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A 33-member performing group from Zhejiang Acrobatic Troupe went to the U.S.A on May 6, 2006. During their 11-day trip, they at- tended“06 Zhejiang Week”in New York,“Zhejiang Cultral Week”in Los Angeles and“Asia Arts Festival”  相似文献   

Chinese Power conquered Atlantic west coast once again on Feb.5,2005.In the 17~(th) Premier Juvenile Com- petition of Monte Carlo International Circus Festival,the act High Chairs on the Spinning Table from Ji'nan Acro- batic Troupe with the full marks from nine juries,on behalf of China,won the highest award“Gold K Award”and the“Princess Cup”.  相似文献   

<正>《普通高中体育与健康课程标准(2017年版2020年修订)》[以下简称《高中课程标准(2017年版2020年修订)》]在课堂教学建议中明确提出,“积极倡导‘自主、合作、探究’的学习方式,合理运用学生独立学习、小组学习、全班学习等多种教学组织形式;避免教师讲得多、学生练得少的状况,充分给予学生独立、能动的学习时间与空间,引导学生在做中学、做中思、做中乐”。《义务教育体育与健康课程标准(2022年版)》[以下简称《义教课程标准(2022年版)》]在课程实施教学建议中也指出,“设计目的明确、  相似文献   

“I play tennis,I do fitness. The whole day is pretty booked with that.”(打球、做身体训练, 每天都是照此进行) 辛吉斯的回归将是新的一年人们关注的焦点,本期我们可以通过一篇访谈报道学习一些相关英文的使用。这是她对记者问及training routine(训练常规安排)的回答。重返赛场的她有对胜利的Hunger(饥饿感),也对今天the pace of play(对抗的速度、步调)有足够的认识。“...Also the finesse and the smart game...those were always my strengths.I still stick to my plan and had to work on my strength which brought me to number one.”(……灵敏、策略、  相似文献   

Explore the effects of sports intervention on adolescent internet addiction. In experiment 1,the non-specifically designed interventions effects were investigated. Using single-factor multi-baseline design,the subjects paired and randomly divided into experimental and control groups according to Internet addiction disorder. Results:sports intervention has better effect on adolescent with mild,moderate internet addiction than adolescent subjects with severe addiction intervention. In experiment 2,based on the results of experiment 1,the effects of the different types of sports interventions on different levels of internet addiction were explored. Using 3 (addiction level)×3 (sports Intervention Project)two-factor mixed design. Results showed that group sports interventions have more effect than individual projects,extent of internet addiction and type of project intervention was an interaction. For mild to moderate internet addiction,sports intervention whether groups project or individual were tested better than subjects with severe addiction. In experiment3,the effects of different types of sports intervention on the different types of Internet addiction were explored. Using 2 (addiction types)× 2(sports Intervention Project)two-factor mixed design. Results showed that group project interventions were tested better than individual interventions on non-online game addiction subjects. Sports individual items and group project intervention were tested in the gaming addiction no significant difference. On this basis ,using action research on typical subject for a detailed changes report during the intervention. The results suggest that sports intervention take a positive role on improvement of youth internet addiction disorder,the ways and means of intervention need to be further explored.  相似文献   

作为中学体育教师,其主要职责是:(1)上好体育课,不断提高教学质量;(2)搞好课外体育活动;(3)做好体育教学、训练的后勤工作;(4)搞好体育宣传工作、培养体育骨干。在改革开放的今天,要做好这些工作,做一个合格的中学体育教师,就应具备以下几个方面的能力。一、具备较广阔的知识面教师要善于根据学生的心理特点,对教材进行加工,不断激起学生学习的主动性。这种能力的形成,一方面基于体育教师的教育学、心理学、学校体育学、运动生理学、学校卫生学等知识的修养,和教师对中学体育教材、教学大纲掌握的程度;另一方面基于体…  相似文献   

