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文化大散文也称历史文化散文,是文学创新与探索的一种产物。它并非始于今日,而是与我国源远流长的文史融合传统有着紧密的联系,就是说,作家最初的文化角色常常就是史家。文化大散文之所以在上个世纪90年代崛起,一是由于作家主体意识、文化修养的强化,二是许多作家读者出于对当时的“散文消费品格”的不满足感而产生的深度追求以及大批学者的加盟;学问负累过重、价值观念先行、缺乏生命体验与独特的精神发现、形式佶屈板滞是其创作中的缺憾。  相似文献   

九十年代中国散文扫描   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
90年代的散文创作形成了20世纪散文史上的第二次高潮."大散文"成为90年代散文园地最亮丽的一道风景线.小说家、诗人、艺术家给散文肌体注入了新鲜血液.新生代是90年代散文创作的生力军."大散文"和"艺术散文"的论争产生了广泛而深刻的影响.  相似文献   

咏赞神州风采尽展域外风情──东瑞游记散文简论徐永龄东瑞是当代香港文坛颇具知名度的小说散文作家。他的小说行销海内外.散文创作也硕果累累,成就似不在小说之下。在东瑞丰富浩繁的散文创作中,游记散文占有根大比例,专一的游记散文集就有《象国·狮城·椰岛》等五种...  相似文献   

董桥是香港著名作家,他的散文追求学、识、情的融会贯通,结合散文创作,董桥在作品中阐明了自己的创作理论,即知性与感性相融、文章“自然”说和辞意说。而董桥的散文理论与创作也同样做到了融会贯通的境界。  相似文献   

林语堂是中国现代文学史上著名的作家。他在20世纪30年代,一反前期"浮躁凌厉"的文风,而试图开创现代散文幽默、轻松的文学道路,形成了引人注目的"林语堂现象"。林语堂大力提倡幽默小品文,他认为一个作家的智慧是其创造幽默作品的决定性的主体条件,其幽默散文创作指导思想基于以性灵为命脉,以闲适为格调,以谑而不虐的手段,表露人生的滑稽相。林语堂的这种散文创作观对现代杂文与散文的发展产生过较大影响,但因脱离时代现实而受到左翼作家的批评。  相似文献   

方习文 《巢湖学院学报》2001,3(4):92-95,119
"散文热"作为90年代重要的文学现象,已引起批评界的关注和重视.它在活跃的文化市场需求刺激下形成了巨大的生产力、广泛的传播和蔚然可观的消费景观,作家空前高涨的散文创作热情以及散文创作的多元化格局,使散文创作成为公众话语中的一个中心话语.本文从散文创作的总体情状、其形成的环境和机制、从类型角度关注的几种散文现象以及总体评价等方面做了一般性的描述.  相似文献   

陈少华散文创作论王耀辉陈少华是香港文坛少数坚持严肃文学创作的作家之一。从80年代中期至今,他已出版了《园边小蕊》、《乡情市声》、《妙哉人生》、《履痕》四部散文集和《魂断香江》、《朝露夕痕》、《秋花伊人》三部长、短篇小说集。其勤奋与成就非同一般。黄南翔...  相似文献   

从女性被讲述到女性自述的散文历程中指出90年代女性散文创作的独特意义,并简要剖析其生成原因;从文本中发掘出九十年代女性散文的精神特质,并指出作家的性别经验与文学的关系;进而指出九十年代女性散文的文本意义。  相似文献   

香港作家陈娟不但擅长小说创作,散文也写得别具一格。本文从三个方面论述了陈娟散文的特色,指出其散文不但具有美学价值、认识价值,而且具有史料价值;不但是时代的见证、历史的见证,而且是人们精神文明建设的催化剂。  相似文献   

刘再复散文创作与理论书写具有某种同构性.在其三十多年的散文创作中,故乡是其书写的重要意象.由1970年代故乡意象的缺席到1980年代故乡诗意化、理想化书写到1990年代以来故乡内涵的丰富,其故乡内涵的变奏见证了作家文学观念、自我心路历程的曲折变化.  相似文献   

香港发生的非法“占领中环”和“反修例”风波,让我们不得不重新认识香港推行国民教育的必要性和紧迫性。香港的国民教育不仅要重视以文化为核心的中华民族认同教育,也要强调以宪法和基本法为核心的制度认同教育,还要加大国民教育中的历史认同比重,确保香港青少年能够对祖国的历史形成正确认知,增强国家责任感与民族归属感。通过对香港国民教育进行政策切入研究,梳理其发展脉络,辨析香港现行国民教育的缺失,并结合我国提出的“立德树人系统化落实机制”,从依法治教原则、中国特色社会主义教育督导体制机制、问责纠偏意识、特色“主题教育”、多元主体合力等多角度提出应对香港当前国民教育困境的建议。  相似文献   

香港浸会大学谭载喜教授结合西方和香港某些高校所倡导的“全人”培养教育理念,提出了翻译教育中的两个重要概念,即“全人”翻译教育和“翻译教育金字塔”,并运用图表和阐释的方式对其进行描述。这一教育方法使“以人为本”的教育理念在翻译教学中得到充分彰显。  相似文献   

