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王卫峰 《中国科技信息》2012,(2):137-138,146
我国高等职业技术教育的根本目标是要服务于区域经济,培养发展区域经济所需的高技能专门人才。当前我国由于各种原因的影响使这种功能没有得到充分的发挥,这不仅浪费了国家的教育资源、影响了区域经济的良性发展,也造成了高职毕业生就业难的问题。本文的研究意义在于找出济南高职教育的问题所在并提出促进济南高职教育发展的策略,促进大学生就业和区域经济的发展。  相似文献   

This paper uses patent citation data to analyze the quality of university technology across European regions. The empirical analysis draws on a panel dataset of 4580 European university-owned patents classified by 202 European regions over the period 1998-2004. The methodology involves a multilevel framework to identify the effects of factors at three hierarchical levels (individual, university, and regional) on the quality of university patenting. The results suggest that regional factors, such as the level of development, industrial potential, and regional higher education R&D expenditure, do not play any significant role in determining the quality of European university patents. We instead find that the factors affecting patent quality stem from their specific characteristics. We also find that university size does not explain the quality of patents. However, there is significant unobserved heterogeneity at the university level in all models, suggesting that differences in other university characteristics explain a substantial part of the variance in patent quality.  相似文献   

李康  范跃进 《科研管理》2022,43(9):41-47
“双一流”建设是我国高等教育强国建设的战略安排,是我国高等教育发展的必由之路。“双一流”建设之一流大学建设高校,是高等教育强国建设的“领头雁”,研究一流大学建设高校科研创新效率,加快提升科学研究水平具有重大现实意义。本文以一流大学高校为研究对象,构建了突出科研产出质量和服务的综合效率评价指标体系,在传统DEA模型基础上运用随机前沿分析理论,通过三阶段DEA模型方法测度一流大学建设高校的科研效率,并进一步分析环境因素对科研效率的影响差异。研究结果表明:(1)环境变量和随机误差是影响一流大学科研效率的重要因素,我国一流大学整体科研效率存在虚高现象,剔除环境因素后样本高校综合效率和纯技术效率均值都明显下降。(2)地区经济水平、居民受教育程度和政府扶持力度对各个高校科研效率存在差异性影响,并据此将高校分为稳定型、发展型和改进型三类。(3)一流大学建设高校科研效率存在分化倾向,规模收益递减现象突出,其科研效率提升的关键是缩减规模、完善内部治理结构、优化资源配置,持续深化科研体系改革。  相似文献   

邵兵家  崔文昌 《软科学》2016,(7):104-108
基于信号传递理论和公平理论,构建了网络零售商无缺陷退货政策对消费者溢价支付意愿影响的概念模型,以分析其直接和间接影响,以及产品类别和产品涉入度的调节作用。结果表明,宽松的退货政策使消费者产生更高的感知质量和更低的感知风险,进而产生更高的溢价支付意愿。相对于搜索产品、购买体验品时,退货政策宽松度对消费者感知质量和感知风险的影响更强;相对于低涉入度的消费者,退货政策对高涉入度消费者的感知质量影响更强,而对感知风险的影响并无显著差异。  相似文献   

范美斯 《科教文汇》2014,(16):209-210
随着我国大学毕业生人数的不断增加,教育过度也日趋大众化。造成毕业生就业难的矛盾和原因很多,其问题的本质在于高等教育的人才培养模式如何与社会发展实现数量和规模上的匹配。为更好解释教育过度现象的症结点所在,本文将从劳动力区域分割角度、高校专业设置和层次结构以及文化角度方面来作详细说明。通过对原因的深层次分析,要解决大学毕业生就业难的问题就要合理设置高校内部的学科与专业,建立人才培养新机制;建立市场招聘信息互联共享机制和转变个人教育和就业观念,鼓励毕业生自主创业。  相似文献   

高等教育大众化时期,优化高校人力资源配置是推进高等教育事业发展的必然选择,高校的竞争力与活力也取决于人力资源配置的优化程度。基于资源共享的视角,对高校人力资源配置机制问题进行了深入研究,探讨了高校人力资源区域共享配置的价值意义、设计思路及其运行机制,力求立足于应用,并从可操作性角度促进高校人力资源配置效率的提高。  相似文献   

从高校图书馆资源视角出发,以“211工程”及省部共建高等学校为研究对象,采用广义最小二乘法考察了高校技术转移、高校图书馆资源在区域创新能力提升过程中的影响机制。研究发现,高校政府科技投入正向影响区域创新能力;高校技术转移在政府科技投入与区域创新能力间承接中介作用;高校图书馆人力资源和文献资源在高校政府科技投入与高校技术转移间起到正向调节作用。  相似文献   

区域经济的崛起与高等教育归属于省级政府统筹管理的矛盾,迫切地要求高等院校冲破行政区域的藩篱,根据区域经济的发展要求,加强区域高等教育合作,优化教育资源配置,从而尽快形成与区域经济相适应的有特色的高等教育系统,提高教育产出的质量和效益。  相似文献   

