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2007年高考浙江卷语文试题仍是浙江省自主命题.与往年相比基本稳定。总体来说,题量及难度与去年持平.个别考点有所调整,没有过偏题、过难题和怪题。全卷除作文外,较难题目分值占1/3左右。整个考卷注重考查学生的基本知识积累和灵活运用知识的能力。其特点可以概括为:注重基础,回归课本;注重生活。关注文化;注重能力,体现思辨。这套试题,  相似文献   

高考全国卷Ⅰ理科综合生物学试题注重对学生基础知识的考查,同时,也凸现了《考试大纲》所列四项生物学科能力,体现了“要以能力测试为主导,考查考生对所学相关的课程基础知识、基本技能的掌握程度和综合运用所学知识分析、解决问题的能力;要重视理论联系实际,关注科学技术、社会经济和生态环境的协调发展;要重视对考生科学素养的考查”的命题要求。试题中没有偏题、怪题,有利于考生正常发挥;既有适当难度,又有较好区分度;既体现了素质教育的基本要求,又具有很好的选拔功能。  相似文献   

新课改背景下的语文命题,体现了一种新型的评价方式,而试题的命制,体现了语文学科的综合性特点,涵盖了语言积累、语言运用和设计活动等多种类型,着重考查学生的语文综合素养。语文教师应遵循新课改精神,对语文试题的命题思路不断探索,命题时注重答案的个性化和角度的丰富,使考试能更好地为教学服务,以真正提升学生的综合实践能力和整体水平。本文探讨了小学语文试题(笔试)的命制与评价,希望和大家交流与学习。  相似文献   

张祥云 《学语文》2006,(5):27-27
翻看全国及各地近年来的高考语文试题,我们不难发现,语言运用性试题的设计越来越呈现出开放性和灵活性特色,紧扣考试说明,关注现实生活,关注学生实际,重在表达运用,对检测学生的语文能力和语文素养起到了较好的区分作用。但是遗撼的是,仔细研读各地设计的语言运用题,我们又会发现,这些试题存在着考查材料繁杂、内容单一、形式雷同的缺点,缺乏综合性,结果对检测学生的语文综合能力和语言综合修养起不到充分的、应有的作用。  相似文献   

2011年高考全国卷和各省市卷理综物理试题依据《考试大纲》,符合《考试说明》的要求,所考查的内容都在规定的知识范围内,坚持以能力测试为主导,注重考查基础,突出主干,重视学科内知识的综合.试题大多注重理论联系实际,关注科学技术和社会、经济协调发展,重视对考生科学素养的考查.其中福建卷有一道力学试题,试题贴近生活实际,考查  相似文献   

高考越来越注重对考生综合能力的考查,既包括对知识积累、运用能力等智力因素的考查,也包括对读题、答卷技巧等非智力因素的考查。但我们的课堂教学基本上只注重对学生智力因素的训练而不太重视对学生非智力因素的训练,结果使学生在考试中丢了一些本不该丢的分。这种现象在主观题型占整个卷面80%分值的语文考试中表现得尤为明显。  相似文献   

新课程下的语文试题注重学生的阅读理解与顿悟穿透能力,注重考查学生对文本知识的审美价值与情感态度,注重考查学生对现实生活的感悟能力.这也是新课程教学所应值得关注和思考的.  相似文献   

戴国良 《湖南教育》2006,(10):28-30
初中毕业学业水平考试(以下简称中考)作为评价初中数学教学的重要手段和工具,已经根据新课标的要求在悄然发生变革。从试题的角度上看,一方面,关注了广对数学核心内容、基本能力和基本思想方法的考查;关注了对学生获取数学知识的思维方法和数学活动过程的考查;注重了对学生的数感、符号感、空间观念、统计观念、数学应用意识、推理能力及解决问题能力的考查。另一方面,开放性试题、应用性试题、信息分析试题、实践操作试题等类型问题的设计得到了更好的发展与完善。此外,命题的形式丰富而又活泼,给学生创设了探索思考的空间和机会,而且在表现形式上较好地体现了对学生个性的尊重,对数学教育价值的关注。  相似文献   

小学语文课程评价要突出整体性和综合性,既要关注学生对语文基础的考查,也要着眼于学生综合能力的考查,同时体现语文与生活的联系,注重过程,注重能力,注重激励,促进学生的全面发展。因此,设计小学语文试题应力求  相似文献   

一、试题的导向 今年的历史科中考试题仍以水平考试为主,面向大多数学生,注重考查学生的基础知识、基本理论和基本技能。试题注重了知识的综合与知识的运用,设计了考查学生是否掌握了分析、综合、比较、概括等方法,是否能够运用所学知识举一反三,从而 正确表述历史等能力。 如选择题,考查学生 对历史本质的认识与 理解并判断是非的能 力;连线题,考查学生 对相同、相近或相似 的历史知识是否能够 进行归类、比较;列举 题,考查学生能否认 识历史事件、历史概 店等的本质并进行综合、概括;材料分析题,考查学生对所给材料是否理解与…  相似文献   

运用现代教育测量理论,对数学测验进行标准化控制,以提高考试的效度和信度,尽而实现数学教育测量的标准化、科学化.其一般原则也适合于其他学科测验,并给出与考试有关的几个问题.  相似文献   

