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目前独立学院凭借灵活的办学机制和母体学校优良的教育教学资源,越来越受到大众的青睐;以市场为导向、以特色谋发展,为社会培养急需的应用型人才,是独立学院人才培养的定位;注重基础、强化能力、突出专长、提高素质,这些都是人才培养的目标.  相似文献   

The present research sought to determine if primary school students differentiate between classes that are challenging and those that are difficult, and how these distinctions relate to their motivation and achievement. Results indicated that there are three types of challenges/difficulties. Challenging classes are those that are demanding of the students but within their ability, are important and are tied to interests; students in these classes are more likely to adopt mastery goal orientations. Purely difficult classes are not valued, require a lot of effort, but are threatening to students’ efficacy. Classes that are difficult compared to others are those that are more demanding for the student than other students or other classes. These classes are not valued and are also seen as a threat to efficacy. Both purely difficult and difficult compared to others classes were negatively related to achievement, and students in these classes are more likely to adopt performance avoidance goal orientations.  相似文献   

刘爽 《成人教育》2014,(7):90-92
近年来,关于教师的负面新闻层出不穷,教师失范行为频频曝光,教师被害事件震慑人心。教师被推向舆论的风口浪尖,遭到舆论和大众的过多责难,其艰难的境地却鲜有人关注。教师陷入前所未有的尴尬境地:地位下降,形象被贬损,尊严扫地,权益遭受侵害。导致教师处境艰难的原因有很多,现从师生关系的角度进行探析,以期在此基础上寻找到走出困境的出路,从而使他们以更大的精力和热情投入到教育事业中。  相似文献   

Teachers are caught in a tug of war between what they are supposed to be and who they are trying to become. The teaching subject, striving to be recognisable, is socially constructed and discursively constituted through ongoing relations with power – an identity essentially determined in advance. What is it to live – to become, as teacher – in this space? It is in this theoretical context in which this research is situated; acknowledging the discursive construction of the teaching subject in order to consider who teachers are, who they are allowed to be, and who they are allowed to become. Drawing on an empirical example, I will explore the post-structural theories of subjection and psychoanalytic perspectives of the psyche in order to illustrate and conceptualise the struggle in being and becoming a teacher.  相似文献   

探讨在中国电影发展的百年历程中,剧本成为瓶颈的原因,认为主要是缺少优秀剧本、创作队伍不能适应新时期电影事业发展的需要、电影剧本题材范围狭小、禁忌太多、内容缺乏真实的沉淀力量、思想肤浅、缺乏令人思索的深度、热衷于自然主义的描写和急功近利的心态导致粗制滥造。等等。并针对这些问题提出了解决方法,以期有利于中国电影的健康发展。  相似文献   

渝东南与鄂西北民歌有许多相似处,这与其山川地理及人文有紧密的关联。巴楚之南与巴楚之北各处四省交界处,其间千山万水阻隔,距离遥远,但民歌中相同或相近的句式、方位、神秘葬俗所包含的巫术与宗教意蕴相同或相近,风水龙脉观念与人们头脑中的吉凶祸福观念紧密相关。二地同受巴楚文化浸润和渗透,民众思想、感情、思维、生活、风俗习惯等相融,有许多因子在其中遗传和更新,陕豫川鄂、湘鄂渝黔或陕豫川湘鄂渝黔七省联合开发、保护自然和人文资源,避免人为的、地区割裂所带来的文化缺失、旅游和经济等方面的损失。  相似文献   

Due to the fact that the outcomes of education for most school leavers who are deaf in Northern Ireland are weak literacy skills and below average reading ages, a study was undertaken to investigate this situation. The views and experiences of teachers of children who are deaf, and of young people who are deaf in Northern Ireland, where oral and total communication forms of instruction are employed in their education were compared with those of Sweden where a sign bilingual is used in education, in the context of current policy and practice. The aim of the study was to find out if there are elements of Swedish policy and practice that could help resolve the situation for Northern Irish learners who are deaf. A qualitative approach was adopted via interviews with teachers of deaf and young people who were deaf in both countries. Findings are reported in relation to policy and practice in education, attitudes to deafness, status of sign language and other factors.  相似文献   

少数民族女童低学业成就的归因分析与对策   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
国务院人口普查办公室1990年全国10%人口抽样调查资料表明,在全国三百多万6—14岁不在校人口中,西部地区就占了1/3强,其中56.96%的人口是女性,即在西部地区有65万多6—14岁的女童因为各种原因应该在校读书而没有在校。能否加快西部12省(区、直辖市)“普九”的步伐,有效解决西部地区少数民族女童教育问题,成为落实“两基”目标的重中之重。  相似文献   

At a time when organizations are being structured to decrease interaction between organizational representatives and key public members, the findings from the current investigation suggest that organization‐public relationships play a role in influencing the behavioral intent of key public members. Specifically, key public members who identify themselves as in a relationship with an organization are more likely to intend to stay with that organization in the face of competition. Because self‐identification of being in a relationship with an organization can influence intended behavior, the investigation also sought to determine those relationship variables that best differentiate those who indicate they are in a relationship with the organization from those who feel they are not or are uncertain. Suggestions fin‐managing organization‐public relationships grounded in interpersonal communication strategies are provided, and arguments for measuring key public member relationship attitudes, evaluations, and intended behaviors are presented.  相似文献   

