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《鼠族》是美国著名漫画家阿特.斯皮格曼的作品,讲述了阿特父母从纳粹大屠杀中逃生的真实经历:身为波兰犹太人的父母在纳粹德国统治波兰期间,所遭受的非人待遇和想尽办法逃生的痛苦经历。母亲虽然在纳粹的魔爪下幸存了,但却在后来自杀了,但阿特却被认为是母亲自杀的罪魁祸首。《鼠族》中并没有直接给出阿特与母亲的关系如何。通过分析在《鼠族Ⅰ》中被插入的另一本漫画中的几页"画中画",可以得出阿特和母亲的关系并不融洽。  相似文献   

"袋鼠族"一词最早出现在1998年法国新闻类周刊《快报》的一篇文章中,它比喻到了该就业的年龄,却以薪水少等理由仍依赖父母生活的那些20多岁的大学生。我觉得我们当中的一些同学也可以称为"袋鼠族"。  相似文献   

我喜欢看电视。《动物世界》、《人与自然》、《状元360》我都喜欢看,但我最爱看还是《虹猫仗剑走天涯》。 《虹猫仗剑走天涯》讲的是虹猫、蓝兔和他们的朋友寻找传说中的五颗晶石,阻止鼠族称霸森林,让森林重现和平的故事。  相似文献   

美国绘图小说《鼠族》用图像加文字的方式真实地再现了纳粹大屠杀的暴行.本文主要从访谈式记录、黑白的真实记录、人物的动物化记录、地图和图表记录以及真实照片记录等方面分析了该作品中现实主义的表现手法.  相似文献   

司马迁创作《史记》的思想深受《易》理的影响,《史记》的人物形象塑造是其《易》理思想的具体体现。本文从人物典型化手法、含蓄化手法、互见法、悲剧人物、传奇色彩五个方面展开论述,说明《周易》与《史记》二者之间存在密切关系。  相似文献   

哥特式创作手法最早出现于18世纪的中晚期,哥特式创作手法出现以后吸引了很多的小说家。在《雾都孤儿》中,狄更斯不但运用了哥特式的创作手法,并且将其与批判现实主义的手法合理的结合起来,本文主要分析哥特式创作手法在《雾都孤儿》中的体现。  相似文献   

以诗评诗是《诗经》评点中的常用手法,其具体表现形式是以后世具体诗篇或诗句来阐发《诗经》中的诗篇或诗句,从而直观地揭示诗旨、品味意境、指出创作手法、并说明其对后世诗歌创作的影响。本文试以所见明末诸家诗经评点中以诗评《诗》之处作一粗略统计与论述,初步揭示《诗经》评点中以诗评《诗》的面貌。  相似文献   

多次教鲁迅先生的《祝福》这篇小说,总觉得比照手法的巧妙运用是小说中一个不可忽视的艺术特色。这里所说的比照手法,是包含对比在内的比较和相互对照呼应。关于对照呼应,虽说许多文体的一般文章或明或暗、或隐或现、或直接或间接都讲究,但鲁迅先生在《祝福》中比照手法的运用有其独特之处。《祝福》中的比照手法铺透全篇,恰到好处地展示人物性格,推动情节发展,揭示出深刻主题。下面从三个方面作简要剖析。一、把比照手法灵活运用于环境描写中《祝福》写于一九二四年二月,是鲁迅继《呐喊》之后的又一小说集《彷徨》中的第一篇,所反映的是辛…  相似文献   

果戈里是俄国19世纪最伟大的批判现实主义文学家之一。其代表作之一,中篇小说《外套》是作家最优秀的批判现实主义作品之一。本文拟通过描写手法、讽刺手法和修辞手法等方面对《外套》的艺术手法进行浅析,以使读者更好的理解讽刺大师果戈里的艺术创作和内涵。  相似文献   

