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This article attends to comparative education scholars’ calls for more dialogue on the contribution of theory to comparative education research. It first presents the results of a review of a small sample of articles from comparative education related journals that elicited the purposes of their comparative research strategies in terms of exploration, explanation, argument, prediction, recommendation, and theory development. The article then discusses perspectives on the potential for the use of theory to contribute to richer explanations of educational phenomena. Finally, it demonstrates how a comparative study of political socialization in Hong Kong and Mainland China led to the development of explanatory concepts of critical thinking and the application and reconceptualization of the theory of resistance to explain the formation of students’ attitudes towards the nation.  相似文献   


The 2014 Umbrella Movement was one of the most significant social and political events in recent Hong Kong history. This paper offers some initial reflections on the connections between the movement and broader issues related to civic education, critical thinking, and theories of education. First, it is suggested that the movement closely resembles a form of civic education known as ‘action civics,’ offering an alternative pedagogy that might encourage more authentic civic participation. Second, the movement raises questions about how the teaching of critical thinking can be made more practically relevant to modern citizenship. Third, the deep political polarization associated with the movement indicates that civic education and critical thinking training need to pay attention to cognitive biases that affect political ideology. Finally, the Umbrella Movement reflects the failure of democratization in Hong Kong and coincides with increasing political pressures on the local education system. We discuss how political reality connects to issues about democratic education, critical pedagogy, and the idea of political neutrality in education.  相似文献   

Over the past few decades, Mainland China has witnessed a massive outflow of students to higher education institutions in Hong Kong. In the context of an up-surge in Mainland Chinese students in Hong Kong, this research aims to explore (1) why Mainland Chinese students choose to study in Hong Kong over other higher education systems, (2) perceptions about the advantages and disadvantages of studying in Hong Kong, and (3) challenges in the process of acculturation from their homeland to Hong Kong. Five key themes are identified: education, finance, learning culture, language, and discrimination/labelling. While Mainland Chinese students often struggle to blend into the new environment, most gradually become accustomed to the local way of life. What remains a challenge is (perceived) discrimination following political tensions over the “one China, two systems” framework. This paper identifies the expectations and dissatisfactions of the participants with regard to studying in Hong Kong, ultimately offering higher-education administrators an insight into how to better cater for the expanding share of Mainland Chinese students in Hong Kong’s universities. This research is significant because it extends the literature by examining acculturation and cultural adaptation issues in an increasingly globalized context.  相似文献   

浅论"一国两制"模式对香港及大陆政治体制发展的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
香港回归祖国后,“一国两制”思想在香港得到了充分的实践与运用。文章试图通过对香港在回归前后政治体制变化的回顾与评论,以及香港政制对内地政治体制改革的参考意义的评述,揭示这一互动的现实状况,同时证明“一国两制”方针在解决香港问题上所发挥的巨大作用是不可替代的。  相似文献   

School-based pipelines/routes for university and technical engineering education are recognised as important for economic development and the high-school years are critical for shaping students’ career aspirations and attitudes. This study examined a range of attitudes/experiences on the aspirations of secondary students to pursue engineering education and vocation. Experiential/attitudinal aspects covered demographic characteristics, family/school support, practical learning experiences, curricular/extra-curricular experiences, attitudes, perceptions and engineering-efficacy that may affect aspirations. A validated questionnaire capturing these variables was administered to respective samples of secondary school students from four Chinese geo-engineering regions (Beijing, Guangzhou, Hong Kong and ShanXi; 5965 students) that represent differing degrees of industrialisation. Comparative analyses across regions show ‘doing’ engineering is key to motivating students’ aspirations; while regional variations suggest that schooling and family factors are generally more significant in industrialising Mainland cities, and extracurricular opportunities and personal factors are more significant for students in post-industrial Hong Kong.  相似文献   

香港及中国内地两地在上世纪90年代末起均积极推动教育改革,以发展优质/素质教育为主要的发展方向,以期培养适切的人才,提高两地的国际竞争力。基于此,两地均强调课程改革,引入新的教学法,如专题研习/研究性学习,强调问责性的评核机制。面对教与学的种种改革,教师的工作出现了新的转变及挑战,本文比较两地在教改情境下,如何透过教师评鉴保证及提升教育质素,两地教师如何以不同策略作响应,呈现两地教师在工作评鉴下的处境。  相似文献   

