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人工智能技术支持下的学习情感识别在教育教学研究中至关重要,能够促进教育教学策略的改进。脑机接口技术作为人工智能技术的一项重要应用,已成为情感识别领域研究热点之一。文章分析了脑机接口技术支持学习情感识别的发展动因,进而构建包括数据处理、情感表达与教学调控三个过程的脑机接口技术支持学习情感识别的应用框架,探讨了脑机接口技术在学习情感识别领域仍面临的技术鸿沟、伦理挑战与学习者的主观偏见等局限。最后提出未来脑机接口支持下的学习情感识别可从强化技术融合、发展以人为本为导向的设计,以及尊重学习者的主观需求等方面进行改进,从而保证脑机接口技术支持学习情感识别应用的可行性,并综合衡量学习状态,拓展其在教育领域的应用与创新。  相似文献   

传统的虚拟智能计算机辅助教学系统(ICAI)未考虑学习者在学习过程中的情感和教学过程中的交互。针对这个问题,提出一种基于情感识别的自适应多Agent虚拟ICAI系统,并给出了其模型框架图,用多Agent技术实现各模块的主要功能,结合微表情识别技术和适应性教学理论,提出识别学习者的微表情来诊断情感状态,并对学习者的情感状态做出适应性的反应,从而实现辅助虚拟教学中的情感交流和自动交互。  相似文献   

在分析社交学习网络特点的基础上,文章探讨了情感识别与学习者学习状态之间的关系;通过将学习者脸部表情、眼动、人体姿态与情感图文等多模情感作为识别的指标,并结合学习者的学习认知状态和学习行为,构建了社交学习网络情感交互模型。该模型可以促进学习者的认知发展,支持大规模的远程学习;也可以对社交学习网络进行更好的监督与指导,为该网络在学习上的应用提供新思路与新方法。  相似文献   

情感是影响学习者认知和行为的关键性非智力因素。准确分析、识别学习者的情感状态,对教育的个性化、智能化发展尤为重要,它是情感计算的重要内容,已经成为人工智能和教育领域的交叉研究热点。学习体验文本是学习者情感分析的主要数据来源。面向学习体验文本,是在完善基础词典和情感词典的基础上,提出一种融合情感词典和机器学习的学习者情感分析模型,能够实现对段落级/篇章级学习体验文本的多级情感分类,从而挖掘学习者内隐的情绪状态。为了检验模型的有效性,采用宏平均指标全面评估情感分析模型的整体分类性能。研究结果表明:选择情感词特征和句子构成特征、采用SVM分类器时,该模型能够准确识别学习体验文本中的学习者情感;模型不仅为学习者多级情感分析提供新的研究思路,而且也为深入挖掘学习行为、改善在线教育的学情分析等,提供了技术支撑。这一研究结果,有助于进一步把握模型的应用前景、面临的问题和挑战等,并提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

基于数据智能分析的学习资源推送是精准支持个性化学习的教学服务方式之一。随着人工智能技术和学习分析技术的发展,通过对行为数据、测评数据和日志数据等的分析进行资源推送虽已有较成功应用,但未能实现学习者个人情感状态为引导的资源推送。为此,该研究针对个性化学习资源推荐中情感价值、情感控制理论和实践的缺失,以实现个性化学习多维度情感识别为目标,采用BERT模型和TextCNN构建个性化学习资源推荐文本情感识别模型,并提出了基于学习者作业、论坛内容等的文本情感识别模型实现过程。学习资源推荐文本情感识别模型和实现过程可为真实应用提供方法支持和技术路线指引。  相似文献   