《世说新语》纂辑《语林》旧文,具体处理手法有三:一是同事同文类,直接抄录;二是多事多文类,或有增补;三是同事异文类,或有改写。手法虽各有不同,但纂辑旧文痕迹显然。尤其从两书所记互有冲突来看,或因《语林》本身缺陷,致使《世说新语》编撰者对其旧文有所辨析取舍。  相似文献   

A justification for the inclusion of graphic comic art in post-14 art education following the development of graphic novels in Europe, Japan and the USA. in recent years. The case is based on the visual dynamics of the medium and the potential for a critical realism which can be exploited in students’ studio practice and research. Particular attention is given to the Holocaust novel Maus and selected Japanese ‘Manga’ comics which have made an impact in the west, such as Barefoot Gen and Adolf. The article analyses the various innovative visual forms that these graphic novels utilise and considers their effectiveness as a vehicle for practice and research in the institutional art curriculum.  相似文献   

西汉成帝在位期间修建了两座陵墓:延陵与昌陵。延陵位于咸阳原上的西汉主陵区内,地理形势和历史传统十分优越;昌陵位于汉长安城东南的戏乡,地势平坦,交通便利。昌陵是在延陵建设了近十年之后开始修建的,由于其所在地势等原因,建设了五年即被放弃,又返回延陵。昌陵的修建致使国库空虚、民力疲乏。成帝之所以修建昌陵,主要是延陵的建设规划受到附近秦惠文王公陵的影响。由昌陵风波我们可以看到西汉时期皇帝的个人好恶和心理因素对陵址的选择影响较大。  相似文献   

后现代主要并非指的是一种时态,而是一种思想态度和意识,以及一种崭新的思考问题的方法。师生关系是一种特殊的社会关系,是教育的全部蕴念所在。根据后现代基本精神,本文力图重新审视教育过程中目前已被广泛认可的师生关系,从一种全面的、多元化、多层次的视角反思传统的师生关系,从而对师生关系问题形成新的有益的认识,即师生关系应从二元对立的主客关系转变为相互作用的共生关系,由单向的知识传授关系转变为双向的平等对话关系,从理性保障的师生关系转变为情感保障的师生关系。  相似文献   

诠释学作为一门指导文本理解和解释的学科,在以前类似于修辞学、语法学、逻辑学,从属于语文学。到了20世纪,诠释学由一种理解和解释的方法论发展成为一种哲学理论。诠释学的哲学转向与世界意义的多元化转向并行。随着古典诠释学向现代哲学诠释学的转换,诠释学不再仅是对经典文本的诠释而具有多元化的意义,从而为自己找到广阔的诠释空间,因此在诠释学的视野下比较诗学也具有更加开放的被诠释可能。以诠释学为背景,进一步探讨比较诗学在学理意义上的可能性和可行性,便会发现:比较诗学之“比较”不是工具论意义上的一种手段而是存在论意义上的一种思维方式,从而为比较诗学学科研究提供一个新的视角。  相似文献   

教育研究之生命意识探寻   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育研究之生命意识,是对教育研究存在自身的思寻,是对教育研究自身作为一项有生命活动的思寻。教育研究之生命意识为教育研究者自身生命之意识,是教育研究者之个性的自我意识;教育研究之生命意识在于以整个生命的方式进行教育研究,要求以对生命的敏感性和理性关切来进行教育研究,让感官和人心都活跃起来;教育研究之生命意识表现为对生命和教育研究的一种精神担当,是对生命和教育的不断追问和困惑,而非给生命和教育提供技术方案,在于对教育和生命之赤子情怀和真性情;教育研究之生命意识蕴含于对生命和教育的宽恕,在于对教育研究的一种多元追求和关注。  相似文献   

