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考察父亲协同教养与社会适应的关系,以及人际安全感与友谊质量在两者间的中介作用和调节作用。采用父母协同教养问卷、安全感问卷、友谊质量问卷和青少年社会适应评估问卷,对936名中学生进行调查,结果显示:积极协同教养正向预测青少年社会适应(γ=0.15,Z=2.19,p<0.05),而消极协同教养负向预测社会适应(γ=-0.18,Z=-4.83,p<0.001);人际安全感在积极/消极协同教养与社会适应间起中介作用;友谊质量在积极/消极协同教养模型中的前半段和后半段路径均起调节作用。随友谊质量水平逐步提高,积极协同教养、人际安全感均对社会适应的预测作用越强,而消极协同教养对人际安全感的预测作用越弱。  相似文献   

采用问卷法研究了1791名不同年级、性别、学校类型中学生师生关系与友谊质量的特点,结合同伴特征和问题行为分析了学校氛围对中学生学校人际关系的影响,并探讨了中学生学校人际关系与社会适应的关系。结果发现:(1)中学生的师生关系总体上重点校好于非重点校,初一、高一好于高二,在亲密性和支持性维度上,年级与学校类型、年级与性别的交互作用显著;(2)中学生的友谊质量总体上重点校好于非重点校,高一、初一略好于初二,女生好于男生,学校类型与年级的交互作用显著;(3)重点校拥有不良同伴的学生和问题行为较多的学生比例均显著少于非重点校;(4)师生关系与友谊质量各维度可以预测中学生社会适应过程中的自我肯定、自我烦扰和社会疏离感。  相似文献   

本文以357名初中生为被试,采用量表法收集数据,探讨初中生自我接纳、应对方式和攻击性之间的关系。研究结果表明:(1)初中生的攻击性与自我接纳、积极应对显著负相关,与消极应对显著正相关;(2)男生在积极应对分量表、身体攻击维度的得分显著高于女生,初二学生在自我接纳量表上的得分显著高于初一学生,初一学生在消极应对分量表、身体攻击难度及其全量表上的得分显著高于初二学生;(3)初中生的自我接纳和积极应对方式对攻击性有显著的预测效果;(4)应对方式在初中生自我接纳和攻击性之间起着部分调节作用。  相似文献   

为探讨中学生情绪智力与课外休闲活动状况的关系,采用情绪智力量表、中学生课外休闲活动状况问卷对濮阳市初中、高中共291名学生进行研究。发现:(1)情绪智力存在年级差异,初二学生显著高于初一、高一、高二学生;(2)休闲偏好、休闲参与的性别差异显著,年级差异显著;(3)情绪智力与休闲偏好、休闲参与、休闲满意都极其显著正相关;(4)休闲参与、休闲满意两个预测变量进入回归方程,它们联合解释情绪智力变异的12%。由此可见,中学生课外休闲状况对情绪智力有一定的影响。  相似文献   

王晓敏 《文教资料》2013,(13):124-126
本研究以处在适应与发展关键时期的中学生为研究对象,对广州地区784名中学生进行抽样调查,考察了其主观幸福感和社会适应行为的基本状况,并对社会适应行为与主观幸福感的关系予以实证分析。研究发现:主观幸福感与社会适应行为的关系密切。其中,生活满意度、积极情感与社会适应行为有显著的正相关;消极情感与社会适应行为有显著的负相关;主观幸福感,主要是学业满意度、友谊满意度、积极情感和学校满意度四个维度,对青少年的社会适应行为有较明显的预测作用。  相似文献   

本研究对六城市共2183名中学生进行调查,考察青少年人格五因素对其学校人际关系质量(友谊质量和师生关系)的影响,结果发现:(1)人格五因素与友谊质量、师生关系各维度显著相关;(2)控制性别和年级后,友谊质量各积极维度(信任与支持、陪伴与娱乐、亲密袒露与交流、肯定价值)的最强预测因子分别是宜人性、外向性、开放性,师生关系各积极维度最强预测因子均是谨慎性,情绪性是友谊质量和师生关系消极维度的最强预测因子;(3)不同人格类型个体的学校人际关系质量不同。  相似文献   

