环境、远程教育机构环境及网络环境对远程学习影响的调查表明,在与汉族学生上述因素差异相近的情况下,少数民族学习者作为脆弱群体,对外部环境及自身因素改变的应对力相对较弱。远程教育机构应在学习支持服务、学习费用、考试标准上适度倾斜,加强心理辅导,促进各族学习者交流,政府加大教育投入,少数民族学习者也要提高自身学习适应能力。  相似文献   

学业求助逐渐被研究者作为一种积极的学习策略有助于远程学习者对自我学习过程的促进和管理。本研究通过分析远程学习者所面临的不同求助情境来分析远程学习者的求助心理机制、不同求助行为倾向以及学生所感知到求助支出和结果等因素。研究表明,网络环境中的匿名性和开放性尽管降低了与教师交流产生的窘迫感,但是由于向教师求助所需要付出的支出和预期的收益未必最大,为此向教师求助的往往不是网络中学习者求助的第一选项。网络平台自身的功能是否能满足学习者的求助需要非常重要。为此,本研究在最后从导学和助学两方面对远程学习支持环境的设计进行了建议。  相似文献   

学习者能否有效地分配和利用学习时间是影响学习效率的重要因素。为了从时间监控的视角探究网络远程学习者对时间利用和运筹中所形成的控制感是如何制约自己的时间管理功效的,本研究对时间监控的设置目标、计划、优先级、时间分配和反馈等维度进行了问卷调查,并用SPSS软件统计和分析了学习者的背景因素在时间监控各维度上的差异性,以及学习者的成就目标定向与时间监控的相关性。研究结果显示学习者重视具体的时间监控活动、学习者的学业能力追求目标能提高时间管理的质量、学习者的表现目标积极影响短期和具体的时间管理行为,而学习者的性别和就业状况在时间监控的某些维度上表现出了差异性,这些结果将有助于揭示学习者自我意识对其时间管理的控制和调节机制,为选择有效的时间管理策略提供依据。  相似文献   

远程学习者的学业发展是远程教育质量观视角下重要的研究问题,探索我国远程学习者学业发展影响因素的结构并编制相应的测查工具对远程教育机构和学习者都具有重要的指导作用。远程学习者学业发展影响因素问卷以Kember的4因素模型为基础,借鉴了国内外的相关研究成果,对400名远程学习者进行施测,数据经探索性因素分析表明,影响远程学习者学业发展的因素包括:学业外职责、机构支持服务、学习方式、社会性支持、专业内容适宜性、信念与努力程度。该问卷经检验表明具有较好的信度和效度,可以作为相关研究的测量工具。  相似文献   

远程学习者自主学习能力是影响远程教学质量的重要因素,它直接关系到远程学习者学业的成败。本文在文献调研的基础上,采用问卷调查、访谈、理论概括、实验分析等多种方法,对远程学习者自主学习能力的概念、构成要素、获得途径、发展规律和培养策略进行了研究。该研究为远程学习者自主学习能力的培养提供了理论和实践指导。  相似文献   

Advances in technology assisted education are revolutionizing the educational process as most know it today. What impact, if any, does technology-assisted education have on the future of higher education? In this study, we examine data from an ongoing evaluation of the distance education program for graduate level business students in a private university. The study addresses the impact of technology-assisted learning on academic performance among distance learners and their on-campus counterparts. The study further explores the relationship between academic performance and students' technological adeptability. The findings indicate, when adjusted for gender (females out-performed males), there were no significant differences in academic performance between distance learners and their on-campus counterparts. Analysis also shows no significant differences in overall academic performance between technology-adept students and those without technological skills. These findings may remove at least some perceived barriers in the decision to initiate distance education programs.  相似文献   

The rapid integration of technology into our professional and personal lives has left many education systems ill-equipped to deal with the influx of people seeking computing education. To improve computing education, we are applying techniques that have been developed for other procedural fields. The present study applied such a technique, subgoal labeled worked examples, to explore whether it would improve programming instruction. The first two experiments, conducted in a laboratory, suggest that the intervention improves undergraduate learners’ problem-solving performance and affects how learners approach problem-solving. The third experiment demonstrates that the intervention has similar, and perhaps stronger, effects in an online learning environment with in-service K-12 teachers who want to become qualified to teach computing courses. By implementing this subgoal intervention as a tool for educators to teach themselves and their students, education systems could improve computing education and better prepare learners for an increasingly technical world.  相似文献   

王斐 《成人教育》2021,41(4):11-18
在线自我调节学习是增强学习者在线学习投入、提升学习绩效的重要保障。当下在线开放课程在各级各类教育中广泛深度应用,国内外学者主要关注高等教育全日制学习者在线自我调节学习的相关研究,对学历继续教育学习者的关注较为罕见。采用混合研究法,对疫情防控期间,陕西、广东、云南等三省参与在线课程学习的学历继续教育学习者在线自我调节学习的现状、影响因素及优化策略进行了系统研究,结果发现:研究样本在线自我调节学习现状不是很理想,主要受个人因素、课程因素、文化因素和管理因素的影响,最终从优化课程、重构学习空间、加强过程监控等三个方面提出了调节和优化策略。  相似文献   