情感与认知状态的准确识别是实现远程学习者与教学Agent有效互动的基础。只有有效识别出学习者的情感与认知状态,教学Agent在改变学习者行为态度、帮助学习者获取和理解知识、支持学习者认知发展方面才能取得预期的效果。现有的教学Agent普遍存在两方面问题:一是缺乏情感交互性,容易使远程学习者产生厌倦情绪;二是认知推断功能薄弱,对学习效果的促进作用不稳定。这主要是由于Agent对学习者状态的识别不够充分造成的。已有的学习者状态识别方法虽然在学习者情绪状态的识别方面各有优势,但却无法同时检测学习者的视域、学习情绪与认知状态。学习者的眼动追踪数据是判断学习者实时状态的重要指标,也是学习者与Agent进行情感交互的重要依据。结合表情识别和眼动追踪技术构建的基于智能Agent的远程学习者情感与认知识别模型,将眼动追踪与表情监控迭代识别、情感与认知识别过程相耦合,以提高远程学习者状态的识别准确率,改进Agent对学习者的情感和认知支持,为智能教学Agent与远程学习者交互机制的研究提供新的思路和方法。  相似文献   

针对目前在线学习中存在的“情感缺失”现象,该文结合建构主义、后现代主义教育理论的思想,提出一种具有情感状态评价和教学流程再造功能的在线学习系统模型.本原型系统利用表情识别和疲劳状态检测等技术设计并实现了情感识别模块,该模块注重教学过程中学习者的情绪情感,较好的实现了情感状态评价功能,增强了在线学习环境中的情感互动,为在线学习系统动态地进行教学流程再造提供了技术支撑.  相似文献   

张石清 《现代教育技术》2009,19(Z1):224-225
为了解决目前e-Learning教学系统中的情感交流匮乏问题,提出一种新的基于语音情感识别技术的e-Learning系统模型。语音作为人类最重要的交流媒介之一,不仅携带着大量的文字符号信息,还包含了人类丰富的情感信息。利用语音情感识别技术获取和识别学习者的学习情感状态,从而实现e-Learning教学系统的智能化和人性化。本文对该系统的关键技术作了详细阐述。  相似文献   

在线教育师生情感缺失问题是当前教育研究亟待解决的难题之一。在线教育弹幕文本作为学习者对在线课程内容及自身学习状态的实时反馈,隐含了大量情感信息,对于上述问题的解决具有重要意义。然而,目前鲜有针对在线教育弹幕文本开展情感分析的研究。基于此,设计了一种融合变式情感词典与深度学习技术的在线教育弹幕情感智能识别模型。具体而言:通过构建弹幕种子情感词集,计算弹幕文本与情感种子短语间的相似度,实现极短弹幕文本情感识别;借助BERT动态表征弹幕文本,双向长短时记忆网络挖掘弹幕文本中的深层特征,实现常规弹幕文本情感识别;融合两类弹幕文本情感识别信息并更新后,完成在线教育弹幕文本情感信息的智能识别。研究通过模型对比实验检验模型性能有效性,并借助具体案例验证模型应用可行性。  相似文献   

社会和情感能力是21世纪学习者的关键技能.社会和情感教育是培养学习者社会和情感能力的最有效方法之一.然而,目前我国无论是教育政策制定还是学校教育实践,都尚未明确将学习者的社会和情感能力培养作为优先发展方向,学习者社会和情感能力发展水平缺乏可靠的评价指标.因此,如何开展学习者的社会和情感教育形成性评估,如何培养和提升学习者的社会和情感能力,成为新时代我国迫切需解决的重要问题.《欧盟社会和情感教育形成性、包容性、系统性评估方法》报告可为我国开展学习者社会和情感教育形成性评估提供启示与借鉴.文章采用内容分析法和文本分析法,从社会和情感教育评估内涵及框架特征,学习者社会和情感教育形成性评估原则、促成因素、评估模型及工具,课堂及学校社会和情感教育形成性评估原则与指标四个维度分析该报告,思考中国学习者社会和情感教育评估的创新发展路径,提出转变评估方式,构建本土化的社会和情感教育评估框架,探索本土化实践路径;研制中国本土化评估原则及指标,开发多模态评估工具,实施面向学习者、课堂和学校的社会和情感教育;采用系统论观点看待社会和情感教育,开展课堂和学校社会和情感教育形成性评估;开展技术赋能的社会和情感教育培训,提升教师社会和情感教育形成性评估能力,促进教师持续专业发展等建议.  相似文献   