This article describes the personal experiences of a teacher turned counsellor developing a student counselling service in a school setting. It explores how a school seeking to become an emotional literate community enabled the development of a counselling service and a Learning Mentor programme, both of which focused on the needs of individual students. This diverse school community reflected a range of social circumstances from professional affluence to unemployment and deprivation, and it is recognized that emotional need is not confined to those from the latter. Open access to personal support enables every student to really feel that they matter. The significance of relationship is highlighted for its capacity to engender a sense of personal worth and of mattering within the community that is staff and students. Key learning from the development is explored for governors, school leadership teams and classroom teachers, and a culture of open and supportive involvement is seen as a means to enable young people to develop a sense of worth and belonging in the school community and thus in wider adult society.  相似文献   

论合同解除权的行使及其法律后果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合同解除权是法律赋予合同当事人在其自身利益遭受违约方的行为严重损害时可以采取的一种违约救济权利。或者合同双方当事人在合同签订时约定一方解除合同的条件,解除合同的条件成就时,解除权人享有的解除合同的权利。作为保障合同当事人双方民事权利、义务实现的一种方式,合同解除权的行使将导致一系列的法律后果,因此,其在合同法中居于十分重要的地位。从理论界及实务界看,对合同解除权行使的方式及其法律后果认识颇有差距。笔者以为,研究合同解除制度中解除权的行使及其法律后果,发挥理论对实务的指导作用,对维护市场经济秩序。确保交易安全与稳定,具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

With a starting point in the tradition of geisteswissenschaftliche Pädagogik, this article presents a challenge to inclusive education research to engage a Continental perspective on educational research. The motivation is to entice inclusive education researchers to begin to ask educational questions of inclusion, as opposed to inclusive questions of education. Recent years has seen a call to re-think inclusive education research and this paper attempts to answer this call by turning to a Continental perspective and the emphasis on an at least relative autonomy for the theory and practice of education. The article explores the relationship between Continental and Anglo-American educational theory, and why they seem to have developed in such distinct directions. Beginning with the Anglo-American perspective, it is outlined how pedagogy and the so-called educational interest became replaced by the scientific standards dominant in other academic disciplines. This is countered by a look at the continued endeavours in the Continental spheres to formulate specifically educational criteria for educational processes. This leads to a negative aim in the form of arguing against neo-liberal policy and the politicisation of inclusive education, and a positive aim in the form of an argument for a move towards constructing a pedagogical ideal of inclusion.  相似文献   


A recurring theme in many places concerns the nurturing and maintenance of a civil society that is committed to justice, to human fulfilment and a community that actively pursues the good of all its members. The creation of a civil society where there is respect for persons and a concern for the good of others is an important social aim and though it is not the sole responsibility of educational institutions, they have a crucial role to play in its development. It also evident that the creation of a civil society includes the family and the wider community and so in order to understand how a civil society is to be fostered, we need to understand relationality, a central concept in both the Western and Eastern understandings of human nature. If we reflect on contemporary education in both the East and the West, an important question to consider is the extent to which education measures up to developing in young people a sense of their responsibilities to one another, their families and to the wider community. In short the question of how well we are developing humane persons who are able to relate to one another and build a civil society. This article argues that there needs to be a rebalancing of the aims of education to include the development of those values and dispositions that will foster a civil society.  相似文献   

This paper describes a self-study in which I, as a teacher educator, seek to understand how to respond effectively to my pre-service students' fears about learning and teaching primary mathematics. I studied my students' response to a new mathematics methods course that is tied to practicum. Results include the importance of listening closely to students' feelings about learning and teaching math, responding with opportunities to re-learn primary math concepts in a collaborative and hands-on environment, and providing opportunities for pre-service teachers to experience success with math teaching in primary school settings. What I did not realize at the outset was that the students and I would be on a parallel journey. While I endeavored to listen to their voices, I struggled with my limited voice as a sessional instructor. While they struggled to feel like “real” math teachers, I struggled to feel like a “real” math professor. Fear of teaching math to young children was mirrored by my fear of pioneering a new course. Examination of a key incident in the first year of the course and of the role of a critical friend helped me to see and understand these parallel paths.  相似文献   

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