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进入新世纪,社会经济生活等各方面都要求现在的学生掌握新的知识和技能。如何掌握这些技能已成为目前各国和各国际组织重点关注的问题。美国21世纪技能计划对21世纪人才技能教育提出明确的目标和实践方式,加入该计划的九个州也都根据自身实际情况制定和实施计划方案。尽管没有有效数据表明该计划在美国产生的具体影响,但美国及时的政策转换与实践还是给我们开展21世纪人才技能教育提供了不少学习和借鉴之处。  相似文献   

"21世纪技能"是美国为了应对新世纪挑战而提出的教育改革的新思想,包含两个大系统:其一是"学生学业成果":在保留传统核心课程的基础上增加了跨学科的专题研究;学习与创新技能;信息、媒介与技术素养;生活与事业技能。其二是"支持系统",阐释了21世纪标准、评估、课程、教学、专业发展与学习环境。"21世纪技能"整合了21世纪社会与人的发展的需求,代表着美国当今教育改革的最新思路与发展走向。  相似文献   

刘熠 《教育教学论坛》2014,(15):144-145
美国基础教育改革从"活动中心"到"回归基础"几经起落。进入21世纪,联邦教育部以"21世纪技能"为中心提出《21世纪技能框架》。框架以核心课程为基础,包括"学习与创新技能"、"信息媒体与信息交流技能"、"生活与职业技能"三大领域,并分析各领域所应具备的具体能力和素质。从该计划中不难看出,美国教育长期以来不断强调的教育价值核心,即自主、能力、生活、终身,这也是我国新课程改革中所值得借鉴的经验价值。  相似文献   

美国21世纪技能联盟10年来的研究,提出了"21世纪学习框架",致力于为开创美好生活而学习的"新平衡学习"范式。该范式从社会转型的实际出发,在学习系统各个侧面努力实现平衡协调。依据质疑解难的两条学习途径,在传统核心科目与跨领域主题领域聚焦培育三套21世纪技能,完善课程标准和学业评估要求,创设有效的学习环境,转变教师角色,尤其倡导以探究、设计与合作为特征的新项目学习方式。  相似文献   

知识经济发展日新月异,社会对人才的需求也随之发生改变,核心素养逐渐成为人才发展的关键因素.美国基础教育界开展了21世纪技能计划,而评价是该计划中的重要组成部分.《21世纪技能评价白皮书》从形成性评价和总结性评价两个方面,阐述了聚焦21世纪技能、评价标准可视化以及建立横向大范围与纵向发展相结合的评价体系等关键要素.在评价实践上,美国采用技能地图与《共同核心州立标准》相结合具体化21世纪技能评价标准,基于现代技术和数据库的评价方法革新,并提供多种资源,具有导向性和可操作性,对优化我国当前核心素养评价体系具有启示意义.  相似文献   

美国从2013年开始了基于21世纪技能的21世纪学习示范校项目建设,为美国提供了基于21世纪技能的教育实践的真实范例。综合高中阶段在课程改革上表现为教育目标以21世纪技能为核心,面向未来;课程内容以项目为载体培养21世纪技能;课程实施采用多元主体参与,以学生自主学习为中心的方式;课程评价采用过程与成果兼具的多主体参与等,这对我国开展基于核心素养的课程改革在教育目标的明确、课程模式的设置、课程评价等方面有诸多启示。  相似文献   

高源 《文教资料》2012,(29):164-165
基于项目的学习(Project—based Learning,简称PBL)是当前美国中小学广泛采用的一种教学方法,它能够帮助学习者开发21世纪技能(21st Century Skills),提升就业竞争力。文章剖析了基于项目学习的内涵,阐述了美国基础教育界开展的“21世纪技能”计划的三类技能,对基于项目的学习如何培养学习者的21世纪技能进行了探讨。  相似文献   

