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The present study examined the influence of the features of Chinese characters, such as frequency, regularity and consistency, on the accuracy with which they were read by two groups of adult Chinese learners. Twenty-two English-speakers and 31 Japanese-speakers studying Chinese at a Taiwanese University read 130 Chinese characters that varied along the dimensions of regularity, consistency, number of strokes and familiarity (frequency with which they appeared in instructional texts). The results suggest that lexical and sub-lexical features, such as regularity and consistency, play an important role in reading Chinese among Chinese language learners. Furthermore, differences between the Japanese- and English-speaking participants suggest that the first language (L1) phonology and writing system may influence Chinese character learning. In addition, the language proficiency of Chinese language learners also influences sensitivity to sublexical features in naming Chinese characters. Finally, Chinese language learners with both L1s follow the same trajectory for developing orthography-to-phonology knowledge reported for native Chinese-speaking children.  相似文献   

以拼音为主的汉字教学,给幼儿的汉语学习与认知带来很多困难。在常用的增强汉字学习与记忆技巧中,依汉字演变规律,从追溯字源、再现汉字生成语境入手,通过揭示汉字形体内在机理,建立音、形、义三者内在关联的字源识字法值得关注。因此,研究旨在探索字源识字法对提高幼儿汉字理解、记忆的长期影响,以及对幼儿汉语言认知及思维发展的促进作用。参加者(N =99)按年龄差异,被分到大、中、小三个班级,实验结束后随机选择24名幼儿后测。尽管实验组和控制组的幼儿都认识一些汉字,但实验组的参加者接受了一个短期的字源识字法训练。结果显示,字源识字法提高幼儿汉字学习中的理解与记忆效果;字源识字法对幼儿汉语言认知及思维发展有促进作用。  相似文献   

"可教性假设"对教材的编写与设计有重要的理论指导意义。《体验汉语》系列教材在汉字教学设计上顺应了"可教性假设"的预设,使二语学习者更易于实现汉字的有效输出和进阶。汉字教学"文""语"分离、认写分流是降低汉字学习难度的前提,汉字部件概念的教学输入是突破汉字教与学瓶颈的关键。汉字教学遵循汉字造字原理和由独体而合体的习得顺序,重视学习者的心理准备和程度上的可接受性,有助于学习者正确的学习策略选择及汉字学习的事半功倍。"趣味性"与"功用性"是汉字"可学性"持续的两个重要动因。  相似文献   

作为一种教学和测试手段,听写能够较好地反映语言学习者总体语言能力,这在英语教学界已得到较为广泛的认同。在汉语二语教学研究领域,将听写用于诊断外国留学生学习状况的研究尚未引起足够重视。留学生在学习汉语的过程中对某些偏误采取回避策略,使教师难以监测语言学习过程。本文报道一项在留学生中开展的听写实证研究,发现听写在汉语二语教学中不仅能够评估学习者的综合汉语水平,而且还有着快捷有效的诊断功能,包括诊断学习者的辨音能力、词汇理解能力、汉字书写能力以及学习者所回避使用的教学内容。  相似文献   

中高级留学生识字量抽样测试报告   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本报告对某大学部分中高级留学生识字量抽样测试的目的、内容、方法、结果及其对教学的启示。章认为,识字量是反映一个人汉语水平的重要参考数据,应该成为教材编写、班级划分、教材选择和课堂教学的重要依据之一。测试结果显示:中高级留学生综合识字量偏低;对汉字字音掌握较好,对字形掌握最差;对甲、乙两级汉字掌握不扎实;汉字化圈学生在识字量方面有明显优势,但高级阶段优势大幅度下降;华裔学生识字量远低于非华裔学生。作根据测试结果,对如何提高学生识字量提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

重复阅读对外语水平的提高有多方面作用已得到多个研究的证实。本报告在阅读材料基本符合外语学习者水平的前提下,就外语重复阅读三个方面的问题,汇报两次同题阅读重复测试的结果:1)重复阅读能显著提高外语学习者的阅读理解水平,但针对不同水平对象的有效重复阅读次数可能并不相同;2)重复阅读对外语综合水平有较大差距的学习者效用的大小有基本对应关系,但对水平相当而初次阅读为及格成绩者的效能比对中等和良好成绩者更加显著;3)影响重复阅读效果的因素,除了学习者的综合外语水平这一基本要素外,工作记忆能对学习者、尤其是初次阅读及格程度的学习者起到更大作用。  相似文献   

