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This article examines federal student financial aid, with an emphasis on direct grant aid programs to serve needy students attending community colleges. It describes the economic, historical, and political assumptions and incentives to show how public community colleges and their students have been impacted by federal and state direct student aid policies. The article then presents recent data regarding how economic incentives inherent in federal and state direct student aid policies impact public community colleges and their students when compared to other types of institutions of postsecondary education. Data presented show that lower-income students attending public community colleges were likely to receive less direct grant aid from federal and state sources than those attending for-profit proprietary two-year institutions.  相似文献   

We estimate the impact of increases in Federal student aid and higher education funding, such as the recently proposed American Graduation Initiative (AGI), on the outcomes of community colleges, including enrollments, list and average tuitions, and educational quality. We develop a reduced form model of state-level education policy in which state policy makers, who have objectives that differ from those of Federal policy makers, respond to changes in Federal policies. Our empirical specification treats state and institutional variables as endogenous; we interpret the coefficients as measuring the responses of state and institution officials to changes in Federal policies. We simulate the effects of AGI and find little evidence that states recapture Federal education resources. AGI would have a significant effect on educational quality but a limited effect on enrollments. An equivalent increase in Federal student aid would have greater impact on access and enrollments, but decrease educational quality.  相似文献   

国家对民办高校财政扶持是非常必要的。国家对民办高校财政扶持具有理论的和现实的依据。国家应以直接财政扶持和间接财政扶持两种有效手段,对民办高校给予财政上的支持,解决民办高校经费困境,积极促进民办高校良性发展。  相似文献   

高校法律援助在我国已经运行了十几年,其中高职院校参与法律援助也占了很大比重.为使高职院校更好地参与法律援助,发挥服务地区发展的作用,分析了高职院校基于何因参与法律援助、运行情况如何、存在哪些问题以及应该如何解决,为高职院校法律援助服务工作做了有益的探索.  相似文献   

本研究对2007年我国民办高校大学生资助进行了实证研究。结果表明,我国民办高校大学生资助主体为政府,整体资助情况较好,但是助学金的资助力度太小,这与民办高校自身的资助力度不够有关。为此,有必要加强民办高校自身和社会的资助力度。  相似文献   

高等院校法律援助机构的建立是法律援助事业、法学实践教育体制改革和建构社会法律信仰的必然要求。然而,目前存在诸多因素阻碍了高校法律援助机构的长足发展。笔者建议将高校法律援助纳入ADR纠纷解决体系的建构,并对其提出可行性建议。  相似文献   

The increasing use by private colleges and universities of financial aid based on “merit”, as opposed to based solely on financial need has caused many to raise concerns that this type of aid will go mainly to higher income students crowding out aid to lower income students. However, some analysts suggest that by attracting more “almost full-paying” students through the use of merit aid, institutions will have more financial resources that they can use to increase their financial aid to low-income students and thus their enrollment. Results using data from the College Board's Annual Survey of Colleges and other secondary data sources suggest that the increased use of merit aid is associated with a decrease in enrollment of low-income and minority students, particularly at more selective institutions. Middle and bottom tier colleges may be offsetting costs with tuition increases, as the introduction of merit aid is accompanied by an increase in net costs.  相似文献   

文章分析了高职院校在对贫困生从经济、心理、就业等三个方面着手进行资助的过程中存在的一些问题,并对如何进一步完善高职院校贫困生资助体系提出了相应的应对办法。  相似文献   

美国高校学生资助体系主要由联邦政府、州政府、高校和社会团体四部分组成,包括奖学金、助学金、贷款及工读等资助形式。已经获得资助的学生须根据资助政策的要求认真学习,并接受学校的考核,未能达到相关标准的学生可能会被取消资助资格。该体系对推进教育公平、提升教育质量具有重要作用。  相似文献   

Community colleges face a laundry list of challenges. In the forefront is the lack of bachelor's degree attainment of community college transfer students. Community colleges are taking a variety of steps to aid transfer. One of the newer trends focuses on the benefits of collaborative partnerships between a community college and four-year institutions. The impact of collaborative partnerships is especially significant to students in rural areas where access to higher education has been limited for several reasons. Nine years ago, Hazard Community and Technical College (HCTC) partnered with several public and private four-year institutions to provide students with increased access to bachelor degree programs. The resulting concurrent use partnership model, the University Center of the Mountains (UCM; http://www.ucmky.net), may be viewed as an example of the advantages offered by this particular step. UCM is a response to critics of the community college baccalaureate who point to a variety of potential problems when the community college mission is extended in this fashion.  相似文献   

