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文章选取右江民族医学院2019级卫生检验与检疫专业52名本科生和2018级卫生检验与检疫专业50名本科生分别作为实验组和对照组,并采用雨课堂联合TBL教学模式和传统教学模式分别进行教学,以此研究雨课堂联合TBL教学模式在"卫生检疫学"课程教学中的应用效果,结果发现,实验组学生课后测验成绩高于对照组学生,且实验组学生满意...  相似文献   

为了解某高校卫生检验与检疫专业学生对基于"雨课堂"的仪器分析课程线上教学的看法,本论文通过问卷调查等方式,调查了该高校卫生检验与检疫专业本科生对该门课程线上教学的满意度、认识和评价等内容,对该课程线上教学过程中存在的问题展开分析,提出改进举措.  相似文献   

翻转课堂成为教学模式改革的热点。文章基于生物制品检验检疫课程知识繁杂与实践性强的特点,将项目式翻转课堂与企业参观实践有机结合,并采用问卷调查法对学习效果进行分析。实践证明,PBL翻转课堂教学模式对提高知识掌握度和增强学生学习兴趣有积极作用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨慕课在卫生检验与检疫本科医学生医学微生物学教学中的应用效果。方法:采用随机抽样的方式选取我校卫生检验与检疫专业的学生作为研究对象,其中2015级的学生作为对照组,2016级的学生作为试验组。对照组学生采用传统的教学模式,试验组学生采用传统教学为主,慕课教学为辅的教学模式。比较两组学生的期末总评成绩及教学效果满意度。结果:试验组学生的医学微生物学总评成绩及格率和优秀率显著高于对照组(P<0.05),试验组学生对教师授课效果的综合评价满意度更高(P<0.05)。结论:采用传统教学为主,慕课教学为辅的教学模式对卫生检验与检疫专业医学生开展医学微生物学教学,不仅最大限度地激发了学生的学习积极性,也有助于教学效果的提高,并顺应了新世纪培养医学卫生检验与检疫人才的需要。  相似文献   

为了解翻转课堂在初中生物教学中运用的实效,对六盘水市民族中学初中生物实施翻转课堂前后学生的学习成绩进行了差异显著性检验,对学生的学习情况进行了问卷调查和统计分析。结果表明:实施翻转课堂和传统教学的两组学生成绩无显著差异(p>0.05),但实施翻转课堂后,学生的平均成绩有所提高,学生学习的积极性、主动性、探究能力和表达能力也有明显提升。  相似文献   

卫生检验检疫专业是一个新兴专业,在课程设置、理论和实践教学、考核评价等方面不够成熟,而卫生微生物检验作为卫生检验检疫专业的核心课程,实践性又很强,这给卫生微生物检验的教学带来了很大的挑战。因此根据新专业的要求和培养目标,紧密结合课程特点,对教学过程中的问题进行总结和解决方案,摸索出适合卫生微生物检验教学的方法,从而进一步拓宽学生的知识面,提高学生的综合素质,增强学生毕业后职业适应能力。  相似文献   

翻转课堂对高等教育产生着越来越大的影响,高校课程改革必须考虑翻转课堂的影响。本文以《思想道德修养与法律基础》课程为基础,实施"翻转课堂"教学法,以临床医学专业学生为例,进行医学人文思想道德基础培养,对翻转课堂主体互动模式进行分析,制定了较为详细的翻转课堂实施方案。  相似文献   

本文以伊犁师范学院地理科学专业《新疆地理》课程为例,在初步分析目前该课程特点及教学要求的基础上,通过翻转课堂教学模式在《新疆地理》课程中的实践探索中的经验,从而分析出目前该课程运用翻转课堂的优势,对今后该课程的教学模式改革创新提出相应方案。翻转课堂通过让学生课前看视频学习知识,课上进行知识内化的方式实现了对传统课堂教学模式的巨大革新。基于"翻转课堂"的理念,以讲授的"新疆地理"课程为试点,从教学准备、实施过程和效果分析三个方面对这门课程进行教学改革实践,取得了良好的预期教学效果,展现了这一先进教学理念为教师和学生搭建沟通平台、扩充教学空间的积极意义。  相似文献   

为了弥补翻转课堂的教学效果仅以综合成绩进行衡量的局限,通过问卷对传统课堂方式与翻转课堂方式下大学生的学习效果主观感受进行统计分析,发现"雨课堂"技术的翻转课堂能够显著增加大学生的课堂学习收获。在教师专业理论水平和实务水平为中等,学生为非学生干部、对课程学习兴趣不大的情况下,"雨课堂"技术的翻转课堂教学对学生课堂学习收获的影响尤其明显;而在教师理论知识水平和实务水平高,学生为干部、对课程兴趣较高的情况下,"雨课堂"技术的翻转课堂方式并没有显著增加学生的课堂学习收获。由此,在推广"雨课堂"技术的翻转课堂的同时,进一步提高教师的理论知识水平、实务能力,提高学生的学习兴趣也是不容忽视的。  相似文献   

