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In a recent and provocative essay, Christopher Bartel attempts to resolve the gamer’s dilemma. The dilemma, formulated by Morgan Luck, goes as follows: there is no principled distinction between virtual murder and virtual pedophilia. So, we’ll have to give up either our intuition that virtual murder is morally permissible—seemingly leaving us over-moralizing our gameplay—or our intuition that acts of virtual pedophilia are morally troubling—seemingly leaving us under-moralizing our game play. Bartel’s attempted resolution relies on establishing the following three theses: (1) virtual pedophilia is child pornography, (2) the consumption of child pornography is morally wrong, and (3) virtual murder is not murder. Relying on Michael Rea’s definition of pornography, I argue that we should reject thesis one, but since Bartel’s moral argument in thesis two does not actually rely thesis one that his resolution is not thereby undermined. Still, even if we grant that there are adequate resources internal to Bartel’s account to technically resolve the gamer’s dilemma his reasoning is still unsatisfying. This is so because Bartel follows Neil Levy in arguing that virtual pedophilia is wrong because it harms women. While I grant Levy’s account, I argue that this is the wrong kind of reason to resolve the gamer’s dilemma because it is indirect. What we want is to know what is wrong with virtual child pornography itself. Finally, I suggest alternate moral resources for resolving the gamer’s dilemma that are direct in a way that Bartel’s resources are not.  相似文献   

为了从根本上化解数学真理困境中提出的认识论难题,菲尔德提出了"没有数的科学"这一虚构主义求解进路。文章首先阐释该进路的主要动机及其应对数学真理困境的基本策略,继而分析其本质缺陷,指出菲尔德对科学所持的实体实在论态度与其数学反实在论的立场从根本上割裂了数学与科学的整体性,回避了数学真理困境的本质问题,文章最后探讨他对实在论在认识论解释上的进一步挑战及其对求解困境所带来的启示。  相似文献   

刘杰 《情报杂志》2022,41(2):43-48
[研究目的]情报共享是促进情报资源合理配置,提高其利用率的重要途径。特定领域的情报共享对于维护社会治安秩序和国家安全稳定都具有重要意义。但情报共享困境切实存在,研究情报共享困境的消解之道实有必要。[研究方法]从社会心理学的角度出发,使用社会困境理论作为分析研究框架,首先对情报共享困境的既有解释进行了类型化区分,继而引出社会困境理论及其在情报共享领域的适用可能性,情报共享社会困境的结构和基本类型。在此基础上,提出情报共享困境的消解之道。[研究结论]研究发现,情报共享是一种典型的社会困境,具有特定的构成元素与类型。其消解之道在于通过职业荣誉感和行业惩戒等激励措施引导情报共享;培育社交性文化和团结性文化降低情报共享的“社会不确定性”等。  相似文献   

彼得·卡皮查是苏联学术界的领袖人物之一。他早年在英国剑桥大学的卡文迪许实验室从事强肱场和低温物理研究,卓有成就,1929年当选为英国皇家学会会员。1934年他被苏联政府强制留在国内,创建科学院“物理问题研究所”并担任所长,其间发现了液态氦在超低温下具有超流动性,为此获得1984年诺贝尔物理学奖。卡皮查还是一位关心社会,尤其是科学界公共事务的科学家,他向斯大林以及其他苏联最高领导人写了大量书信,为身陷囹圄的科学家陈情,或者对苏联当局的文化和科学政策提出建言,为此本人一度遭到贬斥。  相似文献   

Abraham TH 《Endeavour》2003,27(1):32-36
Recently, historians have focused on Warren S. McCulloch's role in the cybernetics movement during the 1940s and 1950s, and his contributions to the development of computer science and communication theory. What has received less attention is McCulloch's early work in neurophysiology, and its relationship to his philosophical quest for an 'experimental epistemology' - a physiological theory of knowledge. McCulloch's early laboratory work during the 1930s addressed the problem of cerebral localization: localizing aspects of behaviour in the cerebral cortex of the brain. Most of this research was done with the Dutch neurophysiologist J.G. Dusser de Barenne at Yale University. The connection between McCulloch's philosophical interests and his experimental work can be expressed as a search for a physiological a priori, an integrated mechanism of sensation.  相似文献   

In 1974 a British biologist, John Randal Baker (1900-1984), published a large and controversial book simply entitled Race that reiterated persistent eugenicist themes concerning the relation between race, intelligence, and progress. The history of Baker's book is a case study in the politics of scientific publishing, and his ideas influenced scholars associated with later works such as The Bell Curve. Baker, a student of Julian Huxley, was a longtime participant in the British eugenics movement and opponent of what he took to be a facile belief in human equality. In 1942, together with Michael Polanyi, he founded the Society for Freedom in Science to oppose those who advocated the central planning of scientific research. Baker's eugenics, political activities, and views on race express an elitist individualism, associated with the conservative wing of the eugenics movement, that this paper explores in the context of his career as a whole.  相似文献   