加强高校省消防工作,既要加强消防建设和消防安全意识教育,更应该加强消防知识教育,加快消防文化进入高校的进程。消防文化应当走进大学课堂。把消防安全培训纳入高校新生入学军训,既有必要,也具可行性。  相似文献   

为提升法国国际影响力、维护经济利益以及实现全球可持续发展目标,法国对外提供职业教育援助,在政府、院校与社会层面开展了援助实践。在政府层面,法国开展官方发展援助,由法国开发署提供一体化职业教育援助项目;在院校层面,法国高等职业院校积极招收留学生,建设跨国职业教育项目,促进与受援国院校间的合作与交流;在社会层面,法国企业、非政府组织以多种方式积极参与对外职业教育援助。法国对外职业教育援助呈现出援助区域广泛但重点突出、援助主体多元、援助策略因地制宜、援助管理过程注重质量保障的特征。  相似文献   

关于民族院校贫困生的资助措施及思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着大规模的扩招和缴费上学制度的推行,民族院校贫困生的数量呈不断上升的趋势。近年来,全国13所民族院校采取了奖学金、贷学金、勤工助学、特别困难学生补助、学费减免等资助措施,但仍远不能解决问题。要根本解决这一问题,必须加快高校体制改革;构建以高校为主的资助体系;通过推行弹性学制、建立专门的资助办公室等协调贫困生资助工作;以立法的形式,制定教育资助税收减免等相关法律;做好心理咨询和“精神资助”等相关工作。  相似文献   

当前我国高校已初步建立贫困生资助体系,但现有体系在奖助学金、助学贷款、勤工助学等方面存在不足。结合当前高校贫困生现状,高校应构建物质、素质、心理方面的资助,推进感恩教育,建立有偿助学模式,促进高校贫困生资助体系的完善。  相似文献   

根据2005年5月26日教育部公布的名单,全国民办普通高校已达249所.在我国民办高等教育发展的过程中有许多问题值得我们继续研究,如民办高校在我国高等教育中的地位、民办高校的产权、民办高校的合理回报、民办高校的管理与监督等问题.  相似文献   

贫困生问题已引起社会各界的关注,帮助贫困大学生从"物质"和"精神"上双线脱贫是当前高职院校学生工作的重要组成部分。文章从高职院校贫困生资助工作的现状入手,以南京城市职业学院为例,分析当前高校资助工作中存在的问题,并提出了将资助与育人紧密结合的资助对策。不断推进助困育人工作的科学化和规范化,从而进一步完善高职院校贫困生资助体系。  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of financial aid on the decision to attend a selective liberal arts college using data obtained from applicants accepted to Occidental College in 1989. Patterned after a similar empirical investigation by Ehrenberg and Sherman for accepted freshmen at Cornell in 1981, logit probabilities of enrollment equations are estimated based on (1) observable characteristics of the individual students, (2) the net costs of attending Occidental and the various alternative colleges under consideration (including the financial aid packages offered) and (3) other characteristics of these alternative colleges. The results, like Ehrenberg and Sherman's, indicate that relative tuition and scholarships affect the probability of enrollment for financial aid applicants, but that loans and work study assistance have no statistically significant effect. Non-financial aid applicants — a group not investigated by Ehrenberg and Sherman — are much less sensitive to relative cost considerations.  相似文献   

云南高校贫困大学生问题呈现贫困面大、贫困程度较深的特点,贫困生存在因贫困引发的诸多心理问题。高校对贫困生的认定标准不够准确,对受助贫困生心理关注较为欠缺,其助学过程有待更公开透明。应建立科学认证体系,完善现行资助制度,在考证等费用上实行减免,并引导贫困生正视贫困问题,鼓励其自强自立,变等待资助为自我帮扶。  相似文献   

我国世界一流大学建设高校及一流学科建设学科名单的正式公布,标志着我国“双一流”建设已进入具体实施阶段。对于地方本科院校而言,既充满了机遇,又面临着挑战。该文旨在明确地方本科院校学科专业一体化建设的必要性,通过剖析地方本科院校学科专业建设面临的问题,提出相应的对策,以促使地方本科院校提升综合实力。  相似文献   

This paper uses the 1987 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study to compare five alternative approaches for assessing the influence of student aid on within-year persistence by traditional college-age students enrolled in four-year colleges. Three conclusions were drawn from the research. First, models that included tuition charges better predicted within-year persistence than models that did not include this independent variable. Second, the use of multiple approaches for measuring the influence of student aid provided more insight into the ways student aid policies influence persistence than any single approach. Third, tuition charges had a consistent negative influence on persistence.  相似文献   

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