This article argues that the development of civic education in Hong Kong can be divided into three phases chronologically: (1) before 1984: “depoliticization” by the state and the school; (2) 1984‐1997: “politicization” of the intended curriculum; and (3) 1997 onwards: “re‐depoliticization” of civic education and official confirmation of nationalistic education. In general, for phases one and two, the development is described as moving from de‐politicization to politicization, in response to the political development of Hong Kong from a British colony towards the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) of People's Republic of China. The article continues by exploring the third phase in detail with reference to the official document: Learning to Learn: Life‐long Learning and Whole‐person Development and the official speeches of the Chief Executive, Tung Chee Hwa. A phenomenon of re‐depoliticization of civic education is identified, together with a strong upheaval of nationalistic education. This leads civic education “back to square one"—"re‐depoliticized”. The article concludes by highlighting that the development of civic education in Hong Kong is a typical example of how civic education reflects the political context of the society.  相似文献   

晚清名家林纾的古文创作理论代表作?春觉斋论文?,在承续前人观念的基础上,融合自身的体会,提出了以“读书”“明理”“宗道”为核心概念的古文理论,而这三者皆由“理”字贯通。 “理”在文中的内涵既表现为圣贤经传,尤其是儒家经典著述中的修身、知世、明道之理,也表现为人生阅历背后的世事运行规律和价值取向。 另外,“理” 对古文创作既有指导作用,同时也作为文章艺术价值的衡量标准,更是写作主体自身修养的重要内涵。 因此,以原文为本对“理” 做探究、阐发,对理解林纾的古文创作思想极具意义。  相似文献   

This paper reports a case study on Maneesha Rai, a Nepalese girl living in Hong Kong and an “out of school” student. Based on in-depth interviews, a case was constructed of her previous school days and current “out of school” days. These provided a vivid picture of her life and several themes were created using schema analysis that help explain the reasons for her “dropping out” of school after Form Five. It has been common to attribute school failure for ethnic minority students in Hong Kong to problems with Chinese language education. Yet Maneesha’s case study shows that her experience of failure in other subjects such as Mathematics and Science contributed to her lack of successful schooling. Maneesha’s school failure was more than simply a consequence of academic failure. Rather, there were many other interrelated factors such as peer and community factors, dropout history in the family, racism, differences in schooling culture found that contributed to her school failure. In addition, Maneesha, like many of her ethnic minority friends, enjoyed the freedom afforded her in Hong Kong, but it seemed such freedom also meant inadequate attention from her teachers.  相似文献   

This study deals with the issue of incorporating values education in music education in Hong Kong's primary and secondary schools. It includes the development of the state's cultural and national identity since its handover from the United Kingdom to the People's Republic of China (PRC). Thirty primary and secondary school music teachers were interviewed in order to understand how notions of “musical values” and “non-musical values” have been addressed in the curriculum. In particular, this study focuses on music teachers' perspectives on teaching world music, traditional Chinese music, the PRC national anthem, and non-musical values. This paper questions the effectiveness of existing curricular and pedagogical attempts to encourage the students' musical experience and extra-musical education. It concludes that values education must have clear conceptions of “values”, “musical cultures”, and “national identity” in order to maintain unity amidst the intensifying plurality of ethnicities and cultures in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

老舍的《茶馆》与萧红的《呼兰河传》都打破了文体的陈规,老舍以小说的方法写戏剧,萧红以戏剧的方法写小说,他们因此相交融,竟有了异曲同工之妙。他们写“类型人物”的深刻寓意,达到了戏剧的“间离”效果与思索品格,从而创造了喜剧、闹剧、悲剧、正剧“四合一”的精品。  相似文献   

This paper explores the internationalization of higher education initiatives of Hong Kong, being one of the Special Administrative Regions (SAR) of China, within the context of the Chinese Mainland-Hong Kong (CM-HK) relations. Historical, social, economic, and political ties between Hong Kong and the Mainland of China, their economic and political interdependency, and a time series analysis of Hong Kong’s University Grants Committee (UGC) statistical data (local and non-local participation, geographic composition, and cost analysis of UGC-funded programs) are used to support what the author calls the “intra-nationalization of higher education.” This forms a unique internationalization strategy, whereby a sub-national region such as Hong Kong and possibly Macau, orients its internationalization strategy towards a motherland, in this case China.  相似文献   


Cosmopolitanism and its application for education in western societies has been well examined. Yet cosmopolitanism in society and in education has not been systematically explored in many Asian societies. Facing a large number of people from diverse backgrounds, the society and its education system in Hong Kong are troubled by issues similar to those found in western postindustrial societies, related to cultural and national belonging and identity. Prejudice and racism towards ethnic minorities – particularly those from South Asia and Africa, is quite common. Additionally, animosity and hostility to mainland Chinese newcomers has increased and intensified in the context of Hong Kong’s “repoliticization” after its 1997 handover. This article aims to explore how cosmopolitanism is understood, valued, and approached in Hong Kong education. We start by exploring the role of decolonization and nationalization in political education in Hong Kong. We then discuss cosmopolitanism, and consider how it impacts particular social and educational issues in Hong Kong. We also provide an analysis of discourses on cosmopolitanism taken from Hong Kong General Studies and History textbooks, to identify challenges faced in facilitating cosmopolitan values, a balance of identities, and global citizenship in Hong Kong education.  相似文献   

Singapore and Hong Kong are vying to be the principal educational hub for the Asia-Pacific region and have begun to compete with Australia, Britain, Canada and the USA in providing cross-border education. Although these four Anglo-American countries still dominate cross-border education, Singapore and Hong Kong hope to make inroads into this export market and compete on the global stage. To create “world-class” universities, Singapore and Hong Kong have introduced quality assurance mechanisms, diversified funding sources, and restructured their university governance systems. This article compares the accountability measures introduced into Hong Kong and Singapore universities, and the responses of academics and administrators to these measures. The results indicate that both countries introduced greater autonomy as they augmented accountability for their universities, and the term “decentralised centralism” describes the kind of government control exerted in these Asian universities in the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

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