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The paper presents some findings of a study which surveyed the political attitudes and involvement of American scientists.We found an unambiguous rank ordering based on political orientation among the various subgroups of scientists. The greater the scientists' identification with basic science and the university, the greater the liberalism. However, the claim that scientific elites are more liberal than the rank-and-file and that physicists are the most liberal among natural scientists was not substantiated.The fear that a scientific-technological elite might become a dominant political elite was not reflected in the thinking of a large majority of our 1205 respondents. A majority expressed reservations about the skill and knowledge of the citizenry to understand and resolve the increasingly complex problems of our society, recognize that a separation of science and politics is not attainable or even desireable, but remain somewhat uneasy with the new situation in which their work has become so enmeshed with policy concerns.The traditional norm system of science continues to receive substantial support and takes precedence over either the concern about the social consequences of certain types of “dangerous” knowledge, or the costs that heavy investments in basic science involve. We find that scientists are largely prepared to sacrifice the norm of communality at the altar of nationalism. The clash between an internal ideology of science that values disinterested search for knowledge and an external ideology of society which focuses on utility presents a continuing dilemma.  相似文献   

In the 1950s, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) engaged in close cooperation with the Soviet Academy of Sciences. The CAS sent scientists to the Soviet Academy to work as interns, study for advanced degrees, or engage in academic cooperation, and a large number of Soviet scientists were invited by the various institutes of the CAS to come to China to give lectures, direct research, help make scientific plans, and collaborate. The comprehensive cooperation between the two academies was launched at a time when the CAS institutes were in their embryonic stage, which suggests that the better-established Soviet scientists had the opportunity to play a dominate role. But the reality is not so straightforward. The case studies in this paper suggest that besides the influence of compatible political movements in China and the Soviet Union and bilateral ties between these two nations’ scientific institutes, disharmony in actual working relationships prevented Soviet scientists from playing the role they might have envisioned within the CAS institutes. The rapid development of the cooperative relationship in a short span of time, combined with lack of experience on both sides, made for a disharmonious collaboration.  相似文献   

诺贝尔科学奖中的“人才链”及其启示   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
诺贝尔科学奖是当今自然科学界公认的最高荣誉 ,2 0世纪至今为止的 4 56名诺贝尔科学奖获得者是 2 0世纪科学的“超级精英”。从科学学的观点来审视 ,我们会发现他 (她 )们中间存在着一个个的“人才链” ,正是通过这种“人才链” ,使使知识得以积累 ,学派得以形成 ,创新得以延续。文章分析指出 ,科学形成“人才链”的主要因素有 :科学大师是“人才链”的核心 ;不断创新是“人才链”的关键 ;宽松环境是“人才链”的土壤 ;“马太效应”是“人才链”的媒介。并认为 ,在面对世界科技飞速发展的挑战中 ,我们应该加强规划 ,找准方向 ,重点倾斜 ,培养帅才 ,自由探索 ,敢于创新 ,以形成自己的中国学派和“人才链” ,进而在世界高科技领域占有一席之地。  相似文献   

环境学课程思政教学工作,重点围绕"生态保护、绿色发展、资源消耗、环境损害、生态效益"等生态环保专业知识构建思政教学体系,充分挖掘和凝练环境学课程在生态文明建设、生态环境保护和绿色发展方面的思政元素和育人功能,向学生传授生态保护与恢复、环境污染治理和自然资源保护等专业知识和实践经验,培养学生保护自然资源和生态环境的良好政治意识,并使其深刻认识环境保护的紧迫性和艰巨性,最终树立为我国生态环保事业奋斗终身的伟大志向。  相似文献   

简兆权  陈键宏  王晨 《科研管理》2014,35(10):17-25
本文旨在研究政治和商业关联对组织创新的影响,并以网络能力、知识整合能力和组织创新理论为基础,研究知识获取在以上关系中所起的中介作用以及知识整合能力所起的调节作用。本研究以北京、广州和厦门三地193家本土高科技企业为研究对象进行层级回归分析,结果表明,政治和商业关联对组织创新具有显著的正向影响,知识获取在政治和商业关联与组织创新的关系中起着完全中介的作用;知识整合能力在知识获取与组织创新的作用中起正向调节作用。研究结果对中国情境下政治和商业管理、知识获取与整合、组织创新的理论和实践具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

