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中国妇女信息需求研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄昕 《图书馆论坛》2002,22(2):3-6,18
妇女占中国人口的一半。在人类已进入信息社会的今天,研究并满足妇女的信息需求应为中国图书馆工作者的一项光荣使命。本文从时代背景、现实状况、发展目标等方面对当前中国妇女的信息需求问题进行了全方位的透视,分析了妇女信息需求的特征,并指出为满足这些需求我们应该如何行动。  相似文献   

在互联网"知识爆炸"的大背景下,知识需求强劲,并具有终身学习、跨界通识学习、碎片时间学习等特征。知识付费是人们为满足知识需求并直接付费的新模式,是知识服务在互联网时代的升级。当前,知识服务模式以音频为主要媒介,较好地满足了服务的需要,具有广阔的前景。  相似文献   

1 网络信息用户需求的涵义 信息需求是人们在从事社会活动中,面对问题所产生的各种信息需求。用户的信息需求是人的总需求的一部分。网络信息用户是指在科研、生产、教育、管理等各种活动中利用计算机和网络获取所需信息的个人和团体。一般意义上讲,凡具有利用网络信息资源条件的一切社会成员都属于网络信息用户的范畴。网络信息用户需求就是网络信息用户为解决各种问题而产生的网络信息需求。  相似文献   

当前我国信息化的关键──实现信息资源共享秦海菁(国家信息中心研究所)信息资源共享是对信息资源广泛、深入开发利用的前提。信息资源的开发利用以社会化、专业化为主要特征。现代社会中由于信息总需求大大增加,出于对效率的追求,信息生产者与需求者逐步分离,需求者...  相似文献   

青少年信息需求研究既重要又棘手,国内相关实证研究缺乏.为了获得关于青少年信息需求规律的专业性知识,推动青少年信息服务内容和形式创新,本文研究以生活为中心,采用IUE模型,对106名青少年展开"日常问题"日志调查,并对1037条"问题"的进行内容分析.结果表明,问题内容、问题缘起、人际信息源、解决路径、解决效率、年龄特征等信息需求变量间存在显著相关关系,这些关系反映了当前青少年的信息需求结构;青少年信息需求结构复杂,且这一特征被年龄差别进一步强化;各类信息源在青少年信息查找中扮演不同的重要角色;青少年各类信息需求的满足存在一些弱势领域.  相似文献   

中文工具书附录信息具有三个特点:正文依附性,附录不会脱离文献主体而单纯存在,是对文献主体的必要补充。信息多样性,主要有各类名称、代码、标准信息,常用的计量单位、缩略语及专业用语等。检索实用性,可以利用附录的多种信息为读者提供检索服务。当前在图书目录中对中文工具书的附录信息著录较为简单,影响了附录信息的利用,可以利用计算机编制全馆的中文工具书附录指南,充分发挥附录信息在参考咨询中的作用。中文工具书附录信息的特点与开发利用@鲍国海$上海大学文荟图书馆 @曹双琴$上海大学文荟图书馆  相似文献   

提高图书馆信息需求满足率的几点设想   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
信息需求满足率是评价图书馆文献信息资源建设的重要指标之一。本文从实用的角度出发 ,提出在图书馆业务工作中 ,通过做好图书采访、加快编目速度、重新设置流通参数等 ,提高图书馆的信息需求满足率  相似文献   

截屏的本质与摄影相同,都被赋予了复制与分享的内涵,满足人们传递初始信息的需求.截屏功能作为当前一种常用技术手段,在提供便捷的同时,也带来了不可忽视的问题.后真相时代截屏传播给受众以"视觉真实"的效果强化己方观点,加快信息的传播速度.在传播过程中可能出现多次编辑、无意识侵权、社交信任危机、图像谣言生成等风险.  相似文献   

艺术传播就是指借助于一定的传播介质,以艺术符号、语言等传播形式,将艺术信息或作品传递给受众的过程。艺术(绘画、雕塑、建筑等)主要以表象符号为载体,物化在具体的媒介(报纸、杂志、书籍、广播、电影、电视等)上,激发和满足艺术传播受众对艺术信息的需求。①就需求本身而言,既  相似文献   

王擎 《当代传播》2011,(3):124-126
本文基于2010年对北京市民进行的问卷调查,测量经济信息在北京市民中的渗透率及影响力,分析北京市民使用经济信息的动机,以及对当前经济信息传播的评价.结果显示:经济信息已对受众产生相当的黏性,年龄和教育程度的差异是影响其对经济信息不同需求动机的主要因素,当前媒介对经济信息的报道在相当程度上可以满足受众对经济信息的量的需求...  相似文献   

This article focuses on the health information needs of the State of Oklahoma, which ranks 45th among all 50 states in the health status of its citizens. A deficit in collections technology, a lack of knowledge about medical information in service staff, and poor marketing and outreach efforts in lightly populated counties and towns have worked against the provision of solid health information to the populace. The author points out how grants have provided funding for collaboration, partnerships, and training to certification (Medical Library Association’s Consumer Health Information Specialist Certification [CHIS]) for many staff as health information specialists. Although the issue of health information is still significant in Oklahoma, the Oklahoma library community has made inroads in handling a severe community problem in which the author believes that U.S. public libraries should be heavily involved.  相似文献   

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) landscape offers a prime opportunity to explore the transformation of consumer health reference services. This article focuses on a number of key areas in which consumer health reference work is revisited in the context of the ACA. In particular, library staff training opportunities, service philosophies, and strategies for conducting consumer health reference interviews must evolve and expand. Overall, revisiting consumer health reference is timely and needed to ensure that libraries remain responsive to community health information needs.  相似文献   

