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终结性、单一性的学业评定不利于学生综合素质的提高,表现性评价由于其天然的侧重实践能力考查的特点,较适合于职业学校实习教学的评定。在会计专业账务处理实习教学中,我们通过评价目标、评价内容和评价标准的改革,在学生实习的整个过程中实施表现性评价,使教学更贴近企事业单位对会计工作岗位的要求,以利于实现"以就业为导向"的教育目标。  相似文献   

表现性评定可划分为大规模测验中的表现性评定和课程嵌入型表现性评定两大类。20世纪九十年代以来,课程嵌入型表现性评定在校内学业成就评价领域的地位不断提高。课程嵌入型表现性评定任务的设计需要遵循一定的原则和步骤,在任务实施中须把握五个环节。将课程嵌入型表现性评定应用于教学过程,需要教育理念、教学方法和学习方式共同变革,表现性评定任务应当及时进入学生教科书及教师指导用书,且其实施需要对教师进行专业的培训。  相似文献   

表现性作品评定是对学生进行多元化综合评价的重要方式之一。在完成表现性作品的过程中,学生能够加深对所学地理知识的理解和掌握,体验学习的过程和方法。开展表现性作品评定,有利于学生形成良好的学习态度和学习品质,有利于促进学生综合素质全面发展。一、开展表现性作品评定的问题由于实施地理表现性作品评定是一项要求高、难度大的工作,要求教师有很高的素质,需要学生有更强的学习能力和毅力,因此,这种评价  相似文献   

表现性评定兴起于美国20世纪晚期,其在教育领域的广泛应用可以提升评定标准促使课堂与教学获得良性发展。表现性评定可分为任务指向型和结构指向型,并具有真实性、整合性以及建构性等特征。不同于以往的评定方式,表现性评定有一套严密的评定体系,通过具体的构思、设计与测评三个步骤将评定任务逐步完成,最终达成了多元评定标准,评定兼顾过程与结果并充分发挥了学生的主体地位。  相似文献   

表现性评定在信息技术课程中的应用探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从表现性评定产生的背景谈起,阐述了其理论基础、概念及其作用,并对表现性评定在信息技术课程中的应用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

学生实验是学校素质教育的一个重要方面,对其进行科学而合理的评定是促进学生相关素质发展的前提之一。学生实验是一种复杂的表现性活动,难以单纯地用纸笔测验进行评定,相形之下,表现性评定以其明确的评定标准、灵活的评定方法、有效的评定结果在实验评定中得到越来越多的使用。  相似文献   

新课程理念下的学业成就评定观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《表现性评定及其在中学生学业成就评价领域内的应用研究》是北京市教科研“十五”规划课题之青年专项,于2002年5月立项。结合新课改需要,课题组成员主要由来自海淀区教师进修学校、人大附中、十一学校、中关村中学、上地实验学校、翠微中学、永定路中学、立新学校的教师组成。在新课程的学业成就评定观指导下,课题制定出与学科课程密切结合,具有较强操作性、创新性的表现性评定任务方案。阶段性研究表明,表现性评定方案对学生在学科兴趣与能力培养方面具有良好的促进作用。  相似文献   

表现性评价在思想品德课中越来越受到重视。表现性评价是以呈现一系列综合性任务让学生完成,通过观察学生表现来评价学生已经取得的发展成就的评定形式,具有自身的特点。在初中思想品德课中,表现性评价的实施可分为确定表现性评价目标、设计有意义的表现性评价任务与合理制定表现性评价标准等主要步骤。应在实践中积极探索,进一步提高表现性评价在思想政治课中的实施效果。  相似文献   

中学生科学探究的表现性评价是依据他们在科学探究过程中的行为表现来进行的。为提高评价的效度、信度和可行性,利用表现性评价来评定学生的科学探究能力应遵循一些基本的规范:要确定评价目的;要设计合适的表现性任务;要制定可操作性的评定细则;要客观记录学生在探究中的表现;要利用评价和交流促进学生的发展。科学学业评价要加强对科学探究活动评定的实践研究;要注重过程性与终结性、书面测验与真实性评定相结合;要注意对科学探究能力评定的公正性。  相似文献   

表现性评价在美国教师资格认定实践中的应用及其启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自20世纪80年代起,美国佛罗里达州、乔治亚州、得克萨斯州等开始在专业教师资格认定中使用表现性评价。目前,少数州又将表现性评价应用于初级教师资格认定。表现性评价的应用增进了教师资格认定的真实性和预测效度。我国可以尝试在教师资格认定实践中应用表现性评价,也可以将表现性评价拓展应用到师范生教育实习以及在职教师专业发展领域,但同时要充分预见并积极应对可能面临的挑战。  相似文献   

生产实习考核方式的探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种新的课程考核方式,以提高生产实习考核的有效性和学生的工程实践能力。该方式根据生产实习课程的特点,采用了弹性化、多元化的考核方式,强调过程考核和全面考核。新的考核方式能够对学生的综合能力给予更客观和公正的评价。  相似文献   

A significant number of studies have examined the cognitive components of basic academic skills, which has led to major changes in both teaching and early identification assessment practices. However, the majority of previous research has focused solely on reading. This study examines the cognitive components of academic writing skills across early grade levels (1–4) while controlling for basic word identification skills. Results from this study suggest writing skill requires several cognitive skills of differing emphasis depending on the level of writing skill. Perceptual and rapid perceptual processing skills are important during the early acquisition of writing skills followed by a transition to language and language retrieval skills and later still to working memory skills. Applications for education and cognitive assessment are discussed.  相似文献   