翻转课堂是传统课堂中知识传授与知识内化的颠倒,是师生互动、激发学习兴趣的有力手段,为研讨式教学、项目驱动式教学提供环境与平台,真正体现"以学生为中心"的教育理念。软件开发类课程具有很强的实践性,对课堂训练提出了更高的要求。在软件开发类课程教学中采用翻转课堂教学模式,学生课前自主学习理论,课堂开发、研讨真实企业项目,将大力提升学生的思维能力、实践能力与创新能力,提高课堂教学效果。首先,阐述翻转课堂的内涵、应用与研究现状,分析了软件开发类课程实施翻转课堂的可行性,然后,探讨软件开发类课程翻转课堂教学模型及其构成要素,为软件工程与计算机相关专业进行教学改革提供理论参考。  相似文献   

崇宁 《数字教育》2021,(2):46-50
笔者通过为期一年的两轮翻转课堂行动研究,探讨一种适合于艺术类学生大学英语课程的"半翻转课堂教学模式",以解决翻转教学实践中课前知识传授未能完全达成而影响课堂上的知识应用和深化学习,最终导致知识无法实现完全掌握和内化的问题."半翻转"主要体现在课堂增加一个以促进课前知识达成为目的的课堂环节——基础知识疑难点突破,也就是教...  相似文献   

文章通过对卫生检验与检疫专业分析化学实验教学实践,根据授课学生特点和实验教学过程中出现的若干实际问题,从实验教学内容的安排、实验操作安全和操作训练、学习主动性和课程考核制度等方面对分析化学实验教学进行了初步的探讨,提出了改进建议,以提高教学质量和教学水平。  相似文献   

徐林 《数字教育》2020,(2):81-85
翻转课堂是以颠倒教学时序,重组教学程序,打破常规教学方式为主要特点的教学模式,近年来深受高校部分教师的欢迎。笔者以翻转课堂理念重新设计了现代教育技术课程,并进行了两轮的行动研究。在实践中发现,翻转课堂虽然对于提升高校公共课的教学质量、提高学生的各项能力起到一定的积极作用,但要注意的是翻转课堂只是诸多教学模式的一种,高校不能在课程改革上搞一刀切,盲目照搬其模式。  相似文献   

随着翻转课堂教学效果不断被证实,翻转课堂教学模式也在不断被推广。但是翻转课堂中学生的哪些行为模式与学习效果有关,仍然需要深入研究。本研究主要对学生在课前预习和课中讨论学习的行为模式进行分析,并以知识建构作为学习效果评价内容,对学生的学习行为模式与知识建构水平进行相关性分析。实验分析结果表明,在课前预习中,学习者的评论行为发生在浏览资源之后,学习者会对评论进行回复,发生多轮交互。在课前的讨论活动中,有部分学习者达到高阶知识建构水平。但是,学习者课前的学习行为模式与知识建构不存在强相关关系,而学习者在课中的学习行为模式与知识建构具有强相关关系。  相似文献   

作为为大众健康服务耳目和眼睛的卫生检验工作者,应具有把握科技发展的脉搏、“与时俱进”的素质,加强卫生检验与检疫专业学生创新能力的培养是当前医学教育体制改革的重要内容。为进一步加强和完善卫生检验与检疫专业创新设计与实践教学平台的建立,文章针对《卫生检验系列综合设计性实验》和《常用分析仪器维修》两门专业课程的实践教学课程建设进行探索,设置了多元化的教学环节,开展了创新性研究项目,最大限度地利用实验室现有资源对学生开放使用,并建立了网络学习平台,经过在几届本科生中的应用,教学效果明显,为学生毕业时能够成为具有较强知识更新能力和创新意识的卫生检验与检疫专业应用型人才奠定了坚实基础。  相似文献   

