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“欲望”三部曲和《老人与海》在创作背景、动机、人物刻画和主题挖掘等方面有诸多相似之处,说明了海明威对以德莱塞为代表的美国文学传统的继承和对美国文学创作技巧的完善。处在经济高速发展,情感、道德危机日趋严重的时代背景下两位作家 都有强烈的表现自我、实现自我的愿望,各自在悲剧主人公身上倾注了自己的感情和希望,谱写了一曲曲美国精神之歌。  相似文献   

文学语言在广义上是象似的,诗歌自然不会例外,而且更加依赖象似性。《歌唱自我》在美国文学史上有很高的价值。隐喻在这首诗中也很重要。惠特曼在这首诗中运用概念隐喻激发读者的思考和想象。通过分析诗歌语言的隐喻象似性,显示"自我"意象意义包罗万象。惠特曼将"自我"同诗人自己,美国,其他美国人,神,以及自我思想联系在一起,向读者展示了"自我"这个意象的丰富的隐喻意义,显示了诗歌语言的隐喻象似性。  相似文献   

“自我陈述法”与“自我展示法”是近年来美国社会研究课程的教学评价中出现的一种新的探索方法。这是诸多教学评价中的两种,有效进行这两种方法评价教学,有利于培养创新意识。 “自我陈述法”是指在一定时间(一节课、一个单元、一个学期或更长)教学之后让学生自己用口头或书面的方式陈述自己学到了哪些知识与技能的评价方法。  相似文献   

古无完曲。维纳斯的缺陷美让人思绪飞扬,《深山藏寺》的古代考题使人浮想联翩……小学数学的教学,并不是把什么都要教给学生。即,我们不能扼杀了孩子的灵性。这个年龄段的孩子,最需要的是自我发展。所以,我们在小学课堂教学中,要体现教学形式的空白效应,给学生搭建探索性的平台,让学生自己探索、深入讨论、实践操作、合作学习、交流体会、互相帮助。  相似文献   

对美国现代诗人瑞特克“在一个黑暗的时候”一诗进行初步的艺术剖析。这首诗描写了诗人寻找自我,探索性灵的苦难历程。瑞特克在现实生活中曾多次精神崩溃,这首诗所讲述的是诗人在绝望和孤独中坠入心灵的黑暗,人格发生裂变;为寻找真正的自我,在黑暗中的灵魂与追求光明的灵魂搏斗,诗人终于从疯狂的边缘恢复到理智状态,灵魂进入自身,人格由分裂达到融合。  相似文献   

在索尔.贝娄的作品中,“负罪—救赎”母题在《雨王亨德森》中得到了典型的体现。主人公亨德森虽是一位百万富翁,但具有深深的失落和负罪之感。渴望救赎、寻找自我是亨德森最突出的意识,流浪与受难是他进行自我救赎的独特方式。亨德森历尽了种种艰辛和危难之后,终于认识到只有依靠自我才能达到拯救的目的,因此他不再选择逃避而是重新回归美国社会,从亨德森身上表明了作者的一种现代的救赎理念。  相似文献   

本文对近年来国内学术界在价值概念上存在的一个错误引证进行了考察和纠正,指出个人的社会价值应当包括社会对个人的尊重和满足以及个人对社会的责任和贡献两个方面;个人自我价值的主客体都是自我,其本质是个人现实的社会价值在他自己身上的显现或表现;我们要从社会价值与自我价值对立统一的关系中引导人们在为社会作贡献中实现自我价值.  相似文献   

谢榕平 《师道》2014,(1):41-42
美国心理学家A·班杜拉最早于1977年提出自我效能感的概念,1997年出版了《自我效能——控制的实施》,对自我效能问题进行全面系统的论述。他提出,自我效能感指的是个体对自己具有组织和执行达到特定成就的能力的信念。  相似文献   

"高峰体验"是美国心理学家马斯洛自我实现理论中的重要概念,强调个人情感体会对行动的促进作用,即个人能力的高度提升和自我力量的高度肯定.个体可以通过改变外部环境和刺激因素,适度掌控"高峰体验"的出现.由青年期向成年早期过渡的大学生对个体能力的认同需求十分强烈,有必要通过实践能力的锻炼提高个体自我认同度和成就感.美国高校"高峰体验"课程及团体项目研究方式的成功经验可以为我国大学生实践能力培养工作提供指导.  相似文献   

自尊是指人们在社会比较过程中所获得的有关自我价值的积极评价和体验。从19世纪末以来,心理学家们从各个角度对自尊展开了广泛而深入的研究。日本和美国心理学家有关自尊的研究认为,日本文化与美国文化对于自尊的影响表现出显著的差异性。其中,日本文化是依存性的自我视点,强调自我批评、自我反省;而美国文化则是独立性的自我视点,强调自我高扬、自我肯定。  相似文献   

19世纪以前的几个世纪里,英国女性已介入写作,初步而曲折地展现女性对世界的体验和需求,力图表现女性作为特殊创造者所具有的特质。尽管她们并没有取得多大的文学话语权,没能摆脱男性菲勒斯主义,解构男性逻各斯,但她们的写作体验及成就对于19世纪英国女性文学的勃发具有巨大的昭示与累积作用。  相似文献   

