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This paper examines the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development’s (OECD) PISA for Schools, a local variant of the more-renowned ‘main PISA’ test that measures and compares individual school performance on reading, mathematics and science against international schooling systems. Here, I address the governance implications of how PISA for Schools data has been taken up by the transnational European Schools System (ESS). Drawing suggestively across new ‘relational’ thinking around data-driven modes of governance, as well as interviews with key policy actors within the ESS, I show how PISA for Schools reflects contradictory logics within the ESS, in which the inherently context-based goal of ‘becoming European’ is juxtaposed with the desire to employ decontextualised international evidence. I conclude by exploring how the perceived need for such data, associated with the global authority of the OECD, can produce a problematic focus on data-driven practices.  相似文献   

理性选择制度主义作为新制度主义的重要分支,在制度内涵及核心假设方面都有其特点,自20世纪80年代末被应用于欧共体/欧盟研究以来,其学术研究不断取得新进展,特别是它对欧洲一体化为何制度化以及如何被制度化提供了一个比较精细的理解,受到学界关注.本文试图概括分析理性选择制度主义的基本特征及核心假设,阐析其对欧盟制度运作的经典解释,并就其理论解释优势及局限性进行思考和总结.  相似文献   

Since the European unification project started in the 1950s, rules, regulations and policies have been formulated by the European Union (and its predecessors) to facilitate the flow of products and people; those who benefited from the increasing transnational exchange urged European actors to remove remaining obstacles and further facilitate European trade and mobility. In the field of higher education and research, this transnational activity has led to the emergence of European rules, a strengthening of European institutions and the development of a European higher education and research community. In other words, it has led to the institutionalisation of the European higher education and research area (EHERA). The argument put forward in this article is that these three dimensions and the increase in transnational activity shape a dynamic process of which further integration of the EHERA is likely to be a result.  相似文献   

随着欧洲高等教育国际化趋势不断加速,为了鼓励欧洲国家之间的高等教育机构,特别是大学促进学生的交流与合作,欧洲共同体以及后来的欧盟出台了一系列的高等教育政策,其中之一是"伊拉斯谟—曼德斯计划"。通过阐述"伊拉斯谟—曼德斯计划"的实施背景、内容并对其加以评析,提供了我们了解欧洲高等教育跨国合作的一个独特视角。  相似文献   

欧洲统一从客观到主观的历史演进及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从历史角度看,欧洲存在着一种统一的大趋势。这一历史趋势表现为从客观统一体到主观统一体的发展进程。当代的欧洲的一体化是以历史上形成的客观统一体为基础的。“欧洲统一”观念从理想到实践的过程也是这一观念从思想家到政治家延伸的过程。二战后欧洲一体化的发生与发展正是这种统一的历史趋势的现实证明。  相似文献   

This article discusses the emergence of a European E-Learning Area (EELA) as a consequence of three factors that can be observed in the e-learning developments over the past decade. The first factor consists of the carving of a policy sector in e-learning via formal instruments such as the eLearning Programme, the Lifelong Learning Programme and an array of other e-learning policy stipulations embedded in larger policy instruments at European level (e.g. Framework Programme). The second factor is represented by the mainstreaming of e-learning activities, both through formal and informal measures across multiple domains. Finally, the proliferation and consolidation of interlinked networks of practice as incubators of e-learning innovation and sharing of expertise act as the third factor in the shaping of EELA. The conceptualisation of EELA is substantiated through an analysis of the European e-learning policy documentation and the findings of a questionnaire distributed to the coordinators of projects under the eLearning Programme. In light of the findings, theoretical and practical implications for EELA as a nascent policy domain are explored and offered as a basis for further debate on this theme.  相似文献   

Easing access to higher education (HE) for those engaging in lifelong learning has been a common policy objective across the European Union since the late 1990s. To reach this goal, the transition between vocational and academic routes must be simplified, but European countries are at different developmental stages. This article maps the development in Denmark, Finland, Germany and England using a case study approach deploying data triangulation from a national and institutional perspective. It explores the extent/commonality of structural factors for easing access for students engaging in lifelong learning. The cases are at widely different stages, but the following factors were considered essential in all countries for opening universities: the establishment of transition paths from secondary education and working life into HE and links between HE, businesses and adult education from a national perspective and the recognition of all forms of learning, the flexibilization of study formats and the design of a curriculum that suits all from an institutional perspective.  相似文献   

