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Collaboration is a specific process in the construction of portfolios. In the case of electronic portfolios, Web 2.0 tools make collaboration a key process. The process known as networking refers to the online connection and collaboration with others, which the social web contributes to the literature of electronic portfolios. This research describes and analyses the pilot implementation of an ePortfolio in the Early Childhood degree programme at the Ibiza Campus of the University of the Balearic Islands. The paper presents a qualitative research study which aims to understand collaborative students’ activity from multiple points of view. In view of this, the data collection techniques used are diverse: analysis of work done by students, Likert scale and group discussion. Atlas.ti software has been used to obtain a qualitative analysis of the students’ discourse. In general, the results show positive attitudes, with a gradual increase noticed in the students’ use of the tools and, finally, with collaboration being expressed in peer work, especially in relation to technology. The analysis carried out enables us to observe tensions between open tools, collaboration and assessment. The research has important implications for practice as it allows us to deduce how to improve the collaboration process in ePortfolios thanks to the introduction of Web 2.0 tools.  相似文献   

Web2.0的典型代表就是以Blog、Tag、SNS、RSS、Wiki等应用以及利用xml、ajax等新理论和技术实现的新一代互联网模式。  相似文献   


This paper presents a study which aims to validate a scale for assessing the impact of Web 2.0 in education. From a structural perspective, we evaluate the influence of various factors (Training, Attitude and Use of Web 2.0) on the Impact of Web 2.0 in education with a sample of 403 students from different degrees of the University of Huelva, applying a Likert scale constructed for this purpose. To analyse the psychometric properties of the scale, we conducted a Chronbach’s Alpha reliability test and factor analysis. To validate the theoretical construct, we conducted an analysis according to structural equation modelling, which enabled us to confirm the influence of training, attitude and use on the Impact of Web 2.0, and to observe how the factors interrelate and influence each other. We conclude that the existence of a training plan is not enough in itself and that, rather, it is the approach taken to Web 2.0 and the use made of it that has more influence on its educational impact.  相似文献   

今天,Web2.0技术已经在国内外被广范应用在各个领域。在商业范畴,利用Web2.0技术提供的即时交互性能,进行网络营销,或者数据库营销已经蔚然成风。  相似文献   

全职太太,你敢当吗?《全职太太,你敢当吗?》——伊如新怀着纠结的心情在一个女性同城论坛上发出征询帖。很快,帖子引起热议,被论坛编辑首页置顶,不到半天时间就收到417个回复。大部分回复的女网友都怀揣着同样的纠结心:事业与家庭,到底如何平衡?伊如新是典型的"三高"女性:高知、高薪、高龄。30岁事业稳定后她才生下儿子,  相似文献   

This research study was designed to examine the degree of perceived importance of interactive technology applications among various groups of certified educators; the degree to which education professionals utilized interactive online technology applications and to determine if there was a significant difference between the different groups based on demographic data. Overall, certified education professionals felt virtual learning networks, video sharing and online event scheduling were the most important educational Web 2.0 applications; while, social bookmarks, social networks and music were the least important. The overall sum score for the perceived level of importance for the Web 2.0 applications by business educators as compared to all educators was significant at the .05 level, F (1, 811)?=?4.4622, p?=?.035 and by physical/health educators as compared to all educators was significant at the .05 level, F (1, 812)?=?11.186, p?=?.001 . Current position, gender, age, type of school, highest degree and certification level were all significant for the perceived level of educational importance of the Web 2.0 applications.  相似文献   

借助Web2.0的技术和全球化的互联网络,开放的学习,网络化的教育社区、P2P的教学互动,开始成为正规化大学教育的有效补充。  相似文献   

Web2.0是互联网技术和理念的升级换代,是新型互联网模式的统称。它蕴涵新型的学习文化,对学习者的信息素养提出了新要求。理解Web2.0技术和学习文化概念,讨论Web2.0的学习文化特征,探索信息素养2.0的基本内涵,对学习者和教育者理解Web2.0学习文化和塑造信息素养2.0,具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。  相似文献   

