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教师定期流动会给社会、学校、教学等各方面带来巨大的影响.体育作为一项特殊的学科,能不能采取特殊的模式呢?在此之前,高中采取了选项教学,即流动学生而不流动教师,那么我们可不可以在初中采取集体备课后流动教师而不流动学生呢?本文具体阐述体育教师定期流动对学校初中教学的正面与负面的影响.  相似文献   

新一轮的体育课程教学改革中,有的人片面地夸大学生在学校体育中的作用,认为:学生就是"上帝";"学校体育应该一切以学生的主观意志为目标".因此也出现了一种贬低体育教师作用的倾向:把教师比喻成商店的导购员、售货员;把教师只当成学生学习的服务者和组织者;要淡化教师的主导作用;认为"现代教育技术可以取代体育教师的作用"等.论文在分析研究教师的概念、教师的地位与作用的基础上,提出了体育教师在新体育课程教学中的主要职责以及新体育课程改革对体育教师提出了新的更高的要求,对深化体育课程与教学改革具有深远的意义和作用.  相似文献   

涂皓 《教育》2013,(10):31
学校体育课程是国外青少年参加体育活动最主要的途径。由于整个国家和社会对学校体育的重视,国外的体育教师在也拥有着特殊的地位。从世界范围看,各国的体育专职教师、在学历水平、教学精神、职业规划以及专业发展等方面的水平都有待进一步提升。相对于西方国家学校数量众多的兼任体育教师,中国学校的体育专职教师队伍的数量与质量问题尤其显得突出。西方等国体育教师也曾遭遇过:体育教师职位减少;教师压力大,管理人员不重视体育课;预算和学生人数下降,容易受到家长教育委员会以及学生指责;各学科对时间的要求明显增加等问题。  相似文献   

王冰 《陕西教育》2010,(10):21-21
体育是学校教育的重要组成部分,越来越多的体育教师承担了班主任工作.逐渐成为学校教学与学生管理的重要角色。实践证明.体育教师在班务工作方面丝毫不逊色于其他教师.在许多方面还有着得天独厚的优势。  相似文献   

正新课程标准下的体育教学,是以促进学生身体、心理和社会适应能力整体健康水平的提高为目标。并充分注意到学生在身体条件、兴趣爱好和运动技能等方面的个体差异,让每个学生都能体验到学习和成功的乐趣,以满足学生自我发展的需要。作为一名新时期新形势下的农村中学体育教师,如何在传统的体育教学中走出来,以尽快地适应课程改革的需要,本人结合自己的实践,谈谈新形势下的体育教师。《中国教育改革和发展纲要》中指出":振兴民族的希望在教育,振兴教育的希望在教师。"体育教师作为我国教师的重要组成部分,也承担着振兴民族、振兴教育的希望。提高体育教师基本素质有利于提高整个学校体育工作,有利于推进教育的发展。体育教师是学校体育教学工作的生力军,是体育教学的主导者,是课内外活  相似文献   

自2002年国家颁布实施《普通高等学校体育教学指导纲要》以来,我国高校体育教学改革进入了一个崭新阶段,学校体育由重技术向重兴趣、重生活、重发展转变,而体育教师在学生时代所学的知识体系已经不能满足现代体育教学的需要,从适应学校体育发展的角度审视教师的职后教育,应当在教师心理、教师法律保护意识、教学内容拓展及教学方法改进等方面进行行之有效的提升,以适应现代社会对人才综合素质培养的要求.  相似文献   

一、体育教师要不断学习,提高自身综合素质 体育教师是学校体育活动的组织者,对学生素质的发展起主导作用.素质教育的发展方向对学校体育提出的要求,就是对体育教师的要求,无论是体育教育观念的更新,还是体育教学内容、教学方法的改革,都取决于教师的素质.  相似文献   

当前在小学各科教师中,体育教师的缺额最多。分析原因主要是对体育教师的要求不够明确。人们往往一提体育教师就是“会打球”或“跑得快”。因此,没有特殊技能的人就当不了体育教师。此外,由于有一部分体育学校、体育师范班毕业的学生,只重视运动水平的提高,不重视文化课和教育工作能力的培养,这些毕业生分配到小学不受欢迎。我们国家绝大部分小学分布在农村,几十个学生就是一所学校,只有一位或两位教师,不可能单独聘请一位体育专职教师。如何解决小学体育教师的来源问题,  相似文献   

本文主要以河北省高校体育教师作为研究对象,通过对影响教师工作满意度的学校教学条件、领导及管理、自我实现与发展等因素分别展开了调查分析,进而了解我省高校体育教师对工作的满意度情况,以期对提高河北省高校体育教学工作,改善学校管理水平,更大限度调动体育教师的工作积极性,提供参考价值.  相似文献   

“振兴民族的希望在教育,振兴教育的希望在教师”,体育教学质量的高低,固然与教学管理、制度、学生来源、体育场地器材等多种因素有关,但最直接最主要的因素还在教师。可以说,体育教师教学积极性的高低,直接影响着体育教学工作的效果和质量。因此,如何调动体育教师的积极性,以求得体育教师教学工作效能的最佳发挥,是学校体育管理者应该经常思考的问题。  相似文献   

