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家庭"冷暴力"作为传统家庭暴力的新型表现形式,逐步引起了社会各界的重视.本文通过对近几年中国知网(CNKI)和维普资讯收录的关于家庭"冷暴力"的含义、产生原因和解决对策的梳理和研究,提出今后的研究方向和重点,为家庭"冷暴力"研究的有效开展,提供参考.  相似文献   

相对于有明显肢体伤害的“热暴力”,“冷暴力”因其隐蔽性而被大多数家长所忽视。威胁恐吓、侮辱蔑视、不理不睬、包办替代成为亲子关系中“冷暴力”的主要表现形式,这一方面是受传统父母权威教育观的影响,另一方面也反映了父母自身教育素养的不足和家庭中亲子沟通的缺失。走出亲子关系中的“冷暴力”,有赖于父母对“冷暴力”认识上的觉悟、自身教育素养的提高、自我情绪调节能力的提升及有效的亲子沟通交流。  相似文献   

沈伟 《华章》2011,(30)
家庭是社会的基本单位,因而,家庭内部的和谐与否影响着社会的和谐稳定.近年来,家庭冷暴力的现象比较突出,引起了很多学者的关注,成为讨论的热点问题之一.本文从家庭冷暴力的内涵、危害、特征和产生原因等方面对家庭冷暴力进行初步探讨,并提出了相应的对策建议.  相似文献   

冷暴力家庭大学生的心理问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对上海某高校373名冷暴力家庭大学生的心理问题调查表明,长期的家庭冷暴力严重危害了大学生心理健康,根据冷暴力形成的多种原因,可以采取有效的策略加以化解.  相似文献   

宿舍是大学生日常起居的重要场所,也是一个最有可能会产生矛盾、发生是非的地方。近年来,越来越多的高校宿舍发生冷暴力事件。分析了冷暴力行为的概念与特点,分别从个人、家庭、学校三个方面阐述了大学生宿舍冷暴力产生的原因、影响,并提出了解决措施。  相似文献   

本文提出教育"冷暴力"的表现形式、特点与危害,并初步分析产生的原因和消除的途径。  相似文献   

家庭“冷暴力”摧残孩子与父母无法沟通是当前困扰很多青少年的问题,而父母在家庭教育中的对孩子“冷暴力”现象,近年也有逐渐上升的趋势。吉林省长春市一家大医院心理医生孙香萍向记者介绍,从心理学的  相似文献   

家庭、校园和职场3个场域中的冷暴力已经成为人生常态,危害程度深,波及范围广。本文通过探究得出,主体人因分别心产生的自卑是导致冷暴力的本体因素;因执著心产生的虚妄知见是冷暴力的关键因素。冷暴力是把双刃剑,施暴者和受暴者二者两败俱伤。冷暴力具有弥散性、迁移性和遗传性。治愈冷暴力的最佳途径是主体自身内心意识觉醒、思想更新、行为转化。  相似文献   

最近几年,每逢开学,在大、中学的周围,“陪读”已经成了一道独特的风景线,牵动着一个家庭内每个人的心。本文通过笔者的调查了解和切身感受,探析中学生“陪读”现象产生的原因及其负面影响。  相似文献   

第一,校园“冷暴力”可能引发学生的心理问题。校园“冷暴力”是对学生心灵的施暴,它最大的特点是对人不对事,将学生全盘否定,这种暴力方式极易使学生产生心理阴影。遭受“冷暴力”的学生容易。一消极自卑,自暴自弃,有的学生还会因心理压力过重,患焦虑症、忧郁症、强迫症、精神分裂症等各种心理疾病,甚至产生暴力倾向。严重影响学生的身心健康。  相似文献   

家庭暴力是一种法律予以制裁的行为。我们要认真分析家庭暴力的内涵、特征、成因、预防与对策等,以期人们从法律、社会、心理各层面对家庭暴力的受害者给予更全面、更具体、更适当的协助,以取得更好的社会效果。  相似文献   

自20世纪90年代以来,我国家庭暴力问题受到社会各界的关注,并随之进入学术界尤其是法学界、社会学界研究的视野。从研究的主题来看,我国家庭暴力研究的核心是婚姻暴力问题的研究。在新婚姻法的修订过程中,家庭暴力尤其是婚姻暴力问题成为学界研究的热点。这些研究涵盖了婚姻暴力概念的理论探讨及其特征与分类、婚姻暴力的成因与表现及其后果、婚姻暴力问题的对策与干预、国内外婚姻暴力问题的比较研究等各个方面。  相似文献   

近年来,随着家庭暴力的日趋严重化和公开化,家庭暴力的危害性已逐渐为人们所认识。预防和制止家庭暴力已经引起各级政府和全社会的普遍关注,反家庭暴力立法的呼声日益高涨。家庭暴力产生存在主观和客观的原因,而家庭暴力不仅给个人的身心健康造成伤害,同时也不利于社会的安定团结。解决家庭暴力问题,涉及社会、法律、政策等许多领域。尽快建立起道德、法律、社会、等各层面的社会支持体系,才能有效遏止家庭暴力。  相似文献   