This report provides an overview of neuroscience research that is applicable for science educators. It first offers a brief analysis of empirical studies in educational neuroscience literature, followed by six science concept learning constructs based on the whole brain theory: gaining an understanding of brain function; pattern recognition and consciousness; mind maps, mnemonics and other learning devices; concrete multisensory experience; higher-order creative reasoning via a multimedia-infused environment and positive emotion in educational settings. It is vital to the future of results-based education that discoveries regarding the cognitive learning process are taken into consideration when designing instruction. This research offers science educators neuroscience-backed information as a foundation to develop results-oriented curricula and teaching methods. Future research could further extend an empirically driven education system.  相似文献   

There is a resurgence of interest in the powerful concept of emotion in current educational policy and practice. This article calls for the recognition and conceptualisation of a triadic schema for theorising the location of emotion within a creative educational experience. The schema represents emotion within three domains within current practice: Person, Process and Product. The principal focus of the article is pupils aged 5‐16 and consideration is given to the application of the conceptualised schema within art and design education as represented by the national curriculum statement of importance. The central hypothesis of the work is that greater recognition of an emotional dimension within a triadic schema ‐ developing emotional capacity in students to engage in a creative process (person); stimulating emotional engagement through appropriate learning contexts (process) and facilitating the emotional interfacing with outcomes (product) ‐ will help conceptualise the powerful interrelationship between emotion, creativity and learning. Based upon an extensive synthesised literature review a schema, developed through abductive reasoning and grounded theory, ultimately conceptualises the overarching theme of emotion within a creative, learning and product‐orientated experience within the primary and secondary stages of England's education system.  相似文献   

e‐Learning is becoming an increasingly popular educational paradigm because of the rapid growth of the Internet. Recent studies have argued that affective modelling (ie, considering a learner's emotional or motivational state) should also be considered while designing learning activities. Many studies indicated that various learning emotions markedly impact learning outcomes. In the language education field, many studies have investigated anxiety associated with learning a second language, noting that anxiety has an adverse effect on the performance of those speaking English as a second language. Therefore, how to reduce anxiety associated with learning a second language to increase learning performance is an important research issue in the language education field. Accordingly, this study employed a sensor, signal processing, wireless communication, system‐on‐chip and machine‐learning techniques in developing an embedded human emotion recognition system based on human pulse signals for detecting three human emotions—nervousness, peace and joy—to help teachers reduce language‐learning anxiety of individual learners in a web‐based one‐to‐one synchronous learning environment. The accuracy rate of the proposed emotion recognition model evaluated by cross‐validation is as high as 79.7136% when filtering out human pulse signals that have bias. Moreover, this study applied the embedded emotion recognition system to assist instructor's teaching in a synchronous English conversation environment by immediately reporting variations in individual learner emotions to the teacher during learning. In this instructional experiment, the teacher can give appropriate learning assistance or guidance based on the emotion states of individual learners. Experimental results indicate that the proposed embedded human emotion recognition system is helpful in reducing language‐based anxiety, thus promoting instruction effectiveness in English conversation classes.  相似文献   

高职的本质属性是教育性与职业性。其教育性的本质属性特征即教育的干预性、关怀性、策略性和系统性等。其职业性的本质属性特征即职业知识教育的认知性,职业技能教育的实践性,职业道德教育的认同性。其实践性特征是"教学----实践----教学----实践"的特征。职业道德教育是情感认知与体验的特征。高职教育的职业性,是教育性之下的职业知识认知、技能实践与道德认同的统一。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The study sought to determine if high-risk, compared to low-risk, mothers make more emotion recognition errors when they attempt to recognize emotions in children and adults. METHOD: Thirty-two demographically matched high-risk (n = 16) and low-risk (n = 16) mothers were asked to identify different emotions expressed by children and adults. Sets of high- and low-intensity, visual and auditory emotions were presented. Mothers also completed measures of stress, depression, and ego-strength. RESULTS: High-risk, compared to low-risk, mothers showed a tendency to make more errors on the visual and auditory emotion recognition tasks, with a trend toward more errors on the low-intensity, visual stimuli. However, the observed trends were not significant. Only a post-hoc test of error rates across all stimuli indicated that high-risk, compared to low-risk, mothers made significantly more emotion recognition errors. Although situational stress differences were not found, high-risk mothers reported significantly higher levels of general parenting stress and depression and lower levels of ego-strength. CONCLUSIONS: Since only trends and a significant post hoc finding of more overall emotion recognition errors in high-risk mothers were observed, additional research is needed to determine if high-risk mothers have emotion recognition deficits that may impact parent-child interactions. As in prior research, the study found that high-risk mothers reported more parenting stress and depression and less ego-strength.  相似文献   

