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阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A James Bender, in his How to Talk Well (New York McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1994) relates the story of a farmer who grew award-winning corn. Each year he entered his corn in the state fair where it won a blue ribbon. One year a newspaper reporter interviewed him and learned something interesting about how he grew it.  相似文献   

To make a safe place for his pet turtle, Tyler enclosed a rectangular area of grass, in his garden, with 14 bricks. As the turtle grew, Tyler wanted to make a bigger enclosure using the same number of bricks. How did he do it?  相似文献   

Unit 21 Karl MarxKarl Marx learned some English at the school, but when he reached at England and made London as the base for his revolutionary work, he found his English was too limited and begin to work hard to improve it. He made so rapid progress in English that he could write a book in English the followed year. He found Russian was also very important in 1870s  相似文献   

A Mr Leonard was twenty-three years old and very rich.He was not married and he lived in two rooms in a small house in a city.Every summer he went down to the sea for a holiday.He stayed in small,cheap hotels,but he always wanted to have a clean,tidy room.He hated dirty places. One summer a friend of his said,"Go to the Tower Hotel in Whitesea.I went there last year,and it was very nice and clean." So Mr Leonard went to the Tower Hotel in Whitesea.But there was a different manager that year.  相似文献   

Last year my father left his hearing aid in the hotel section of my yellow pages and I forgot to send it back to him for about two months, during which tune he kept his hand cupped perpetually around his good ear and shouted, "What's that?" every time he saw someone's mouth moving. Reminds me of a story our preacher told about an old gal who lived in New Hampshire. One day she plucked the hearing aid from her ear and threw it in the trash. "I'm ninety four years old and I've heard enough," she said.  相似文献   

Jack was a very rich man. He had got a bag of gold from business, but he did not know where to keep it. He was afraid that thieves might 1 his house and steal it away. One day when it was time to go to bed, he put the gold bag beside his pillow (枕头) and tied the bag to his arm. But he was awake all night because he was worrying about the gold. Finally, he 2 to hide the bag of gold in a hole near a tall tree in his back garden.“But the people m ay still know that there s gold in t…  相似文献   

anonymous  寒星 《英语辅导》2017,(11):32-33
On a warm sunny island,little Harry was born.Flowers bloomed all the year round.The sun shone most of the time. When Harry was six years old,his family moved to New York. It seemed very 1)odd to the little boy to live in a place where there were so many people,and such great houses.After a while,the weather grew cold and he had to wear thick clothing.  相似文献   

Bruce got on the bus early in the morning. He was going to the next town to visit one of his friends. He had got up very early, and he felt tired. Soon he fell asleep. A short while later, he woke up in the middle of a dream. In his dream, he was in a busy street. People were pushing him hard and pulling at his clothes. As he woke up, he found that it wasn't only a dream.Somebody was really pulling at his coat pocket.  相似文献   

Jack had gone to a university to study history,but at the end of hisfirst year,he failed in the history examination and he was told by hishistory professor that he would have to leave the university,but his fatherdecided that he would go to see the professor to ask him to let Jack go onwith his studies the following year.  相似文献   

Qu Xin-ling, a small county magistrate in the Tang Dynasty, because he applied a policy of benevolence to his people, loved his people deeply and particularly sympathized with the solitary, was remembered by his people by building the mausoleum, setting up the ancestral hall and erecting the monument for him after he deceased, the moving memorial ceremony was held year after year when the old men in the villages rushed to offer wine to him, the common people there, no matter young or old, all weeped for him while burning joss sticks in a long line. This article widely searches his documents and materials, picks up the rare historical relics of him and combs his native place, scholarly honor, official career, very popular morality and achievement and people’s praising and cherishing him over a thousand years one by one, and thinks this is “a precious legacy” that is worth summarizing and inheritting, it is also greatly helpful for purifying the society of today, encouraging those who are in power working loyally for their people.  相似文献   

This article presents a case study of Mark Westin from his first to his fifth year of teaching fifth grade in an urban public school. Despite extreme management challenges and limited administrative support in a school with unusually high turnover, Mark persevered through his difficult novice years to become among the most respected and dedicated teachers in his school. Through classroom observations and interviews with Mark, I first present a snapshot of Mark's first year of teaching, followed by a longitudinal study of Mark's perceptions of his early years of teaching, gathered through observations, field notes and interviews during the succeeding four years. As Mark's confidence, experience and teaching competence grew, he became increasingly reflective and critical of his teacher preparation and his early teaching experiences, especially the lack of support he received from the school administration. A high proportion of teachers in similar situations leave teaching in the first several years. Mark's story helps to put a human face on the exceptions and offers his perspectives on improving teacher preparation and support.  相似文献   

