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鸡蛋从外打破,是食物;从内打破,是生命。人生从外打破,是压力;从内打破,是成长。所以说,从外在和从内在去看待事物,得出的结果往往不同。从外在角度看到的是浅显简单,从内在角度看到的是深刻真实。在这个物欲横流的社会,我们应该从杯中窥人,不要轻易被事物的表象所迷惑,  相似文献   

好的题记犹如一张最美的脸。写好题记有以下策略:从语言特色出发,从写作技巧出发,从读者心理出发,从审美高度出发,从应试角度出发。  相似文献   

高中三年,我希望你们能——从思考中确立自我,从学习中寻求真理,从独立中体验自主,从计划中把握时间,从交流中锻炼表达,从交友中品味成熟,从实践中赢得价值,从兴趣中获取快乐,从追求中获得力量。  相似文献   

从旁观者到参与者,从“灌水”到“加油”,从一字“顶”到“万言书”,从短促突击到长线思考,从自说自话到合作争鸣,从有感而发到史论结合,从反思历史到反思学问,从评价学习到评价教学。在这些改变中学生不断释放能力、展示才华、彰显个性、挖掘潜力。  相似文献   

正乐享校园:奉献的青春,快乐而阳光六年前,我怀着青春的梦想,来到了嘉兴职业技术学院。宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。在大学三年间,我以勤勉进取的积极态度,全方位地充实锻炼自己,提高自己在各方面的能力,向实际困难挑战,让我在挫折中成长。前微软副总裁李开复先生曾说:"经过大学,你会从思考中确立自我,从学习中寻求真理,从独立中体验自主,从计划中把握时间,从交友中品味成熟,从实践中赢得价值,从兴趣中攫取快乐,从追求中获得力  相似文献   

培养良好习惯从点滴做起 近两年来本刊致力于少年儿童好习惯的培养,倡导教子成功从培养习惯做起,受到广泛欢迎。2004年我们倡导培养习惯从点滴做起,从细微做起。对此,编委们从专业的角度,提出了一些自己观点。  相似文献   

彭润泽 《考试周刊》2014,(60):157-158
学校管理是一门技巧。学校管理者管理中的明智之举乃是从大处着眼,从小事做起。从大处着眼,就是要有高瞻远瞩的目光;从小事做起,是指从点点滴滴的平时小事做起,最终成就大事。细节之处处理得当是学校教育质量和教育服务水平的有力表现形式。管理者必须深谙"从大处着眼、从小事做起"的管理之道,管理学校、教育学生于细微处见真功夫。  相似文献   

当代科学技术的发展,在理论和思维方式上均取得了革命性进展,其显著特点是:从绝对走向相对;从线性走向非线性;从精确走向模糊;从因果走向偶然;从确定走向不确定;从可逆走向不可逆;从定域论走向场论;从时空分离走向时空统一;从分析方法走向系统方法。所有这些,都在20世纪的物理学中有着不同程度的体现,使人类对客观世界的认识更加深化和全面,达到了一个崭新的阶段。  相似文献   

从思想文化运动看,马克思主义是马克思主义中国化的思想型主体,具有从一般到个别推进的民族化动力。从社会实践活动看,中国是马克思主义中国化的实践型主体,具有从历史到当代推进的时代化动力。从思想文化与社会实践互动看,中国共产党和中国人民是马克思主义中国化的结合型主体,具有从理论到实践推进的大众化动力。  相似文献   

大学课程建设的发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
课程对学生全面发展起着决定性的作用,十分重要。加强大学课程建设,要把握其发展趋势。从课程在学校的地位来看,课程建设正在从边缘走向中心;从教育思想理念发展来看,课程建设正在从"重教"走向"重学";从改革发展过程和课程建设发展内在逻辑来看,课程建设正在从课程开发走向课程理解;从教育教学方式变革来看,课程正在从封闭单向走向开放互动。  相似文献   

This paper makes both a critical analysis of some popular cultural texts about mathematics and mathematicians, and explores the ways in which young people deploy the discourses produced in these texts. We argue that there are particular (and sometimes contradictory) meanings and discourses about mathematics that circulate in popular culture, that young people use these as resources in identity making as (non-)mathematicians, negotiating their meaning in ways that are not always predictable, and that their influence on young people is diffuse and nevertheless important. The paper discusses the discourses that prevail in some of the popular cultural images of mathematics and mathematicians that came up in our research. We show how mathematics is represented as a secret language, while mathematicians are often mad, mostly male and almost invariably white. We then explore how young people negotiate these discourses, positioning themselves in relation to mathematics. Here we draw attention to the fact that both those who continue with mathematics after it ceases to be compulsory and those who do not, deploy similar images of mathematics and mathematicians. What is different is how they respond to and negotiate these images.  相似文献   

中国现代数学的奠基是在落后于西方数学200年的基础上,经过先辈数学家们走出国门,艰苦求学,然后回国创办高等教育,发展中国的现代数学.中国现代数学的奠基历程经历了从20世纪初到1929年间30年的艰难起步,回顾前辈数学家们开拓中国现代数学的这段艰苦历程,感受他们高度的民族自强精神和卓越的科学创造才能.  相似文献   

