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虚拟存储技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虚拟存储是逻辑存储,是一种智能、有效地管理存储数据的方式.虚拟存储技术正逐步成为共享存储管理的主流技术.基于采用不同的系统结构实现存储虚拟功能,其完整性和容量水平均均有所差异.从系统的观点看,有三种主要的虚拟化存储方法:即基于网络的虚拟存储、基于存储设备的虚拟存储、基于主机的虚拟存储,而具体应用哪种方法,可以根据实际需求来决定.  相似文献   

VRML与JAVA相结合开发3D交互式虚拟场景   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
借助EAI和Script节点将Java和VRML相结合,构建了一个三维交互式的虚拟场景,该场景克服了VRML在交互方面的不足,实现了用户与虚拟场景之间以及用户与用户之间的交互和共享的功能,并在此基础上,构建了一个用于计算机图形学教学的虚拟场景框架,为VRML在远程教育方面的普及和应用做了有益的探索。  相似文献   

针对涉虚拟财产犯罪行为的规制,学界和司法实践中存在数据犯罪说、财产犯罪说、区别保护说三种观点。各种观点之间立场错位,并未形成有效交锋。刑法在规制涉虚拟财产犯罪行为时,需要结合虚拟财产的数据特性对其属性进行准确认定。虚拟财产的无形性和共享性决定了对虚拟财产的管理和转移要在占有概念规范化的基础上进行解释。虚拟财产的动态性决定了其价值只有在动态利用中才能得以彰显。根据虚拟财产的不同利用方式和利用空间,可以对其属性作出准确认定,构建"无财产性-弱财产性-强财产性"三级涉虚拟财产犯罪行为规制架构。  相似文献   

现在的远程教育还未能充分地利用现有通讯技术,且对这些技术的利用也还存在许多困难,使其与传统课堂的交互程度相比仍有很大的差距。同时,目前网络技术的应用,虽使远程教育在一定程度上实现了教育资源的共享,但远不能满足个人自主化学习的需要,其中一个主要的原因是通过网络实现的共享程度仍很低,很多教育手段仍无法通过现有的传媒方式实现资源的共享。要使现代远程教育得到进一步发展,人们必需在上述两个问题上所有突破。  相似文献   

实验教学是"新工科"专业培养创新型人才的重要途径,针对工程机械专业传统实验教学方法存在的成本高、耗时长、效率低等问题,融合Web 3D技术和B/S网络机制构建了工程机械模拟操作、结构装配、液压原理及性能测试等虚拟仿真实验教学资源,建设了包含学生实验教学、企业职前培训、教师科研服务的网络共享平台,探索了虚拟仿真实验教学资源科学高效的管理模式,并以挖掘机驱动系统虚拟仿真实验教学资源为例,具体阐述了资源的界面结构、实验方法及评价标准。所建设的实验教学资源已面向周边高校及工程机械类企业共享使用,取得了良好的应用效果,可为"新工科"虚拟仿真实验教学资源的建设提供参考。  相似文献   

基于LabVIEW的电工电子网络虚拟实验室研究与开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对理工科实验教学中设备紧缺问题,提出一种基于B/S体系的网络虚拟实验室架构,并利用虚拟仪器技术和网络技术开发了一个电工电子网络虚拟实验室。实际应用表明,该系统能够完成电工电子基础性实验教学任务和部分综合性实验教学任务,并能够被用户远程访问与控制,实现虚拟仪器资源和数据资源共享。这样,不仅能够节省大量的仪器设备的经费投入,还为实验教学提供了一种全新的现代化教学手段,为高校开放性实验室的建设和发展提供一个新思路。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate what is reciprocal understanding in virtual web-based interaction and what does it consist of. The context of this study was an international web-based pre-service teacher education (N=116) course. The study is based on an idea of shared cognition and reciprocal understanding, in particular. It is assumed that reciprocity is an essential component not only of social interaction, but also of successful virtual interaction. Since many kinds of virtual interaction, such as e-learning, web-based courses, and virtual universities are rapidly getting more common in education, there is a need to analyse the issue of reciprocal understanding in web-based learning in order to develop more profound pedagogical models. The results widely show that during this particular web-based course there was reciprocal discussion between the participants. Participants had mutual negotiations and they discussed about issues from a variety of different viewpoints. Seven different ideas were found for the mechanisms of reciprocal understanding. It is concluded that this information is useful for developing a new pedagogical model for web-based learning and enhancing the quality of virtual interaction.  相似文献   