本研究通过三个线上阅读(词-词呈现、部分-部分呈现和整句呈现)测量反应时间的实验,旨在探讨基于频率标准的词串结构能否作为一个整体在语言处理中进行存储和提取。受试包括英语本族人、高水平和低水平英语学习者。结果发现,本族人和高水平英语学习者拥有相似的语言处理机制,能够利用词串结构的整体性更有效地处理实验句中的词串结构,而低水平英语学习者则不能。作者同时用研究结果对二语学习者的隐性词汇知识作了探讨。  相似文献   

This study aimed to explore how alphabetic readers learn to read Chinese. First-year Chinese beginning learners who are skilled English readers were tested for their sensitivity to the visual-orthographic structures of Chinese characters. The study also explored the effect of the frequency of the characters in their curriculum on performance of a lexical decision and naming task. The students' linguistic knowledge about the characters was also tested. Results showed that the beginning learners were sensitive to the structural complexity of characters, they accepted simple characters more quickly and more accurately than compound characters, and they responded faster and more accurately to high-frequency than to low-frequency characters. Sensitivity to the structural composition of the character was also revealed: The learners rejected noncharacters containing illegal radical forms faster and more accurately than those containing legal radical forms in illegal positions, which in turn were rejected faster and more accurately than those containing legal radical forms in legal positions. A significant frequency effect was also found in the naming task, though the effect of structural complexity was not significant. These results suggest that perceptual learning plays an important role in early nonalphabetic learning by alphabetic readers. Both cross-writing system differences and second-language status may have an impact on such learning.  相似文献   

日语是中国高校外语专业常设的第二外语之一。不少日语学习者和教授者夸大汉语汉字对日语学习的正迁移作用,认为有大量汉字的日语容易学习,从而忽视日语中汉字的学习,导致一些常见的错误。文章以此为切入点,强调中、日语中的汉字在音、形、义等方面的差异,以期引起二外日语教学的重视。  相似文献   

为了提高学生的外语(或二语)水平,很多国家降低了学生学习外语的年龄。这种做法和神经科学关于双语者二语习得起始年龄的研究结果相一致。相关的研究表明,早期的二语习得者其二语大脑加工模式类似于第一语言和母语单语者,而晚二语者的二语加工有激活脑区扩大、激活水平提高的倾向。早二语者更有可能获得接近母语者的二语水平。让学习者在较小的年龄接触外语是一个有效的方法。汉语是外语教育低龄化的受益语言,覆盖低龄学习者,帮助国外解决低龄学习者汉语教学师资问题应该成为汉语国际推广的重要内容。国内的对外汉语教学界要加强针对低龄儿童的教学研究,建立低龄儿童汉语教学师资培训机制,以顺应国外外语教育的发展趋势,促进汉语国际推广。  相似文献   

本研究以贵州省雷山县陶尧小学苗族学生为个案,从“三语习得”角度探讨学习者英语辅音习得过程中的迁移特征。研究发现,苗-汉-英三语辅音的客观语言距离有利于苗族学生习得英语的辅音;苗族学生母语(L1)和二语(L2)的能力对习得者习得英语辅音至关重要。习得者年龄因素同样影响着习得英语辅音时的迁移。  相似文献   

叶译 《海外英语》2012,(13):35-40
This paper analyzes the accuracy and appropriacy of the recorded data from a group of Chinese-speaking English learners who has finished three communicative tasks set in different contexts.It also tries to find out how the participants’ learning history and the present Chinese EFL context influence their performance.The results suggest that the participants rely on a limited set of request,apology,and refusal strategies.And it is evident that low-level learners often refer to their L1 for sentence constructions and lexical items.Although the evidence is still fragmentary,enough exists to indicate that transfer involving discourse can often occur in foreign language acquisition.  相似文献   

Language education has often been conducted based on monoglossic ideologies that keep L1 and L2 separate, a practice that receives growing criticism as out of sync with today’s multilingual globalized world. Informed by interdependence hypotheses and translanguaging theory, this research study explored the effects of a pluri-centric approach to learning L1 and L2 simultaneously. Through a bilingual intervention course with data collected from interviews, parents’ logbooks, observation field notes, questionnaires, and L1 and L2 reading and writing tests, this case study (n = 9) revealed that the approach effectively improved learners’ L1 and L2 proficiency, learning behaviour outside the classroom, self-efficacy, and confidence. Overall, the participants also perceived the bilingual course as effective, efficient, and innovative. The study provides a basis to reflect upon transferrable skills and core underlying proficiency as powerful concepts to draw upon in enhancing bilingual proficiency and effecting positive changes in learners’ behaviour and psychological well-being.  相似文献   

第二语言学习中的"高原期"现象会极大影响学习者的学习积极性。根据斯蒂夫.克拉申(StephenKrashen)的"学习—习得假说"理论,二语习得也是一种"吸入"并经大脑过滤而最终使用一种非母语语言的行为。在这一过程中,习得者也会出现"高原期"现象,这种"高原期"具有自身的特点。要克服它,需要提出有针对性的解决方案。  相似文献   

