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教育对一个国家和一个民族的振兴与发展非常重要,教育强国需要懂教育的人办教育,实行教育家办学。教育博士(Ed.D.)是培养高层次职业教育者的实践性新型专业学位研究生教育,是教育强国、培养教育实践专家的重大举措。我国开始教育博士专业学位研究生教育的试点工作,试点工作中应处理好与教育哲学博士(Ph.D.)的趋同、培养与使用脱节和社会需求与规模、质量的关系。  相似文献   

第一级职业学位(FPD)是一种独具美国特色的学位类型。在初始阶段,美国教育统计资料中一直把FPD和本科学位合并在一起统计,1960-1961年,FPD开始正式成为单独的统计类别。美国FPD与研究型博士、一般意义上的专业学位均存在明显区别,主要分布在医学、法学和神学三大领域,且涵盖学士、硕士、博士三种学位头衔,关于其中带有"博士头衔"的法律博士(J.D.)是否属于一般意义的博士学位,学界存在争议,有学者认为它仅仅是名义上的博士学位。美国FPD的规模一直远大于哲学博士,但其快速发展的时间上滞后于哲学博士。我国专业学位研究生教育的发展,应重在调整,特别是法学、医学等行业性和职业性强学科的研究生教育可以逐步调整到专业学位教育体系中去。  相似文献   

在探讨教育博士论文包实施背景和概念内涵的基础上,选取澳大利亚新英格兰大学、美国华盛顿大学的两位教育博士的论文包为个案,具体分析了教育博士论文包的结构和实施策略,并总结了教育博士论文包模式实施的成效和问题。认为教育博士论文包模式实施的成功与否最终取决于改革者能否“在传统博士教育与专业学位教育之间维系平衡”。  相似文献   

工程博士专业学位研究生教育质量保障体系的建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先通过梳理专业学位、工程博士专业学位及研究生教育质量保障体系三个概念,明确工程博士专业学位研究生教育质量保障体系的内涵;随后,对美国工程博士专业学位研究生教育的内部和外部质量保障体系分别进行阐述;最后,通过借鉴美国的质量保障经验,建构适应我国国情的工程博士专业学位研究生教育质量保障体系。  相似文献   

美国教育博士专业学位在发展与变革的进程中积累了丰富的经验:高等教育变革是教育博士专业学位产生与发展的前提基础,现代大学制度建设是教育博士专业学位发展的根本保障,不断地发展与变革是解决教育博士专业学位存在问题的基本措施。美国的教育经验启示我们:创造教育博士专业学位研究生教育的环境;构建教育博士专业学位研究生教育的质量保障体系;形成我国教育博士专业学位教育的制度体系。  相似文献   

培养目标与结果的不完全统一对专业学位博士研究生教育深入发展产生了负向作用。对学术学位及国外专业学位博士研究生培养在制度、模式和标准上的依赖是问题产生的直接原因,长此以往,专业学位博士生的培养极有可能被锁定在无效率状态之下。从专业学位博士研究生教育产生的内生性与外适性机理出发,探寻促使其路径优化的系列纠偏措施——对内纠正对学术学位博士研究生培养的多方因袭,对外摒弃对国外专业学位研究生培养的盲目模仿,以期完善中国特色专业学位博士研究生教育体系。  相似文献   

农业博士是面向我国农业农村现代化建设和乡村振兴战略需要而设置的高级专业学位,从专业学位研究生教育的发展规律、趋势和人才培养能力看,我国已具有开展此项工作的良好基础。新农科建设的核心思想是为乡村振兴提供强有力的人才支撑。开展农业博士专业学位研究生教育,是适应乡村振兴战略对高层次人才的需求,是完善农科研究生教育体系的需要,也是接轨农业教育国际化的高要求,对建设中国特色的博士专业学位研究生教育具有战略意义。我国农业硕士专业学位研究生教育良好的发展基础和资源积累,农学博士学位授权点较为完善的发展布局,均为农业博士专业学位设置提供了可行条件。未来,农业博士专业学位研究生教育应强调学术研究与职业导向并重、专业性与应用性共生、跨学科学习与创新能力训练两手抓。  相似文献   