欧盟2010年出台了《欧洲终身学习评价指标EILI——让终身学习切实可行》,第一次提出了终身学习的评价指标,从学会学习、学会做事、学会与人相处和学会做人等四个方面来综合评价一个国家或地区终身学习的开展情况,以便明确学习型社会的建设目标和方向。学会学习主要评价年轻人在正规教育系统中的学习;学会做事主要是评价成人在职期间,通过正规或非正规的学习渠道,获得与工作相关的知识和技能;学会与人相处主要评价社会个体的性格和态度;学会做人主要评价自我导向的学习和个人对学习的投资和投入。欧盟终身学习评价指标虽然首次提出了具体和可操作性的评价体系,并且对欧洲国家实施了评测,但该指标仍仅仅提供了大致的框架,具体的细节还有待进一步完善。  相似文献   


Democracy and a commitment to human rights are key defining features of the European Union. Nevertheless, the inhabitants of Europe, living their local realities sometimes based in poverty and unemployment, and subject to racism, inadequate housing and high levels of crime, may not recognise that the European project is, in its intention, inclusive, since an inclusive society is far removed from their actual experience. European transnational education programmes are intended to promote a sense of involvement in European development. In 1997 the European Commission initiated a study to identify features of projects within its transnational education, training and youth programmes which contribute effectively to political education, and in particular to the development of active citizenship among participants. Projects initiated in 18 European countries, including all 15 European Union Member States, were analysed for the quality of information offered, their capacity to provide practice in democratic skills and opportunities for exploring multiple identities, and the extent to which they worked on democratic lines and enabled participants to feel involved. This article reports on the findings of this study, illustrating best practice in education for active citizenship and proposing a framework which might be applied to any programme of political education.  相似文献   

依据共同体条约第149条的规定,欧盟在教育领域的权限十分有限。根据统一劳动力市场的需要,该条约中的一些条文为欧盟在教育领域突破第149条的限制提供了法律依据。1999年开始的布罗尼亚进程表面上限制了欧盟的教育权限,但为欧盟在教育领域的发展创造了空间,欧盟在高等教育领域的权限将会逐渐增加,但是到目前为止因权限不足,欧盟的教育政策体系并没有形成。  相似文献   

《欧洲文化简明教程》是一本有着深厚学术背景的经典教材,是作者多年教学的积累。该书内容丰富,层次分明,是一部编者与读者讨论与沟通,具有独特视角的、实用性很强的关于欧洲文化的著作。从古希腊罗马开始,到当代结束,涉及欧洲文化的各个方面,包括历史、哲学、宗教、文学、艺术、建筑等,处处闪现着欧洲文化过往的灵动之光。更重要的是,《欧洲文化简明教程》语言简练,易学易懂,设计巧妙,融会贯通,符合学生的发展心理特点和学习心理规律。  相似文献   

欧洲化研究兴起于20世纪90年代初,并已发展成为欧洲研究领域一个十分重要的学术议题.欧洲化研究的兴起有着深刻的历史与学术研究背景:欧洲一体化进程的快速发展、传统的一体化研究陷入困境以及欧洲一体化研究思路的转变构成了三个主要的影响因素.本文阐述了欧洲化研究的状况及其发展阶段,在详尽评述欧洲化不同界定的基础上,分析了欧洲化的基本含义,探讨了欧洲化与欧洲一体化之间的联系和区别.  相似文献   

欧洲高等教育区建设:背景、进程与意义   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
建设一个开放的欧洲高等教育区成为目前欧洲各国高等教育努力的目标。本文从欧洲社会经济发展及欧洲高等教育系统等层面,分析了欧洲高等教育区建设的深刻背景,阐述了欧洲高等教育区建设的具体过程,揭示了欧洲高等教育区建设将对欧洲社会、欧洲高等教育系统产生的深远影响。  相似文献   

"2001年欧洲语言年"的举办,取得了令人瞩目的成果,提高了欧盟公民对欧盟丰富的语言和文化多样性的认识,提升了语言多样化的概念。它对欧洲语言政策的讨论和语言教学产生了重大影响,导致语言多样化政策被逐渐纳入区域政策。欧洲语言年是欧盟语言政策的转折点,欧盟从此把视角从对主要语言的关注,转移到对所有语言的关注,语言政策逐渐向多样化方向发展。  相似文献   