基于产学研耦合度测度模型、主成分分析以及面板门限回归模型,运用2012-2016年我国各省市面板数据,研究以产学研耦合度为门限变量时,科技人力资源投入对区域创新绩效产生的影响。实证结果表明:当以产学研耦合度为门限变量的情况下,企业和高校科研院所投入的科技人力资源均会与滞后三期的区域创新绩效间产生明显的双门限效应。当耦合度高于0.7324时,在企业中投入科技人力资源会对区域创新绩效产生显著的正向影响;当耦合度低于0.7324时,在企业中投入科技人力资源会对区域创新绩效产生相对微弱的正向影响。当耦合度高于0.6120时,在高校与科研院所中投入科技人力资源会对区域创新绩效产生显著的正向影响;当耦合度低于0.6120时,在高校与科研院所中投入科技人力资源会对区域创新绩效产生相对微弱的正向影响。且当耦合度高于0.6120时,在高校与科研院所中投入科技人力资源对区域创新绩效产生的影响高于在企业中投入科技人力资源所产生的影响。  相似文献   

陈哲 《现代情报》2015,35(2):137-139
"慕课"风暴引发了高等教育的颠覆性革命,同时也给高校图书馆的服务提出了更高的要求。本文通过评价"慕课"给高等教育带来的影响,分析了慕课对高校图书馆服务的冲击和挑战,提出了创新图书馆服务的对策和建议,以期为提升高校图书馆服务水平提供参考。  相似文献   

The rate of university patenting increased dramatically during the 1980s. Did the manner in which knowledge embedded in university patents was managed change during this period of rapid patenting growth? Using a Herfindahl-type measure of knowledge flow concentration and employing a difference-in-differences estimation to compare university-to-firm patent citations across two time periods, we find that the university diffusion premium (the degree to which university knowledge outflows are more widely distributed than those of firms) declined by more than half during the 1980s. In addition, we find that the university diversity premium (the degree to which knowledge inflows used by universities are drawn from a more widely distributed set of prior art holders than those used by firms) also declined by more than half. However, these changes are mostly limited to a narrow set of technology fields (i.e., biotechnology and pharmaceuticals in the outflows case and sub-fields of electronics in the inflows case). The social welfare implications are ambiguous.  相似文献   

李心萌 《科教文汇》2012,(15):1-3,56
高校的科研活动是地区产业升级的助推器,科研经费是这个助推器得以运行的基础条件。科研经费的投入量和科研经费的效率不仅直接关系到高校科研活动的质量,还会对地区的产业升级和经济转型产生深远的影响。本文比较了中国不同地区科研经费的投入产出情况,运用DEA模型进行了科研经费效率评价,给出提高中国高校科研经费效率的对策建议。  相似文献   

大学、企业研发与首都区域创新的局域空间计量分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
吴玉鸣 《科学学研究》2006,24(3):398-404
运用空间计量经济学的空间变系数回归模型--地理加权回归模型,在全国31个省级区域创新系统的大背景下,着重对首都区域创新及其影响因素进行了空间计量经济分析。全域估计结果发现:中国31个省域创新能力的贡献主要是由企业研发投入实现,大学研发对区域创新能力没有明显的贡献,大学研发与企业研发的结合也没有对区域创新表现出显著的作用。局域地理加权回归计量分析结果显示:首都地区的企业研发能力和人力资本对首都区域创新能力具有正向促进作用,首都强大的研发成果没能近距离扩散,对首都创新能力的形成没有提供应有的贡献。寻求建立大学研发与企业研发之间的技术转移渠道及相互作用机制是目前首都地区大学、企业研发与区域创新联动面临的一个关键问题。  相似文献   

At the university, each institute or chair can be seen as a small independent enterprise in respect of education and research. For this reason, the efficiency of management as well as the improvement of education and research within this unit is more and more at a premium. The students need a good working environment and the opportunity to gain and share information in order to carry out successful research and course work. This paper shows how education at a university semiconductor laboratory can be improved by using a content management system to build a knowledge management system. The structuring and implementation will be shown as well as students’ rating of it. The results support the conclusion that the knowledge base is a great step forward for improving education and research in a complex environment.  相似文献   

区域高等教育是支撑区域经济社会发展的智力基础和创新源泉,实现高等教育一体化是促进区域创新体系的关键要素。该研究运用区域创新体系理论,对区域高等教育存在的主要问题进行分析,研究发现,办学层间断隔、办学主体错位、办学结构趋同是制约区域创新的三大因素,通过专、本、硕、博的一体化建设,实现大学功能的优势互补,提高人才培养的创新能力;通过政、校、企三者关系的协调发展,实现办学主体的合理分工,营造良好的创新环境;通过办学能级的合理分类,提高办学效能,实现区域科学技术的创新。唯其如此,才能实现区域创新体系与区域高等教育功能、职能与效能的耦合,从而实现区域产品、产业和制度的创新。  相似文献   