The influence of different instructional presentations upon meaning and pronunciation acquisition in character learning was examined. High school students learned to identify a series of characters in terms of their associated pinyin and English translation prompts. Acquisition was shown to proceed more rapidly when the Chinese character was presented before rather than after the prompts. The addition of colour‐coded prompts led to superior learning. Retention over two weeks was greater in the case of characters presented before prompts with colour‐coding. These data are interpreted in terms of split attention, which arises when learners attend to multiple inputs simultaneously, and the beneficial effects of attending to a character prior to its prompts. The presentation of the Chinese character first and then its pinyin and colour‐coded English translation is recommended.  相似文献   

This exploratory study focused on the factors that constitute second language (L2) learners’ resilience, and how these factors are related to L2 learning by investigating what relation resilience may have to motivated behaviour and proficiency in English learning. A total of 1620 secondary school learners of English participated in a questionnaire survey. By analysing the quantitative data, five resilience factors were extracted: perceived happiness, empathy, sociability, persistence, and self-regulation. Confirmative factor analysis using AMOS proved that these five factors are distinctive constructs. Among the factors, persistence was identified to play the most influential role in L2 learning. Persistence showed the highest correlations with, and the strongest explanatory power for, motivated behaviour and English proficiency. It is suggested that resilience can be further explored as an individual differences factor in L2 learning, which is involved in L2 learning process and outcomes.  相似文献   

This paper advances the argument that in learning to read/spell Chinese characters and words, it is important for learners to understand the role of the component parts. These constituents consist of phonetic and semantic radicals, or bujians, made up of clusters of strokes in their proper sequence. Beginning readers/spellers need to be sensitive to the positional hierarchy and internal structure of these constituent parts. Those Chinese children diagnosed with developmental dyslexia tend to have more difficulties in spelling Chinese characters and in writing to dictation than in reading. A lexical decision study with two groups of tertiary students differing in their Chinese language ability was carried out to test their efficiency in processing real and pseudo characters as a function of printed frequency of the characters, and the consistency of their component semantic radicals. There is some evidence that even for adult readers differing in their Chinese language ability, lexicality, frequency of characters and the consistency of the semantic radicals affect accurate and rapid character identification. Suggestions for research and teaching approaches are made to enhance the analysis and synthesis of the phonetic and semantic radicals to promote efficient reading and spelling in Chinese.  相似文献   

甘阳 《海外英语》2012,(14):83-85,91
基于建构主义学习理论、社会文化学习理论和认知理论的混合式学习方法正日益受国内外教育的关注,混合式学习方法(Blended Learning)结合了基于网络平台的自主学习和以教师为协助者的课堂教学的优势。该文通过教学实践来探究写作教学中应用混合式教学模式的可行性和有效性。此次研究通过测试收集数据,采用SPSS统计软件进行数据分析,分析结果表明接受混合式教学模式的学生通过写作课堂教学后在认知学术语言水平(CALP)方面优于接受传统教学法的学生。笔者期望本研究能对教师在日常写作教学中设计和使用混合式教学模式有所启示。  相似文献   

A crucial part of language development is learning how various social and contextual language‐external factors constrain an utterance’s meaning. This learning process is poorly understood. Five experiments addressed one hundred thirty‐one 3‐ to 5‐year‐old children’s use of one such socially relevant information source: talker characteristics. Participants learned 2 characters’ favorite colors; then, those characters asked participants to select colored shapes, as eye movements were tracked. Results suggest that by preschool, children use voice characteristics predictively to constrain a talker’s domain of reference, visually fixating the talker’s preferred color shapes. Indicating flexibility, children used talker information when the talker made a request for herself but not when she made a request for the other character. Children’s ease at using voice characteristics and possible developmental changes are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that the learning of second language words in the simultaneous presence of pictures or first language translation equivalents interferes with their acquisition. The purpose of this study was to investigate variables associated with the learning of Chinese characters as second language stimuli (L2). Acquisition for both naming of English translations and pronunciations was shown to proceed more rapidly under conditions in which each character was presented 5 s prior to its pinyin and English word equivalent, in contrast to simultaneous presentation conditions. These data were interpreted in terms of (a) interference, which can occur when students attend to multiple input simultaneously, and (b) the beneficial effects of attending to L2 stimuli prior to their associations in language learning contexts. It was concluded that the presentation of a character first, and the provision of its associated pinyin and English translation after a short delay is recommended when teaching characters for non-native speakers of Chinese at the early stage.  相似文献   

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