“从游”理念是以学生为主体,中鱼传感、小鱼尾随、大鱼指引的方式跟随教师在课堂和课外游学。从“从游”教育理念渊源、特点及实施方案方面分析了“从游”理念在武术教学实践、理论研讨、社会实践方面的运用,运用口述史研究方法分析了“从游”理念对教师、学生及师生关系的改观效果,发现“从游”理念在高校武术教学中不仅能促进师生学习共同体的形成,而且通过相互濡染作用塑造学生完美人格。  相似文献   

Diabetes,mainly type 2 diabetes(T2D),is a major cause of blindness,kidney failure,heart attack,stroke,and lower limb amputation.Worldwide,the number of people with diabetes rose from 108 million in 1980 to 422 million in 2014 and further to 537 million in 2021,and the prevalence has been rising more rapidly in low-and middle-income countries according to a report by the World Health Organization1 and the latest data from the International Diabetes Federation.2 The positive role of physical activity(PA)and exercise as a prevention and treatment medicine for T2D has been well documented,and both the American College of Sports Medicine(ACSM)and the American Diabetes Association(ADA)have issued position statements on the effects of PA and exercise on diabetes.  相似文献   

Drama originated in the ancient Greek Fesfival acfivity inGreece in the 5th century B.C,As one aspect of literature,drama is different from fiction and most poetry in one essentialway.It is meant to be performed,The word“Drama”was derivedfrom the Greek verb“dran”(to aet or to do).Therefore some  相似文献   

与原来中学体育课程对比,新颁布的《体育与健康课程标准(中学)》(以下简称《课标》)在价值体系、目标培养、课程基本理念、学习领域、水平划分、课程评价等等方面都发生了质的变化,为中学体育改革、实现素质教育、切实贯彻“健康第一”教育思想提供了理论与实践依据。然而,关于“体育与健康”理念的说法,笔者认为颇有值得推敲之处,姑且列出,请老师和学者指教。一、构词l.“体育与健康”理念与《课标》性质“体育”、“健康”都是名词,“与”只能是连词。《汉语大词典》中,“与”作连词指:(l)和、及;(2)与其;(3)如果…  相似文献   

In order to examine the relationship of the athletes' impulsiveness,anger expression and the sportspersonship,368 athletes (male=256,female=102)were investigated to completed the questionnaire. The results suggested that there had a significant positive correlation between the athletes' impulsiveness and sportspersonship,there was significant difference on the sportspersonship between different impulsiveness level ;the cognitive impulsiveness and behavioral impulsiveness have significant positive prediction on the athletes' sportspersonship. There had significant relationship between the athletes' anger and the sportspersonship,there are significant sportspersonship difference between different anger level;the trait anger,state anger and anger out expression had significant prediction on the athletes' sportspersonship.  相似文献   

《从百草园到三味书屋》中的美女蛇到底是一个什么形象?大家的说法不一。有的认为美女蛇是个反面形象,是“现代评论”派的象征,鲁迅是想借这个故事捎带刺一下时刻想吃他向的“现代评论”派(这是一种传统看法)。有的认为“这是个迷信故事,吓唬孩子的,也可以说鲁迅在批判这个迷信故事。”(李何林:《十五篇鲁迅作品问题解答》)“作者对这个故事显然是采取批判的否定的态度的。这就在一定程度上批判了当时束缚儿童身心发展的封建迷信思想。”(徐州师院中文系:《散文选讲》)另外有人更进一步批判和否定了这个形象,认为美女蛇不仅象…  相似文献   

陈儒斌 《收藏》2014,(2):128-135
纽瓦克(过去译作纽特)是美国新泽西州的一座小城,距离曼哈顿只有20分钟的火车车程,2013年11月,笔者前往纽瓦克博物馆参观该馆举办的明代至今:“中国艺术中日用品地位的提升”(Ming to modern:Elevating the Everydayin Chinese Art)的展览,意外发现这个小镇居然和中国有很深的缘分。  相似文献   