A partnership to improve access to health information via an urban public library system was established in St. Louis, Missouri, in 2011. A multiyear project was outlined that included an information needs assessment, a training class for public library staff, information kiosks at library branches for delivering printed consumer health materials, and a series of health-related programming. The partnership evolved to include social service and community organizations to carry out project goals and establish a sustainable program that met the health and wellness interests of the community.  相似文献   

分析了高校图书馆文献信息资源利用率很低的现象及其成因,提出可以将现代企业4Ps、4Cs营销理念引入图书馆业务工作,以提高读者工作服务质量,扩大读者工作服务范围,在充分满足校内师生阅读需求的前提下.努力为社区居民和社会公众读者提供优质服务,为创建和形成全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会贡献力量。  相似文献   

郭海红  李姣  代涛 《情报工程》2016,2(6):039-049
本文旨在构建一个中文健康问句分类方法,并通过对高血压相关的健康问句进行人工分类标注,分析公众的高血压相关健康信息需求,同时为研发高血压相关的智能中文问答系统提供语料基础。本研究基于临床问句分类及公众健康信息查询场景层次模型,构建一个四级中文健康问句主题分类方法,并由5位标注员独立地对从某中文健康网站上收集的将近10万条高血压相关提问数据中随机抽取的2000条样本数据进行人工分类标注,以优化和测试该问句分类方法的可靠性,构建标注语料库,并分析公众的高血压相关健康信息需求。5位标注员使用该分类方法进行独立标注的四级类目评判者间信度kappa值为0.63,意味着分类结果可靠,一级大类获得高度一致性(kappa=0.82),略优于国际上的同类研究。分布在治疗、诊断、健康生活方式、临床发现/病情管理、流行病学、择医六个一级类别中的问句分别占样本总量的48.1%、23.8%、11.9%、5.2%、9.0%和1.9%。所构建的健康问句分类方法可用于组织大型健康问题集,以提高检索效率;分类标注的样本问句可作为高血压相关健康问句自动分类研究的语料;得出的高血压相关健康问句主题分布有助于指导健康网站的知识资源建设。此外,所设计和采用的问句分类方法构建方式、语料标注流程、评判者间信度测量方法等,也可为开放领域及其他受限领域开展用户问句分类与语料构建提供借鉴。  相似文献   

医院图书馆已成为社区居民获取医学信息资源的重要渠道。在介绍医院图书馆为社区服务现状的基础上,从建立社区卫生服务的信息支持系统、拓宽社区医疗服务职能以及增强馆藏资源的文化功能3个方面,深入阐述了新时期医院图书馆与社区互动带给医务工作者的启示。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(32):125-138
The Patent Depository Library (PDL) system is a valuable program which provides important patent collections and services at many locations across the country. Not all of those interested in patent information can travel to a PDL, and reference staff at other libraries often feel uneasy in dispensing patent information. The article suggests that many types of patent inquiries can be addressed with a small investment in time, materials, and training. Delineates four different levels of service, and discusses the means for deciding which is appropriate to a given library. Describes materials and staff training for each of the levels. Introduces advanced service options and discusses several patron types and their possible needs. Integrating a patent reference service component into an existing reference service provides a number of benefits: information to the community, better public relations for the library, and an opportunity for staff development.  相似文献   

Responsibility for the provision of consumer health information typically lies within the public library domain or the health sciences library arena. In many communities, both types of libraries provide support for consumer health information services, often with varying levels of expertise. Public library employees may or may not be trained in the use of health and biomedical information resources. Conversely, health sciences library staff may or may not be familiar with information needs of the lay public within their community. To offset these potential differences, a model was developed to assess the health information needs of community members and to provide training for public library staff regarding use of relevant electronic consumer health information resources.  相似文献   

Background: Somali Bantu refugees, with unique health information needs, created challenges for health and social service providers. Objectives: A service innovation was developed (i) to raise awareness, especially among local health and social service providers, about the Bantu refugees’ presence in the community, their culture, and their information needs and (ii) to deliver needed health information, emphasizing child health, to the Bantu mothers in their homes. Methods: The project consisted of: (i) a community conference targeting local health and social service providers, describing the refugees’ presence in the community, their culture, and information needs. (ii) Focus groups conducted with members of the Bantu population elicited additional information needs. (iii) Curriculum was developed based on identified needs, and (iv) the curriculum was delivered to the refugees in their homes. A clinical informationist and MP3 technology enhanced the project. Findings: Conference attendees’ evaluation responses indicated improved understanding of Bantu culture. Focus groups’ identification of health information needs provided a framework for the health education curriculum. A project website made educational materials available to other healthcare providers. Conclusions: The project raised awareness of the Bantus’ presence, culture, and information needs. Identification of other unmet needs demonstrated that additional support for refugees is required.  相似文献   

This research focuses on identifying the information needs of health professionals, social workers and staff from voluntary agencies, who work together in the provision of services for people with a mental illness. The aim is to provide a fully integrated library and information service for mental health and social care. A number of recent government reports have prompted this research. These have culminated in the publication of the National Service Framework for Mental Health. It was decided to conduct a qualitative study using 17 semi‐structured interviews with individuals and multi‐professional groups. A thematic analysis highlighted a number of key themes including: information need, information seeking behaviour and information flows. Results have indicated that because of the dispersed nature of mental health services, across primary and secondary care, and from statutory and non‐statutory organisations, information technology is viewed as the only realistic vehicle to provide the required information. As specialist mental health trusts are configured, covering wider geographical areas, this can only increase the reliance on information technology, for information access and information sharing.  相似文献   

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