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2002年民主公民教育纳入英国国家课程体系,实现了与其它欧洲国家公民教育的同步发展,这是2000年英国国家课程修订中最具意义的举措。以往民主公民教育在英国具有争议性,原因之一就是对民主公民教育的含义没有取得共识,对于什么是民主公民教育没有统一的说法,其概念是含糊不清的。[第一段]  相似文献   

随着社会的发展和时代的进步,各国对本国公民素质的要求也相应提高,公民教育因此成为世界范围内的热门话题。英国在20世纪末的教育改革和教育实践中,一直颇为重视对中小学生进行学校公民教育。通过对英国中小学公民教育课程目标、内容等问题的分析,从而把握其中的特点和规律性做法,以期对我国目前正在兴起的中小学公民教育课程实施有所启迪。  相似文献   

随着我国改革开放的深入发展,公民教育在我国的现代化进程中的地位越来越重要。我国的公民教育理论和实践基础较浅,西方发达国家公民教育的理论与实践值得我们借鉴。英国公民教育已经成为英国教育的一部分,在现代化进程中发挥重要作用。我们借鉴英国公民教育的培养目标、教育内容和培养模式,并且考察其公民教育的问题,构建我国公民教育的培养模式。  相似文献   

上世纪九十年代末以来,英国的公民教育经历了一系列的变革,显示了很好的发展态势,特别是<科瑞克报告>发布后,英国有了明确的公民教育计划,有了自己关注的主题,并取得了一定的成就.本文考察<科瑞克报告>提出的背景和随后的一些政策发展情况,分析英国近十年内公民教育的主题及其发展的特点,认为英国近十年的公民教育改革是切合英国及全球民主化进程要求的,其提出的以培养参与民主公民为目标的公民教育,及其实践中体现出的重视公民意识、公民权责、公民参与的培养等特点,是值得我们思考和借鉴的.  相似文献   

英国的公民教育   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在新颁布的英国中小国家课程中,公民的权利和义务已正式作为英国中小学基础学科之一。该课程要求5-16岁的学生发展以下技能:调查和批判性思维;讨论与辩论;商谈与调解;参与学校和社区活动。并规定自2002年9月起,公民的权利与义务将成为11-16岁学生第3阶段和第4阶段的国家教学大纲基础课程。从此,公民教育将作为一门特定的课在英国的学校实施。在此期间,公民教育已在英国教育界乃至整个社会掀起了一场轰轰烈烈的讨论,随着公民教育在学校的正式实施,讨论还将继续下去。一、公民教育在英国兴起的背景公民教育自上个世…  相似文献   

英国学校长期以来公民课程的缺失,并不意味着英国学校不存在公民教育,也不能得出英国大众普遍缺乏公民意识的结论。英国社会和学校的总体教育在几个层面上提供了某种形式的公民教育:英国资本主义的民主制度在宏观层面上对学校的公民教育产生了影响;英国学校教育的整体生活在中观层面上起到了公民教育的作用;英国学校的多门学科在微观层面上具有公民教育的因素。英国学校的公民教育是在传统与变革之间的相互融合中协调渐进的。  相似文献   

公民资格是理解公民教育的起点和基础。当代英国公民资格观主要包括道德的公民资格观、法定的公民资格观、参与的公民资格观和基于身份的公民资格观。道德的公民资格观和参与的公民资格观作为当下影响英国公民教育的主导话语,对公民教育实践产生了重要影响。法定的公民资格观强调公民教育中加强人权教育。基于身份的公民资格观则对公民教育实践提出质疑与挑战。英国公民资格理论话语的发展为公民教育实践提供了参照和启示。  相似文献   

