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韩国良 《青年记者》2016,(21):96-97
近年来,面临市场化、数字化、国际化的压力,国际高水平学术期刊通过一系列措施努力提高办刊质量和学术影响力.深入了解高水平学术期刊在学术质量和影响力建设方面的经验,能够对国内办刊提供有益的借鉴. 国际高水平学术期刊的质量建设特点 1.重视编辑队伍建设.国际高水平学术期刊的主编多是优秀的学者,制订期刊使命和战略,指导期刊的学科重点,建立和维护期刊评价过程的高标准.多数专职编辑来自国际知名大学,有很高的学术素养、专业背景和渊博的知识,能把控论文质量,同时高度重视和大力提升期刊的学术影响力.  相似文献   

学术期刊是促进理论创新和科技进步的重要力量,办好一流学术期刊有助于提升我国科技竞争力和文化软实力。学术期刊的读者不仅是期刊内容的使用者,也是期刊内容的生产者、审核者和传播者,更是期刊发展的参与者和建设者。学术期刊品牌社群构建了一个读者和学术期刊、读者和读者相互联接的关系集合。在建设一流学术期刊过程中期刊品牌社群可从以社群成员知识创造力保障期刊内容质量、以品牌社群营销传播活动提高期刊学术影响力、以品牌社群人才优势缩短期刊出版周期等方面发挥社群成员智库力量,从培育开放合作共享的品牌社群科研文化和构建基于品牌社群的学术交流平台等方面促进一流学术期刊建设。  相似文献   

学术期刊的浮躁现象及其对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李建 《出版科学》2007,15(2):54-56
学术期刊的浮躁现象主要表现为:迎合社会上的学术浮躁,期刊的功能被异化;成为各种评价指标的奴隶,对一些指标进行人为干扰;不顾自身条件,一味追求国际化.抵制浮躁,不仅是学术期刊的社会责任,也是期刊自身实现可持续发展的基本要求.最后,提出了抑制学术期刊浮躁现象,提高我国学术期刊质量的对策.  相似文献   

范艳芹 《出版广角》2019,(23):46-48
不断增强脚力、眼力、脑力、笔力,是习近平总书记对宣传思想阵线提出的新要求。建设国际一流的学术期刊,提升我国学术传播的影响力,是学术期刊编辑的重要使命。在此背景下,期刊编辑应不断增强自己的脚力、眼力、脑力、笔力,实现自身的全面发展,以发现知识、挖掘知识、辨别知识和运用知识,推动期刊质量的提升与影响力的扩大。  相似文献   

宋鸿  王亚玲  魏桂林 《编辑学报》2009,21(6):537-538
以<色谱>为例,探讨学术期刊如何通过品牌运作达到提高期刊的学术影响力和社会影响力、扩大期刊的品牌影响力、增强期刊的品牌盈利能力的目的.  相似文献   

学术期刊作为学术共同体的一部分,不仅是传播知识与信息的载体,更是担负着展示科研创新、促进学术交流与培养学术新人的使命。期刊出版不仅要展示科研成果,也要维护学术尊严、体现科学精神。  相似文献   

质量是学术期刊的生命线,对学术期刊质量的控制和科学的管理是提高学术期刊质量的根本保障。学术期刊编辑部管理不仅是为了维持学术期刊的正常出版发行,更重要的是要使学术期刊的学术质量和学术影响力持续、快速地提升,不断扩大学术影响力,使学术期刊形成良性可持续发展,这也是学术期刊编辑部管理的根本目的。而学术期刊编辑部的管理是一个系统的复杂的管理工程,涉及到许多方面,如编辑部人员的管理,读者、作者的管理,稿件管理,出版管理等方面。无论哪一方面的管理都要坚持以人为本、品质第一、公开公正的原则。读者、作者是学术期刊发展的主体要素,提升期刊质量和学术影响力是其根本目的,科学精细的管理则是编辑部工作顺利进行的有效保障,也是学术期刊编辑部目标实现的根本方法。为了解学术期刊编辑部的管理情况,笔者从宏观和微观两方面,分析了当前国内学术期刊编辑部管理现状,针对现状提出制度管理、目标管理、定性和定量相结合管理的对策。    相似文献   

梁雁 《出版广角》2011,(8):58-59
学术影响力是学术期刊在科学活动中作用和价值的体现,也是学术期刊社会效益和经济效益的综合反映。可被引文献量是期刊信息占有能力、传递能力和输出能力的重要体现,基金论文的生产能力衡量一个学科科研实力水平,总被引频次客观地说明期刊在学术交流中的作用和地位,影响因子直接反映期刊被使用情况,Web即年下载率通过期刊篇均论文下载数量的多少来评价期刊质量。它们是揭示期刊学术影响力的主要指标。  相似文献   