Traditional medical education methodologies have been dramatically impacted by the introduction of new teaching approaches over the past few decades. In particular, the “flipped classroom” format has drawn a great deal of attention. However, evidence regarding the effectiveness of the flipped model remains limited due to a lack of outcome‐based studies. In the present study, a pilot histology curriculum of the organ systems was implemented among 24 Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) students in a flipped classroom format at Jinan University. As a control, another 87 TCM students followed a conventional histology curriculum. The academic performance of the two groups was compared. In addition, a questionnaire was administered to the flipped classroom group. The test scores for the flipped classroom participants were found to be significantly higher compared to non‐participants in the control group. These results suggest that students may benefit from using the flipped classroom format. Follow‐up questionnaires also revealed that most of the flipped classroom participants undertook relatively more earnest preparations before class and were actively involved in classroom learning activities. The teachers were also found to have more class time for leading discussions and delivering quizzes rather than repeating rote didactics. Consequently, the increased teaching and learning activities contributed to a better performance among the flipped classroom group. This pilot study suggests that a flipped classroom approach can be used to improve histology education among medical students. However, future studies employing randomization, larger numbers of students, and more precise tracking methods are needed before definitive conclusions can be drawn. Anat Sci Educ 10: 317–327. © 2016 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

A common trend in higher education is the “flipped” classroom, which facilitates active learning during class. The flipped approach to teaching was instituted in a haematology ‘major’ class and the students’ attitudes and preferences for the teaching materials were surveyed. The curriculum design was explicit and involved four major components (1) the preparation of the students; (2) the weekly pre-class work; (3) the in-class active learning strategies and (4) closing the learning loop using formative quizzes. Each of these components is discussed in detail and was informed by sound pedagogical strategies. Several different sources of information and several freely available software tools to engage the students are discussed. Two iterations are reported here, with improved pass rate for the final examination from 47 to 48 % in the traditional class to 56–65 % in the flipped classroom approach. The majority of students (93 and 89 %) came to the class prepared, after viewing the screencasts and engaged fully with the activities within the face-to-face time. The students perceived that solving case studies (93 %) was the most beneficial activity for their learning and this was closely followed by the production of essay plans (71 %). The majority of students recommended that this approach be repeated the following year (69 and 75 %).  相似文献   

教育信息化的发展、大数据时代的到来推动了大学课堂教学方式的革新,颠倒课堂成为众多教学研究者关注的焦点。基于电子双板环境的“颠倒课堂”教学模式以电子双板和网络课程学习平台为依托,以学案为导向,课前组织学习者利用网络课程平台中的视频和文本等资源进行自主学习和互动交流,课内借助电子双板以问题答疑、任务驱动、小组协作及汇报等方式促进知识内化,课后通过学习评测进行知识巩固与应用。在“教育技术学研究方法”课程实施中,基于电子双板环境的“颠倒课堂”教学模式能够有效提高学习者的学习成绩和研究能力,改善学习者的自主学习态度。将基于电子双板环境的“颠倒课堂”教学模式广泛应用于教学中,需要完善信息素养培训机制,加强电子双板的使用培训,激发学生的学习动机。  相似文献   

The flipped classroom is becoming more popular as a means to support student learning in higher education by requiring students to prepare before lectures and actively engaging students during lectures. While some research has been conducted into student performance in the flipped classroom, students’ study behaviour throughout a flipped course has not been investigated. This study explored students’ study behaviour throughout a flipped and a regular course by means of bi-weekly diaries. Furthermore, student references to their learning regulation were explored in course evaluations. Results from the diaries showed that students’ study behaviour in the flipped course did not appear to be very different from that of students in a regular course. Furthermore, study behaviour did not appear strongly related to student performance in both the flipped and the regular course. Exploration of student references to their learning regulation in the course evaluations showed that some students experienced the flipped course design as intended to support their learning process. Other students, however, demonstrated resistance to changing their study behaviour even though changing study behaviour is expected in order to benefit from the flipped classroom. Further research on the relationship between students’ learning regulation and actual study behaviour and course results is necessary to understand when and why implementing the flipped classroom is successful. Recommendations that may help more effective flipped classroom implementation include considering the prior history between students and instructor(s), the broader curriculum context, and frequent expectation communication especially with large numbers of students and non-mandatory lecture attendance.  相似文献   


In recent years, flipped learning has attracted much attention around the world. This instructional approach is appealing because it can free up class time for knowledge application activities with help from the instructor and peers. However, its implementation can be fraught with challenges. Student disengagement in out-of-class activities, for example, is one of the major challenges of flipped learning. The purpose of this study is to examine whether gamification can enhance student engagement in a flipped course. A comparison study was conducted, involving two classes of undergraduate students in an Information Management course. The results indicated that students in the gamification-enhanced flipped learning group (n?=?48) were more likely to complete the pre-class and post-class activities on time than those in the non-gamified flipped learning group (n?=?48). Students in the gamification-enhanced flipped learning group also produced higher quality artifacts than the non-gamified flipped learning group in the pre-class thinking activities. Moreover, students in the gamification-enhanced flipped learning group scored significantly higher in the post-course test than did their non-gamified counterparts.  相似文献   

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