Under the leadership of Joshua Lederberg, some American biologists and chemists proposed exobiology as the most legitimate program for space research. These scientists used the fear of contamination--of earth and other planets--as a central argument for funding "nonpolitical," "scientifically valid" experiments in extraterrestrial life detection. Exobiology's resemblance to popular science fiction narratives presented a significant challenge to its advocates' scientific authority. Its most practical applications, moreover, bore an unseemly resemblance to the United States Army's research on biological weapons. At the same time that exobiologists wanted to use the media to attract support for their program, they had to monitor their statements carefully in order to maintain their view of exobiology as a peaceful, scientifically valid research program. In examining how exobiology's creators positioned their work in comparison to other space sciences as well as science fiction, this case study highlights how cultural and political imperatives entered science through practice and narrative during the Cold War.  相似文献   

该文以"中级德语"课程的课堂教学为例,重点阐述了在"中级德语"课程的教学中融入立德树人思政元素的具体内容。高校外语教学同样要顺应思政课程到课程思政的改革,根据课程特点和内容,将立德树人的思想精髓要义融入多样化的课堂教学之中。高校在提高德语专业学生外语知识水平的同时,还需要潜移默化地使学生树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观,拥有真善美的人生追求和思想政治意识,从而充分发挥"中级德语"课程的思政教育作用。  相似文献   

高校教育的目的是立德树人,为民族复兴提供人才支撑。习近平总书记在全国高校思想政治工作会议上指出“要坚持把立德树人作为中心环节,把思想政治工作贯穿教育教学全过程”、“各类课程与思想政治理论课同向同行,形成协同效应”。计算机公共基础课是面向全校非计算机专业开设的通识必修课程,涉及面广,影响大,因此,挖掘计算机基础课程中的思政资源,将思政教育融入计算机基础课程的教学工作,实现计算机知识传授和核心价值观引领有机统一,对立体化育人具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

在国家出台各项政策以推进课程思政建设的背景下,如何将思政元素融入专业课程教学值得深入探究。教师在讲授“工程测量”课程知识点的基础上,引入思政元素,培养学生的思想政治素养和职业岗位责任感,实现专业知识与思政元素的融合,以实现立德树人的目标。  相似文献   

本文从“思政十三元素”对“机械设计基础课程设计”课程的教学内容与课程思政的融合进行探讨,详细阐述了从政治文明、精神文明、社会文明、生态文明四个方面开展课程思政的途径,以实现课程设计实践内容和课程育人的双向结合。  相似文献   

Anderson TR  Rice T 《Endeavour》2006,30(4):131-137
While dredging in the Aegean Sea during the mid-19th century, Manxman Edward Forbes noticed that plants and animals became progressively more impoverished the greater the depth they were from the surface of the water. By extrapolation Forbes proposed his now infamous azoic hypothesis, namely that life would be extinguished altogether in the murky depths of the deep ocean. The whole idea seemed so entirely logical given the enormous pressure, cold and eternal darkness of this apparently uninhabitable environment. Yet we now know that the sea floor is teeming with life. Curiously, it took 25 years for the azoic hypothesis to fall from grace. This was despite the presence of ample contrary evidence, including starfishes, worms and other organisms that seemingly originated from the deep seabed. This is a tale of scientists ignoring observations that ran counter to their deep-seated, yet entirely erroneous, beliefs.  相似文献   

History of biomedicine is a hybrid domain, intersecting with many other scholarly disciplines. From the 1970s, historians who investigated recent developments in medicine increasingly shared the approaches, presuppositions, and methods of inquiry of historians and sociologists of science and technology. One reason is that the increasing reliance of medicine on technologies, instruments, and drugs makes the demarcation between "medicine," "science," and "industry" more difficult. Another is the "practice turn" in the history of science, which gave greater attention to the ways scientists and physicians work. The impressive achievements of historians who applied these new approaches came, however, at a cost. The neglect of an earlier generation of historians of medicine may have limited more recent ambitions for understanding health and disease in society. Closer links with historians of science and technology and sociologists of science may have blurred the specificity of medicine as a domain grounded in the distinction between the normal and the pathological and lessened scholars' interest in "the clinic" as a unique site of the production of knowledge.  相似文献   

课程思政是民办高校思政工作的重要内容。民办高校通过构建全体教职员工参与、覆盖教学全过程及全部科目的课程思政格局,不仅可以向学生传授系统化的专业知识,增强学生的实际技能,还可以帮助学生培育正确的世界观、人生观、价值观。该文将就民办高校如何进行"四位一体"课程思政改革展开探索。  相似文献   

