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培养学生解决复杂工程问题的能力以及提高他们的团队协作与沟通能力是新工科人才培养的重点,但以案例或项目方式驱动的原有软件工程教学方式在这些方面涉及的较少,因此参照新工科教育的要求,提出以软件项目设计流程和学生能力培养为主要特色的“软件工程”课程教学新方法。从湖南科技大学计算机科学与工程学院的教学实践来看,该方法能够有效地帮助学生提高求解复杂问题以及进行较大团队协作与沟通的能力。  相似文献   

提出大学教育应从以个体学习为主跃迁到团队学习模式,并阐述其重要意义,同时从管理学、教育学和心理学等多个学科的视角发掘团队学习模式的理论依据.然后指出团队学习模式应重点关注的几个关键问题,并通过实践,给出相应的对策.最后通过对比分析,发现团队学习模式对改善大学生学习过程的表现和提升最终的学习成效具有显著的作用.  相似文献   

地方新建本科院校发酵工程课程教学存在师资力量不足、课程设置有偏差、理论教育落后和学生素质良旁不齐等问题,影响了发酵工程课程教学质量.要提高发酵工程教学质量,必须建立适合地方本科院校的教学、实践和研究三位一体的教育模式.主要做好四项工作:优化发酵工程课程课堂教学、强化发酵工程教学理论研究、强化工程实践和创建科学的学生评价体系.  相似文献   

创业教育对提升工科大学生的创业意识、创业技能及综合素质具有重要作用,而以问题为导向、项目为基础的研究性POPBL教学模式被认为是工科大学生创业教育的创新途径之一。文章阐明研究性POPBL教学模式的概念和理论基础,并基于该教学模式制定工科大学生创业教育的具体实施方案及检验评价方式,同时还分析该教学模式给传统工科教学带来的挑战并提出相应的解决方案,从而为工科大学生的创业教育提供一种创新的培养方式。  相似文献   

Engineering design methodology explains the integrated influence of theories, strategies and design tools on the quality of the final result. It is not possible to incorporate design methodology education as a single discipline into the engineering curriculum. However, engineering students should learn design methodology within practically every discipline. Therefore, it is necessary to use the systemic approach in order to find the best educational items organization which would enable the students to learn design methodology as an integrated part of the complex engineering curriculum.  相似文献   

全人教育:理工科大学课程开发新视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,很多理工科大学针对学生整体素质欠缺的问题进行了通识教育课程改革,但课程设置中依然较少关注人的精神层面、缺少全人类与生态的视角,使得理工科院校所培养的学生在个性心理和精神等方面的发展仍然不够完善。文章试图从全人教育的角度进行理论探讨,澄清全人教育的历史渊源、当代全人教育的目标,分析当前全人教育理念的特点,在此基础上针对当前理工科教育的课程问题提出基于全人教育理念的理工科课程开发原则。  相似文献   

过程装备与控制工程专业改革以新工科为背景,因此需要紧跟社会需求,紧合市场发展,紧绕新理念的工程教育方向,多种专业方向齐头并进,以新的专业知识体系开创产学融合新模式,使学生的工程实践能力和创新能力更上一层楼.以东北石油大学过程装备与控制工程专业为例,在专业"卓越工程师培养计划"体系、"专业认证"系列改革基础上,提出具有鲜...  相似文献   

Creativity and communication processes in engineering education have become more and more necessary in highly complex structures such as technological networks and ‘virtual’ reality. These issues also include an educational challenge for university: all education for the future has to be based on experiencing reality. A new socio‐technical approach describes the engineering profession in all aspects beside technology, such as tasks, views, organizational structures or cooperation. Therefore, university and higher education have to change into self‐similar structures to support the learning of complexity in real life. The experiences of the Department of Computer Science in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Technology in Aachen, as a socio‐technical, self‐similar and creative system, show such learning processes of students (and staff) in undergraduate education, research and organizational structures.  相似文献   

This study examined students’ competencies in engineering education at the university level. First, we developed a competency model in one specific field of engineering: process dynamics and control. Then, the theoretical model was used as a frame to construct test items to measure students’ competencies comprehensively. In the empirical application, the reliability of the test was examined. The results confirmed the applicability of the theory-based test. Also, associations between students’ competencies and individual characteristics were explored. Students who showed higher competencies could be identified based on their individual characteristics, such as participation in self-assessments. Finally, we demonstrated how to apply the standards of theory-based testing to everyday routines at the university and also highlighted some challenging issues to be considered when implementing theory-based testing in practice. This approach could be valuable: Tests based on theoretically sound models allow for appropriate measurement of students’ competencies in higher education.  相似文献   