中学生的情绪智力及其与社会适应的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对六城市的2533名中学生施测情绪智力、人格五因素和社会适应问卷,以探讨中学生情绪智力的发展特点及其与社会适应的关系。结果表明:(1)中学生情绪智力的不同维度表现出不同的发展特点;(2)情绪感知可显著负向预测个体的行事效率、违规行为和积极应对;情绪运用可显著正向预测积极社会适应的所有4个维度;情绪理解可显著正向预测亲社会倾向;情绪管理可显著正向预测行事效率,负向预测违规行为;(3)与人格的预测作用相比较,情绪智力对个体社会适应的意义尤为突出地表现在对于生活中困难与挫折的应对上。  相似文献   

本研究采用自编中学生情绪智力问卷检验情绪智力四因素结构的合理性,并探讨情绪智力与人格特质、友谊质量的关系。被试为北京市两所普通中学初一、初二、高一、高二年级学生726人。结果验证了情绪智力包含情绪感知、情绪运用、情绪理解和情绪管理四个因素,并提取出一个高阶因子,说明存在一种普遍的操作情绪的能力。对情绪智力与人格、友谊质量的关系研究发现,人格的谨慎性、开放性、宜人性和情绪性可显著预测情绪感知、情绪运用、情绪理解,人格五因素都可显著预测情绪管理(其中情绪性都为负向预测);情绪感知、情绪运用和情绪理解能显著正向预测友谊质量;在控制人格五因素的作用以后,情绪感知和情绪理解对总体友谊质量仍有显著的预测作用,表明情绪智力作为一个心理变量具有独立于人格五因素之外的意义。  相似文献   

尝试探讨留守儿童积极适应、消极适应的特点及其与心理弹性的关系.采用社会适应问卷和心理弹性量表对232名农村留守初中生积极适应、消极适应和心理弹性进行测查.结果显示:留守初中生的积极适应和消极适应各指标得分均呈偏态分布;不同适应类型留守儿童的心理弹性得分存在显著差异,高危型学生弹性水平最低,适应型学生弹性水平最高;心理弹性对积极适应和消极适应具有显著预测作用,累积解释力分别达到61%和37%.其中,目标专注对积极适应的预测力最大,情绪控制对消极适应的预测作用最大;积极认知有助于提升积极适应功能,家庭支持则有助于减少消极适应症状.结果表明:心理弹性对留守儿童适应的预测作用具有领域特异性.  相似文献   

中学生学校归属感及其与自我概念的关系研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用问卷调查法,考察重点中学和非重点中学,从初一到高二10个教学班248名学生的学校归属感与自我概念。结果表明:(1)学校归属感与自我概念存在显著正相关;(2)重点中学学生的学校归属感和自我概念都显著高于非重点中学的学生;(3)学校归属感存在显著年级差异,初三学生的学校归属感显著低于初一和初二,高二学生的学校归属感显著低于高一;(4)学校归属感对自我概念有非常显著的预测作用。  相似文献   

This paper draws on social capital theory to discuss the way social class plays out in the friendships of teenage students. Based on data from individual interviews and focus groups with 75 students in four London secondary schools, it is suggested that students tend to form friendships with people who belong to the same social-class background as them. Social-class ‘sameness’ is considered to be an element that importantly exemplifies the quality of their friendships, and hence close, inter-class friendships were significantly less common than close, intra-class ones. In addition, class differentials were evident and often reproduced by students, even in the context of the rarer inter-class friendships. This paper concludes that social class is of continuous importance in teenagers’ lives and despite some agentic negotiation of class boundaries, as in the case of omnivorousness, students’ friendship networks are dynamically informed by class inequalities.  相似文献   

积极心理品质培养是积极心理健康教育的核心内容.为了解当前我国中等职业学校学生积极心理品质发展状况,本研究使用《中国中小学生积极心理品质量表》调查了1942名中职学生,发现:(1)总体而言,中职学生积极心理品质的认知、情感、人际、公正、节制、超越等六大维度发展状况良好;(2)在15项积极心理品质中,中职学生发展最好的三项品质为爱、心灵触动和信念希望,发展最差的三项品质为真诚、创造力和领导力;(3)不同经济发展水平地区的中职学生在积极心理品质六大维度上存在显著差异;(4)积极心理品质六大维度存在显著的年级和性别差异,总体而言,除公正维度外,在积极心理品质的五个维度上,中职学生得分随年级的升高而提高;男生在公正维度上得分显著高于女生;(5)与全国高中生比较而言,除节制维度中职学生得分显著高于全国高中生外,在认知、情感、人际、公正和超越维度,中职学生得分均显著低于全国高中生;除求知力、思维与洞察力品质差异不显著外,中职学生与全国高中生在13项积极心理品质上均存在显著差异.最后,提出了培养中职学生积极心理品质的有关建议.  相似文献   