一江春水向东流——李煜词情感特征说略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李煜词情感特征突出。彻底享乐、坦直言情、极情尽致地抒写亡国感受,表现着他的真率;成长环境、文化素养、个人经历、诗人天赋,造就了他的敏锐;自然感发之情,世路飘忽之感、河山社稷之悲,合构成他情感上的巨大负荷。而这真率、敏锐、大负荷的情感特征,正是李煜词作具有经久不衰的感人力量的重要原因  相似文献   

面对现实与理想的差距,海子渴望到远方和麦地寻找自由和幸福。然而他最终也没有找到自己的精神家因——但他始终坚守自己的理想主义和浪漫主义情怀,不懈地传播他所谓的“大诗”和理想.他是一只孤独而又忧伤的天鹅,但他依然在飞行。海予的抒情短诗《天鹅》就是一曲时代的挽歌,也是一首天鹅的绝唱.  相似文献   

《新探》以拣记所探得的蒲鲁浑之父蒲运超与族人,在南宋末年为躲避战争从东营北迁,1211年到蒙古定居。其实不然,稽宋史,并非末年,而是南宋中期,其间80余年无战乱,只有嘉定三年,淄州地区有过大灾之年,当时原蒲家庄的蒲运超与族人同各村一样,许多人家结伙外出逃荒。求生中又迁蒙古南方定居,而并非从东营迁去。年幼的蒲鲁浑长大后,参加了蒙古军,因屡立战功,被封官晋爵,及以后诸事,《新探》作者笔下有许多误说。笔者在此质疑分析,以证史实。  相似文献   

吉卜林是第一个获得诺贝尔文学奖的英国作家。他的印度题材小说受到了广泛的关注。矛盾及困惑伴随着吉卜林的一生。一方面吉卜林在印度长大,对印度有难以割舍的情怀。另一方面,他是大英帝国的子民,他希望印度能接受英国的教化。吉卜林的双重身份影响他的东西方文化观。文章以文本分析为主,从吉卜林印度题材小说表现的主题分析吉卜林东西方观的矛盾及二重性。东西方文化的"对立"将在《伊姆雷的归来》和《野兽的烙印》中体现。东西方文化的融合观将在《普伦巴葛的奇迹》和《基姆》中体现。  相似文献   

3.T he w ild anim alThe wild anim al was strong in Buck,and as hetraveled across the snow,it grew stronger and stronger.A nd as Buck grew stronger,he hated Spitz m ore andm ore,although he w as careful never to start a fight.B ut Spitz w as always show ing his teeth to Buck,trying to start a fight.A nd B uck knew that if he andSpitz fought,one of them w ould die.The fight alm ost happened one night w hen theystopped by Lake Laberge.There w as heavy snow and itw as very cold.The lake w as …  相似文献   

美国作家海明威随着年龄的增长 ,身体状况日趋不佳 ,而且他还得忍受写作生涯带来的孤寂以及对才华渐逝的恐惧。 195 2年海明威发表了《老人与海》 ,其间完满地塑造了一位孤独年老的英雄———圣地亚哥。这个形象的许多方面是海明威个人的真实写照 ,海明威借此表达了个人的见解 :从物质上讲每个人最终都是失败者 ,只有精神上的胜利才是可靠的 ,希望依然存在  相似文献   

童伯章是接受传统教育成长起来的近代教育家,在他一生的教育实践中,形成了自己独特的教育管理思想并付诸实践.。他秉持着存诚、能贱、淡泊金钱的树人宗旨,坚持教学与专业并进的师资培养,实行严格与开明并存的学生管理,贯彻文实艺并立的课程设计理念,为我国近代教育事业做出了自己的贡献。  相似文献   

苏轼的智慧是早熟的。他早年所受的教育使其形成了积极进取的人生态度。从早年寄子由诗中已见出他稳定的价值观;乌台诗案后的黄州时期,达到理性的高峰。苏轼吸收儒、道、佛三家思想,又不以任何一家为宗,只遵循自我本性。这是应对个体命运的根基所在。而这种根性潜藏在每一个人的心灵中。  相似文献   

叶赛宁生长于俄罗斯乡村,乡村是他的心灵栖居地,也是他创作的不竭源泉。进入城市之后,叶赛宁虽然赢得了至高名望,但也因颓废的生活态度陷入了精神危机,其创作上趋于阴暗消沉,与城市的对立情绪明显。在其生命末期,他也力图尝试调和自己在对待乡村与城市认识上的矛盾,无奈基于失败的婚姻和评论界的不公正对待,最终仍是以悲剧收场。  相似文献   

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