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Research Findings: In this research we explore the relationship between young children’s number knowledge and their measurement of length. First, we examined 4- to 5-year-olds’ (kindergartners’) understanding of and preference for using standard or nonstandard units to measure length. Second, we investigated whether the following tasks were related to children’s understanding of using standard (i.e., rulers) and nonstandard (i.e., blocks) units to measure length: (a) counting and written number identification knowledge, (b) symbolic or nonsymbolic number magnitude comparison ability, and (c) approximate number line estimation ability. Third, we examined whether understanding these number tasks predicted understanding how to measure length for both standard and nonstandard units. Our results show that young children prefer to use standard units of measurement when given a choice, and some of these children use a ruler correctly. Our results also show an important relationship between children’s understandings of numbers and measurement. Practice or Policy: Given children’s preference for rulers, introducing both nonstandard and standard units in early learning settings concurrently rather than consecutively is recommended for practice.  相似文献   

两汉教育发展比较特殊,一方面,儒学谶纬化使得统治者对天满怀敬畏之心;另一方面,统治者为了维护自身统治,迫切需求通经人才来辅佐自己。于是,在"广教化,育贤才"的旗号下,教育获得大发展。此外,敬畏心也使得统治者对"异端"思想有所容忍,给教育发展留下自由空间。  相似文献   

严正道 《重庆师专学报》2012,(6):129-132,142
由于唐代统治者用法令将直系长辈教育子女的权力法律化,使得早期家庭教育得到一定的重视和发展。胎教理论的提出,是儿童家庭教育理论的一大进步,表明唐人对儿童家庭教育有了更清晰的认识。而统治者打破门第观念,实行科举取士的用人政策,则是促进早期家庭教育发展的直接动因。家庭教育的主要内容除了六朝以来沿袭下来的士族礼法教育外,增加了科举教育和文学教育,具有很强的现实功利性。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to portray students’ misconceptions and errors while solving conceptually and procedurally oriented tasks involving length, area, and volume measurement. The data were collected from 445 sixth grade students attending public primary schools in Ankara, Türkiye via a test composed of 16 constructed-response format tasks. The findings revealed a wide range of misconceptions and errors such as “believing that all rulers are 30 cm long,” “confusing area formula with perimeter formula,” “believing a box has more than one surface area,” “using the volume formula for surface area,” “believing that ruler must be longer than the object measured,” etc. These misconceptions and errors could be considered as the evidences indicating the sixth graders’ lack of comprehension of the fundamental concepts of spatial measurement and their relationships and the procedures and formulas used for measuring length, area, and volume. The possible causes of such misconceptions and overcoming ways were also discussed.  相似文献   

君臣之分乃是探讨君臣之义的前导,亦是研究儒家政治秩序观念的基础性问题。孔孟的"君臣之分"是社会的一种现实秩序,乃人群中自然呈现出的状态,或言"原初状态",而混乱和伦常崩坏是由于人们打乱了这种社会合力形成的君臣之分,争夺君主的权力,故孔孟都倾向于君臣分际中维持平衡。而荀子认为社会初始状态是相互争斗,因明王出区分出了高低贵贱,人们这才能和谐相处,无形中赋予了王权以第一位的合法性和重要性。因而在纠正"君不君、臣不臣"中,三者亦呈现不同倾向。此外,虽于政治观持论有异,三者却均不以德性价值来要求社会秩序,而是倡导在自我德性淬炼中,与他人合作改善世间秩序。  相似文献   

The National Science Education Standards emphasise the use of concepts and skills that cut across the science domains. One of these cross‐cutting areas is measurement. Students should know measurement systems, units of measurement, tools and error in measurement as well as the importance of measurement to scientific endeavours. Even though measurement is an essential skill, little is known about how students estimate and use measurement in different contexts. This study examines the impact of teaching students to use their bodies as rough measurement tools (body rulers) on their ability to estimate linear measurements. Nineteen middle school students participated in metric intervention tasks and completed a pre‐instruction and a post‐instruction Linear Measurement Assessment. Results showed that teaching students to use rough body measures as tools (a body ruler) for estimation had a significant influence on their estimation accuracy. After instruction, students were better able to estimate the sizes of objects, use their body in making estimations of size, and estimate while touching an object or pacing a distance. Furthermore, proportional reasoning was significantly correlated with students’ post‐instruction scores on the Linear Measurement Assessment.  相似文献   

崔晓蕾 《天津教育》2021,(9):154-155
教师在开展教学活动时,要坚持以“幼儿发展为本”为原则,正确指导幼儿开始游戏性投放、挑战性投放以及创造性投放等。对于大班幼儿来说,他们的实际操作能力有了显著的提高,已经具备初步分类的能力。基于此,正确地指导幼儿使用动作,构造和操作的内在化可以帮助幼儿形成相应的数学概念。  相似文献   

在如何治理国家、保证国家长治久安的问题上,胡瑗表现出了明显的忧患意识。他认为,统治者的一言一行对国家治理都会产生一定的影响,统治者必须谨言慎行。同时,他认为不管什么时候,国家都存在危机,所以他特别强调统治者要有忧患意识。应对危机,关键要做好各种准备,尤其是军事准备。因此要大力推进武学教育。  相似文献   

讨论了无机化学教材中常见含对数表达式的公式中,存在的取对数值有量钢的问题,严格地说,是不符合数学基本规律的,笔者对这些公式进行了修正。  相似文献   

出现频率较高,形式和意义较固定的大于单词的结构都可叫做词块。作为词汇教学的最小单位,词块在英语教学,特别是现代汉译英口译教学中具有切实可行的优势。以词块为单位进行的产出性题型训练教学法的应用,将有助于现代汉译英口译教学的改革与发展。  相似文献   