通过梳理教育博士专业学位的设置过程和试点工作的进展,总结教育博士专业学位研究生教育所取得的主要成绩,分析教育博士专业学位教育目前存在的主要问题,就教育博士专业学位教育的进一步发展提出建议。  相似文献   

从统计数据看,虽然近年来我国博士专业学位研究生招生规模提速,但由于起步较晚、基数偏小,博士专业学位研究生教育的培养规模依然小于美国,结构、类型等方面也有一定差异。在比较与借鉴的基础上,应厘清博士专业学位研究生教育的概念与范围,继续坚持服务国家战略需求。结合西北工业大学的探索,建议进一步规范培养定位、加强产教融合、健全评价体系,不断推动博士专业学位研究生培养模式深度改革,建设中国特色的研究生教育强国。  相似文献   

美国教育博士(Ed.D)培养的"学术化"问题即教育博士与教育学哲学博士(Ph.D)在培养模式上趋同的问题比较突出,美国教育博士培养机构对此进行了一系列改革。范德堡大学教育学院从培养目标、招生录取、课程设置、教学模式、教学师资、学位授予等方面改革了教育博士的培养模式。通过对其教育博士和教育学哲学博士培养模式的比较研究,我们可以进一步深化理解教育博士培养的专业学位特性。  相似文献   

The Ph.D. versus the Ed.D.: Time for a decision   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this study, U.S. institutions that offer doctoral programs in education were surveyed and institutional catalogues of the past decade were reviewed to determine trends regarding the Ph.D. versus the Ed.D. Results of the study showed that (a) there is no clear institutional movement toward one degree title or the other; (b) research universities are increasingly reluctant and comprehensive colleges and universities are increasingly likely to offer the Ed.D. as their only doctoral degree title, and (c) requirements for the two doctoral titles are remarkably similar, including competencies in research and statistics. Findings are discussed in relation to three common positions of those who favor the Ed.D. over the Ph.D.: (a) the professional school argument, (b) the unification argument, and (c) the autonomy argument. The article concludes with a call for increased national dialogue to strengthen the education profession by reducing confusion between its two doctoral degree titles.Russell T. Osguthorpe, Associate Dean of Brigham Young University's College of Education, has done research in special education, instructional design and technology, and teacher education. He is presently responsible for graduate programs, research, and technology in the College. Dr. Osguthorpe received his education at Brigham Young University. Mei Jiuan Wong, a doctoral candidate in the Department of Instructional Science, Brigham Young University, has done research on instructional design and technology and teacher education. She is currently completing her dissertation on decision making in instructional design.  相似文献   

美国的教育博(The Doctor of Education degree,Ed.D.)专业学位教育面临的中心问题是其与教育学博士(Doctor Of Philosophy in Education,Ph.D.)教育在培养目标、入学标准、培养模式与师资队伍、课程设置与学习方式、学位论文与评价标准等方面存在着趋同性。围绕该问题的解决,美国近年来展开了一系列的论争,从而激发了美国和其他国家对教育博士(Ed.D.)教育改革与发展的深入思考。  相似文献   

哈佛大学教育博士专业学位改革对世界各国教育博士培养具有引领和带动作用。在回应专业博士教育社会质疑、弥补哲学博士教育长期缺失双重需要推动下,哈佛大学对教育博士学位培养进行了大刀阔斧改革:撤销原教育博士学位(Ed.D.)、新设教育领导博士学位(Ed.L.D.)、创设教育哲学博士学位(Ph.D.),形成了两种博士学位并存共生新格局。从培养模式比较看,专业博士回归“实践”属性,教育哲学博士凸显“学术性”特点,且两者均高度重视跨学科教育和培养质量提升。我国培养教育博士起步较晚,具有较大发展空间,可借鉴哈佛大学经验教训,积极推动教育博士培养模式改革,更好地满足国家经济社会和教育事业发展需要。  相似文献   

美国教育博士( Ed.D.)学位与教育哲学博士(Ph.D)学位之争由来已久.这既有复杂的历史原因,也与美国高等教育多样性、不同利益诉求、对学位教育质量关切等因素有关.从历史角度分析两种学位之争的缘起、演变及成因,并探讨其对发展我国教育博士专业学位教育的启示,具有积极的现实意义.  相似文献   