Since its creation in 1958, the European Social Fund (ESF) has played a major role in supporting the development of vocational training in the Member States. However, compared to other, more recently launched, EU programmes and initiatives in the area of education and training, the ESF has not made a significant contribution to the debate about European cooperation in this field. This article argues that the ESF has made a mistake in this respect. It also seeks to illustrate and analyse the important changes that the ESF has undergone over the years in addressing the issue of vocational education and training (VET) and to demonstrate that it has substantial resources, in terms of money and experience, that can be used to adapt education and training systems to labour market requirements and to the needs of a knowledge-based economy. The article places a deliberate, though not an exclusive, emphasis on vocational education and training for young people and on the extension of transnational cooperation within the framework of the ESF.  相似文献   

近年来欧洲一些国家提供跨校、跨国的学位课程越来越多,以网络课程为依托的课程共享已成为欧洲跨国高等教育的主要模式之一。笔者亲历了由瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学等校共同开设的“基于ICT的协作交流”课程的学习过程。该课程的学习目标是锻炼学习者在多元文化情况下的沟通能力和协作能力。课程主要采用通过网络的个人自学和小组团队学习相结合的方式。笔者总结完成全球性课程的原因主要是,政府对网络学习的重视,拥有发达的信息技术基础设施,拥有成熟的具有较高信息素养的远程学习者,学校对教学各环节的精心组织和设计。当然,全球性课程建设根本保障是欧洲高等教育一体化的发展,成功实施了欧洲学分转换系统,鼓励欧洲各国大学利用各自优势,共同建立世界一流的网络课程。  相似文献   

The article addresses the way in which EU policy‐making operates, explains the relevance of ‘lifelong learning’ for the European Commission and analyses the mechanisms by which the Commission has advanced policy‐making in education and training since the Lisbon Summit. The article reviews in particular the alleged lack of effectiveness of the Open Method of Coordination in education and, second, the notion that the EU advances ‘slowly and persistently’ in its acquisition of competences in this area.  相似文献   

20世纪80-90年代,东欧剧变,苏联解体,冷战大幕徐徐落下,世界格局也随之发生巨大变化。作为世界发达地区的欧洲表现尤为突出。德国统一,东西欧力量更趋失衡,中东欧国家为了摆脱苏联的政治、经济和军事控制,纷纷提出“回归欧洲”的口号。这是经济发展与政治独立的必然,亦是中东欧国家的历史和文化特征使然。叙述欧盟东扩的演进过程,重点分析欧盟东扩的原因,并就欧盟的动态发展给予前瞻性的预测。  相似文献   

In the Single European Market, which will come into effect at the end of 1992 transnational vocational guidance will play an important role as one of the measures to enhance mobility within and between the twelve member states of the European Community (EC). The mobility of goods, services, capital, and people are essential to obtaining economic growth, which, in turn, is one of the most important political goals of the Single European Market.Of the four types of mobility, vocational guidance deals with people. Transnational vocational guidance supports individuals in their attempt to become more mobile across country borders. In order to map the existing transnational guidance provisions in the EC, a study on eight border regions was made in 1990 (Plant, 1990a). The idea was that this small-scale picture would point to some of challenges for guidance in the large-scale Single Market.From 1992 guidance services in the EC will have to adapt not only to rapid changes in national labour market conditions, but also to the demands of information on education, training, employment opportunities, study grants etc. in other member states. In these terms, psychological counselling dealing with possible personal problems in relation to transnational mobility is not at the heart of the matter.  相似文献   

20世纪80~90年代,东欧剧变,苏联解体,冷战大幕徐徐落下,世界格局也随之发生巨大变化.作为世界发达地区的欧洲表现尤为突出.德国统一,东西欧力量更趋失衡,中东欧国家为了摆脱苏联的政治、经济和军事控制,纷纷提出"回归欧洲"的口号.这是经济发展与政治独立的必然,亦是中东欧国家的历史和文化特征使然.叙述欧盟东扩的演进过程,重点分析欧盟东扩的原因,并就欧盟的动态发展给予前瞻性的预测.  相似文献   

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