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本刊编辑部高建立、罗绍凯撰写的“论学术期刊编辑的潜科学意识” ,在河南省教委组织的第二届高校学报“三优”评比中 ,获河南省高校优秀编辑学论著一等奖。潜科学的研究 ,在我国已形成了较为完备的理论体系 ,研究成果居世界领先水平。但是 ,关于潜科学与编辑学之间的关系问题 ,目前在国内外尚无人问津。此文首次将潜科学引入编辑学的研究领域 ,提出了“潜科学与编辑学”交叉学科研究的新方向。文章首先论述了学术期刊与编辑在科技成果由潜到显转化过程中的重大作用。认为学术期刊是科技成果由潜到显转化的载体 ;编辑人员是科技成果由潜到显…  相似文献   

潜科学作为一门新兴学科,对于科学的发展具有重要意义。把潜科学引入编辑学研究领域,对编辑活动进行潜科学分析,可以看出编辑活动的主体、编辑活动的过程、编辑活动的结果,都具有明显的潜科学性质。这一研究活动开辟了编辑学研究的新领域。  相似文献   

编辑学尚属一门潜科学,处于孕育状态和不确定阶段。虽已出版了数种编辑学的教材与专著,发表了许多有关编辑学方面的论文,但对编辑学的内涵与外延各有不同的认识,甚至有人认为根本无编辑学而言。众所周知,凡潜科学都具有高度创造性、模糊性和不稳定性之特征。模糊性和不稳定性固然模糊人们的视线,以至于人们对编辑过程的本质特征的认识还处  相似文献   

首次把潜科学用于物理教育,并作为“系统工程”来研究,构造了潜科学在物理教育中应用研究的理论体系框架.首次系统、全面的探讨了潜科学的科学教育功能;对物理学体系、学派、重大实验,进行潜科学分析,拓宽潜科学研究领域;对科学发现、技术发明、科学论争、科学失误的潜科学分析方法进行了系统的理论总结与升华.将潜科学引入编辑学研究领域,提出潜科学与编辑学的交叉学科研究新方向.开设“物理学的潜科学与分析”课程,创立了理论框架,出版了专著,把潜科学用于基础物理学各门课程的教学,更新了教学内容,改革了教学方法,在教改实践中独创性地给出一整套把潜科学融入课堂教学的理论与方法,并在数学、化学、生物学的教学中推广应用.在研究与实践中,通过对物理学体系、学派、发现、发明、蒙难、论争、实验、成败、伯乐、前沿的潜科学分析,集科学学、科学方法论、科学史、自然辩证法、人才学、逻辑学、社会学等为一体,有机地融于物理教学,开辟了全面培养学生的能力、提高学生整体素质的新途径.  相似文献   

根据河南省教育委员会“教函 [1999]71号”文件的通知精神 ,第二届河南省高校学报“三优”评比结果于1999年 11月 2 8日在郑州揭晓 ,本刊编辑部再次取得优异成绩。1 《商丘师专学报 (黄淮学刊 )》获河南省高校优秀学报一等奖。2 郭德民、周晓中分别荣获河南省高校优秀编辑称号。3 罗绍凯的《编辑学研究及其发展方向的几个重大问题》获河南省高校优秀编辑学论著一等奖。4 高建立、罗绍凯的《论学术期刊编辑的潜科学意识》获“河南省高校优秀编辑学论著一等奖。5 徐明忠的《利用“新著评介”提高学报学术质量的研究与实践》获河南省高校优秀…  相似文献   

本刊主编罗绍凯教授撰写的“编辑学研究及其发展方向的几个重大问题” ,在河南省教委组织的第二届高校学报“三优”评比工作中 ,荣获河南省高校优秀编辑学论著一等奖。此文的主要贡献体现在以下几个方面 :1 针对编辑学研究理论与实践相脱节的问题 ,指出 :①编辑学理论研究应与编辑实践紧密结合 ;②编辑学研究者应具备实践基础和理论基础 ;③主编、编辑应主动地运用编辑学理论指导编辑实践 ,把编辑学研究成果转化为编辑“生产力”。2 首次提出用系统论指导编辑学研究和编辑实践。利用系统论的整体性、交叉性、优化性三大原理 ,构造了编辑学…  相似文献   