为了更全面地了解英国公民教育现状以及当代世界公民教育的新问题,采访人与英国约克大学教育学教授、教育系副主任、教育与社会公正研究中心主任、教育研究所主任,著名的公民教育专家伊恩·戴维斯进行了访谈,对英国公民教育国家课程标准向品格教育的转向进行讨论,辨别什么是好的公民教育,探讨如何评估公民教育效果,思考社交媒介等新技术与公民教育的关系。在访谈的过程中,比较了中英两国的教育实践,总结了部分公民教育经验。  相似文献   

2000年,英国中小学课程改革将公民教育作为国家法定科目正式引入中小学,其实施收到了很好的效果。然而,实践中也暴露出了一些问题。英国中小学公民教育的问题主要表现在两个方面:一是公民教育政策忽视了广泛的社会制度和环境:二是公民教育在学校实施层面存在着难以克服的困难。  相似文献   

英国公民教育作为国家课程,从2002年9月起,已经成为中小学校的必修科目。其教育目标是为了全面发展学生在精神、道德、社会和文化等四个方面的潜能;其中,道德发展是最基本的要求。  相似文献   

英国公民教育的历史变革与现状分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
经过20世纪90年代的激烈讨论,英国的公民教育结束了长期以来缺乏统一的局面,于21世纪初成为国家课程。在教育的目的、管理主体、方式和内容方面完成了重要的变革,但在教育实施的环境、课程指导、师资培训、评价制度等方面仍存在问题。对此进行分析有助于管窥当前西方公民教育的特点与趋势,为我国教育实践提供借鉴依据。  相似文献   

从课程角度来看,目前我国学校公民教育存在两个不充分:公民学科教育以公民认知代替完整的公民教育,路径开发不充分;其他各类课程协同的公民教育同向聚焦不足,路径拓展不充分。从教师角度思考其原因,是“教书匠”的职业定位蒙昧了其现代教育背景下职能的自觉,拘囿了其教育视域的拓展。教师要以公民教育自觉,为社会和谐与公民幸福而教,拓展公民教育的场域,结成学习共同体,向自然、向社会、向生活开发,搭建全景、多层交错衔接式育公民的大世界;拓展学科教学视域,在学科课程资源中发掘或显或隐的公民教育课程资源,构建全员、全课程育公民的大格局。  相似文献   

This article provides a comparative analysis of citizenship education in the Philippines and Singapore. Through an analysis of historical contexts, citizenship education policy and curriculum, it examines Makabayan in the Philippines and National Education in Singapore. It identifies particular policy and curriculum trajectories as responses to national and global imperatives to demonstrate how countries are redefining the kinds of knowledge, skills and values deemed necessary for national citizenship in global contexts. This comparative case study illustrates some of the tensions and contradictions facing citizenship education in new global contexts and highlights the different ways countries try to manage these tensions through citizenship education policies and curricula. Findings point to different factors that shape and constrain the implementation of citizenship education programmes in both countries.  相似文献   

世界各国面对全球一体化带来的公民身份认同危机,纷纷颁行关于公民教育课程的政策法规,以实现培养合格公民的目标。在这一进程中,英国、澳大利亚、美国、加拿大四国的公民教育课程改革较具代表性。课程目标制定的专业性及明确性、课程资源的可获取性、教师培训的有效性、资金支持的连续性以及课程研究、评估和监督的持续性,成为影响公民教育有效实施的几大决定性因素。  相似文献   

Based on the assumption that schools can play a significant role in the citizenship development of students, in most contemporary modern societies schools are obligated to provide citizenship education. However, the effectiveness of different forms of citizenship education is still unclear. From the empirical literature on citizenship over the period of 2003–2009 28 articles were selected on effects of citizenship education on students’ citizenship. Our review showed the political domain of citizenship to be emphasized more than the social domain. An open and democratic classroom climate in which discussion and dialogue takes place appears to effectively promote the development of citizenship among secondary school students. Moreover, a formal curriculum that includes citizenship projects and courses also appears to be an effective type of citizenship education. The effects of citizenship education are discussed in relation to the quality of the studies reviewed.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the extent to which the implementation and assessment of the new citizenship curriculum in England treats learners as citizens or subjects by evaluating whether the interests of state or citizen predominate. Philosophical, contextual, and practical perspectives on citizenship education are drawn upon to evaluate mechanisms which mediate state power in young citizens’ lives. Current methods of delivering and assessing the citizenship curriculum in schools are challenged and the ideology underpinning citizenship education, as conceptualized in official discourse, is questioned. The view is advanced that citizenship cannot be reduced to what learners know (the informed citizen) or do (the active citizen) as it cannot be divorced from who they are. This paper focuses on citizenship education in the context of English liberal democracy but has a wide application as it addresses issues relevant to the state education of citizens elsewhere.  相似文献   