Although Affirmative Action policies have been enforced in many countries, their consequences are highly understudied, especially in the context of developing economies. Section 12(1)(c) of the Right to Education (RTE) Act enforced in 2009 is the first attempt to introduce affirmative action in primary schools in India. The act requires all private schools to reserve at least twenty five percent seats for children from economically weaker sections. To understand the effect of the act on i) social integration and ii) academic outcomes, we asked 1500 children (grades one to three) from four schools to answer friendship surveys and short tests in Mathematics and English. The schools in our sample vary considerably in constitution and were intentionally chosen to understand the impact of the act in different school settings. The friendship surveys show strong homophily i.e. non-RTE students cite other non-RTE students as friends, while RTE students chose to be friends primarily with other RTE students. Trends in test scores reveal that students admitted under the RTE quota score significantly lower than non-RTE students. However, RTE students who have a higher share of non-RTE friends have better test scores, suggesting that affirmative action may have a positive influence on learning outcomes for RTE children. Further we note that commitment from the school authorities and systematic monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the act will go a long way in bringing out some of the benefits that this act was designed to achieve. Our findings have important policy implications with respect to ensuring proper implementation of the Section12(1)(c) of the RTE act in schools across the country.  相似文献   

本研究选取初中聋生194名,采用问卷法,考察初中聋生学习策略、学习动机和教师课堂行为感知水平,并探讨其学习动机与教师课堂行为感知各因素对学习策略的影响。结果表明:(1)初中聋生在学习策略、学习动机和教师课堂行为感知上的性别差异均不显著;(2)初中聋生在学习策略中的元认知策略得分显著低于社会性策略和认知策略得分,在学习动机的内部热衷性上得分显著高于内部挑战性得分,外部奖赏得分显著高于外部认可得分,在教师课堂感知的支持性行为和教师高期望上得分均显著高于消极反馈得分。(3)学习动机和教师课堂行为感知对初中聋生学习策略影响显著,首先,在元认知策略上,内部挑战性动机、内部热衷性动机和支持性帮助行为感知的预测效果显著;其次,在认知策略上,外部奖赏动机、内部热衷性动机、内部挑战性动机和支持性帮助行为感知的预测效果显著;在社会性策略上,内部挑战性动机、内部热衷性动机、支持性帮助行为感知和消极反馈行为感知的预测效果显著。  相似文献   

The study used learning environment variables in investigating changes occurring as students transfer from primary to secondary school, including the role of student sex and school size pathway as influencing factors in changes in learning environment perceptions. The My Class Inventory (MCI) and Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction (QTI) were used in two data-gathering stages, one in the penultimate month of primary schooling and the other in the fourth month of secondary schooling. The sample comprised 1500 students from 47 feeder primary schools and 16 linked secondary schools. The primary schools ranged from very small isolated country schools to larger city schools with hundreds of students. Five different school size transition pathways were defined for analysis: small-to-medium, medium-to-medium, small-to-large, medium-to-large and ‘within-school’ (involving schools with a K-10 structure, but with separate primary and secondary school sites within the same campus). Although the classroom climate in secondary schools was perceived more favourably than in primary schools (especially in terms of less friction and competitiveness), the quality of teacher-student interaction was perceived to deteriorate on most dimensions assessed by the QTI (e.g. a reduction in teachers' leadership, helping/friendly, understanding and student responsibility/freedom behaviours). But changes in environment perceptions across transition varied with student sex and school size pathway. For example, perceptions of class satisfaction across transition deteriorated for girls, but improved for the boys. The findings have implications for administrators and teachers, particularly those with a role within the ‘middle school’ years. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

