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对外汉语作为一门新兴学科,因其涉及诸多相关学科而具有多学科交叉的特点,又因为其教学对象及工作环境特殊,而具有涉外专业和特种师范专业的特点,这就给对外汉语课程设置带来了全新的课题。  相似文献   

对外汉语教学和教学艺术论均为新兴的发展中的年轻学科,与二者密切相关的对外汉语教学艺术的研究尚十分薄弱,仅见一些零散的、经验式的、个别的论述。本文针对对外汉语教学这一学科的自身特点,就构建对外汉语教学艺术体系的基本前提和意义、对外汉语教学艺术的含义及特点以及对外汉语教学艺术的基本框架等问题进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

对外汉语教学和教学艺术论均为新兴的发展中的年轻学科,与二密切相关的对外汉语教学艺术的研究尚十分薄弱,仅见一些零散的、经验式的、个别的论述。本针对对外汉语教学这一学科的自身特点,就构建对外汉语教学艺术体系的基本前提和意义、对外汉语教学艺术的含义及特点以及对外汉语教学艺术的基本框架等问题进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

认知语言学广泛吸收与心理学、神经科学、哲学等学科密切相关的认知科学的研究成果及分析方法,来解释语言结构形成的基础或动因。它从一个全新的视角来观察语言现象,对语言的分析和解释具有普遍性和说服力。本文从象似性的角度研究语言现象,并与汉语教学相结合,研究象似性与对外汉语教学的联系,以期对对外汉语教学有一定的帮助。  相似文献   

郭智辉 《现代语文》2007,(12):92-94
一、"现代汉语"在学科中的定位 "对外汉语专业"是专门为培养对外汉语教学者、科研人才而设置的一个全新的专业.第一个专业点于1981年在北京语言学院设立,在设立之初属于国家控制专业.到2000年,由于对外汉语教学师资需求的急剧增加,国家放宽了对此专业的限制.据统计,至2004年全国已有63所院校设置了这一专业,而且,数量还在逐年增加--不论是在大陆,还是在港澳台地区.  相似文献   

对外汉语教学是一门新型学科,搞好学科理论建设是该学科发展的核心.本文概述了目前对外汉语教学学科理论研究方面的热点问题.对外汉语是一门实践性,应用性很强的专业,如何在专业建设中凸显专业特色,以适应社会的需要,是亟待解决的问题.  相似文献   

大部分高校对外汉语教学师资队伍中专业教师比例偏低、对外汉语教学质量普遍不高已经成为对外汉语教育发展的障碍与瓶颈.深刻反思对外汉语教学学科设立认知上的动因、定位以及课堂教学基本内容上的误区,是解决对外汉语教学瓶颈问题的基本途径.  相似文献   

对外汉语教学,作为一门专门学科,已从外来型、经验型中摆脱出来,形成了较为完整的学科理论。理论研究在对外汉语教学中的地位越来越突出,对外汉语教学的研究目标,对象、范围、方法越来越明确。这些年来,对外汉语教学和研究,在语音、汉字、词汇、语法方面积累了丰富的经验,取得了不少成果。如教材编写、课堂教学、课外  相似文献   

从翻译的“文化转向”看对外汉语教学的文化自觉   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对外汉语教学作为第二语言教学,与第一语言的教学过程最大的不同,就在于第二语言教学和学习需要进行跨文化与跨语际的交流。这一特点决定了对外汉语教学是一种"翻译"实践。近年来翻译学科的"文化转向"尤其是有关"翻译政治"的讨论,势必对对外汉语学科的自我认同与自我理解产生重要的启示。能否在对外汉语教学中形成一种文化自觉,将对外汉语教学理解为一种重要的文化传播手段,已成为决定对外汉语教学——汉语国际推广成败的关键。  相似文献   

新中国成立以后,国家外交政策催生了对外汉语教学这个全新的学科。在事业开创时期,尽管其在课程设置上还不够成熟,但是依然取得了很大的成绩,为国家做出了巨大的贡献,为学科以后的发展打下了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

英语教师在教学中会遇到文化上的困惑和矛盾 ,冲击困惑、破解矛盾可以从审察几种不同文化的不同态度入手 ,进而确立对不同文化应持的态度  相似文献   

"国际汉语教师教育者"有别于一般师范教育者,要在中华民族重视师德的师范教育基础上,进一步强调这类教育者应当具备世界各民族教育文化多元的意识。加强国际汉语教师教育者国际视野的培养,有助于汉语二语教学在转型中获得中外对比在教育、语言与文化领域的营养补充,改变目前"汉语国际教育"学历教育与国际汉语教师赴外培训"双轨并行"的态势。提升国际汉语教师教育者的国际视野将有助于中国的教育改革引领世界潮流。在人类命运共同体构建的前景下,具备国际视野应是未来教师教育者共同努力的方向。  相似文献   


Teaching Chinese to second language learners is a challenge for preschool teachers in Hong Kong so effective teacher professional development programmes are urgently needed to enhance their knowledge and skills. An Integrative Model Teacher Professional Development Programme which incorporates three theoretical underpinnings (i.e., culturally responsive teaching, meaningful and pleasurable learning, and effective teaching of Chinese as a second language) is designed to equip preschool teachers with knowledge, skills, and awareness in teaching Chinese to ethnic minority students. Through qualitative interviews with 15 in-service preschool teachers who joined the Programme, teachers’ perceptions and changes in three theoretical areas of teaching Chinese to ethnic minority students were explored. Particularly, teachers increased their awareness of ethnic minority cultures, developed empathy with ethnic minority children and their families, gained knowledge of implementing culturally responsive teaching and meaningful and pleasurable learning of Chinese. The role of teacher sharing in effective professional development was highlighted.  相似文献   