社会转型必然伴随着教育的转型。教育的自觉转型以人的转型为核心。公民是当代中国人之转型所在,公民教育也因此成为当代中国教育转型之所在。公民教育不是政治教化,也不只是公民意识教育,而是一种以培养公民完整素质为宗旨的新的教育形态。个人主体性和公共性是公民的两个基本品质。当代公民的公共性已从传统的国家公民延伸到社会公民和世界公民。因此,当代公民需要具备个人公民、社会公民、国家公民、世界公民等多重身份,我们也必须以具备多重身份的复合型公民的要求来设计公民教育的层次与目标。  相似文献   

Sport education (SE) is an instruction model developed amid concerns about the lack of authentic, legitimate opportunities for young people to experience sport through physical education and was designed to facilitate enhanced links between experiences in physical education and those in the wider world of sport. The paper discusses how one UK primary school delivered key citizenship education learning through the use of SE. The research reported here is based on interviews with teachers and students in Year 6 at one co-education, state-run primary school. The paper highlights the possibilities for teaching citizenship through the medium of sport while recognising the central importance of the creative teaching approach rather than the subject matter of sport in facilitating the development of active citizenship. The possibilities for citizenship education through sport to be celebratory and supportive of real-world discourses are highlighted. As a solution to the overcrowded curriculum in primary schools, SE has been embraced and developed by the teachers in ‘Forest Gate School’.  相似文献   

This paper presents a theoretical critique of citizenship education in England and Wales, as a means of raising pedagogical considerations for teachers, and policy issues for curriculum makers and planners. Drawing on a range of recent empirical studies, we construct an analysis of practice and suggest that differences between dominant models of citizenship in England and Wales owe much to their histories. We suggest that such differences create opportunities for new curriculum‐making practices as well as democratic possibilities in the context of citizenship education, at a time when curricula in both England and Wales are under revision. Considering school councils/forums as an exemplar of practice common to both contexts, we question the wisdom of schools employing a narrow conception of active citizenship, via forums, in order to demonstrate they are satisfying the relevant requirements of the Order for Citizenship in England, and aspects of the Personal and Social Education curriculum in Wales. While the exemplars are both from the UK context the arguments apply beyond these borders and to more general concerns regarding the development of global citizenship.  相似文献   

Globalization and the increasingly multicultural characteristic of many countries and societies have placed an acute spotlight on whether nations are able to develop citizens who are multiculturally educated and globally engaged. While the character and citizenship education literature in Asia and the Pacific often mentions intercultural understanding and global-mindedness as desirable outcomes, few models exist that translate effortlessly into citizenship curriculum or classroom pedagogy. There has also been a lack of interdisciplinary exchange between the best science and practices of intercultural competence from other disciplines and the domain of citizenship education. Cultural intelligence, a theory-based and empirically rigorous construct propounds an ideal framework for promoting intercultural competence in character and citizenship education. To that end, teachers are faced with both the chance and challenge to lead and teach with cultural intelligence. In this paper, the inexorable requirement for intercultural competence in character and citizenship education is contended. The fit between the theory and practice of cultural intelligence and citizenship education is explored and examples offered for how teachers can teach with cultural intelligence and develop culturally intelligent students who will become multiculturally educated and globally engaged citizens.  相似文献   

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