运用程黎和郑昊(2017)设计的中小学创造性课堂环境评估表(教师版),调查发现中小学数学教师感受到的创造性课堂环境因素分为六个维度:(1)教师给予学生的支持;(2)教师对课堂的领导掌控力;(3)教师放权;(4)学生之间的关系;(5)促进学生间的交流;(6)提高学生的凝聚力。中小学数学教师对课堂的领导掌控力和促进学生间的交流在学历、职称、学段、学校类型和教师所获得的荣誉上都有显著性差异。初中数学教师在给予学生的支持、促进学生间的交流、提高学生的凝聚力及教师对课堂的领导掌控力等维度上都优于高中与小学数学教师。小学数学教师更重视放权让学生在课堂上的创造性表现,而高中数学教师则相对较少放权让学生在课堂上表现。获得省级及以上荣誉的教师对于课堂掌控及放权让学生表现上优于其他类型的教师,未获得荣誉的教师在课堂上的各方面都略差于获得过荣誉的教师。研究生学历的教师对课堂的领导掌控力、放权让学生在课堂上表现、与学生间的关系、促进学生间的交流以及提高学生的凝聚力这些维度上都比其他学历的数学教师更好。高级教师放权让学生在课堂上表现、对课堂的掌控力以及给予学生的支持和促进学生间的交流上都比其他级别的教师更好。重点学校的数学教师在创造性课堂环境的各个维度上都优于普通学校的数学教师。女教师给予学生的支持以及促进学生间的关系与交流上要优于男教师,男教师在对课堂的掌控力、放权让学生在课堂上表现及提高学生的凝聚力上比女教师稍有优势。这些结论对引导和干预中小学数学教师积极营造创造性的课堂环境有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Teachers’ self-efficacy and value represent two central components of their motivation. However, there is a scarcity of knowledge regarding the relevance of value for teaching quality and student outcomes, as well as the extent to which interrelations depend on contextual resources and demands. Engaging students in their learning is an essential aspect of teachers’ work which should promote warm and positive relationships between them and their students. Not only teachers’ self-efficacy for student engagement, but also the value they attach to being able to engage students, should be important for teacher-student relationship quality. Using longitudinal structural equation models, we analyzed relations between self-efficacy and value for student engagement, reported teacher-student relationships, and the potential moderating roles of perceived excessive work demands and the resource of school belonging. Data from 395 Australian teachers in primary and secondary schools encompassed 3 timepoints from the end of teacher education, during teachers’ early career (average 3 years teaching), and midcareer (average 10 years teaching). Informed by social cognitive, expectancy-value and job demands-resources theories, key findings revealed that teachers’ reported relationships with their students at midcareer were predicted only at low levels of perceived excessive demands, by early career self-efficacy and early career value in interaction with self-efficacy. At midcareer, value associated with teacher-reported relationships with students only at low levels of excessive demands, and school belonging. Conversely, perceived teacher-student relationship in early career predicted teachers’ value for student engagement at midcareer. Implications for theory, teacher education and teachers’ professional practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Parent-teacher partnership is associated closely with adolescents’ development. However, little is known about the association between parent-teacher partnership and Chinese high school students’ development. Therefore, this study examines whether and how parent-teacher partnership (objective contacts and subjective relationship quality) relates to high school students’ academic, career, and personal/social development among a national representative sample of 4,606 high school teachers from 61 high schools across 10 provinces of Mainland China. Both parent-teacher contacts and relationship were related to high school students’ development across all three domains (i.e., academic, career, and personal/social development). Parent-teacher relationship was more closely related to students’ developmental outcomes than parent-teacher contacts. Parent-teacher contacts were associated directly and indirectly with students’ developmental outcomes via parent-teacher relationship and teacher-student relationship. Implications for future studies and practice were discussed.  相似文献   

农村中小学布局调整一直以来都是我国促进农村义务教育改革发展的一项重要工作,新时期为实现义务教育均衡发展的目标,各地政府还需进一步完善和推进学校布局调整。威尔士政府在农村小规模学校面临一系列发展困境的现实下,遵循科学民主的原则,积极进行学校布局调整规划,提出了创新性的学校布局调整方式:联盟学校和区域学校,有效提升了学校教育质量。威尔士这种创新性的学校布局调整方式可以给我国新一轮农村中小学布局调整以有益的启示。  相似文献   

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