Luck (2009) argues that gamers face a dilemma when it comes to performing certain virtual acts. Most gamers regularly commit acts of virtual murder, and take these acts to be morally permissible. They are permissible because unlike real murder, no one is harmed in performing them; their only victims are computer-controlled characters, and such characters are not moral patients. What Luck points out is that this justification equally applies to virtual pedophelia, but gamers intuitively think that such acts are not morally permissible. The result is a dilemma: either gamers must reject the intuition that virtual pedophelic acts are impermissible and so accept partaking in such acts, or they must reject the intuition that virtual murder acts are permissible, and so abstain from many (if not most) extant games. While the prevailing solution to this dilemma has been to try and find a morally relevant feature to distinguish the two cases, I argue that a different route should be pursued. It is neither the case that all acts of virtual murder are morally permissible, nor are all acts of virtual pedophelia impermissible. Our intuitions falter and produce this dilemma because they are not sensitive to the different contexts in which games present virtual acts.  相似文献   

This paper aims to provide new insights to debates on group privacy, which can be seen as part of a social turn in privacy scholarship. Research is increasingly showing that the classic individualistic understanding of privacy is insufficient to capture new problems in algorithmic and online contexts. An understanding of privacy as an “interpersonal boundary-control process” (Altman, The environment and social behavior, Brooks and Cole, Monterey, 1975) framing privacy as a social practice necessary to sustain intimate relationships is gaining ground. In this debate, my research is focused on what I refer to as “self-determined groups” which can be defined as groups whose members consciously and willingly perceive themselves as being part of a communicative network. While much attention is given to new forms of algorithmically generated groups, current research on group privacy fails to account for the ways in which self-determined groups are affected by changes brought about by new information technologies. In an explorative case study on self-organized therapy groups, I show how these groups have developed their own approach to privacy protection, functioning on the basis of social practices followed by all participants. This informal approach was effective in pre-digital times, but online, privacy threats have reached a new level extending beyond the scope of a group’s influence. I therefore argue that self-determined sensitive topic groups are left facing what I present as a dilemma: a tension between the seemingly irreconcilable need for connectivity and a low threshold, on the one hand, and the need for privacy and trust, on the other. In light of this dilemma, I argue that we need new sorts of political solutions.  相似文献   

路德维克·弗莱克,微生物学家。如今在国际上,他被广泛地认为是库恩思想的先驱和科学社会学的创始人,但在国内却鲜为人知。本文通过梳理弗莱克的思想和前人对弗莱克的研究,浅析了其在中国科学史、科学哲学和科学社会学研究中的意义。  相似文献   

中小企业融资解困一直是政策制定者亟待解决的问题及学者关注的课题.本文从基金资产配置的视角,展开了中小企业融资解困方式的创新研究.为研究方便,本文提出了存在非流动资产时机构投资者的最优资产配置模型.其中,对中小企业的融资视为非流程资产,而基金看作机构投资者.在模型中,机构投资者的目标函数是财富效用的期望增长率.本文将该类资产配置问题简化为有限时间上的控制问题,给出了价值函数满足的偏微分方程以及对应的初始条件、终止条件以及边界条件,求解了最高的财富效用期望增长率及对应的最优资产配置.文章的最大贡献是提出了一种创新研究方式,在某种程度上实现了基金、中小企业的双赢局面.  相似文献   

In this paper I will evaluate Ali’s dissolution of the gamer’s dilemma. To this end the dilemma will be summarized and Ali’s dissolution formulated. I conclude that Ali has not dissolved the dilemma (at least not fully).  相似文献   

Professor Henry Tye (戴自海) is a world-renowned expert in theoretical particle physics, string theory and cosmology. He was recently the IAS Professor at the Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), and is the Horace White Professor of Physics (Emeritus) at Cornell University. He has a lot of experience in research status in both China and the United States. Recently, NSR invited Professor Yi-Fu Cai (蔡一夫) from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) to interview Prof. Tye on his personal views on the future of theoretical physics, his own experience, and his advice to young researchers.  相似文献   

Roberts P 《Endeavour》2011,35(4):142-150
In 1911-1912 Roald Amundsen and Robert Falcon Scott led rival parties in a race to the geographic South Pole. While both parties reached the Pole--Amundsen first--Scott's men died on the return journey. Amundsen became a Norwegian icon through his record-setting travels; Scott became a symbol of courage and devotion to science. The memory of each was invoked at various points during the twentieth century in the context of contemporary Antarctic events. Scott's status as a scientific figure was central to the Scott Polar Research Institute, while Amundsen's lack of scientific legacy became a way for British polar explorers to differentiate themselves from Norwegian contemporaries during the interwar years. After 1945 Scott and Amundsen were again invoked as exemplars of national polar achievement, even as the rise of large-scale science on the continent overshadowed past British and Norwegian achievements. In the present Amundsen and Scott remain wedded to particular values, focused respectively on national achievement and sacrifice in the name of science, while their race has become secondary.  相似文献   

