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知识经济对我国企业经营管理的影响是多方位的,我国企业应正确面对知识经济,利用知识经济,采取各种措施提高利用知识经济的能力,使之带来经济效益,本对此进行了浅析。并希望在这方面对企业经营管理起到一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

高松 《华章》2007,(8):7
随着科学技术的飞速发展,人类已经步入知识经济时代.面对知识经济的挑战,企业必须做出对策.本文从几个方面论述了知识经济时代企业应有的对策,特别提出了注重培育、增强企业的核心能力,勇于放弃暂时利润,以及企业要重视信息、中介机构的利用,变资产运营为资本运营的观点.  相似文献   

面对知识经济的到来,面对市场经济无情的竞争,面对我国加入WTO后国外实力雄厚的大财团的冲击,如何提高企业的经济实力,增强企业的竞争力?当务之急就是要──  相似文献   

21世纪人类将进入知识经济时代。知识经济时代给每个人、每个企业、每个国家创造了发展的大好机遇,同时也带来了严峻的挑战。面对知识经济,我国高等教育如何改革和创新是个时代课题。1知识经济及其特征知识经济是相对于以物质投入为基础的物质经济而言的,是以知识为...  相似文献   

知识经济是以知识和信息的生产、分配和使用为基础,以创造性人力资源为烘托,以高科技产业及智业为支柱的经济。面对知识经济的挑战,我国经济发展水平尚处在工业化进程中,所以进行企业制度创新迫在眉睫。我国企业制度创新主要围绕产权明晰、政企分开、权责明确、管理科学展开。  相似文献   

新世纪到来之初 ,知识经济已初见端倪。我国知识经济的发展水平在整体上比知识经济发达的美国要落后四十年左右 ,但它离我们也不远了。不久前 ,中国研究人员根据自行设计的指标体系进行研究指出 :我国目前正处在知识经济的萌芽阶段。我国政府、科技界、教育界正注视着知识经济时代到来提出的挑战。那么 ,学校德育工作面对即将到来的知识经济应作如何回应 ?面对知识经济德育工作者如何正确认识自己担负的历史责任 ?面对以创新为核心的知识经济如何有效地开展德育工作等等 ,都是我们急待研究探讨的问题。一、知识经济的人力资源新观念 ,增强了…  相似文献   

知识经济正在改变流通领域的经济行为,对我国流通领域产生深远影响.与国外先进的知识性流通产业相比,我国流通领域的现状不容乐观.面对知识经济时代,我国流通领域的对策是培育大型流通企业集团,走规模化道路;加大科技投入,采用先进的管理方法和管理手段,发展科技型物流业;重视人力资源的开发和利用.  相似文献   

本文通过对知识经济和市场营销环境变化趋势的分析,论证了知识经济条件下的营销创新与企业可持续发展的关系,并以企业可持续发展为目标,系统地探讨了企业应当如何面对知识经济的挑战,有效地开展营销创新的问题。  相似文献   

自1970年代以来,人类开始步入以知识的生产、分配、使用(消费)为最重要因素的经济时代。在知识经济中,知识含义的改变,导致了企业组织结构的调整和内在工作方式的改变。企业对员工素质及人员队伍的需求改变了,企业的人才培养模式迫切需要创新。改革开放20年来,我国企业人才培养形成了“补偿性”和“岗位适应性”两大教育模式。在面对知识经济的挑战时,我国企业需要建立“发展性”人才培养的新模式。  相似文献   

目前,劳动密集型经济不适合国家长远发展,面对全球化,多数中国民营企业开始调整战略,以适应中国初具规模的知识经济,但是在理解我国知识经济和人才发展方面依然存在诸多问题。在知识经济条件下,民营企业人才发展需要及时调整,建立人本管理,了解人才质量管理体系,转变传统知识理念,运用全球化思维,拓展学习型组织,促进企业内部知识转化为价值。  相似文献   

关于心理生活基本性质和内涵的理解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人的心理生活是人的现实生活的重要构成。理解心理生活的性质和内涵,必须考虑如下几个方面。一是人性与心理生活。心理生活是人所拥有和创造的生活。二是自我与心理生活。这涉及到人格与自我,主我与客我,大我与小我。三是认知与心理生活。这包括认知的性质:对象的认知和生存的认知。四是意向与心理生活。意向决定了心理生活的一体性和自主性。五是观念与心理生活。人的心理生活是对意义的追求,意义的基本心理单元就是观念。六是体验与心理生活。心理体验是指感受、感悟、觉解、觉悟、思想、思念、体察、体会等。七是超越与心理生活。人的心理生活有价值的评判、有追求的目标和有超越的品性。八是创造与心理生活。人的心理有双重的创造功能,包括对外部生活世界和对自身心理行为的建构。  相似文献   

设计:科学技术与艺术的统一与整合   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
技术与艺术是紧密结合在一起的。不仅实用艺术与技术有着密不可分的关系,纯艺术与一定的技术也有着密不可分的联系,这种联系的历史与艺术的历史一样久远。技术发展到一定阶段时总是需要更高层次的艺术观念来引导和互助,这样才能使技术融入艺术之中。科学技术与艺术的结合是在不断发展的层面上开展和提升的。随着21世纪高科技的日益发展,两的结合表现得更加紧密,并走向新的整合。设计艺术将以艺术与科学的结合为己任,并以之为手段和工具来创造为人所用的一切产品,它能够克服两之间的不协调和矛盾,并将两有机地整合与统一。  相似文献   