在高校"全方位育人"思想指导下,结合金融专业特点,努力让思政教育贯穿金融专业学生学习全过程,挖掘金融专业课程教学中的隐性思政资源,将思政的育人元素与课程的知识内容进行有机结合。本文以"Python语言应用"课程为例,分析专业教师开展思政教育的必要性,探索将课程思政理念融入金融专业课程教学中的内容、形式与路径,提升思政教育的实效性,实现培养具备道德涵养与知识能力全面发展的高素质人才的育人目标。  相似文献   

These essays collectively present new perspectives on the history of modem science in China since 1900. Fa-ti Fan describes how science under the Republic of China after 1911 exhibited a complex local and international character that straddled both imperialism and colonialism. Danian Hu focuses on the fate of relativity in the physics community in China after 1917. Zuoyue Wang hopes that a less nationalist political atmosphere in China will stimulate more transnational studies of modern science, which will in turn reveal the underlying commonalities in different national contexts. Sigrid Schmalzer compares the socialist and the capitalist contexts for science in China and reopens the sensitive question of the "mass line" during the Cultural Revolution. Grace Shen describes the tensions early Chinese scientists felt when choosing between foreign models for modem geology and their own professional identities in China. Taken together, these accounts present us with a comparative history of modern science in China that is both globally and locally informed.  相似文献   

王霞 《科教文汇》2020,(13):50-52
采用“对分课堂”教学法极大地改善了思政课的教学效果,而“对分课堂”教学法所体现的关注每个学生、根据学生的实际情况有针对性地进行教学、倡导以学生的主动性思考来促进思政课学习等方面,体现了与中国传统儒家所提倡的“因材施教”和“学思并重”等教育理念颇为相似的教育主张。  相似文献   

The history of science is more than the history of scientists. This essay argues that various modem "publics" should be counted as belonging within an enlarged vision of who constitutes the "scientific community"--and describes how the history of science could be important for understanding their experiences. It gives three examples of how natural knowledge-making happens in vernacular contexts: Victorian Britain's publishing experiments in "popular science" as effective literary strategies for communicating to lay and specialist readers; twentieth-century American science museums as important and contested sites for conveying both scientific ideas and ideas about scientific practice; and contemporary mass-mediated images of the "ideal" scientist as providing counternarratives to received professional scientific norms. Finally, it suggests how humanistic knowledge might help both scientists and historians grapple more effectively with contemporary challenges presented by science in public spheres. By studying the making and elaboration of scientific knowledge within popular culture, historians of science can provide substantively grounded insights into the relations between the public and professionals.  相似文献   

2016年中国高等教育树起课程思政的旗帜,课程思政成为我国高校各学科专业知识教学中一个新的理念。医学院校要想培养出符合时代需要的医疗人员,教师就更应该深刻认识课程思政在医学生学习中的重要意义,积极探索课程思政的教学改革途径。在注重培养学生医学专业知识技能的同时,应将思想政治教育融入课程教学的各个环节。该文结合中医院校组织胚胎学的教学内容,探索在组织胚胎学课程教学中融入思政元素,旨在培养有灵魂、有责任、有爱国情怀的医学事业接班人。  相似文献   

In 1833 John Herschel published a graphical method for determining the orbits of double stars. He argued that his method, which depended on human judgment rather than mathematical analysis, gave better results than computation, given the uncertainty in the data. Herschel found that astronomy and terrestrial physics were especially suitable for graphical treatment, and he expected that graphs would soon become important in all areas of science. He argued with William Whewell and James D. Forbes over the process of induction, over the application of probability, and over the moral content of science. Graphs entered into all these debates; but because they constituted a method, not a metaphysics, they were acceptable to most practicing scientists and became increasingly popular throughout the nineteenth century.  相似文献   

Academic training, where senior scientists transfer their knowledge and skills to junior scientists through apprenticeship, plays a crucial role in the development of scientists. This study focuses on two aspects of academic training, autonomy and exploration, to investigate how different modes of training are incentivized and how they affect junior scientists’ performance and career prospects. Drawing on a sample of 162 supervising professors and their 791 PhD students in life science labs in Japanese universities, this study suggests two fundamental conflicts in academic training. First, autonomy granted to PhD students under apprenticeship improves their long-term performance but decreases short-term performance. Because the latter effect costs supervisors, while the former does not benefit them in general, this inter-temporal tradeoff creates an incentive conflict between supervisors and students, inducing non-autonomous training. The short-term cost for supervisors can be compensated in the form of labor input or reputation gain from previous students in the long term, but this typically happens when students are trained with limited scope of exploration, which hinders the originality of students’ knowledge production. This reduces the diversity of knowledge production, presenting another incentive conflict between individual scientists and the collective scientific community.  相似文献   

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