托马斯·库恩是20世纪最伟大的科学哲学家和科学史学家。由他划时代著作《科学革命的结构》产生出来的"范式"和"范式转换"已经成为我们的日常生活用语。一方面,库恩自认在哲学上的最大贡献是"不可通约性",但这一点遭到多方非议。另一方面,当他被认为是"科学知识社会学"(SSK)强纲领的思想先驱时,他却拒绝承认SSK的主张;他在学术上的同路人少得可怜,与他在思想界的巨大影响完全不成比例。库恩从登上学术舞台开始,就遭到不同程度的误解,他一直在寻找自己的身份定位。本文试图通过梳理矛盾的库恩形象,他与学生的关系以及影响他的思想形成的几大事件,从"误解"与"被误解"的角度来阐释库恩的心路历程。我们的目的不是"去魅",更不想树立新的偶像,而是试图还原一个真实的库恩。  相似文献   

Fara P 《Endeavour》2003,27(4):148-149
Few people know the name of the Royal Society's first President, even though he features prominently in Thomas Sprat's famous allegorical frontispiece. In promotional images, his individual identity is irrelevant for proclaiming the Society's allegiance to Francis Bacon and commitment to experimental investigation. By contrast, William Brouncker's name does appear on Peter Lely's large portrait, which hung at the Royal Society. Brouncker was a gifted mathematician as well as a conscientious administrator, and Lely's portrait reproduces the diagram of one of his innovative algebraic proofs.  相似文献   

达尔文的生物演化论当年最显赫的论敌不在宗教界,而是物理学者汤姆生。他以热力学为武器,对莱尔地质学与天择论长达40多年的无情批评,甚至迫使斯宾塞、赫胥黎改变了他们原先为演化构思的乐观愿景。连达尔文也只能以“不可知论”来敷衍和搪塞。这是演化论史上的著名公案。严复据以做《天演论》的赫胥黎文本,留下了这段公案的线索,但严复似乎并不清楚详情。  相似文献   

牟琳 《科教文汇》2012,(34):179-179,192
高校青年教师周转房对人才的引进、人才的稳定、高校的发展起着重要的作用.本文以四川理工学院为例,分析了新形势下周转房面临的困境,提出了解决困境的对策.  相似文献   

Don Lamberton’s research interests were broad. They centred on information and innovation, those elusive drivers of growth and change in the economy, as well as life. Information and innovation require some degree of receptiveness – openness – and Don was always open. His openness permitted me to become his student, as a mid-career practitioner in the film industry. It was, in a sense, his principal teaching. Under his tutelage, I began a reading program that led me a long way from my starting point, and taught me to question views that had seemed settled. Openness, of course, is a fundamental issue in information policy. To what extent should information be proprietary? And when should it be free? These questions were central to my research, which was about copyright and its consequences for authors. The policy tensions in copyright turn exactly on this question of degree of openness. As I studied the question, Don’s example came to matter. I mean the way he personally modelled scholarship: his willingness to listen, his constant sifting, his mode of freely sharing books, data and connections. This was scholarship as openness, and it was persuasive.  相似文献   

文章从机制设计理论出发,分析了高校科研管理的特点,提出运用激励相容原理进行科研管理制度的建立。以浙江大学为例,对高校管理这一庞大系统工程进行了剖析,强调在高校的科研管理工作中要以人为本,在构建良好的高校科研管理制度时,要从办学理念、学科建设、队伍建设、科研成果和管理专业化等方面来考虑,制定有效的激励机制,以促进高校科研工作的和谐和可持续发展。  相似文献   

段赵胡 《科教文汇》2011,(14):101-102
千古美文《岳阳楼记》流芳百世,一代名臣范文正公垂名万载。学生时代喜爱《岳阳楼记》说不上理由,教书生涯中对此文情有独钟而精心设计教学。喜爱本文最重要的原因是范公为世人所称道的政治主张和宽广的胸襟:"先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐。"这一政治抱负继承并发展了"志在天下"的闪光思想且达到了相当的高度。作为性情中人的范仲淹有着震古烁今的思想,无疑奠定了他巍巍昆仑般的崇高的地位。睿智的范仲淹含蓄委婉而且卓有成效地解开了朋友滕子京的郁愤心结,留下了气壮山河的名篇。文正公的言传身教和一致言行激励了中华民族无数志士仁人,激励着当今21世纪的新一辈,更给语文教师、教育界乃至中国社会以深刻的昭示。  相似文献   

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