文章重点探讨外籍教师和中国学生在教与学两方面的风格差异不协调的原因。通过对乌鲁木齐职业大学外国语学院和新疆教育学院外国语分院的外籍教师和中国学生的教学和学习的调查和分析得知,外籍教师与中国学生不同的文化和价值观是引发两者不协调的原因。  相似文献   

Due to the spread of TCFL(Teaching Chinese as Foreign Language),more foreign students starting to learn Chinese domestically or aboard.And TCFL teachers face various students from so many different countries,so it is important for both teachers and students to realize cultural difference during teaching.Both sides need to develop cultural awareness and have the abilities to accept and learn each other's cultures.  相似文献   

This study explores the lived experiences of Chinese teachers in American Chinese Schools. Max van Manen’s methodology for hermeneutic phenomenological research provides a framework for the study, and the philosophical writings of Heidegger, Gadamer, and Derrida guide the textual interpretations. Pedagogical voices of Aoki, Pinar, and Greene, and cultural journeys of Hongyu Wang and Xin Li reveal possibilities for understanding the experiences of Chinese teachers, as the question is addressed: “What is the meaning of teaching Chinese in American Chinese Schools?” Ten Chinese teachers engaged in a series of open-ended conversations. The conversations illuminate the experience of Confucian teaching meeting American pedagogies around two main themes. First, in following the metaphor of Chinese knotwork, the teachers speak of their struggles and challenges between Chinese Confucian and American pedagogies, reflect on splitting and splicing the knots through changing and adjusting their method of Confucian teaching. Second, they tell of the experiences of building bridges in a third space through dialogically connecting the different cultures and pedagogies in order to seek the appropriate way of teaching and learning Chinese well in American Chinese Schools.  相似文献   

中国空前的改革开放力度,使中国的英语教学领域也因中国社会的飞速发展正在发生着巨大的变化。大批外籍教师在中国英语教学中的参与,给中国的英语教学带来了许多英语及其承载的多姿多彩的英语化。这种英语化的多元性在当今的英语教学中,与中国传统化,包括中国传统的英语教学化既发生冲突,又相互适应。外籍教师与中国本土教师分别为不同化的生物,为不同的化所塑造。在英语教学中,看到中外教师的各自优势,认识到中外教师在教学中搭配的必要性与合理性,是一个十分重要的问题。在这种搭配合作中,一些值得注意的问题不可小视。  相似文献   

The legitimate forms of knowledge recognised for language teachers in Chinese universities are differentiated by strong academic boundaries, subject only to disciplinary authority and fashion. Classroom practice on the whole tends not to be informed by research. For many language teachers, a disconnect exists between the academic discipline in which they are situated and the knowledge they apply in the language classroom. The ethnographic study addresses this disconnection. It is based on 3 years of fieldwork, which investigated a case of disciplinary innovation in the English language department of a Chinese university. Two aspects of teacher learning are investigated, namely institutional boundary practice as discursive space for learning and the learning experience of individual teachers within that space. The study reveals that boundary practice can be a source of transformative energy in developing learning cultures within which individuals may experience a process of identity integration.  相似文献   

This case study contributes to counterpoints made to world culture theory and underscores that at the micro, classroom-level, rural Chinese teachers in a reform-oriented professional development course, and reform-oriented U.S. teacher trainers, understand educational reform, and the realities of education in these two cultures, very differently. This study examines interviews conducted with U.S. teachers of English who taught the Oral English Training Course (OETC), a professional development course for rural Chinese teachers of English in Jiangxi province from 2007 to 2013. These teachers reveal how their own understandings and assumptions around teaching and learning shape what and how they teach, and how they evaluate the work of others. This study explains that included in the literal baggage of these foreign teachers teaching in China, is their figurative baggage, which includes their own cultural lens. The thrust of this study lies in uncovering the ideologies, assumptions, and educative constructs of foreign teachers, how these may be perceived by the Chinese teachers that they teach, and how all of this is steeped in the realities in education and the individual experiences of local actors. This study ends with recommendations for collaboration between foreign teachers of English in China, and their students, particularly Chinese teachers of English in China.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceptions of pre-service teachers in the United States and China about ethics of classroom assessment practices. To investigate pre-service teachers’ perceptions, we developed 36 scenarios that described teachers’ actions or thoughts related to ethics and assessment practices. Participants were 173 pre-service teachers in the U.S. and 174 pre-service teachers in China. Overall, the perceptions of Chinese and American respondents were divided within countries on different scenarios. In addition, chi-square analyses contrasting Chinese responses with American responses indicated that the pre-service teachers had statistically significant differences in their opinions on 22 out of 36 scenarios, but only 13 had practical significance (effect size  .3). Chinese and American pre-service teachers had similar perceptions on 14 scenarios. In some instances, respondents’ perceptions of the ethics of assessment practices depicted in the scenarios did not agree with the literature on classroom assessment. The findings offer insights for developing ethical guidelines in classroom assessment in both cultures. In addition, we recommend that cultural issues as related to ethics should be included in assessment courses for pre-service teachers.  相似文献   

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