A major theme of Vygotsky’s research in the latter part of his life was the theme of concept formation or conceptual development in child development. He argued that the acquisition of mature scientific (academic) concepts forms the crowning achievement of adolescsence. Mature conceptual thinking positively influences the cognitive domain but also the aesthetic reactions and emotions. Conversely, the breakdown of conceptual thinking in pathology will lead to severe intellectual impairment but also to emotional dullness etc. In this paper it is claimed that this view is highly interesting but a number of criticisms are raised. Specifically, it is argued that (1) the resulting view is overly rationalistic; (2) the notion of scientific concepts seems to imply a somewhat static view of science; and (3) Vygotsky was perhaps too optimistic about the possibility of transfer of scientific (conceptual) thinking to other domains.  相似文献   

This work is concerned with developmental changes in the structure of classifications. The central claim is that young children's undifferentiated perceptions of complex stimuli are highly structured by wholistic similarity whereas older children's perceptions are structured by component dimensions. It is shown in 2 experiments that young children systematically and spontaneously generalize a category if it is well organized by overall similarity but not if it is organized by a criterial dimension. Older children, on the other hand, spontaneously apprehend and extend a category by its dimensional structure. The third experiment was designed to test the hypothesis that criterial property categories are preferred in classification tasks requiring the explicit discovery of a general rule. It was found that younger children's attention to the dimensional relations within a category increases under rule-discovery instructions, although they still have difficulty ignoring wholistic similarity relations. The trend from similarity to dimensional classification is discussed in the context of Piagetian classification tasks and family-resemblance accounts of natural categories.  相似文献   

介绍英国教育制度和校本课程开发概况,选取曼纳帕克学校作为个案研究的对象,分析校本课程开发的意义、实施方法、经验和教训.  相似文献   

论述巫术的起源和发展 ,从远古的原始社会的巫术讲起 ,一直讲到当代西方和中国的巫术 (包括算命、招魂术、预言诗等等 )。在重点分析巫术与科学的关系时 ,指出某些科学 (甚至艺术 )起源于巫术。但也指出现代的巫术与现代科学的根本区别。  相似文献   


A Place for Everyone: A History of State Education from the End of the Eighteenth Century to the 1970s. By Nigel Middleton and Sophia Weitzman. Pp. 506. London: Victor Gollanc2 Ltd., 1976. £7.50.

Education in Tudor and Stuart England. By David Cressy. Pp. ix, 141. Documents of Modern History Series, Edited by A. G. Dickens and Alan Davies. London: Edward Arnold, 1975. £5.95; paperback edition £2.95.

Population Growth and Educational Planning in Developing Nations. By Gavin Jones. Pp. xiv, 238. New York: Irvington Publishers Inc. (distributed by John Wiley &; Sons, Chichester), 1975. £9.20.

Education and Development in the Third World. By Richard D'Aeth. Pp. 127. Farnborough: Saxon House Studies, D. C. Heath Ltd., 1975. £4.50.

The Highest Education: A Study of Graduate Education in Britain. By Ernest Rudd in association with Renate Simpson. Pp. 198. London and Boston: Routledge &; Kegan Paul, 1975 (Direct Edition). £3.90.

The Intelligence of Feeling. By R. W. Witkin. Pp. xiv, 198. London: Heine‐mann Educational Books Ltd. 1974. £3.75.

The Philosophy of Open Education. Edited by David Nyberg. Pp. xiii, 213. London: Routledge &; Kegan Paul, 1975. £5–75.

The Gifted Child. By Cyril Burt, Pp. vii, 214. London: Hodder &; Stoughton, 1975. £2.60.

Geography in Education. By N. Graves. Pp. viii, 232. London: Heinemann (Education Books Ltd.), 1975. Paper £2.25, Cased £5–50.  相似文献   

美国职业教育发展的特点和启示   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
本文对美国职业教育的发展划分为制度的确立、迅速发展、出现新趋势三个阶段;阐述了美国在以立法促进职业教育发展的方针下,职业教育经历的职教之分、职教之合的过程,形成涵盖学校社区的大职教环境;分析了美国职业教育注重立法、灵活多变、讲求实效、与普教融合等特点,并提出了两点启示.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationships between neonatal sleep respiratory instability and infant development. A group of 122 full-term healthy infants was observed during a nap within the first and fourth weeks of life. During each nap, a continuous polygraphic recording was obtained of respiratory activity and extraocular movements. The relative frequency and average duration of apneic pauses (greater than or equal to 2 sec) in each testing session for an infant were employed to calculate a measure of respiratory instability (PSA4) previously found to be related to the occurrence of prolonged sleep apnea. 28 of the infants in this study were maintained at home on apnea monitors. The Bayley Scales of Infant Development were administered to each infant at approximately 9 months of age. Comparisons of infants with high versus low PSA4 values and of monitored versus unmonitored infants were not strongly distorted by imbalances in birth weight, sex, race, birth order, method of feeding, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) sibship, parental education, age at developmental assessment, and developmental tester. Those with increased respiratory instability (PSA4 greater than or equal to -0.04) within the first week of life averaged significantly lower in mental and psychomotor development. Utilization of home apnea monitors was not significantly associated with developmental scores.  相似文献   

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