黄昌武 《编辑学报》2022,34(1):72-75
在国家整治互联网垄断行为的当下,对学术期刊行业中的“二选一”涉垄断行为表现、影响及危害进行剖析,并给出破解之策。目前国内影响较大的互联网出版平台有3家:中国Z网,W方数据及W资讯。有些平台在与期刊合作出版时实行独家代理出版,这对读者、期刊和期刊行业均造成了巨大负面影响:科技期刊与出版平台进行独家代理出版不仅对提升期刊影响力和传播力并无太大帮助,反而还可能会导致期刊影响力和传播力下降;同时读者利益也会受损,两者叠加对科技期刊行业的发展极为不利。建议国家有关部门尽快取消这种独家代理出版模式,还学术一片净土,促进学术期刊的健康长远发展;同时,期刊也不要再与出版平台进行独家代理合作,这种独家代理合作于读者、于期刊、于期刊行业均有害无益。  相似文献   

大数据时代带来了知识信息需求的转变,进而导致知识资源服务呈现出更加复杂和专业的特征.高校学术期刊对多学术信息资源多层次、多维度的深入关联,有助于实现学科领域知识网络的搭建;同时,借助学术期刊在整合学术信息资源方面的优势,可以有效发现学术共同体的共同研究主题、研究方法及其知识交流模式,从而提高对学术信息使用者的知识服务效率.未来高校学术期刊发展应改变传统的以自我为中心的运营思路,将充分满足信息使用者的需求作为扩大期刊影响力的“着力点”,并实现期刊出版流程的数字化,通过“多媒体出版”提高信息的发布速度和影响范围.  相似文献   

Academic book and journal publishing constitutes the majority focus of university presses. Besides commercial scholarly publishers, academic scholars and researchers view the opportunities provided by university presses as important venues for the dissemination of their research. This discussion focuses on the disciplinary imperative to publish scholarship that is ever more fluid and specialized as academic disciplines continue to become further nuanced in their response to the increasing knowledge produced by humanities and social science inquiry. The focus is on university presses and not commercial scholarly presses, although constitute a significant locus of scholarly publishing. What are the general characteristics of academic specialization and university press publishing? Further, how is disciplinary fluidity, especially evolving specialization, reflected in university press book publishing nomenclature and how scholarship is tied to the intellectual preoccupations of academic specialization? Multi- and inter-disciplinarities further articulate disciplinary publishing, accelerating disciplinary fluidity. Examples from disciplinary and emerging configurations of disciplinary nomenclature utilized by university presses offers insight into specialization and publishing. Academic history publishing is used to illustrate newly emerging fluid disciplinary configurations.  相似文献   


The continual escalation in academic journal prices threatens the quality and future of academic library collections. This situation arises from market forces that react to, and take advantage of, the unique characteristics of academic libraries and scholarly publishing. These characteristics include the unique role of academic libraries, in their mission of serving as accessible repositories of knowledge, and the unique activity of scholarly publishing, in which every journal title is unique without a close substitute. The combination of these of factors leads to the lowest price elasticity of demand for the libraries and the highest degree of product differentiation for each journal title. While some solutions being offered to alter the dilemma hold promise, the unique characteristics of the market appear to discourage more equitable pricing without a radical restructuring of the industry or of the relationships between the consumers and the producers of academic journals.  相似文献   

张春博  丁堃  王博 《图书情报工作》2013,57(24):132-139
克罗宁(Blaise Cronin)是世界著名的图书情报学家和科学计量学家,他于2013年获普赖斯奖这一科学计量学与信息计量学最高奖项。以Web of Science数据库收录的其128篇期刊论文为数据基础,运用包括词频统计、共现分析和引文分析在内的科学计量方法,辅以信息可视化技术,对B.Cronin 30多年来的学术成就与影响以及学术交流状况进行定量分析。结果显示,B.Cronin是一位高产作者,基于其工作经历可以划分出4个产出阶段;研究内容虽然涉及引文分析、学者研究、科研合作、网络计量和学术致谢等多个主题,但都体现出对学术交流和学术评价的指向。从H指数、区域扩散和引用者视角,说明B.Cronin同样也是一位具有国际学术影响力的学者。  相似文献   

Assessing the scholarly impact of academic institutions has become increasingly important. The achievements of editorial board members can create benchmarks for research excellence and can be used to evaluate both individual and institutional performance. This paper proposes a new method based on journal editor data for assessing an institution’s scholarly impact. In this paper, a journal editorship index (JEI) that simultaneously accounts for the journal rating (JR), editor title (ET), and board size (BS) is constructed. We assess the scholarly impact of economics institutions based on the editorial boards of 211 economics journals (which include 8640 editorial board members) in the ABS Academic Journal Guide. Three indices (JEI/ET, JEI/JR, and JEI/BS) are also used to rank the institutions. It was found that there was only a slight change in the relative institutional rankings using the JEI/ET and JEI/BS compared to the JEI. The BS and ET weight factors did not have a substantial influence on the ranking of institutions. It was also found that the journal rating weight factor had a large effect on the ranking of institutions. This paper presents an alternative approach to using editorial board memberships as the basis for assessing the scholarly impact of economics institutions.  相似文献   