本文基于省级面板数据运用准倍差法实证检验了高校扩招政策对创新能力的影响。本文结论表明,在控制其他因素之后,扩招后教育数量扩张提高了创新能力44.22%,教育质量变化提升了创新能力1.12%。教育数量与教育质量之间存在交互影响,且教育质量提高促进创新的边际效应较教育数量大。机制验证表明,人力资本提升是扩招(教育数量和教育质量)促进创新的主要途径,且教育质量提升人力资本的作用较教育数量作用大。本文从创新角度评估高校扩招政策的影响,为进一步推进高校扩招政策,提升人力资本提供了直接政策指导。  相似文献   

针对由单个制造商和零售商所组成的闭环供应链,考虑政府奖惩零售商回收废旧品活动的情况,基于博弈论方法,分别构建了集中式、制造商和零售商存在Nash均衡博弈、制造商领导的Stackelberg博弈、零售商领导的Stackelberg博弈等模式下的闭环供应链决策模型,进而探讨了政府设置的奖惩力度和废旧品最低回收率分别对四种模式闭环供应链的决策、系统各成员及总利润的影响问题。研究表明:产品的单位批发价格和废旧品的回收率均会随着政府奖惩力度的增加而增加;产品的单位销售价格会随着政府奖惩力度的增加而减少;制造商的利润会随着政府奖惩力度的增加而增加;零售商的利润和集中式决策闭环供应链的总利润同时受到政府奖惩力度和废旧品最低回收率的影响。因此,政府通过设置合理的奖惩力度和废旧品最低回收率,可使得闭环供应链和系统各成员在获得满意经济效益的同时实现生态效益。  相似文献   

范柏乃  余钧 《科学学研究》2015,33(12):1805-1812
在采用DEA方法测度我国31个省市区2005-2011年高校技术转移效率的基础上,考察高校技术转移效率的区域差异并探讨区域差异的收敛性,采用面板tobit模型分析主体因素、主体关系因素、环境因素对高校技术转移效率的影响。结果表明,我国高校技术转移效率总体较低,改进不显著,省际间差异较大,整体上存在收敛的趋势。高校自身的推动、企业与高校的关系、地区GDP对高校技术转移效率有显著的正向影响,地方政府的支持、政府与高校的关系、地区企业的吸收能力对高校技术转移效率的影响不显著。最后,提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

The ‘triple helix’ of the university-industry-government relationship and habitat are accepted as important determinants of innovation and entrepreneurship. However, empirical explorations of the effects of these variables and their interrelationships on regional entrepreneurial activities are highly limited. To fill this gap, we investigate the effect of the triple helix system and habitat on birth and death rates of U.S. firms at the state level. As expected, we find that industrial R&D expenditure plays an important role in promoting regional firm birth. However, university and government R&D also generate a synergistic effect that indirectly influences regional firm birth rates. In addition, we find that the synergy between university and industrial R&D enhances the sustainability of firms, while the interactions between (1) university and government R&D and (2) government and industrial R&D are associated with an increase in firm death. Other factors linked to more favorable conditions for firm formation include higher educational attainment in a region, lower tax rate, and habitat factors affecting quality of life, such as lower housing prices and higher rates of health insurance coverage. In regions with high entrepreneurial activity, we find positive synergistic effects of the interactions between (1) university and government R&D and (2) university and industrial R&D on firm birth rate, suggesting that university R&D plays an important role as an ‘entrepreneurial mediator’ among the three spheres in the triple helix system. In low entrepreneurial regions, the only triple helix system factors significantly influencing firm birth rate were tax rate. This finding suggests that the independent and interdependent components of the triple helix system and habitat are less powerful in low entrepreneurial regions.  相似文献   

While the importance of a supportive context for entrepreneurship is widely acknowledged, its antecedents are rarely investigated. We apply the concept of organizational climate to higher education institutions and examine the drivers of students’ perceptions of the entrepreneurial climate in their university. Combining data from two unique datasets and using multilevel techniques, we analyze the relationship between university characteristics and such climate perceptions of 8009 students at public universities in Germany. We find university entrepreneurship measures to have a positive effect on students’ climate perceptions, which also depend on students’ background and gender. In addition, we find evidence for different peer effects, depending on students’ affinity for entrepreneurship. For the general student population, including entrepreneurship content in their normal studies seems to be required to initiate a social process of sensemaking. However, students’ perception of the entrepreneurial climate only depend to a certain degree on intentional entrepreneurship measures. In our study, general university characteristics have the strongest influence on climate perceptions. Overall, our study adds to our understanding of which parameters are important for establishing a more favorable and inspiring climate for becoming an entrepreneur at higher education institutions.  相似文献   

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