全国高专学报第四次学术年会于1998年4月25日至28日在洛阳召开,应中国高校自然科学学报研究会高专学报分会理事会的邀请,本刊主编罗绍凯教授以《编辑学研究及其发展方向的几个重大问题》为题,作了两个小时的大会特邀学术报告,分别从哲学与编辑学、系统论与编辑学、潜科学与编辑学以及编辑、科研、社会学术活动相结合等方面,论述了编辑学的发展方向问题,提出了编辑学研究的新方向,引起了与会者的关注,并成为分组讨论的主要议题,产生了强烈反响,报告的具体内容见本期封二.本刊主编罗绍凯教授在全国高专学报第四次学术年会上作大会…  相似文献   

北京高教学会社会科学学报研究会纠织编写了《学报编辑学引论》,该书编者要我为这本书写个序。其实,我对编辑学并无研究,只是觉得作为一个编辑应当研究编辑学。因此,我想借这个机会就“编辑应当研究编辑学”这个话题说几句。 编辑活动在我国至少有三千多年的历史了。可是关于编辑活动的科学至今还没有真正建立起来。社会上一个时期里流传的“编辑无学”的说法,如果是指“编辑没有学问”,那是一种误解或偏见;如果是指“编辑没有学说”,那是对于我国几千来丰富的编辑经验及其理论概括的无知;如果是指“编辑没有科学”,那倒是从一个侧面反映了我国编缉学研究的状况。编辑学至今尚在建设之中,还不能说已经成就,甚至还不能说已经“有” 了;但也不能说“没有”,它是正处在一个“从无到有”的过程之中,是“正在有”。“正在有”虽不能说就是“已经有”,但毕竟还是“没有”,因而“编辑没有科学”意义上的“编辑无学”也是不科学的。但是,“编辑无学”论的消失不能完全指望“编辑有科学”的论证,而只能依靠编辑学确确实实建立起来了的事实。因此,我们编辑工作者不必因“编辑无学”的说法而愤慨,而心里不平衡,相反地倒是可以把它当作一种激励,促使我们重视编辑学的研究,加快编辑学学科建设的步伐。  相似文献   

编辑学研究评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
编辑学是一门新兴的科学。“编辑无学”的税法是不能成立的。因为编辑学有自己的研究对象,有广泛深厚的客观基础,有悠久的历史渊源,有自己的基本概念,有自己确定的内容。编辑的定义是:策划审理作品使之适合流传的再创造活动。编辑学包括编辑理论、编辑技术、编辑历史。作为编辑,应当关注、研究编辑学。编辑学研究可以概括为“一个中心,三条战线”,即以创建科学的编辑学为中心,加强编辑实践的研究、编辑历史的研究、编辑理论的研究。  相似文献   

近几年来,编辑学界对“编辑”这个概念的界定进行了热烈的讨论。围绕编辑概念的讨论,涉及到编辑学的研究对象和内容、编辑活动与著述活动的区分、编辑学基本原理的确立、编辑与出版的关系以及中国编辑史等诸多方面的问题。在这些问题中,编辑概念的界定对编辑学的研究对象和基本原理的确立具有前提性的作用。故编辑概念的讨论及其定义的科学化对编辑学的发展具有重要意义。本文就此略谈浅见。  相似文献   

更新教学内容、改革教学方法、提高人才培养质量,是当今物理教育乃至整个科学教育界面临的一个重要的教学改革问题;然而,在具体的实际操作过程中,至今仍没有成功的经验可以借鉴,我们在进行“潜科学在物理教育中的应用研究”工作中,将潜科学的理论与思想方法融入物理课堂教学,达到了培养素质、提高能力的教学改革目的.本文结合教学改革实践,将潜科学融入光学课堂教学,探讨教学改革的规律.  相似文献   

“潜科学”这一概念是1979年11月由中国学者首次提出的。潜科学是指处于研究过程中的科学,它具有不确定性和潜在性,与发展成熟、为社会公认的科学即“显科学”相对。潜科学包括理论潜科学与应用潜科学两个方面.但长期以来学者们偏重于理论潜科学的研究,忽略了应用潜科学的研究。1992年。作者在潜科学界首次提出了开展应用潜科学研究的问题,并且对应用潜科学的内涵、研究方法等学术问题都做了比较详细的阐述。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to propose a new approach to research on gender differences in science that uses the work on expertise in science as a framework for understanding gender differences. Because gender differences in achievement and participation in the sciences are largest in physics, the focus of this review is on physics. The nature of expertise is first discussed and a framework that focuses on factors that influence the emergence of expertise in physics is presented. This is used to interpret what is known about gender differences in science, particularly physics. Next, the potential contributions of the research on gender differences to our understanding of expertise are discussed. Using what is learned from these two areas of research, recommendations are made for future research examining gender differences in physics. It is suggested that such an approach be used for other areas of science, such as chemistry, where large gender differences in achievement and participation also exist.  相似文献   