针对空间机器人(Space Robots,SR)共享自主控制(Shared Autonomous Control,SAC)面临的模式平稳转换问题,首先讨论了SAC的概念及其操作模式;其次研究了SAC操作模式的相互转换及基于时间Petri网(Timed Petri Nets,TPN)的模式转换方式;最后设计了一种基于TPN的SR虚拟环境仿真系统,并通过计算机虚拟仿真实验验证了自主与遥控融合的SAC操作模式及其模式转换顺序的有效性。  相似文献   

Understanding tissue architecture and the morphological characteristics of cells is a central prerequisite to comprehending the basis of physiological tissue function in healthy individuals and relating this to disease states. Traditionally, medical curricula include courses where students examine glass slides of cytological or tissue samples under a light microscope. However, it is challenging to implement group and peer group learning in these courses and to give students sufficient time to study specimens. An increasing number of medical schools have thus started to implement digital slide viewers, so‐called virtual microscopes, in histology and histopathology. These websites are mostly based on standard commercial software and offer limited adaptation to the special needs of first‐year students. An e‐learning platform has therefore been developed for use in cytology and histology courses. This virtual microscopy tool is coupled to a central database in which students can label and store the positions of individual structures for later repetition. As learning in pairs and peer groups has been shown to provide a high learning outcome, identified structures can be shared and discussed with students' peers or faculty via a built‐in communication module. This website has the possibility of opening an arbitrary number of frames which all can actively be moved and changed in magnification to enable the comparison of specimens and thus encourage a more global understanding of related tissues. HistoViewer is thus suggested as an e‐learning tool combining several modern teaching concepts. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

针对虚拟财产进行犯罪的行为越来越多,从而给立法和司法带来了诸多问题,学术界观点不一,在认识上也往往有很大误差。针对虚拟财产进行抢劫的行为,由于存在着虚拟抢劫犯罪行为和现实抢劫犯罪行为,因而二者的定性也应有所不同。因为二者在犯罪客体、行为客观方面、社会危害性等方面都有很大的差异,针对于此,就应该采取不同的刑罚措施.  相似文献   

企业知识管理的共享机制与知识树模型   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
知识管理的目标是要建立企业知识管理的共享机制,本探讨了在网络计算的环境下的知识与知识共享应用,分析了知识共享的机制,构造了企业知识树模型,分析了知识共享的条件、困难和激励机制,激励的目的是为了更好的共享,通常,激励的方法包括知识薪点工资制度(按知识的灰度不同设置薪点,灰度越高薪点越高)和其他的常用的激励制度。  相似文献   

谈判是一种常见的社会互动现象,整合式谈判是一种双赢谈判,共享心理模型揭示了整合式谈判的心理模型机制。心理模型与团队共享心理模型的研究是谈判共享心理模型研究的前提与基础,谈判共享心理模型的相似性与准确性影响着谈判结果,未来需要加强对谈判共享心理模型的动态研究与理论研究。  相似文献   

在java开发环境中,没有涉及共享内存这个概念,但是在某一些应用中,"共享内存"确实非常有用。在java语言的分布式应用系统中,存在着大量的分布式共享对象,很多时候需要查询这些对象的状态,如果采用网络通信的方式,会增加应用的额外负担;如果采用共享内存的方式,则可以直接通过共享内存查看对象的状态数据和统计数据,减少了一些不必要的麻烦。  相似文献   

