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The Yangtze River is experiencing a crucial transition in its conservation and development that is faced by many problems and challenges,  相似文献   

Of the three distinct subspecies of finless porpoise in Chinese waters, the Yangtze population (N. phocaenoides asiaeorientalis) is the one that can only be found in the freshwater of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze mainstream,  相似文献   

Population Status, Threats and Conservation of the Yangtze Finless Porpoise   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides) is a small, toothed whale species living in coastal and riverine areas of Asia, with a range extending from the Persian Gulf in the west, to Pakistan, India, Indonesia, Borneo and China in the south, and up to Japan in the east [1] . The Yangtze finless porpoise (N. p. asiaeorientalis) is the sole freshwater subspecies  相似文献   

The Suzhou Institute of Nano-tech and Nano-bionics is co-established by CAS, the provincial government of Jiangsu, and the municipal government of Suzhou, a time-honored urban center and picturesque tourist resort in the Yangtze delta.  相似文献   

The Suzhou Institute of Nano-tech and Nano-bion- ics is co-established by CAS, the provincial govern- ment of Jiangsu, and the municipal government of Suzhou, a time-honored urban center and picturesque tourist resort in the Yangtze delta. In order to rai…  相似文献   

Shuhua shuibaizhi (Myricaria laxiflora), an endemic riparian plant in the Three Gorges Valley of the Yangtze River, is the only species in the genus Myricaria that grows in low-altitude regions along the Yangtze River. The other species of the genus are distributed in Tibet and neighboring regions.Over the past decades, scientists are puzzled at why the plant exists alone along the Yangtze while its cousins are suffering from the arid and frigid climate. And the researchers are anxious to know more about the plant because its natural habitat will be mostly plunged under water owing to the construction of the Three Gorges Dam.  相似文献   

The National Basic Research Program (dubbed as the "973 Program") is China's on-going national keystone basic research program, which was approved by the Chinese government in June 1 997 and is organized and implemented by the Ministry of Science and Technology.  相似文献   

Chinese student LUO Yuan, 27, is studying toward her Ph.D. in materials sciences at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids in Dresden, Germany. She is currently spending her fourth year in Germany as part of an exchange program between the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Max Planck Society. We talked with LUO Yuan about her research, the major differences in work culture between China and Germany, and her future plans.  相似文献   

Mei-yu is an important weather phenomenon in the middle-lower Yangtze River valley(YRV) region.This study investigates the changes in the characteristics of Mei-yu under global warming and the potential reasons based on observation and reanalysis data during 1961–2022. Notable increasing long-term trends are detected in the number of days without rainfall(NDWOR), the intensity of rainfall events, and the frequency and intensity of extreme precipitation events(EPEs) in the YRV region during the M...  相似文献   

This paper intends to introduce briefly the thematic progression patterns in Systemic- Functional Grammar, then analyze its application in "The Great Learning" which is one of the classics of the Confucius and his disciples. The analysis of the thematic progression patterns of "The Great Learning" is meaningful for both understanding and appreciating "The Great Learning".  相似文献   

在第三屠中国国际高新技术成果交易会期间,本刊记考在深圳专程采访了致力"成为推动中国半导体设计产业的主要办量'的翱科公司与其创始人--副主席兼策略总裁高秉强及技术副总裁、翱科半导体公司总经理陈凯博士.  相似文献   

科学界有一句格言,“创造的秘诀在于求异”。异,就是与众不同,就是独树一帜。许多科学家和发明家都是属于“特异”一类的人。他们勇于发表异言,乐于坚持异见,善于运用异思。总之,他们的特征是标新立异。“异”是思想的解放,观念的更新。有人曾把“异想天开”贬斥为不切实际的胡思乱想,这是一种偏见。其实,没有“异想”,何来“天开”呢?异想,使我们摆脱了控制性观念的束缚,使我们超越了常规式思考的限制。有人也将“见异思迁”一词用来讽刺某些在事业上不安分守已的人,这也是不恰当的。须知,这个“异”正是创造本能的体现。山…  相似文献   

自然辩证法作为马克思主义的科学哲学,从其产生以来,自然界是否存在客观辩证法问题一直是争议的核心。辩证法概念发展的一般哲学史含义同德国古典哲学的特殊转义是造成自然辩证法概念理解分歧的根本原因。因此在哲学史背景下对辩证法概念进行文本学考察,是判别自然辩证法概念真实含义及其合理性的最可靠依据,是深入进行自然辩证法研究的前提,是保持马克思主义哲学体系完整性研究的基础。  相似文献   

唐芬 《科教文汇》2011,(8):163-164
喜欢活动、需要快乐是小学生的天性.这中间包含了他们对未来的追求.对人生乐趣的渴望。在活动化教学活动中,他们要摸、要闻、要尝、要听、要唱、要跳、要画、要写:在和伙伴们一起活动时,要说话、要进行思想交流、要模仿别人,要探索、要创造、要驰骋于想象的天地。他们积极参与其问,兴趣盎然,领悟了学习的喜悦,获得了成功的满足.从而充分发挥了个性.提高了他们的全面素质.  相似文献   

陈光霓 《科教文汇》2012,(25):86-86,91
讲述故事的游吟诗人和歌者是人类社会发展过程中很重要的历史文化传播者。文章以传统西藏的说唱艺人"仲肯"和古希腊诗人"荷马"为研究对象,通过比较和对照游吟诗人的共通之处,说明故事的讲述人在"行走"中不仅完成了史诗的创编、演述和流布,同时也在这个过程中构建起了凝聚群族认同的社会记忆。  相似文献   

蔡鸽 《科教文汇》2013,(2):131-132
0—6岁的儿童年龄较小,生长发育较快,孩子的营养、吃饭问题就成了老师和家长们一个比较关注的话题。而现在的很多孩子由于挑食、厌食导致体重超标、营养不良,本文在基于实例的基础上,结合孩子的生理和家长的教育问题,提出可行的教育方法,帮助孩子养成良好的生活习惯,促进孩子的健康成长。  相似文献   

"参考文献"与"引文"的差异   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
林晓军  王昕 《情报科学》2000,18(2):180-181,184
"参考文献"、"引文"是文献计量学中引文分析法常用的两个学术用语,针对目前某些文献中对这两个术语使用比较混乱的现象,本文从信息的角度论述了这两个术语的基本概念和相互关系.  相似文献   

中国制造与"世界第一"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“中国制造”的崛起是20世纪末21世纪初世界经济发展中的一件大事,也是中国经济为全球所瞩目的主要原因。进入21世纪以来,中国整体经济的质量和结构得到有效调整,国有企业的改革和效益也较过去出现了较大程度的改善,外资企业蜂拥挤般进入中国,民营企业在夹缝中生存下来并迎来了其发展的  相似文献   

文章从文献角度与医学原理,分析了《素问·至真要大论》"诸痛痒疮,皆属于心"一句中的"痒"字,对历代医家的理解作疏解,并结合当代学者的观点展开了探讨。同时,"对诸痛痒疮皆属于心"的含义提出新的见解。  相似文献   

吴志春 《科教文汇》2014,(36):223-224
“从哪里来”和“到哪里去”是人类永恒的话题。本文试图对“根”与“跟”的神话哲理进行阐述,并在文学哲学等领域探讨文化寻根的种种问题。  相似文献   

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