本文简要记载美国基础教育在改革大环境中对领导管理人员专业培训的需要,以皮博迪学院教育博士学位的定位框架和规格标准为例,在治学宗旨、办学对象、教学方式等方面综述当前美国学术界对教育博士的定位和改良的探讨,为中国高校探索教育领导管理专业学位的设置和发展提供参考.  相似文献   

For more than 40 years, concern has been expressed over the attrition rate of students in Ph.D. programs in American universities. Although there are a number of significant factors at work, attrition of doctoral students in sciences such as anatomy may lead to a dearth of trained teaching anatomists as well as research scientists in the anatomical sciences. Failure to complete the Ph.D. process including the dissertation carries a high cost, not only to the students who fail to complete their programs, but also to society at large due to the expenditure of scarce education resources. A variety of factors have been examined in the various studies, but two stands out of major interest for this article: student personality factors such as perseverance and the level of faculty mentoring/support to the students during the graduate education process. A new approach to providing faculty support based on the needs of the individual student is presented in this article. Situational Leadership® has been developed over the past 40 years by Paul Hersey and Kenneth Blanchard and their associates. This leadership model is unique in that when it is applied to the dissertation process, it requires the faculty member to determine the readiness level of the graduate student. Because each student is a unique individual, the faculty mentor assesses each student based on the specific task at hand in order to provide the appropriate style of mentorship each student requires. Anat Sci Ed 1:194–198, 2008. © 2008 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

关于澳大利亚若干大学教育博士培养工作的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近二十年来,澳大利亚部分大学开始增设教育博士学位以适应经济社会的发展和教育专业化的需求.教育博士作为一种专业学位,具有专业性和应用性两大特征,澳大利亚大学基于对教育博士学位的正确认识,着重提高学生的理论素养、专业知识和研究能力来为教育实践活动服务,其教育对象主要面对的是有一定工作经验并担任教育领导职务的教育专业工作者,并据此设计符合教育博士学位教育特色的课程内容、教育方式、学生评估和论文写作等.这些经验值得借鉴.  相似文献   

This article argues that despite an absence of distinctions in implementation, there are perceived and actual differences between the Ed.D. and Ph.D. degrees in education. Failure to make the distinctions in administering the degrees has caused confusion among faculty in other fields and within graduate schools. The article suggests that all doctoral degrees in education be changed to the Ph.D. with two tracks-one for scholars of practice and one for scholarly practitioners.In addition to his professional interests in administration and program development, he teaches and conducts research in educational gerontology and instructional methods. This article describes the dilemma of having two doctoral degrees in the field of education. The Ph.D. degree with two tracks is suggested as the solution.  相似文献   

Doctoral students leave their programs early due to lack of mentoring relationships needed to support degree completion and success. However, how mentoring contributes to Ed.D degree completion is not widely studied. In this qualitative narrative study, we sought to explore how multiple mentoring relationships reduced attrition in an Ed.D program. Study participants shared their experiences with mentors across their life domains (academic, personal, and professional) to seek support needed to promote progression and or completion of the program. Each mentoring relationship served a specific purpose. For instance, family members and friends supported participants with home duties, childcare, encouragement, and praise during their doctoral journey. Supervisors supported the participant’s success both academically and professionally. Fellow doctoral students enhanced the learning experience by sharing different perspectives and providing academic and career advice/strategies. Faculty mentoring support was critical to the academic and dissertation process as well as to scholarly development.  相似文献   


Quality preparation of doctoral students is a key to the survival of physical education teacher education. Past research has revealed a shortage of students graduating with a doctoral degree in physical education and a general reluctance of teachers to leave their jobs to pursue an advanced degree. As the number of universities preparing new physical education teacher education assistant professors decreases, those in the profession are concerned for the future of teacher education. Unlike other professions that prepare more doctoral students than the market can accommodate, this is not the case for physical education teacher education doctoral programs. This article will provide summary information on supply and demand, which will be used to identify trends and recommendations for the future. This article will explore the status of doctoral programs in the United States and whether university programs will be able to prepare a sufficient number of professors to replace the aging physical education teacher education professoriate.  相似文献   

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