Technology is modifying the way companies do business all over the world. The education sector is no exception; virtual education has emerged as a basic tool to satisfy the changing needs of traditional and newly incorporated students, as well as meet the new requirements of educational institutions. This article therefore tries to achieve a double objective: to analyze what drives the development of online education within the Universities of the European Union and to design a theoretical framework that permits to obtain responses to que question of why students continue their estudies at the same educational institution. Thus, first, the analysis of external factors identifies social, political and technological capacity as issues that explain the rise of e-learning within the field of European higher education. Second, the empirical work shows the design of a cause-effect model with relationships between different variables in which market orientation of Universities and usability play an important role in the future intentions of use for students.  相似文献   

关于高职院校人才培养模式的理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国高职教育发展的概况,人才培养的现状和人才培养的特征,需要从理论上研究高职教育人才培养模式的内涵以及与一般人才培养模式的区别,在此基础上对国内外的高等职业教育人才培养模式进行比较分析,同时,探索了我国职业教育人才培养模式的创新,提出要解决职业教育经费投入不足的问题、高职教育人才培养模式单一化问题、移植国外人才培养模式要本土化问题、要加强高职院校师资队伍建设的问题。  相似文献   

This paper reports the development and implementation of a multi-disciplinary course called ‘sustainable development’ within engineering education at the University of Technology Eindhoven (TUE). In this course, students of different disciplines have to cooperate with each other in a project, with the aim of finding (more) sustainable solutions for an environmental issue or problem put forward by industry or (governmental) institutions (e.g. a zero-energy dwelling). The educational form is based on project-oriented education. The project group, which consists of six to eight students from at least three disciplines, is responsible for the results and the project. During their project, the students can rely on a tutor, who is primarily a process guide. Together with the principal, the tutor advises on whether or not the proposed working plan is realistic and can be realized within the given time of 160 h (two half-days over 20 weeks). At the end, the students have to present and defend their work before a committee, which consists of the tutor, the principal and a subject expert. Experience has shown that multi-disciplinary project work has been an excellent teaching method and addition to engineering education curricula, so improving not only knowledge but also interdisciplinary thinking and skills. Environmental issues need a multi-disciplinary approach, and this course bridges the gap between disciplines, so stimulating interdisciplinary work within engineering education.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to describe a teaching strategy for enhancement of physics learning among students in their first year of industrial engineering by using a conception of learning according with the scientific methodology. We describe very concisely the theoretical basis of our proposal, which takes into account the recent contribution of research into physics and engineering education. Four classes of first years were taught by the proposed strategy and during 4 years all students of each class (about 952 students in total) were tested on their understanding of the physics programme. The results of the innovation support the fact that there has been a remarkable improvement in teaching effectiveness.  相似文献   

虚拟化的实践教学模式研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
实践教学是高等教育教学中重要形式之一,其表现形式主要有以撰写论文为主的学术型、以拟定调查报告为主的行业分析型、以验证理论知识模型为主的实验型。远程开放教育是高等教育中重要分支,相比于全日制高等院校,远程开放教育学生规模日益增长,实践教学中"学生多指导教师少、实践教学资源不足"等突出矛盾催生出虚拟化的实践教学模式逐步浮现,其经济性、方便性逐步得到基层电大师生的认同,笔者分析其优势并针对其薄弱环节如复合型师资问题等提出探讨并给出应对策略。  相似文献   

Separate approaches in engineering education, research and practice are not very useful when preparing students for working life; instead, integration of education, research and industrial practices is needed. A triangular approach (TA) as a method to accomplish this integration and as a method to provide students with integrated expertise is proposed. The results from the application of TA, both at the course and programme level, indicate that the approach is suitable for developing engineering education. The student pass rate for courses where TA has been used has been higher than for previous approaches, and the student feedback has been very positive. Although TA aims to take both theoretical and practical aspects of engineering as well as research and education into account, the approach concentrates mainly on activities and therefore leaves the goals of these activities as well as the values behind these goals uncovered.  相似文献   

