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This article offers a test of the records continuum model. As a case study I use the Foreign and Commonwealth Office “Migrated Archives”, those records first made known to the public in 2011 during the court case against the British government. Through this case, records from over 30 former colonies were found to have been stored away by the FCO, since the colonies had become independent. While testing the continuum model with this case, I simultaneously use the records continuum model to tell the history of the Migrated Archives. My research finds that by highlighting the hidden moments—the shadows of the continuum—the Migrated Archives reveals that the continuum model can be too dependent on pluralization and a culture of openness and accessibility. Using the term “shadow continuum,” I attempt to rectify this situation by allowing for continuum model processes to continue, albeit in the shadows.  相似文献   

2010年6月中国人民大学信息资源管理学院课题组对全国30个省级档案馆和16个副省级档案馆的电子文件移交进馆和管理情况进行了问卷调查,调查结果显示超过一半档案馆已经接收电子文件进馆,移交进馆的电子文件以文本或图像形式的行政文书为主,移交规范亟待完善,进馆后长期保存机制尚未建立。  相似文献   

自甲午战争以来,日本曾先后发动或参与了四次对华侵略战争,并趁机进行文化侵略,尤其是对我国图书文献资源进行了大肆破坏与掠夺,使我国近代图书馆事业遭受了巨大损失。近年来,学界对涉及这一主题的新闻报道、统计资料、公私档案等第一手资料进行深入挖掘、整理和研究,对日本在华掠夺图书文献的政策、事件、机构、方式、数量与影响等进行归纳与分析,建立了日本对华图书文献劫掠史的基本脉络。本文分五个议题对相关研究进行梳理和总结:1时间和地域,2组织机构,3劫掠方式,4图书损失数量,5文献保存活动。利用日方史料和第三方史料开展日本对华图书文献劫掠史研究,是未来研究的重点。表3。参考文献51。  相似文献   

“Macroappraisal, the next frontier” describes a records disposition pilot project which was based on a refinement of the current macroappraisal methodology in use at Library and Archives Canada. Still very much a work in progress, the refined approach builds upon macroappraisal theory and methodology, and this paper presents its application to Fisheries and Oceans Canada, a major federal government department in the Government of Canada. The project focused on providing the institution with total records disposition coverage based on a single archival appraisal and two Records Disposition Authorities. This paper demonstrates the feasibility of appraising records at the mandate level instead of at the function or program level. It also outlines and points to the benefits and advantages of appraising large government institutions intheir totality rather than in smaller, discrete sectors, branches, or divisions. We wish to thank the journal’s readers for their comments on an earlier draft of this article. We also wish to thank Candace Loewen for her insights, comments, and encouragement. Thanks are also extended to our colleagues who commented on various aspects of the project during Library and Archives Canada (LAC) appraisal seminars. Kerry Badgley also wishes to thank Sarah, Paul, and Shannon Badgley for providing a daily reminder of why it is important to document the past.  相似文献   

本文在企业数字化转型的背景下,探究企业电子文件单套制归档的实施方案。通过对两家电子文件单套制归档试点企业开展调研,结合文献分析和理论构建,提出具有通用性的企业电子文件单套制归档实施框架,并依据国家档案局出版的《企业电子文件归档和电子档案管理试点案例集》对实施框架进行映射分析和补充完善,以期能为其他企业或组织机构实施电子文件单套制归档工作提供参考与借鉴。实施框架具体包括战略规划层、组织保障层、制度规范层等6个层级,包含可行性研究、组织规划、需求分析、战略目标等28项具体实施要素。  相似文献   

为获得相对完整准确的档案定义,从中国知网、万方等全文数据库中采集来自学术专著、学术期刊、法律等的档案定义160条。分析档案定义构成要素,建立档案定义模型,按模型要素(形成主体、形成来源、形成条件、价值、载体、本质属性、实体)对定义进行统计分析,得出“档案是机关、组织、个人在社会活动中形成的,经鉴定、整理、归档、保存下来以备查考利用或作为凭证的,文、形、声等各种载体的具有原始性与历史性的文件材料”的结论。  相似文献   

The article sets off with a brief summary of the history of appraisal and disposal of records as processed at the National Archives of Iceland (NAI) since its establishment in 1882 to present times. Rules on appraisal and disposal of records introduced in 1900, 1911, and 1916 were ignored and all records were kept. Status quo remained until 1985 when a new National Archives Act was passed. The appraisal and disposal process adopted then is described and explained. It included the publication of instructions on records management as well as forms relating to records management. The influence of acts of law on the appraisal and disposal process is explained. Finally the experience with the arrangement of organised appraisal in Iceland is described.  相似文献   

Winter counts are pictographic calendars created and used by certain Native American communities as mnemonic devices for remembering the sequence of events that mark each year, and for retelling community stories. Drawing on resources from the Smithsonian Institution’s National Anthropological Archives’ winter count collections and related literature, this study reviews and discusses the characteristics of pictographic records, traces their making and remaking histories, and revisits the pictorial tradition in the American history of records and record keeping.  相似文献   