Little theoretical work exists that proposes general mechanisms for how public policies may influence child development. This article argues that dynamic systems theories may be useful in illuminating such processes, as well as highlighting gaps in current research at the intersection of public policy analysis and developmental science. A brief review of dynamic systems theories as they are currently utilized in other areas of developmental science is provided, as well as a statement of why they may help advance research in public policy and child development. Five principles of dynamic systems theories are presented and discussed using examples from research that address the question, "How do current antipoverty and welfare reform policies affect children?" Also presented are examples of hypotheses and research questions that each principle may generate for future work. The concluding section presents challenges that each principle poses for research methodology, and potential uses of the dynamic systems approach for developing and integrating policy and program initiatives.  相似文献   

This paper is a programmatic sketch of a line of theoretical investigation in the philosophy of science education. The basic idea is that philosophical hermeneutics is an appropriate framework for science education in most of its aspects. A brief discussion is given of hermeneutics in general, of the version of it developed by H. G. Gadamer, and of the reasons for its relevance to science and to the problem of meaning in science education. A key element in this approach is the suggestion that each science be biewed as a language. Arguments against the appropriateness of hermeneutics to natural science are also discussed. One application of the theory to ongoing educational research — misconceptions — is specifically treated.  相似文献   


The school-based task is firmly established in teacher education in the UK. In the study reported, primary student teachers carried out tasks exploring children's learning in science and were told to discuss the outcomes with their classteacher-mentors. The tasks and their university-based training followed a "constructivist" approach to learning science. The mentors' role in debriefing school-based tasks has been assumed to be one of "reflective practitioner" able to unpack issues of pedagogy with the student teacher. The research reported here shows that discussions often lacked depth or reflected a superficial or different understanding of constructivism by mentors that conflicted with the student teachers' aspirations. The implications of the research for future practice in teacher education and specifically for the training of mentors in science are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes how Thomas Kuhn's writings are used by others, especially science education researchers. Previous research in citation analysis is used to frame questions related to who cites Kuhn, in what manner and why. Research questions first focus on the variety of disciplines invoking Kuhn and to what extent Structure of Scientific Revolutions (SSR) is cited. The Web of Science database provides material from 1982 for this analysis. The science education literature is analyzed using back issues from 1985 of the Journal of Research in Science Teaching and Science Education. An article analysis reveals trends in terms of what Kuhnian ideas are most frequently invoked. Results indicate a wide array of disciplines from beekeeping to law cite Kuhn – especially generic citations to SSR. The science education journal analysis reveals pervasive use of the term paradigm, although use is quite varied. The two areas of research in science education most impacted by Kuhn appear to be conceptual change theory and constructivist epistemologies. Additional uses of Kuhn are discussed. The degree to which Kuhn is invoked in ways supporting the theoretical framework of citation analysis, whether his work is misappropriated, and the impact of Kuhn are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to explore the long-term outcomes of either participating or not participating in early childhood science education on grade 6 students?? conceptual understanding of science. The research is situated in a conceptual framework that evokes Piagetian developmental levels as both potential curriculum constraints and potential models of efficacy. The research design was a multiple case study of grade 6 children from 3 schools in China (n?=?140) who started formal science education in the third grade and grade 6 children from 3 matched schools in Australia (n?=?105) who started learning science in kindergarten. The students?? understanding was assessed by a science quiz and an in-depth interview. The data showed that participating children from the high socioeconomic schools in China and Australia had similar understandings of science. Divergence between the medium and low socioeconomic schools, however, indicated that the grounding in early childhood science education in Australia may have placed these children at an advantage. Alternative explanations for the divergence, including the nature of classroom instruction in the two countries, are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore elementary students’ listening comprehension changes using a Web-based teaching system that can diagnose and remediate students’ science listening comprehension problems during scientific inquiry. The 3-component system consisted of a 9-item science listening comprehension test, a 37-item diagnostic test, and 107 scaffoldings of listening strategies. The diagnostic and remediation system was trialed with grade 6 students (N?= 526) from southern Taiwan who were selected by cluster sampling. The participants were asked to take the 3 components individually on a computer. The students’ responses were collected and analyzed to document performance and changes. Results indicated that the diagnostic test had a positive influence on science listening comprehension proficiency and addressed potential problems, while the scaffolding helped remediate confirmed listening difficulties. Instructional implications for classroom diagnosis–remediation applications are discussed and future research is outlined.  相似文献   

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