Perceptual mapping is a systematic method for collecting, analyzing, and presenting group perceptions that is potentially useful in consultation. With input and feedback from a consultee group, perceptual mapping allows the consultant to capture the group's collective perceptions and display them as an organized image that may foster meaningful understanding of their shared beliefs and serve as a stimulus for discussion and problem solving. Perceptual mapping can give school-based consultants an additional means to bring ideas “to the table” that consultees can clearly conceptualize as originating with them as opposed to the notions of the consultant. The authors illustrate the potential use of and offer support for perceptual mapping as a tool for consultation in schools.  相似文献   

认证评价是对标准文本的实践解读,是使教学标准从文本状态转化为实践状态的手段和桥梁。舒尔曼团队的研究为美国基于标准的认证评价开发奠定了理论基础;以档案袋评价取代传统评价方式,为认证评价开发确立了基调;使认证评价能够用来评价极度复杂的、真实的教学实践,并使认证评价能够促进教师的专业发展,是美国优秀教师专业教学标准委员会评价开发的重点;管理上的可行性、专业领域的可接受性、公众方面的可信任性、法律方面的可辩护性、经济方面的可负担性是对评价开发者的理念和成果进行评估的标准。  相似文献   

This article illustrates how organizational theory can be used to support the development of authentic assessment practice among community college faculty, as well as guide research on implementation of assessment efforts. While many factors make implementing assessment difficult, the link between accreditation and assessment is a key element in distancing the practice from faculty. This dynamic arises not from the actions of accreditation agencies per se, but from the accountability narrative that has come to dominate both assessment and accreditation, the corresponding perception that assessment is “done to” faculty rather than by them, and a reliance among institutional leaders to echo this message in an effort to get assessment started. The result is implementation of assessment for compliance rather than meaningful program improvement. Understanding assessment as an innovation, and using organizational theory to guide implementation, may help community college leaders transcend this challenge and develop assessment practice that is more faculty-owned and meaningful. However, the current literature says little about how to use organizational theory to implement such assessment efforts. This article integrates Bolman and Deal’s (2008) framework on leadership and organizational change with actual examples of practice to illustrate how their model might be used to recapture the potential of assessment as well as guide research on effective implementation.  相似文献   

导说仿评"四轮驱动"教学模式的构建及其实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者在现代汉语专题课程教学实践中构建了导说仿评"四轮驱动"面授课教学模式,通过导学、谈话、仿做、点评几个主要环节来实现教学目标,解决教学中普遍存在的"学""用"分离的问题.  相似文献   

We investigated how a fifth-grade literacy teacher with classroom assessment expertise integrated assessment into his teaching practice. We employed a qualitative case study methodology to examine and document the processes this teacher used to make instructional decisions informed by classroom assessment events. We identified a repertoire of assessment relevant management routines and interpretation strategies that supported his assessment practice and instructional decision-making. Findings can be used to inform policy and organize content for teacher education by identifying a repertoire of potential management routines and interpretation strategies for engaging in classroom assessment and documenting how to enact these practices.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine workplace educators’ interpretations of their assessment practices. We draw on a critical practice lens to conceptualise assessment practice as a social, relational and situated practice that becomes critical through critique and emancipation. We conducted semi-structured interviews followed by roundtable discussions with physiotherapy clinical educators in the workplace. Employing a critical hermeneutic approach, data was scrutinised to understand relational and critical dimensions of assessment practices. Findings revealed that participants were socialised into assessment practices. They were aware of the challenges, and they grappled with the tension between their practice-based judgments and documentation of competence. Despite this tension, there was a reluctance to move their awareness of practice tensions towards emancipatory action which could relieve these tensions. We conclude that it is important to acknowledge the judgements which inform assessment practice and the tensions assessors feel between objective and subjective assessments. Assessors who deliberately engage with these tensions can emancipate their assessment practices towards a critical, wise and self-defining practice that nurtures lifelong learning in students and assessors alike.  相似文献   

形成性评价对于激励学生学习、客观评价学生成绩、增强教学效果等方面有着重要影响。笔者结合教学案例对过程性评价进行有益的实践探索和理论思考,认为在英语口语教学中运用形成性评价,能够激发学生学习口语的兴趣并提高其英语交际水平,能够比较准确客观全面地评价学生英语口语程度,能够有效推进英语口语教学改革创新和提高教学质量,值得进一步推广。  相似文献   

建构语文学科核心素养的测评框架是落实高中语文课程变革理念的内在要求。课程观念变革之际,核心素养评价发展趋势为:评价目的由评价学习结果转向促进学习过程,强调测评框架的可解释性;评价内容由知识本位走向关注对学科本质的深度理解;评价工具的设计强调测试任务的综合性与实践性。据此,本研究建构以情境为依托,以语言实践活动为载体,以实践活动中表征出的关键认知能力为核心的测评框架。通过对测试数据的分析发现,构建的语文学科核心素养测评框架结构合理并具有可操作性,能够为语文学科核心素养的课程评价提供一定参考。  相似文献   

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