无论身处世界的何处,也无论我们教育之旅的目的地何在,在21世纪生存和生活的人们都面临着同样的教育主题:21世纪的世界在发生怎样的变化?这些变化对于教育意味着什么?我们每个人以及我们的后代要在2l世纪获得成功,需要学习什么?2l世纪技能,由美国在本世纪初提出来的一个概念,近年来无疑成为美国教育界甚至全世界关注的焦点问题。对于这个概念,美国本土也有多种诠释:21世纪技能合作组织认为其包括核心学科与21世纪主题、学习和创新技能、信息、媒体和技术技能、生活和职业技能四部分;《美国2010国家教育技术计划》中提出,21世纪人才应具备的能力素质包括批判性思维能力、复杂问题解决能力、协作能力和多媒体通信能力。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来美国推行的"技术准备计划"被视为21世纪美国职业教育发展的重中之重,同时它也是美国用于衔接中学与中学后教育的重要策略之一。本文从目标、理念、课程模式三个方面阐述了"技术准备计划"的实施过程和实施成效,以期对中国的教育改革有所借鉴。  相似文献   

<正>21世纪迅速兴起的学习科学为学界反思课堂教学改革和教与学基本关系提供了全新的理论基础和实践框架。近年来,美国、英国、法国、澳大利亚等发达国家都明确将学习科学作为教育决策的关键基础,学习科学的成果深刻影响了国际课程变革的趋势和进程。经济合作与发展组织于2015年开始实施"教育2030:未来的教育与技能"项目,主要目的在于研制未来学习框架,并通过对各国课程比较来分析如何在课堂教学中有效地培养适应21世纪的人才核心发展素养。学习科学研究视角和证据来源多元,是一个跨学科的领域,包括四大关键基础:心理学、脑科学、教育研究和机器学习;五大研究范畴;记忆与知识结构、问题的  相似文献   

Educators, government bodies and employers have acknowledged the need for modern learners to acquire 21st century skills using information and communication technologies, to personalise student learning. Students need broader skills than the 3Rs (reading, writing and arithmetic) to operate in the 21st century. These broader skills known as the 4Cs include: creativity, communication, collaboration and critical thinking. The use of information and communication technologies is crucial in developing the 4Cs in conjunction with understanding how learning takes place. However, simply using technology does not guarantee that deep learning will occur. The use of technology needs to align and adapt with our knowledge of learning to be able to operate in a transformative space. This paper is designed to link the understandings of deep learning, 21st century skills and appropriate use of information and communication technologies to provide direction to educators who wish to lead in a technological environment of change.  相似文献   

简婕  马萍  张晓彤 《电化教育研究》2021,42(4):18-22,52
技术的教育价值一直是教育技术学者孜孜以求的终极问题。新冠肺炎疫情的出现成为人们再次思考这一问题的契机。从21世纪对人的发展要求出发,世界各国已经达成了广泛共识--以高阶思维能力为核心的21世纪技能是当下教育的宗旨。从技术作为人类获得自由和解放的场域来说,面向高阶思维能力发展的技术使人获得了发挥自身创造性的权利自由与解放。这种旨在让人成为未来社会的主人(主体向度),并有能力积极改造社会(社会力量向度)的教育价值观彰显了教育的元价值。古往今来,技术在教育活动中一直扮演着中介的角色。而在21世纪的教育活动中,技术应当成为教育元价值的中介。  相似文献   

21st century skills are essential for career readiness. We investigated the development of students’ 21st century skills at a science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) research university: Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. We designed a self-reporting questionnaire covering 14 skills and deployed it to approximately 1500 students and alumni. Respondents were asked to rate each skill based on the degree to which it was developed during their studies. Domain-general skills scored higher than STEM-specific skills or soft (interpersonal) skills, whereas STEM-specific skills scored higher than soft skills. Content analysis revealed nine methods of teaching and learning through which skills developed. The four active methods had a small effect on domain-general skills, while the five passive methods had a medium-to-large effect on these skills. Active methods had a medium-size effect on both STEM-specific and soft skills, whereas passive methods had no effect on either group. Our contribution lies in identifying and matching methods to skills.  相似文献   