Today, Sunday morning, I sit thinking and typing at my computer. My thoughts are in my homeland, India and my body is in China. The body is here and mind there for a good reason. Mr. Hu is president and I am resident and both are in each other's countries (what a difference the absence of one small letter makes!). Mr. Hu will return in a few days and I will stay on longer.  相似文献   

The inclusion of children with special educational needs into mainstream schools needs effort and cooperation by all those involved. Both educators and medical professions need to be skilled in identifying and supporting neurodiversity. This study explores the cross-professional understanding and support of four of the most prevalent neurodiversities: autism spectrum condition, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, developmental coordination disorder and dyslexia, to evaluate the efficiency of the diagnostic pathway and the subsequent support. Questionnaires were distributed throughout a number of training events for medical and educational practitioners asking what a condition was, and how it could be supported. Using a thematic analysis, data from 189 responses were examined and cross-referenced with diagnostic criteria, in addition to identifying the overarching themes of support. Results show a serious gap in awareness and knowledge of neurodiversity in both medical and educational sectors, followed by a cacophony of intervention, breaking the pathway for diagnosis before it begins and ultimately failing children and their families.  相似文献   

The teaching of science and technology in the final year of high school is examined in a new curriculum developed for the education system in Victoria, Australia. The traditional areas of Physics and Chemistry together with a technology related subject, Materials and Technology, are investigated The major curriculum link amongst these studies was the area of materials. In Chemistry this involved the nature of materials, the chemical basis for the production of metals and polymers, and the social consequences of waste disposal. Within Physics, the major involvement was the investigation of the structure and physical properties of materials through theory and practical investigation. The selection of materials, production of components and their testing were the major area involved with Materials and Technology. Although the area of materials related all three subjects enrollments were comparatively high for Physics and Chemistry but Materials and Technology had less than one tenth as much enrollment. Similarly, school providers were significantly lower for materials and technology. Materials and Technology is still considered a vocational subject compared with the science oriented subjects. When gender enrollments were considered, Chemistry had a similar number of females and males, Physics had twice as many males as females, and Materials and Technology had twice as many males as females. This appears to be a consequence of typical gender roles.  相似文献   

Direct and mediating effects of homework worry anxiety on homework effort and homework achievement and the differences in the structural relations among homework motivation constructs and homework achievement across mathematics and English homework were examined in 268 tenth graders in China. Homework motivation included task value, homework self-efficacy, homework worry anxiety, and motivation application. Homework accomplishments were rated by mathematics and English teachers. Homework value had positive effects on homework effort and worry anxiety in both subjects. Homework self-efficacy had positive and negative effects on homework effort and worry, respectively. Homework worry mediated the relation of homework value to effort and to achievement; the relation was more prominent in mathematics than in English homework. The mediating effects of worry anxiety in the relation of self-efficacy to homework effort and to achievement were significant only in mathematics. The domain specificity and direct and mediating effects were discussed in the cultural and educational context.  相似文献   

桂林市西村平话音系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西村平话在当地称为土谈、平话,是桂北平话的一种。突出特点是流摄与蟹摄混涉,鼻音韵尾脱落和前后鼻音错位,平去两声分阴阳,上入两声不分阴阳。同音字汇收字3700多个;  相似文献   

受传统考试文化、现代消费享乐文化的影响与侵蚀,劳动及其教育观念萎缩的趋势不减,而科技的发展又进一步解放和控制了人的身体,加剧了这种趋势与危机。这些问题的重要认识论根源是身心二元论,劳心者高于劳力者,且认为心的发展与身体无关。其实割裂的机械劳动训练与精神德育灌输,既违背儿童身心发展特征,又逆时代发展。未来,以纯粹体力劳动为生的职业将不复存在,但劳动并不会也不应该消失,它不仅是人类大脑和智力发展的基础活动,而且是学习和创造的重要方式,还将是人们生活和娱乐的一部分。因此,劳动教育也应该回归身心融合的本源,发展面向未来美好生活的具有创造性、娱乐性和综合性的劳动学习,开发适应时代发展和学生兴趣的创生性和融合性劳动课程,让学生的身体、心智与情感等"整全的人"参与到劳动学习与创造中,进而实现劳动意识与习惯以及相关知能意情的全面发展。  相似文献   

魏晋南北朝学士是一个以文翰之士为主的群体 ,这一群体实际上可以分为文人学士与官员学士两类。魏晋南北朝部分学士与秦汉待诏有类似之处。魏晋南北朝学士在此期经学、文献学、史学诸项学术活动中是—支重要力量。  相似文献   

装裱名词在各个时代具有不同的内涵和名称。装裱形制不断增加,不同形制的装裱部位又有所增减。因而。装裱名词在使用过程中存在着混乱、不统一的现象,体现着一定的时代色彩。此外还存在着著作人主观认识与选择的随意性。这些都有待辨析廓清,以便能够更好地理解与传承装裱文献与艺术遗产,服务于当代社会。  相似文献   

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