Electronic publishing techniques are introducing inevitable changes in scholarly publishing as a whole and in the academic journal publishing business in particular. What will be the effect of the changes on the function and role of learned societies?  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study of social scientists’ information seeking and use of scholarly journals to support scholarly communication and information needs. The goals of the study are: to explore the characteristics of information needs for social scientists; to discuss the importance of scholarly journals to social scientists and their information seeking and access means; to identify article reading patterns of social scientists; and to make comparisons between scholarly journals use and reading patterns of social scientists and other scientists in Taiwan and the USA. The author used a questionnaire survey and interview methods to investigate the information seeking, use and reading of scholarly journals, and article deep reading patterns of social scientists. The target population was social science faculty members from National Cheng-chi University in Taiwan. The article explores the characteristics of information needs for social scientists and shows that scholarly journals are important information resources for university social science faculty. Social science faculty in Taiwan use scholarly journals in multiple languages, mainly English, Chinese, German, and Japanese, which is different from scientists in the United States. In addition, they use electronic journals more than print journals. The number of article readings by social science faculty members was approximately 195 readings per year and nearly 440 h were spent reading per year. In contrast to scientists in the United States, the social scientists in Taiwan read fewer readings, spent more time reading, and read older articles. In addition, the study identifies article reading patterns of social scientists and proposes a six-type taxonomy of article deep reading. The study reports the scholarly journal use and reading behavior model of social scientists and shows there are some differences in scholarly journal seeking and use by social science faculty in Taiwan and scientists in the United States. Further studies of scholarly journal and electronic journal use and reading by social scientists across countries, subject disciplines, and languages of journals are needed.  相似文献   

This article presents an up‐to‐date portrayal of the greatly changed landscape of scholarly journal publishing and identifies the emerging trends characterizing it. We consider the attributes, novelty, and disruptive potential of different models, which range from improvements to the extant model to attempts at reconfiguration and transformation. We propose that journal transition can be seen as falling into three categories. The first is enhanced models of the traditional scholarly journal, which typically afford enriched functionality that breaks the bonds of the printed page whilst otherwise remaining wholly traditional in their offerings. The second category is innovative models of the traditional scholarly journal, which aim at supporting the journal in performing its traditional roles through convention‐altering ways. The third category is the possible alternatives to the traditional journal, which represent a move towards alternative modes of knowledge dissemination. This review shows that each of the models identified makes contributions to enriching the reporting and showcasing of scholarly output. They also make it more effective and more efficient. However, we conclude that none of the possible alternatives being discussed can serve as a full‐fledged alternative to the journal.  相似文献   

中国图书馆学情报学期刊的多指标综合评价   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
为了提高期刊评价的客观公正性,应用h指数等新计量指标和影响因子等传统计量指标对中国图书馆学情报学期刊作出了单项测评。在此基础上按归一化处理法计算了综合指数以反映期刊的综合评价结果和整体影响力,并对学术期刊质量影响因素作了分析。  相似文献   

包丽芹  张兰  张帆 《编辑学报》2016,28(1):82-83
以《护理学报》为例,介绍其对读者和作者采取多方式开展继续教育以提高期刊学术影响力的实践和体会.以刊授为基础对读者和作者进行继续教育、以举办学习班和学术会议的形式举办继续教育项目、派资深编辑外出进行论文写作指导与现场点评,在提高读者和作者专业理论水平及科研素养的基础上,提高了科技期刊的学术影响力,更好地发挥了科技期刊在学科发展中的作用,充分体现了科技期刊的社会价值.  相似文献   

Determining the core journals in a discipline serves an important role for both academic librarians and departmental faculty. In addition to helping librarians build or weed journal collections, especially in difficult budget years, core lists help departments seeking accreditation, committees evaluating a candidate’s scholarship for tenure and promotion, and faculty choosing publications for their research. They also assist faculty guiding student research in the discipline. However, because of the inexorable changes that have occurred, and will continue to occur, in scholarly communication, no such list can be considered immutable. The purpose of this study is to identify a method by which individual librarians and/or libraries can create a list of journals considered important to a discipline, one that accurately reflects the state of scholarly communication in a field as it relates to the currency and quality of journal literature, and that is sustainable over time. More specifically, our purpose is twofold. First, to develop a sustainable method for defining the universe of potential core titles; and, second, to identify the core titles within that universe. As the result of discussions on this issue with a social work faculty member, the authors used social work journals for developing a methodology that may be applied to other disciplines.  相似文献   

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