从2002年起渥太华市档案馆一直致力于探索建立城市电子文件管理体系,为此渥太华市档案馆进行了一系列的工作,包括将各种形式的现行和非现行的文件管理与其档案价值联系起来,按照业务分类法对各类电子文件进行分类管理,依据宏观鉴定方法确定档案保管期限与处置方案,并通过在线联合目录的方式为政府和公众提供利用服务等。渥太华市档案馆基于文件连续体理念,正在探索多元主体协同的信息治理新方案。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study funded by the National Archives and Records Administration and conducted by the authors to collect information on Federal employees’ views and perceptions on twenty information collection topics pertaining to records creation, maintenance, use, and disposition. Multiple data collection techniques were employed. Findings suggest that in developing records management policy and guidelines, one size will not fit all agencies. A range of situational factors appear to affect the success with which records management is accomplished in the various agencies. Additional research is needed to continue to test and refine these situational factors. Future records management policies and guidelines, however, may wish to consider such situational factors to increase the overall effectiveness of records management.  相似文献   

The 2012 International Council on Archives congress theme of ‘Trust. Archives Supporting Good Governance and Accountability’ invited exploration of the nexus between recordkeeping and holding powerful people and organisations to account. By comparing the formation, management and use of a set of records under currently accepted frameworks for recordkeeping in Australia with the formation, management and use of the WikiLeaks Cablegate archive, we can examine how effectively archives and recordkeeping professionals today are meeting their stated goal of upholding accountability, while ensuring the creation of an inclusive societal memory. By analysing these two cases from the point of view of recordkeeping activities supporting appraisal, access, use, trust and authenticity, it is then possible to draw conclusions about lessons that recordkeepers should be learning from WikiLeaks and the changing nature of information generally, if we are to remain relevant and useful as a profession.  相似文献   

Archives, records, and power: The making of modern memory   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  

Analyzing archives and finding facts: use and users of digital data records   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This article focuses on use and users of data from the NARA (National Archives and Records Administration), U.S. Who is using archival electronic records, and why are they using them? It describes the changes in use and consequently user groups over the last 30 years. The changes in use are related to the evolution of reference services for electronic records at NARA, as well as to growth in the types of electronic records accessioned by NARA. The first user group consisted mainly of researchers with a social science background, who usually expected to handle the data themselves. The user community expanded when electronic records with personal value, like casualty records, were transferred to NARA, and broadened yet again when a selection of NARA’s electronic records became available online. Archivists trying to develop user services for electronic records will find that the needs and expectations of fact or information seeking data users are different from those of researchers using and analyzing data files.  相似文献   


This article offers a societal provenance analysis of the First World War personal service records held at the National Archives of Australia as Commonwealth Records Series B2455. It describes the communities of people and communities of records with which the series has its origins. Since creation, the records have enabled intricate interactions between individuals, families, government agencies and communities. They have facilitated personal, local, and national processes of grieving and commemoration, and bridged spatial, temporal and emotional distances. They have contributed to national projects such as the Roll of Honour at the Australian War Memorial, and the provision of pensions and support for veterans and their families. Their use by historians continues to shape our understanding of the history of the war. Access to the records helps build new personal identities, and new online communities of users. It is suggested that all these interactions are part of the history of the records we now have. The losses in the records, the gaps and silences, are also identified.  相似文献   

陈勇  王瀚 《北京档案》2020,(4):14-18
档案真实地记录了中国古代文明的优秀成果,反映人类迈出的每一个步伐,成为认识过去和展望未来不可缺少的依据。档案通过自身的记载,向后人揭示历史的真相,而档案载体也随着科学技术的发展而不断发生变化。中国古代档案载体主要是甲骨、金石、简牍、缣帛、纸质。文章考察研究中国古代档案载体的产生与演变,目的是为了更好地保护、开发与利用档案。  相似文献   

刘冰 《档案学研究》2021,35(6):72-77
数字技术的迅猛迭代发展,深刻推动了信息革命,进一步引发文件管理方式的变革,电子文件管理迫切需要法律法规予以支持。新《档案法》的颁布实施为电子文件管理立法提供了有力的上位法依据。本文从新《档案法》中电子档案的生效要件分析出发,对比了国外该领域的相关实践,对我国电子文件管理立法提出了立法建议,并认为只有完成该立法,才能充分发挥电子文件在经济和社会发展中的作用,提高社会生产和管理效能,促进社会交易成本下降、经济发展和社会进步。  相似文献   

黄建峰  戴敏  袁平 《档案学研究》2022,36(6):103-107
版式标准作为电子文件与电子档案管理流程中的基础性应用要求,在电子文件归档、封装固化以及电子档案的传输、存储、利用等方面发挥着重要的作用。本文分析了OFD标准在电子档案管理中的应用特性,总结了OFD标准在电子文件与电子档案管理流程中的基本功能:转换功能、容器功能和管理功能。在此基础上结合福建省档案馆应用实践经验,在具有福建特色的“三包两结构一体化”电子文件与电子档案规范管理模式中,创新应用OFD标准,阐述了OFD标准在“三包两结构一体化”电子档案规范管理模式中的基本应用环节、基本应用场景,以充分发挥OFD特性,满足新修订的《档案法》关于电子档案规范管理的要求,进一步推动电子文件单套归档与电子档案单套管理工作的落地见效。  相似文献   

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