西方三角学知识初入中国,偏重应用和计算而缺乏论证,清初数学家接受、学习的同时,在补充证明、精简公式、提高精度以及重构西方三角学上取得了创新成果,他们以会通中西为目的,以探寻数学内在原理、融合中西数学为己任,彰显出一股求真务实的科学精神。  相似文献   

In a recent paper (Weber & Mejia-Ramos, Educational Studies in Mathematics, 76, 329–344, 2011), we reported findings from two small-scale interview studies on the reasons why and the ways in which mathematicians read proofs. Based on these findings, we designed an Internet-based survey that we distributed to practicing mathematicians working in top mathematics departments in the USA. Surveyed mathematicians (N?=?118) agreed to a great extent with the interviewed mathematicians in the exploratory studies. First, the mathematicians reported that they commonly read published proofs to gain different types of insight, not to check the correctness of the proofs. Second, they stated that when reading these proofs, they commonly: (a) appeal to the reputation of the author and the journal, (b) study how certain steps in the proof apply to specific examples, and (c) focus on the overarching ideas and methods in the proofs. In this paper, we also report findings from another section of the survey that focused on how participants reviewed proofs submitted for publication. The comparison of participant responses to questions in these two sections of the survey suggests that reading a published proof of a colleague and refereeing a proof for publication are substantially different activities for mathematicians.  相似文献   

This article reports on some results from an interview-based study with 70 practising research mathematicians, 35 women and 35 men, at universities in England, Scotland, Ireland and Northern Ireland. The aim of the study was to explore epistemologies of these mathematicians and any impact of them on how they conducted their professional lives. In this article, three conjectures are examined. The first was that career experiences would differ between females and males, as they indeed did. The second was that women would be differently distributed to men within the disciplinary areas, which was not the case. The third was that gender would have no effect on how these mathematicians understood and practised their discipline, which was the case. In the concluding section of the article, the findings are related to the learning of mathematics, particularly in schools, where the expressed heterogeneity of these mathematicians is replaced with an insistent drive towards homogeneity, and that homogeneity reflects a discipline which has been dominated by male styles, choices and expectations.  相似文献   

In this paper, based on a project funded by the UK Economic and Social Research Council considering how people position themselves in relation to popular representations of mathematics and mathematicians, we explore constructions of mathematicians in popular culture and the ways learners make meanings from these. Drawing on an analysis of popular cultural texts, we argue that popular discourses overwhelmingly construct mathematicians as white, heterosexual, middle‐class men, yet also construct them as ‘other’ through systems of binary oppositions between those doing and those not doing mathematics. Turning to the analysis of a corpus of 27 focus groups with school and university students in England and Wales, we explore how such images are deployed by learners. We argue that while learners’ views of mathematicians parallel in key ways popular discourses, they are not passively absorbing these as they are simultaneously aware of the clichéd nature of popular cultural images.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report a study in which nine research mathematicians were interviewed with regard to the goals guiding their reading of published proofs and the type of reasoning they use to reach these goals. Using the data from this study as well as data from a separate study (Weber, Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 39:431–459, 2008) and the philosophical literature on mathematical proof, we identify three general strategies that mathematicians employ when reading proofs: appealing to the authority of other mathematicians who read the proof, line-by-line reading, and modular reading. We argue that non-deductive reasoning plays an important role in each of these three strategies.  相似文献   

This article is written to share teaching ideas about using commonly available computer applications—a spreadsheet, The Geometer's Sketchpad, and Wolfram Alpha—to explore three classic and historically significant problems from the probability theory. These ideas stem from the authors’ work with prospective economists, mathematicians, and teachers. The historical contexts include the problem of the division of stakes (14th century), the problem of the Grand Duke of Tuscany (17th century), and the problem of co-primality of two natural numbers chosen at random (19th century). The suggested use of computers can be extended to other probability contexts to achieve at least two goals: to make complex mathematical ideas more accessible and to emphasize the importance of experimental evidence as a means of conceptual development in mathematics for all student populations.  相似文献   

In 1997, an interview-based study of 70 research mathematicians was undertaken with a focus on how they ‘come to know’ mathematics, i.e. their epistemologies. In this paper, I discuss how these mathematicians understand their practices, locating them in the communities of which they claim membership, identifying the style which dominates their organisation of research and looking at their lived contradictions. I examine how they talk about ‘knowing’ mathematics, the metaphors on which they draw, the empiricist connections central to the work of the applied mathematicians and statisticians, and the importance of connectivities to the construction of their mathematical Big Picture. I compare the stories of these research mathematicians with practices in mathematics classrooms and conclude with an appeal for teachers to pay attention to the practices of research mathematicians and their implications for coming to know mathematics. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Ramanujan is one of the greatest mathematicians that India has ever produced. Eminent mathematicians of the world have admitted that Ramanujan was a genius. On the path to achieving fame, Ramanujan received generous support from various persons. In this article, an account of the history of the nurturing of Ramanujan by persons around him is given, along with a brief introduction to each of those generous people from India as well as from abroad.  相似文献   

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