这篇文章以学生的日记为研究材料来说明第二语言学生作者已有的元认知意识。从分析中得知,大多数学生清楚地意识到写作有三个方面的因素,即自己的角色,写作的要求和过程以及写作策略。同时,也讨论了本次研究对写作教学和学习写作的启示。  相似文献   

通过定量结合定性分析的方法,对英语专业二年级学生的词汇和写作水平进行研究,结果发现:被动词汇量对写作水平有一定程度的显著影响,但即使是被视为最重要的单门课程里的课本识记词汇量对写作也没有显著影响,能对写作发挥较显著影响作用的是综合词汇量;自由主动词汇量比被动词汇量对作文的影响更大更直接,较大的被动词汇量是写作水平的基本保障,也同时是自由主动词汇量的必要条件,但词汇量只是影响作文水平的其中一个重要因子。该研究对英语教学有一定的启示作用。  相似文献   

Senior English majors at our university were lack of motivation in the normal classroom study after they had passed the national TEM 4 test. They felt that they were competent in their English writing ability and had little need of improvement. A project for the writing class,based on discussion with the students,was carried out with an intention of putting what they had known into real English writing practice. The result was quite encouraging for both the teacher and the students.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate how sixth grade children planned, translated, and revised written narrative stories using a task reflecting current instructional and assessment practices. A modified version of the Hayes and Flower (1980) writing process model was used as the theoretical framework for the study. Two hundred one sixth-grade students participated in a three-day writing task. On the first day they generated ideas for their story, on the second day they produced a first draft, and on the third day they revised their draft to produce a final copy. Scores from each day’s writing were used as measured variables representing the latent variables of planning, translating, and revising. Confirmatory structural equation modeling results suggested that the latent variable of planning had a moderate relationship to translating and that translating had a stronger than expected relationship with revising. Significant paths between measured and latent variables demonstrated the relative contribution of skills towards the writing process. The approach used in this study highlighted the linear manner in which intermediate grade children write. Findings suggest that planning had a direct effect on translating, but no direct effect on revising. There was a strong relationship between translating and revising, suggesting few differences between students’ first and final drafts.  相似文献   

This study investigated the presence and growth of kindergarten children's metacognition as they engaged in the writing process. The study was conducted in an environment that surrounded children with books, language, and print. Twice a month the teacher/researcher interviewed the children as they finished writing, asking questions designed to help them reflect on their thinking and strategies they used in their writing. Anecdotal records, observations, and individual writing folders were used to complete a checklist of writing strategies for each child. Interviews with the children confirmed that they were exhibiting and showing growth in their metacognition. They were able to provide appropriate answers to questions that required them to talk about their thinking and identify strategies that helped them in their writing. The study provides a model that could be used in classrooms to help children in the development of their growing metacognition and writing in an authentic learning environment.  相似文献   

文章讨论了基于计算机语料库英语写作的理论基础,探讨了应用计算机语料库进行英语写作的教学模式,即建立写作教学数据平台和加强计算机语料库写作方法的教学。研究结果表明:应用语料库进行英语写作,可以提高学生写作的正确度和熟练度,培养学生的自主学习能力,促进学生写作能力的提高。  相似文献   

Over the past three decades early writing research has focused on the processes involved as children learn to write. There is now a powerful evidence base to show that children’s earliest discoveries about written language are learned through active engagement with their social and cultural worlds. In addition, the idea of writing development as an emergent process is well established. The study reported in this paper adopted case study methodology combined with an age-appropriate data collection technique in order to explore children’s perceptions of themselves as writers. A focused task using a hand puppet called Baby Bear was used to elicit children’s perceptions. The children’s parents were interviewed to elicit their perceptions of their children as writers. This small-scale exploratory study found that the children had clear perceptions about themselves as writers. There were important links between parents’ perceptions of their children as writers and the ethos for writing they created in the home. It was found that, overall, more positive parental perceptions were linked with more attention to the meaning of children’s writing. It is concluded that early years settings could usefully identify and compare children’s and parents’ perceptions of writing in order to enhance children’s writing development.  相似文献   

为检验二语学习者写作中的句法复杂性是否随二语水平的提高而变化,系统分析120篇英语论说文中的句法特征。研究发现:写作单位的长度和频数与学期水平密切相关;非英语专业大学生同样经历着从并列句到子句的过渡;句子类型使用上,简单句使用过多。句法复杂性与作文质量显著正相关,对写作教学和作文评分具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

东汉文风典雅,主要表现为三个特征:一是根据儒家经义立意;二是行文博采经典文辞,语言排偶化;三是意态雍容,表达含蓄。西汉文学本有典雅趋势,东汉文学则将“典雅”发展到了极致。这是因为,中国文学向来有崇雅传统,更重要的是东汉朝廷大力提倡儒学,文学对经学的认同感愈益增强,文士创作不像后世文学重在抒发个人情志,而是多出于经世致用的政治目的。  相似文献   

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