在中国古代社会,文学创作中一直不乏反腐败的内容。这些文学作品,有些是在最高统治者的鼓励下创作的,更多的则是在最高统治者的默许下完成的。由于统治者鼓励,更因为广大百姓的喜好和热捧,揭露和抨击官场贪腐的文学作品实在是子孙绳绳、清流不断,对百姓反腐惩贪意识的培养起了重要作用。直至今日,反腐文学作品作为一笔重要的文化遗产,对于现实中的反腐惩贪也继续发挥着不可估量的积极作用。  相似文献   

在楚国的重要出土文献《郭店楚简》中通篇体现了楚国民本思想。主要归纳了以"民为君心"为核心的思想,主张统治者应率先以身作则;强调只有人道才可作为导民之道;圣德之人以德教民等楚国民生思想内涵。  相似文献   

宋代最高统治者的整顿和理学思潮的深度濡染,使宋代士人的心态迥异于唐代士人,他们自觉地以道德自律,恬淡寡欲,宁静内敛.而"靖康之变"后,最高统治者长期实行妥协退让的对外政策,苟且偷安,不思进取,致使举国上下弥漫着一派颓靡的气息.在此背景下涌现出一批狂放之士,陈亮是其中的杰出代表.他猛烈抨击现实和理学家们的修养论,倡导功利主义,追求能文能武的才具和血气方刚的粗豪人格.陈亮的个性淋漓尽致地展示在论辩文中,形成了独特的文学形态.  相似文献   

在出版物里数字使用的频率很高,为避免使用混乱,国家有关部门于1995年颁发了GB/T15835-1995标准,对数字用法作了统一规定,这对书报刊中数字使用的规范化起到十分重要的作用.但许多同志对此不熟悉。文稿中数字使用混乱的局面还较普遍.根据国家标准及有关文献对如何正确使用数字作一介绍,供作者参考,以期提高学报的标准化、规范化程度.  相似文献   

“Knowing and doing measurement” is a fundamental competency in real life since measuring attributes of objects in appropriate units and using measuring tools assist students to quantify and understand the world. For this reason, the study of measurement has a special place in every mathematics curriculum. Among the domains of measurement, length measurement is extremely important for students to understand basic ideas about measurement and to construct bases for more advance topics as area and volume measurement. However, research on students’ understanding of length measurement reveals serious difficulties varying from incorrect alignment with a ruler to confusion of perimeter with area. One of the reasons for students’ struggles in measurement is considered as weaknesses in the intended (written) curriculum. In this respect, this study was designed to investigate the content of length measurement in the Turkish mathematics curriculum (1st–fifth grade) in terms of its potential to support students’ understanding. For this purpose, the Turkish Mathematics Curriculum Guide was carefully analyzed by considering main components of the curriculum (e.g. learning objectives). In spite of some weaknesses, the length measurement content in the curriculum seems to provide meaningful opportunities for students to develop the concepts and skills involved in length measurement.  相似文献   

元朝将其统治下的居民分成蒙古人、色目人、汉人和南人四等,本文从历史、客观社会现实和社会政治三个方面分析了四等人制形成的原因,从而得出以下结论:阶级社会、等级制度的存在是四等人制形成的历史根源,民族、区域间差别的存在是元代四等人制形成的一个客观现实条件,而汉人世侯李的叛乱是蒙古统治者实施民族差别对待的一个直接原因。总之,蒙古统治者实施民族元朝分化政策的最终目的是为了维护蒙古贵族的特权和统治。  相似文献   

累世同居大家庭在宋代受到特别的眷顾。封建统治者借助于大家庭的存在维系其基层政权的稳定,得到政府旌表和支持的大家庭则在各个方面不遗余力地为政府效力,并借助于国家的力量维持家族的发展和壮大。但当大家庭妨碍到封建统治时,统治者则毫不留情地将其分家。  相似文献   

明朝初年,为了稳定辽东边疆,决策者推行一系列有关的政策,吸引北部少数民族南下定居是其中之一.这个政策开始于洪武年间,经过永乐时期的发展和完善,逐渐体系化和制度化,它具体包括对少数民族各部落的招谕;供给南下定居者基本的生活资料和生产资料;保留官职并永远承袭;发给相当数量的俸禄;有到京师朝贡的特权;来去自由;由专门的机构进行管理等等.到天顺年间,这个政策基本上停止执行,但有些制度如官职承袭、享受俸禄、专门管理等等还在延续,直到明朝灭亡.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship among declarative, conceptual, and procedural knowledge in the acquisition of ruler measurement skills. Sixth-grade industrial arts students were taught how to use a ruler with one of two instructional methods; the fractional method was based on an understanding of fractions, whereas the line identification method required no understanding of fractions. Results indicated that the line identification method was superior overall to the fractional method, both for the initial acquisition as well as retention of skills. This superiority occurred for questions measuring understanding of fractions but not for ruler skills, indicating that students were able to use procedural knowledge to infer conceptual knowledge. Results are discussed in terms of several models of learning that address how declarative, conceptual, and procedural knowledge interact in the learning process.  相似文献   

分析了容栅式传感器的结构和原理,以及该传感器在长度测量中的应用。对于声速测定仪中电子数显尺的常见故障原因进行了分析,并总结出维修方法。  相似文献   

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