王兆群(山东省邹平县实验中学)来稿认为:古语云:“沉默是金”。教师在体育教学中若能恰到好处地运用沉默,往往能传递出丰富的难以言表的信息,起到“此时无声胜有声”的功效。沉默令学生“不令而从”。体育教学担负着对学生进行思想品德教育的任务,教学中学生时常会有违反课堂纪律的现象。教师对学生进行思想品德教育时,要求学生做到的,  相似文献   

The special issue of the Journal of Teaching in Physical Education (JTPE)~1 on physical literacy (PL) has provided much needed information about measuring and assessing student learning in terms of the well-defined and yet abstract concept.Multiple authors have elaborated from diverse educational and psychometric perspectives on the development of the construct,the measurement model,and the assessment of the construct.In this attempt,many issues associated with the conception of PL were clarified and insightful information and arguments were brought forward.In this regard,the special issue has moved our understanding of the concept one step further.More importantly,it points to a possibility to actualize the teaching of the concept in physical education (PE).  相似文献   

,.来自四川的笑容女王来信询问受联队歌中英文。答:以下为里联第二队歌—G Iory Glory Man United G lory,glory Man United,光荣属于受联,GIOry,glory.Man United.光荣属于里联,G lory,glory.Man United,光荣属于受联,And the reds 90 marching on on on.红色军团勇往直前。Just like the Busby babies in days gone by.就像曾经那些“巴斯比的孩子们.一样,W日.11 keeP the Red Flags flying high、我们要让红魔的旗帜高高地飞扬,You,ve got to see yourself from far and wide.你将随处亲眼目睹,You’ve got to he…  相似文献   

山东海塔山中学初三(5)班张兴:我第一次投篮,球“三不沾”。在球落地前,我再次抢到球,然后继续运球、投篮。是否可以?答:只要裁判员确认你是在做投篮动作,那么你就可以再接角球,接到球后你可以继续传、运、投。廊坊陆军导弹学院侯会泽:A1运球低手上篮,在球尚未离手但已触及篮圈的时候,B1跳起将球打掉。请问是判“干扰球”,还是判“盖帽”?答:这不是干扰。干扰球的概念是,在投篮的时候,当球在飞行中下或防守队员不可以角球。“盖帽”是一种高级的防守动作,不需要做宣判。北京实验中学邢成:A1在本队后场抢到篮板球,由…  相似文献   

Dr.Eduardo Iglesias-Gutiérrez is a faculty member of the Department of Functional Biology,at the University of Oviedo,Spain.He holds a Ph.D.on Molecular and Functional Biology and a M.Sc.in Food Biotechnology.His research interests focus on the molecular response to exercise,with particular emphasis on nutrition and epigenetics.These research lines aim to translate basic scientific information into applied strategies to promote a healthy lifestyle and optimize performance.He is an author of more than 30 peer-reviewed publications,representing research that has received funding from different national agencies and other sources.Dr.Iglesias-Gutiérrez is an Associate Editor of Nutrients and Pharma Nutrition.  相似文献   

Enhancing the practical properties of PE teacher education and improving the professional practical abilities of expectant PE teacher substantially could be regarded as the central question and greatest primary task of PE teacher educational reform in China. In this paper ,the sign,essence and root cause for the lack of professional practical abilities of the student teachers were fully expounded. The practical properties of PE teachers were analyzed from the perspective of praxis philosophy and then the regularity and trend of the PE teacher education were discussed. Finally ,the paper puts forward several sustainable strategies on how to enhance the practical properties of PE teacher education. It is necessary to create US teacher professional community to form delicate system and mechanism on cooperating to raise PE teacher;to build "all-way practice teaching cultivation model" so as to promote the students teachers' field study institutionalized and normalized;to attach great importance both to the knowledge learning and practice ability in the teaching of discipline theory,oriented towards professional practical abilities;transcend empirical and technological practice outlook and strengthen reflective practice under the direction of scientific theory,and so forth.  相似文献   

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