Increased efforts to promote 21st century learning emphasize the central role of technology in instructional delivery in order to advance the multifaceted abilities and skills required for student success in an increasingly technology-rich learning and work environment. A qualitative study was conducted in a large, economically diverse, mid-Atlantic school district to examine the implementation of six technology devices in 18 elementary, middle, and high school classrooms. The purpose was to understand teachers’ and students’ experiences related to the instructional implications of each device to inform long term, one-to-one implementation of an appropriate technology device to meet the district’s strategic goals for a 21st century learning environment. Teacher interviews and student focus groups revealed several themes related to technology integration, factors influencing implementation, impact on instruction, and impact on student motivation and engagement. Findings are discussed in relation to the district infrastructure and other considerations to support a one-to-one teaching and learning environment and how each of the six devices support the establishment of 21st century learning environments.  相似文献   

论文以光电子技术专业英语课程开发为例研讨与探索基于工作过程的课程开发。从教学内容改革,教学方法和专业英语师资现状三个重要方面介绍光电子技术专业英语课程开发成果。  相似文献   

New learning approaches are now required to meet changing needs and develop appropriate skills and capabilities, often addressed as 21st century skills. In the last decade, design thinking has gained in popularity in higher education. This article describes the design thinking approach, its principles and models, various design thinking tools and their application in pedagogy. It presents the findings of an international study evaluating the creation and implementation of a culture‐based blended‐learning course for adult learners who are developing their 21st century skills by applying innovative teaching/learning methodologies, such as case studies, webquests and design thinking tools. Two hundred and twenty‐seven learners participated in the course and responded to a questionnaire to evaluate the learning platform, the English course developed, the teaching/learning methodologies applied and the development of their 21st century skills applying innovative learning tools. The findings highlight the benefits of the design thinking approach to skills development and point to the impact of the course content and layout and certain design thinking tools applied in developing 21st century skills.  相似文献   

网络与信息安全学科是21世纪新建立学科,网络与信息安全技术是新世纪最有生命力的高新技术之一,具有很强的实践性、综合性和应用性。本文介绍了吉林大学计算机科学与技术学院网络与信息安全实验室的建设与规划,本文着重围绕网络与信息安全实验室课程体系的建立进行了研究与探索,其目标是使学生打下坚实的计算机系统和网络基础,强化学生基本技能训练,具备工程设计、安全策略制订与监控管理的基本技能。培养学生的动手与创新能力。  相似文献   


Students need to be prepared for the 21st century by developing the literacy skills necessary for participating in the age of synthesis—an age that requires a progressive set of skills and knowledge. The authors identified nine educational innovations that are perceived to be effective for preparing students for the 21st century age of synthesis society. They coded a collection of 39 teacher-generated Grade 3–5 science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) lesson plans to document the extent to which the teachers included these nine educational innovations their STEM lesson planning. The authors found practices such as project-based and student-centered learning (which are common established approaches to teaching STEM) to be strongly represented in the plans, whereas practices such as family involvement and place-based learning (which have not been traditionally used in STEM instruction) were less evident in the plans. In their discussion they explore the implications for STEM teaching, and potential directions for future research.  相似文献   

21世纪体育作为素质教育的重要组成部分,应该全面、均衡的发展。多媒体技术的运用,为学校体育室内课教学提供了新的教学手段,对学生体育基础知识认知的发展,体育观念的更新,体育技能的提高以及思维品质的改善,都起到良好的促进作用。  相似文献   

提高师范生现代教育技术课程教学质量的策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育技术能力作为21世纪合格师资必备的专业技能,已经得到了广泛的认可,为了培养出适应教育现代化的合格师资,高等师范院校普遍开设了"现代教育技术"课以促进对师范生的教育技术能力的培养,但在具体的教学实践中,教学效果并不乐观,笔者通过分析影响该课程教学质量的原因,提出了相关的策略,试图对促进师范生的教育技术能力进行有益探讨。  相似文献   

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