CDIO是麻省理工学院等四所大学经过多年探索的工程教育模式,代表构思(Conceive)、设计(Design)、实现(Implement)和运行(Operate),TIC-CDIO是在CDIO模式的基础上增强培养学生感恩(Thanks-giving)、诚信(Integrity)、沟通(Communication)能力,以锻炼学生懂感恩,讲诚信,良好的沟通能力,在工程教育过程中培养学生优秀的专业素质。针对当前高职智能楼宇专业中CDIO工程教育模式教学过程中出现的一些问题,提出了基于TIC-CDIO模式对高职智能楼宇的教学构思、教学设计、教学实施和教学运作四个过程的改进,以增强学生的学习效果和提高教师的教学效率。  相似文献   

The paper focuses on educational changes we see as necessary for future graduates to take up the emerging social and ethical challenges of their profession. This paper summarizes some Australian initiatives, presents some of our approaches to teaching ethics and suggests some ways to encourage both the study of ethics and actual ethical practice. The practice of engineering in Australia is guided by a Code of Ethics developed by the Institution of Engineers, Australia (IEAust). There is an expectation that Australian educators will guide students to develop the abilities to make ethical decisions and an appreciation of ethical conduct. The authors endorse the view that ethics issues should be included as an intrinsic part of engineering curricula. Wego further, and suggest that the social impact and the international and global nature of engineering practice call for an extension of traditional ethical frameworks to incorporate treatment of questions of social responsibility, including the issue of sustainability. We outline changes in engineering education in Australia over the past two decades, indicating some of the effects of these changes on the culture of engineering and the ways in which ethics issues are being conceptualized and taught. Experience at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) is our main focus because UTS is widely recognized as a leader in engineering education in Australia. Wedescribe the restructuring of our undergraduate programme so as to focus on engineering practice issues and discuss its implications for practice-focused ethics in engineering education.  相似文献   

In Australia, representation of Aboriginal populations within the engineering profession is very low despite participation targets set by Government departments, professional bodies and Universities. Progressing the Aboriginal inclusion agenda within Australian Engineering Education requires a clearer understanding of engineering educators’ preparedness for increased numbers of students from this non-traditional cohort. This research stems from a recently completed project that explored Aboriginal perspectives in engineering education and proposed a model for embedding perspectives in curricula. Nine engineering academics were interviewed to explore attitudes towards Aboriginal perspectives in engineering and the viability of the proposed model. Results of the interviews indicate efforts to embed Aboriginal perspectives are starting from a small base of knowledge and experience. Individuals’ motivations and values indicate that there is significant support for improving this, but that efforts can be hampered by conceptions of Aboriginal perspectives that do not consider how Aboriginal knowledges may change engineering itself.  相似文献   

Many recent teaching initiatives in engineering education have the underlying premise of improving student engagement with global issues and providing first-hand experience of complex problems associated with sustainable development and production. A greater understanding of actual motivational drivers may help in student recruitment and retention, and address, e.g. gender disparity. In this work, student motivations and aspirations are explored through a cross-faculty survey of undergraduate engineering students. The results indicate that while many students start an engineering degree with an aspiration to ‘invent something new’ and ‘make a difference to the world’, these diminish with time to be dominated by issues such as financial security. Students who continue to aspire to the creative/high-impact notions of engineering also maintain an enthusiasm for engineering. However, all students desire more practical work and skills training. Based on these findings, some general recommendations are given for further inspiring students towards engineering.  相似文献   

This article proposes to explore the relationships between art education and the development of complex thinking (proposed as metacompetence in this study) from a theoretical perspective. This is an approach that arises from contemporary conceptions about art, which is an intrinsic relationship between the artwork and the creative and critical character towards representation systems. Emphasising the definition of complex thinking proposed by Mathew Lipman serves as a guiding axis to try to establish the cognitive processes that compose it. Among the main findings is that the development of complex thinking and cognition occurs through action and interaction with the environment, thus linking to the notions of ‘situated competence’ and the ‘complex approach to competences’. By including cognitive and metacognitive processes, it allows us to postulate complex thinking as metacompetence. In addition, it is proposed that the use of learning methodologies (under a competence‐based approach) could contribute to an art education where students produce artistic works that involve critical, creative processes or divergent results. It is also necessary that both the curriculum and the teachers encourage an expanded and interdisciplinary vision, understanding that art is not circumscribed to a specific discipline.  相似文献   

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