社会资本因素对个体高等教育需求的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对中国大陆三省一市10909名高中生和香港3157名高中生的调查研究发现,学生参与社团活动、家庭教育期望,无论是对中国大陆学生还是香港学生的高等教育需求都具有显著影响。家庭中兄弟姐妹的数量、家庭成员辅导学生功课、父母与子女沟通频率等因素,对中国大陆学生的高等教育需求具有显著影响;家庭社会网络广泛度、师生沟通频率,则对香港学生的高等教育需求具有显著影响。研究还发现,一些常被认为影响个体高等教育需求的因素,如家庭社会网络资源、父母与学校的联系等,对学生的高等教育需求并无显著影响。  相似文献   

由于内地没有一个严格意义上的职业教育阶段,所以笔者认为有必要将香港的法学职业教育对我们的启示进行一下阐述。文章介绍了香港的法学职业教育状况,并对内地法学职业教育现状进行反思,进而提出香港的法学职业教育方式对内地的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Recent years have witnessed an increasing number of Mainland students crossing the border to pursue tertiary studies in Hong Kong, a Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China. In contrast to those who have chosen to study in foreign countries, such as United States, United Kingdom or Germany, the Mainland group are studying and living in a society that is both familiar and strange to them due to unique political and sociocultural relationships between Hong Kong and the Mainland. Previous research has mainly focused on Mainland students’ motivations for choosing Hong Kong as their academic destination, but questions as to how they adapt to the university setting and host society have been under-researched. Adopting a qualitative approach, this study reports on the findings of focus groups exploring Mainland students’ adaptation to life and study in Hong Kong. Findings revealed that linguistic adaptation, social network, political identification and discrimination were the most significant acculturative stressors reported by Mainland students. Implications for how Mainland students can best adjust and how universities can better support them are discussed.  相似文献   

大陆与香港、台湾的经贸往来目前面临着后金融危机时代的考验。金融危机导致的市场缩小,台湾内部复杂的政治关系,两岸进一步合作对香港地位产生的影响,大陆在某些方面的利益得不到保护,香港、台湾两地担心的当地经济受到大陆制约,这些问题困扰着大陆与港台的经贸关系。但是,合作是大陆与港台经贸发展的趋势,大陆与港台经贸合作应该采取顺应全球化,发展高科技、促成产业结构升级,实现经济可持续发展,多元化合作的策略,以促进大陆与港台经贸关系发生质的大飞跃。  相似文献   

This paper explores the internationalization of higher education initiatives of Hong Kong, being one of the Special Administrative Regions (SAR) of China, within the context of the Chinese Mainland-Hong Kong (CM-HK) relations. Historical, social, economic, and political ties between Hong Kong and the Mainland of China, their economic and political interdependency, and a time series analysis of Hong Kong’s University Grants Committee (UGC) statistical data (local and non-local participation, geographic composition, and cost analysis of UGC-funded programs) are used to support what the author calls the “intra-nationalization of higher education.” This forms a unique internationalization strategy, whereby a sub-national region such as Hong Kong and possibly Macau, orients its internationalization strategy towards a motherland, in this case China.  相似文献   

内涵发展是高等教育新一轮发展的主旋律,目前我国民办高职已进入内涵发展的关键时期。要提升质量、发展内涵,就必须开展专业建设、学科建设和教育教学改革。内地与香港高等教育有诸多相似之处,笔者通过深度解读香港私立大专在内涵建设方面的特色及其根源,力求为处于困境中的内地民办高等职业教育提出积极的建设性建议。  相似文献   

谈谈我国两岸三地的媒介素养教育问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
70年代以后,国外已经开展媒介素养教育,我国台湾、香港地区十分重视受众的媒介素养教育,而大陆在媒介素养教育研究方面十分薄弱。本文介绍了台湾、香港的媒介素养教育的理论和实践及大陆学者的一些研究,探讨媒介素养教育的问题。  相似文献   

On 1 July 1997, sovereignty over Hong Kong was returned from the UK to the People's Republic of China (PRC). This article identifies the impact of such a political transition on the Hong Kong higher education system during the transitional period between 1982 and 1997. The struggles among the departing and incoming sovereign powers and local groups are also examined. The article argues that, during this period, three related colonial transition processes-decolonisation, neocolonisation and recolonisation-co-existed in Hong Kong higher education within the framework of 'one country, two systems'. These processes can be seen as resistance to each other: for example, neocolonisation as resistance to decolonisation and recolonisation as resistance to neocolonisation. They are further complicated by the spectra of their accommodation and resistance by the three major actors. On different occasions, the local government and groups played different or even contradictory roles as decolonising, neocolonising or recolonising agents. They selectively participated in the three processes so as to create facilitating conditions for and obstacles to the control of higher education by the incoming ruling power in the post-1997 era.  相似文献   