体验式创新教学是近年来国际教育界发展起来的一种教育思想与教学方法,提倡"以学生自我体验为主要学习方式,以培养学生独立、自主、创新精神为目标,以营造教学氛围、激发学生情感为主要特点,力求在师生互动的教学过程中达到认知过程和情感体验过程的有机结合",从而促进学生各方面能力的全面发展.在高职教育迅速发展的今天,体验式创新教学应适时引入到教学中来.在高职会计电算化教学中,既应看到体验式创新教学的价值,也应看到其风险.  相似文献   

We examined whether children’s facial emotion recognition ability predicted their academic attainment over time, and whether peer relationships mediated that association. A secondary aim was to test whether the putative causal pathways would be significantly different for boys and girls. The model was tested using data from The Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC), a prospective longitudinal cohort population. Facial emotion recognition ability was assessed using the Diagnostic Assessment of Non-Verbal Accuracy (DANVA) at age 8.5 years while academic attainment was measured using data on UK Key Stage 4 (General Certificate of Secondary Education) at 16 years (outcome). The teacher’s version of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire was used to measure children’s peer relationship problems at 10–11 years (mediator). We adjusted for area-level socio-economic status and child’s early academic attainment, and examined whether mediation was moderated by sex. The results showed that low facial emotion recognition ability in childhood was associated with low academic attainment at age 16 years. There was evidence of mediation via peer problems, with an estimated 19% of the total effect mediated by errors in emotion recognition. Further analyses showed that there was no difference in mediation for boys versus girls. The findings suggest that children’s facial emotion recognition ability and peer relationships should be potential targets for programmes that aim to improve children’s educational attainment and their social and emotional competence.  相似文献   


For the purpose of improving the quality in Elearning process and overcoming the limitations of the current online educational environments, we propose to take into consideration the emotional states of students during Elearning sessions. Our objective is to ensure the ability of emotional intelligence: Emotion Recognition, in an eLearning environment. Thus, we present an architecture of Emotionally Intelligent Elearning System (EIES). Within the development of a computational probabilistic model of emotions, we proposed a Bayesian Network (BN) model to deal with emotions in Elearning environments and handle the uncertain nature of emotion recognition process. In a second phase, we focus on the incorporation of the emotion recognition in the Elearning systems by developing a simulation of EIES based on the BN model, able to predict the students’ affects. Consequently, we reached positive and promising results related to the fact that simulated EIES based on the BN model of emotions predicts correctly the student’s emotion when an event occurs during an Elearning session.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with theorising educational change. Working within a Marxist reproduction problematic, power and domination are theorised in terms of Social Forms—wage, state and civil‐forms—which are the product of capitalist social relations. Since these forms are a feature of the social formation, including the education system, a ‘translation effect’ between different levels of analysis can be identified. This approach entails recognition of the fact that reproduction is contested and has a political aspect, which is revealed by a ‘content‐theoretical’ model of educational change. This model delineates the relationship between the economic and political (the wage and state‐forms) as the dynamic for change, thereby demonstrating how the political makes possible the reproductive role of the education system. The utility of this model, and in particular its capacity to account for unintended consequences of educational change, is illustrated by reference to the recent introduction of the ‘new vocationalism’ into Further Education.  相似文献   

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