高校图书馆拥有非常丰富的实体图书资源,一般仅面向本校师生开放,由此出现资源利用率低、分配不均等问题。为解决上述问题,提出一种基于Unity3D的图书馆虚拟阅读系统,通过Unity3D软件进行环境模拟和搭建,再使用C#语言实现人机交互,将虚拟阅读和虚拟漫游相结合,实现在虚拟环境中行走与阅读。实验表明,该系统可让用户沉浸在虚拟环境中学习和阅读,能够满足大众阅读需求。  相似文献   

三维虚拟现实漫游仿真和虚拟仪器实验过程仿真是目前两种主要仿真手段,前者能够很好地模拟真实实验场景,后者则能更好地仿真实验细节。为了解决传统虚拟实验交互性弱、开发周期长等问题,提出了一种Unity3D下的构件化虚拟仪器功能实现方法。首先在Unity3D平台上开发多种标准化、可复用的虚拟仪器;然后将虚拟仪器引入虚拟现实场景中,并通过基于事件中心的观察者模式实现虚拟仪器的通信和数据流动;最后,依据构建的虚拟仪器开展典型机械工程测量实验。结果表明,与传统虚拟实验相比,该方法具有更好的真实性、交互性,同时构件化的思想缩短了开发周期。  相似文献   

To gain insight in the social processes that underlie knowledge sharing in teams, this article questions which team learning behaviors lead to the construction of a shared mental model. Additionally, it explores how the development of shared mental models mediates the relation between team learning behaviors and team effectiveness. Analyses were performed on student-teams engaged in a business simulation game. The measurement of shared mental models was based on cognitive mapping techniques. The results indicate that a team learning perspective provides insight in how people share knowledge. Particularly the team learning behaviors identified as co-construction and constructive conflict are related to the development of shared mental models. In addition, a shared mental model of the task environment in a team leads to improved performance. This underscores the importance of developing shared cognition in teamwork.  相似文献   

Teacher Design Teams (TDTs) are professional learning communities in which teachers collaborate to (re)design educational materials. Although studies have indicated that leadership is vital for TDTs’ functioning, providing adequate leadership is challenging. Both shared and vertical leadership are needed, and how to combine them is not obvious. TDT participants and coaches might benefit from insight into what shared and vertical leadership look like in practice. In this study, we monitored two TDTs that used a stepwise method that integrates shared and vertical leadership. Findings reveal that combining shared and vertical leadership in TDTs is possible, but remains a challenging balancing act.  相似文献   

The increasing amount of empirical research shows that the role of regulatory processes is critical in CSCL and collaborative learning settings. However, the current conceptual definitions and specificity of the findings vary. This is most probably because of limitations in the methods investigating regulated learning in a collaborative learning context. This study aimed to provide empirical evidence for how self- and shared regulation activities are used and whether they are useful for collaborative learning outcomes. Eighteen graduate students worked in collaborative groups for seven weeks in a CSCL course and the data of this study focuses on three one week online collaborative learning phases in the course. Temporal and sequential analysis of chat discussions and log file traces were matched to find evidence about whether the students' collaboratively planned regulatory activities became shared in practice. The results show evidence that collaborative planned regulatory activities become shared in practice. The groups that achieved good learning results used multiple regulatory processes to support their learning and also reached shared regulation. The four microlevel examples demonstrate simplified patterns of the activation of self-regulation and shared regulation. In conclusion, individual socially shared regulation plays a critical role in successful collaborative learning.  相似文献   

设计并实现了基于EON软件的虚拟实验系统。虚拟实验是虚拟现实技术在教育方面的重要应用,EON Studio是模块化多用途的三维交互式仿真软件开发工具。提出了实现虚拟实验系统的具体方案及技术路线,运用三维建模技术和交互式虚拟现实设计软件——EON Studio,构建了虚拟系统的结构和组成模块,完成了"激光内雕机"这个虚拟实验系统的各构件的交互和整体的集成。  相似文献   

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