Time limits on some computer-adaptive tests (CATs) are such that many examinees have difficulty finishing, and some examinees may be administered tests with more time-consuming items than others. Results from over 100,000 examinees suggested that about half of the examinees must guess on the final six questions of the analytical section of the Graduate Record Examination if they were to finish before time expires. At the higher-ability levels, even more guessing was required because the questions administered to higher-ability examinees were typically more time consuming. Because the scoring model is not designed to cope with extended strings of guesses, substantial errors in ability estimates can be introduced when CATs have strict time limits. Furthermore, examinees who are administered tests with a disproportionate number of time-consuming items appear to get lower scores than examinees of comparable ability who are administered tests containing items that can be answered more quickly, though the issue is very complex because of the relationship of time and difficulty, and the multidimensionality of the test.  相似文献   

This study examines the possible change in cognitive processes and geographical knowledge requirements during the digitalisation process of the Finnish Matriculation Examination in Geography (digitalised in the autumn of 2016). The theoretical background is derived from revised Bloom’s taxonomy, which is applied as a framework for the content analysis of the questions (n = 331) of the geography tests between the autumn of 2013 and the spring of 2019. The results show that the questions mainly require an understanding of conceptual and factual knowledge. Because of the digitalisation, questions that require remembering have been reduced, whereas questions that require analysing have been increased. In addition, more comprehensive use and more extensive production of materials are required in the tests. Based on our research findings, we emphasise the need for a careful re-evaluation of the kind of cognitive processes and knowledge that should be assessed in geography tests, both nationally and internationally.  相似文献   

目前我国大学的英语考试大都采用了多项选择题,且大至全国性的统考,小至学校一门课程的期末考试,多项选择题在试题中所占的比重可以高达85%。这种形式的考试还被冠以“标准化考试”、“是客观题”,并认为具有“阅卷省事”等特点,导致人们对此类试题产生不客观、不全面的认识。实践证明,此类试题的缺点和负面作用是客观存在的,在某种意义上还十分严重。因此,恰如其分地评价多项选择题,这对大学英语考试的正确导向、对英语人才的培养意义重大。  相似文献   

In a large introductory physics course, structured weekly journals (weekly reports) regularly encouraged students to ask questions about the material. The resulting questions were collected for one quarter and coded based on difficulty and topic. Students also took several conceptual tests during the quarter. The reports contained more questions than typically observed in a college classroom, but the number of questions asked was not correlated to any measure of conceptual performance. Relationships among different types of questions and performance on these tests were explored. Deeper‐level questions that focus on concepts, coherence of knowledge, and limitations were related to the variance in student conceptual achievement. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 40: 776–791, 2003  相似文献   


The purpose of this research was to investigate the efficacy of professional development in changing two middle school science teachers’ questioning to include more questions that require deeper student responses. The professional development was based on ICAP theory which proposes a framework for identifying cognitive engagement based on what is required of students. ICAP hypothesizes that Interactive and Constructive questions, such as those requiring inferential thought and collaboration, lead to deeper thinking and therefore stronger learning gains than questions that are more Active, Passive. Teacher questioning before and after the PD showed a marked improvement in increasing the number of questions that required students to make inferences about the materials. Student gain scores from tests on the lesson’s content suggests a positive relationship between constructive questions and student learning. This paper also details a coding scheme based on ICAP that can be used to provide feedback on teachers’ questioning.  相似文献   

Tandi Clausen-May is a principal research officer in the Department for Research in Assessment and Measurement at the National Foundation for Educational Research. In this article, she examines the accessibility for learners with special educational needs of some of the mathematics questions from tests used in the 2003 cycle of two international surveys. Aspects of the language and layout of the questions are considered in relation to the principles of universal design as these are being formulated in the context of test development. Some potential barriers to the inclusion of pupils with special educational needs are identified and possible alter-native wording and presentation of the questions are suggested. Tandi Clausen-May closes her article with a discussion of the way in which some of the principles of universal design might inform the development of more inclusive tests for the future.  相似文献   

States are increasingly requiring that public school teachers pass one or more tests as a condition for permanent employment. As a result of a recent federal court decision, these tests must now satisfy the same legal standards as other employment tests. Moreover, some of the measures used to assess teacher competence no longer rely on multiple-choice items. They now utilize various types of open-ended performance assessments. This article discusses how these developments may affect the adverse impact, reliability, validity, and pass-fail standards of teacher certification tests. The article concludes by recommending that such tests combine multiple-choice questions with open-end tasks that focus on the common or critical situations that are likely to arise across the full range of practice setting for which the teacher is being certified or licensed.  相似文献   

States are increasingly requiring that public school teachers pass one or more tests as a condition for permanent employment. As a result of a recent federal court decision, these tests must now satisfy the same legal standards as other employment tests. Moreover, some of the measures used to assess teacher competence no longer rely on multiple-choice items. They now utilize various types of open-ended performance assessments. This article discusses how these developments may affect the adverse impact, reliability, validity, and pass-fail standards of teacher certification tests. The article concludes by recommending that such tests combine multiple-choice questions with open-end tasks that focus on the common or critical situations that are likely to arise across the full range of practice setting for which the teacher is being certified or licensed.  相似文献   

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