本文在概述香港高等教育发展历程的基础上,分析了世纪之初香港高等教育所面临的主要问题、重要改革举措和政策变革。香港高等教育在21世纪初的主要发展和改革表现在:素质评鉴机制的制度化,大学管治体制和教职员薪酬制度的改革,大学角色的再定位,社区学院和私立大学的发展,以及大学教育的国际化等方面。这些改革对香港高校与政府的关系、高校的角色定位等都带来重要影响。香港高等教育的国际化发展,将使香港高校在中国内地高等教育体系中扮演越来越重要的角色,推动香港与中国内地高等教育的互动和发展。为此,香港与内地之间需要加强在高等教育政策上的协调与合作。  相似文献   

This study examines the role of students' thinking styles in their knowledge and use of as well as in their attitudes towards the use of computing and information technology (CIT) in education. One hundred and five students from a large university in Texas responded to the Thinking Styles Inventory and to a brief measure of their attitudes towards the use of CIT in education. Between the present study and a previous study of Hong Kong students, the following common findings have been obtained. First, the more creativity-generating thinking styles positively predicted knowledge and use of CIT as well as a favorable attitude towards the use of CIT in education, whereas the more norm-conforming thinking styles negatively did so. Second, female students reported less knowledge and use of CIT. Minor differences were also identified between the U.S. and Hong Kong groups. These findings have implications for teachers, staff development personnel, and for CIT program designers.  相似文献   

本文采用文献和逻辑推理研究方法旨在对中国大陆与香港两地融合体育教育的现状进行比较.通过分析发现:两地虽然都开展融合体育教学,但“合”而不同.这种差异体现在其安置和支援模式上.在未来,我国大陆与香港都需要不断的改善和优化融合体育支援模式,从而进一步保障特殊需要儿童的体育学习权利,提高特殊体育的教学质量  相似文献   

ABC学院作为跨境教育合作办学机构开创了内地与香港高校实施机构合作办学的先河。它采用国际惯用的"校董会制度",秉承"全人"教育理念,有着全新的教学模式和国际化的师资队伍,学院执行港校的管理制度、要求和标准,课程设计也沿用香港模式,力求做到国际化和本土化的结合,有着鲜明的办学特色。但创办近10年来,由于合作办学政策的缺失、早期筹办程序的特殊以及所签协议考虑不周全等导致ABC在办学过程中地位尴尬,在资金筹措、场地使用、师资管理、自主招生等方面面临困境,长远发展受限。鉴于此,建议政府相关部门放权给部分省份,制定和完善地方政策法规,允许先行先试,扩大港校到内地办学的自主权,引进原汁原味的港校教育模式以促进内地高等教育体制改革与创新。  相似文献   

This article examines the attitudes of the colonial and metropolitan governments towards the promotion of English‐language education on Hong Kong Island between 1842 and 1860. The study, which draws on a range of unpublished primary sources, was conducted in response to Whitehead’s recent call for detailed case studies of colonial education policies. This article explores, within the context of Hong Kong, a centrally important aspect of education in the Empire, and one that has been the subject of surprisingly little archival research: British policies towards the teaching and learning of English as a second language. The article begins by analysing the political, economic and demographic forces that influenced the study and use of English in Hong Kong during the 1840s and 1850s, and then moves on to examine language policies and practices in the colony’s mission schools, with a particular focus on the Morrison Education Society School, the first Western school to be established on the Island after the British occupation. The final section analyses the introduction of English teaching in the government vernacular schools in the early 1850s.  相似文献   

新旧世纪交替更迭,世界各国教育改革此起彼伏,各种理论与学说交相辉映,共同形成颇为壮阔的图景。作为教育的核心领域——课程与教学的研究在近些年同样经历着日新月异的变化。本文尝试从香港与内地学者的视角勾勒出近二十年香港课程与教学的研究脉络与发展轮廓。文章首先概述两岸三地在课程与教学研究交流发展方面所做出的不懈努力;其次,文章围绕课程改革、课程实施、教师教育、学科教育、大学教育等关键词,梳理、归纳两岸学者就香港课程与教学所进行的探索与研究;最后,文章基于对整体脉络的把握,对两岸三地的课程与教学研究提出殷切的期望与可行性建议。  相似文献   

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