There seems to be a relentless pressure to move towards more flexible approaches to learning and teaching in higher education, as described by Latchem and Hanna (2002) elsewhere in this issue. To achieve this, academic staff need to have access to professional development opportunities in flexible learning. This case study describes the experience of trying to 'practice what we preach' in terms of offering professional development for learning and teaching in a flexible way. However, it was found that academic staff were less prepared to be flexible learners than they thought, and that it was necessary to reduce flexibility for the professional development to achieve its intended outcomes.  相似文献   

Adult learners (age 25 or older) now comprise approximately 40 percent of under-graduate enrollment. However, predictive models of undergraduate academic success are usually based on traditional young undergraduate students, presenting a problematic picture for the adult undergraduate population. Past research indicates that many older adult learners enter higher education from family backgrounds that tend to place them at an academic disadvantage, bring with them deficiencies in academic skills, and are less involved in academic and social aspects of campus life. Therefore, conventional wisdom would suggest that older students should have lower cumulative grade-point averages than younger students. However, past research on academic performance of adult undergraduates does not substantiate this prediction. This study focused on the validity of generalizing a traditional model of academic performance to older adult students. Results from this study indicate that a traditional model of academic performance prediction is inappropriate for use with older adult undergraduates. This research was supported in part by a grant from the Association for Continuing Higher Education.  相似文献   

本文以中南大学网络教育学院2006年专升本应届毕业生为研究对象,设计了网上问卷调查以收集现代远程教育学习者对学习支持服务需求的相关数据,通过数据分析,我们对学习者进入现代远程教育学习之后的困难及需求有了一个比较清楚的认识。针对存在的问题,本文提出了相应的建议和对策,以期望学习支持服务能真正满足学习者个性化的自主学习需要。  相似文献   

教育期望是个体、父母或教师对学习者未来教育水平的预期,对学业表现与个体发展影响巨大。大量研究忽视了父母和子女之间教育期望差异的普遍存在,而相关差异极易造成个体欠佳的行为表现。本文基于2014—2015年“中国教育追踪调查”数据,采用最小二乘回归(OLS)、倾向得分匹配(PSM)和Bootstrap法中介效应检验,探究亲子教育期望偏差对青少年学业成绩的影响及作用机制。研究发现:亲子教育期望偏差显著负向影响青少年的学业成绩。以强烈的“望子成龙”心愿为典型表现的上偏型亲子教育期望偏差并不合理,对学业成绩有显著负向影响,而下偏型亲子教育期望偏差与学业成绩之间不存在显著关系。心理压力、学业负担和负向情绪在上偏型亲子教育期望偏差和学业成绩之间起部分中介作用。与女生相比,男生的学业成绩更易受到上偏型亲子教育期望偏差的负向冲击。基于此,提出形成适度教育期望、增进亲子沟通交流等对策建议。  相似文献   

This study explores the potential of adopting a whole-school approach to the pastoral care module in a Postgraduate Certificate of Education Programme to ensure that all newly qualified teachers practice effective pastoral care in their classrooms and promote the learners’ academic engagement and performance. A non-experimental survey research design involving quantitative data was used. A group-administered questionnaire was used to collect the sampled student teachers’ (n?=?59) opinion on the competencies they obtain from the module. The student teachers ranked knowledge first, beliefs and values second and skills third. For the student teachers to perform their academic and pastoral roles constructively together in a challenged education system, it is recommended that, in the short term, a learning unit, which is grounded in Best’s needs-focused model of pastoral care, be included in the module; and, in the long term, given the context of the South African schooling system, the nurturer professional model of teacher education be implemented. This article reports the outcomes of a follow-up study of an earlier preliminary study.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):309-330

Teacher educators in many countries share similar concerns as they aspire to improve education for learners and stimulate interest in further study and careers. The roles and professional development of school teachers have been researched, but little attention has been given to teacher educators. Using a small-scale, illuminative study in England and South Africa, this paper examines pedagogical implications of progression from classroom teacher to teacher educator-tutor. Systemic issues include attitudes to personal scholarship in moving to high stakes academic environments requiring research. In both countries, there were issues of student teachers’ subject knowledge and their capacity to translate knowledge for learners. South African teacher educators were concerned about student teachers’ lack of appreciation of the integrity of conceptual understanding and sequencing of topic content. Implications for the professional development of teacher educators and their role identities are considered.  相似文献   

远程教育确立了以学生为中心的地位,强调对学习资源和学习过程的设计与开发。教师在远程教育中的地位和作用强化了,且实现了角色和职能的转变。通过对远程学习者特征和学习需求的分析,着力探讨远程教育教师的角色定位及其专业发展策略。  相似文献   

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