对基于Web 2.0的学习进行了论述.通过分析Web 2.0的模式和特征,探讨了Web 2.0在教学过程中对于教师和学习者产生的新的教学、学习方式,考察了Web 2.0对于学习资源进行的知识管理,提出了在Web 2.0学习中对学习者生存能力和道德规范的要求.  相似文献   

何长林  周玉云 《河西学院学报》2007,23(2):108-109,112
web2.0是一种以用户为中心的网络技术服务.文章就什么是web2.0,它与web1.0的区别和联系,以及它的应用和所使用的技术进行了论述.  相似文献   

Web2.0使得互联网更加人性和开放的同时,也给信息化教育的应用带来了思维、手段的变革。IT界对Web2.0还没有一个确切的概念,大多数人所认可的是:“Web2.0是以Flickr、Craigslist、Linkedin、Tribes、Ryze、Friendster、Del.icio.us、43Things.com等网站为代表,以Blog、TAG、SNS  相似文献   

<正>一、Web2.0概述1.从Web1.0到Web2.0。相对于Web2.0的定义,Web1.0的概念主要指不常更新(甚至不更新)的静态HTML页面,而Web1.5则使用了各种数据库来记录数据,前台使用ASP,PHP,JSP等Web编程语言来查询显示后台数据生成  相似文献   

2005年开始,Web2.0的热潮就席卷整个互联网络,从雅虎、新浪这样的网络巨头到众多草根公司,无一不宣称自己包含了Web2.0元素,甚至被提到了互联网发展新阶段的高度。无论Web2.0究竟包含了多少浮华,博客、RSS、个性化检索等典型应用还是为用户带来了全新的体验。  相似文献   

为了挖掘Web2.0优化网络课程设计的策略,本文运用比较研究方法,以美国的开放网络课程、英国开放大学网络课程、中国国家精品课程(网络教育)及其他网络课程为研究样本,对Web1.0与Web2.0网络课程的资源建设方式、学习模式、学习评价形式进行了比较分析,研究发现Web2.0可实现网络课程资源的师生共建,可实现网络课程的个性化自主学习、社会化协作学习、开放式研究性学习和全面的评价主体多边的形成性评价,最后提出网络课程设计策略.  相似文献   

一、引言 World Wide Web,简称WWW,是英国人TimBerners—Lee 1989年在欧洲共同体的一个大型科研机构任职时发明的。通过Web,互联网上的资源可以在一个网页里比较直观地表示出来:而且资源之间,在网页上可以链采链去。Web的发展速度极为快速,现在已由Web1.0(以数据为核心的网)发展到Web2.0(以人为出发点的互联网)。Web2.0时代并没有确切的定义,要准确地理解Web2.0时代,就要先来看一看关于最近的一些Web2.0产品。  相似文献   

Web2.0建重庆大学学科网   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新一代数字校园,一个很重要的理念就是引入了Web2.0技术。在此模式下,重庆大学的科研人员同时成为资源的建设者和使用者,实现资源共建共享。  相似文献   

在社会网络分会场,微软亚洲研究院的杨江明做了一个题为“Lock-Free Consistency Control for Web 2.0 Applications”的报告。  相似文献   

Web2.0与图书馆编目工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从观众、环境、技术、内容等四个方面探讨Web2.0对图书馆编目工作的影响。旨在更新观念,了解现代编目技术,做好Web2.0环境下的文献编目工作。  相似文献   

Web2.0改革了传统的学习方式,Web2.0不仅支持协作学习、分布式学习还有利于建立学习共同体。web2.0时代的教育教学对教师和学习者也提出了新的要求。  相似文献   

Web2.0正吸引更多的人走进数字化、网络化的生存方式和学习方式,并且导致人们共同参与、共同创造、共同分享的全民织网时代的到来。在解读Web2.0内涵的基础之上,分析Web2.0的“学习化生活”特征,并以Web2.0的典型元素为例,阐述其在学习中的应用。  相似文献   

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