家庭暴力已成为一个世界性的社会问题,然而我国学者对家庭暴力的研究多集中在现象的描述、原因的探讨和完善立法等方面,因而从社会心理学角度探究家庭暴力的认知机制对揭示家庭暴力的实质具有重要意义。心理学研究指出,家庭暴力的产生及其对子女的影响而导致的暴力轮回都是认知结构上的偏差所导致,所以从改变认知结构入手的认知行为疗法将是防止家庭暴力的直接和有效的策略。  相似文献   

随着社会的转型时期,语言暴力就像隐形杀手一般毁坏着社会和谐。语言暴力现象出现背后暗含了社会文化的心理机制。从语言禁忌、语言歧视、伦理道德、反传统情绪、审美心理、迎合心理六方面探讨语言暴力出现的文化因素,意在解决语言暴力,构建和谐语言。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the association between physical domestic violence victimization (both recent and more than a year in past measured by self-report) and self-reported disciplinary practices among female parents/caregivers in a national sample of families referred to child welfare. METHODS: Cross-sectional survey of more than 3,000 female caregivers in the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-being (NSCAW) study, a nationally representative sample of children and their families referred to child welfare agencies for investigation of abuse and neglect. Women reported physical domestic violence victimization and their disciplinary practices for their child on different versions of the Conflict Tactics Scales. RESULTS: Four hundred and forty-three women reported prior year domestic violence, 1,161 reported domestic violence but not in the past 12 months, and 2,025 reported no domestic violence exposure. Any prior domestic violence exposure was associated with higher rates of self-reported psychological aggression, physical aggression and neglectful disciplinary behaviors as compared to those with no domestic violence victimization in bivariate comparisons. After controlling for child behavior, demographic factors, and maternal characteristics, those with remote and recent domestic violence victimization employed more self-reported psychological aggression, while only caregivers with recent DV reported more physical aggression or neglectful behaviors. CONCLUSIONS: In a national child welfare sample, self-reported aggressive and neglectful parenting behaviors were common. In this sample, domestic violence victimization is associated with more self-reported aggressive and neglectful disciplinary behaviors among female caregivers. The mechanism for these associations is not clear. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: Rates of aggressive and neglectful disciplinary practices are especially high among female parents/caregivers exposed to domestic violence. Child welfare agencies should plan routine and structured assessments for domestic violence among parents/caregivers and implement parenting interventions to reduce harmful disciplinary practices for those families identified.  相似文献   

This study examines the peer effects of domestic violence within school classrooms. Thus, it builds on the findings of Carrell and Hoekstra (2010) and Carrell et al. (2018) and expands them in two aspects. First, we focus our attention in less extreme cases of domestic violence than those that get reported to public institutions. Second, we also study the peer effects of domestic violence over a novel set of outcomes: internalizing behaviors and forms of violence at school. We show that being in a classroom with peers exposed to domestic violence leads to increased dropout rates; increased levels of depression, victimization from bullying and attitudes towards violence at school; and lower verbal and math test scores. Our findings are mainly driven by the extensive margin of exposure to physical violence (i.e. additional students affected by average violence within the classroom).  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to identify domestic violence as a social problem, provide background information concerning domestic violence, identify strategies related to adult education currently being used to address the problem of domestic violence and examine the philosophical underpinnings of the programmes. Domestic violence is not only a legal problem, but represents a substantial public health issue and is one of the most overlooked social problems of today. As a result of increased public awareness concerning domestic violence in the late 1980s, there have been many changes in laws and training. Educational programmes have been established for both offenders and public officials who may come in contact with the victims. These programmes range from those based on behaviourist philosophy to those on humanist philosophy and are offered by the courts, community agencies, health care providers and in the workplace. Programmes to reduce domestic violence and efforts of multiple social institutions illustrate the use of adult education as a catalyst for social change.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to examine factors that influence how child welfare workers attribute responsibility for child maltreatment and child safety in cases involving domestic violence. METHODS: The study used a factorial survey approach, combining elements of survey research with an experimental design. Case vignettes were constructed by randomly assigning characteristics to vignettes believed to be related to assessments about responsibility for child maltreatment. Public child welfare workers were systematically sampled and asked to rate vignettes on male and female caregivers' responsibility for child maltreatment and concerns for safety. RESULTS: The presence of domestic violence significantly affected workers' assessments of the attribution of responsibility and concern for child safety, more so than variables related to child maltreatment. Responsibility for exposing a child to domestic violence differed for males and females, with more factors explaining female responsibility. Substance use by either caregiver was significant in attributing responsibility for physical harm, not watching the child closely enough, and concern for child safety, but not for exposure to domestic violence. CONCLUSIONS: Domestic violence appeared to heighten workers' assessments of responsibility for child maltreatment and concerns about child safety, taking precedence over the characteristics of the child maltreatment itself. Battering tends to work against the domestic violence victim in terms of the attribution of responsibility. A greater number of factors affect female responsibility for exposing a child to domestic violence than male responsibility, even though in every case the male was the designated domestic violence batterer.  相似文献   

家庭暴力是近年来我国婚姻领域的突出问题,家庭暴力事件呈上升趋势,对其社会危害不可忽视;反家庭暴力存在困难,急需社会综合治理;法律是防治家庭暴力最彻底的手段,企盼早日立法。  相似文献   

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