关于当前大学生喜欢阅读哪类课外书的调查研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
无论大学生喜欢阅读的课外书还是大学生不喜欢阅读的课外书,均呈现出高度多样化的状态。尽管从总体上看喜欢文学类书籍的人数远多于不喜欢文学类书籍的人数,并且,喜欢文学类书籍的比例也高于喜欢非文学类书籍的比例;但是,除层次较高的大学中文专业学生外,其他大学生喜欢经典高雅文学的比例低于喜欢流行通俗文学的比例,也低于喜欢非文学类书籍的比例,并且,层次越低、专业离得越远,其比例就越低。之所以有许多大学生不喜欢经典高雅文学,主要是因为这部分文学枯燥难懂。有意思的是,在各个种类书籍中,只有最抽象难懂的哲学超过了经典高雅文学的“枯燥难懂”比例,也只有科普读物接近于经典高雅文学的“枯燥难懂”比例。大学里的课外阅读教育工作还存在着一些必须尽快解决好的问题。  相似文献   

可以用归化和异化的方法和策略对语言层面的翻译和文化层面的翻译进行有效的处理。在一种民族语言尚未成熟时,侧重语言形式的异化和文化因素的归化,并以语言形式的归化和文化因素的异化为辅;而当民族语言走向成熟时,则应侧重文化因素的异化和语言形式的归化。同时以文化因素的归化和语言形式的异化为辅。两个层面的归化和异化应该是相辅相成的。另外,应该尽量避免两个层面的归化和异化过度。  相似文献   

Sex and Race Differences in Faculty Tenure and Promotion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Data from the 1993 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty are used to explore sources of the lower representation of women and minorities among tenured than tenure track faculty and among full professors than lower ranking faculty. A 2-step approach is used. First, differences in the probability of being tenured rather than on a tenure track are explored. Then, differences in the probability of holding the rank of full professor among faculty who are tenured are examined. Logistic regression analyses are used to isolate the effects of sex and race on the dependent variables after controlling for human capital, productivity, and structural characteristics. For both tenure and promotion to full professor, separate analyses are conducted for women and men in order to explore sex differences in the tenure and promotion processes. All analyses are conducted separately for full-time faculty working at public 2-year institutions and full-time faculty working at 4-year institutions.  相似文献   

This paper shows the planning, the teaching activities and the evaluation of the learning and teaching process implemented in the Chemical Process Design course at the University of Cantabria, Spain. Educational methods to address the knowledge, skills and attitudes that students who complete the course are expected to acquire are proposed and discussed. Undergraduate and graduate engineers' perceptions of the methodology used are evaluated by means of a questionnaire. Results of the teaching activities and the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed case study are discussed in relation to the course characteristics. The findings of the empirical evaluation shows that the excessive time students had to dedicate to the case study project and dealing with limited information are the most negative aspects obtained, whereas an increase in the students' self-confidence and the practical application of the methodology are the most positive aspects. Finally, improvements are discussed in order to extend the application of the methodology to other courses offered as part of the chemical engineering degree.  相似文献   

汉语和印尼语分属不同语系,修饰语的句位分布差异明显,汉语遵循定语前置律,印尼语遵循定语后置律.汉语中定语可分为限制性定语和描写性定语两类.多项定语之间有着稳定有序的句位分布,其中限制性定语一般出现在描写性定语前面.印尼语中单纯由限制性定语或描写性定语组成的多项定语,其句位分布与汉语中的表述呈反向对应,由限制性定语和描写性定语同时修饰核心名词时,并不完全与汉语反向对应分布,而是各自按习惯位置交叉分布.  相似文献   

对许多发展中国家而言 ,政府在扩展高等教育时常常面临很大的财政困难。结果 ,高等教育的入学机会常常规限于较低的水平 ,许多愿意承担一定成本的个体则被排斥在高等学校之外。本文应用局部均衡分析模型证明了成本回收是调动私人资源扩展高等教育进而缓解这种状况的有效方法  相似文献   

国培计划是一种新式教师培训模式.西部英语教师置换培训模式存在的缺陷:忽略教师自我专业发展所需的指导;培训内容脱离现实需求;教学专家缺乏相关培训和研究;培训方式缺乏创新;忽视农村英语基础教育实际.教师置换培训模式的有效建构策略有:创新培训的方式;设置有针对性的培训课程;突出农村中小学英语教师培训的特征;加强对指导教师和专家的培训.  相似文献   

基于近三十年来铜仁学院生物科学与化学系对梵净山国家自然保护区爬行动物资源的调查,本文报道了该保护区现已记录爬行类隶属2目3亚目10科28属43种,占贵州省爬行类种数的40.19%,其中发现2个梵净山国家自然保护区爬行类新纪录,即黑线乌梢蛇和四川攀蜥。其动物区系组成以38种东洋界种类为主,并以22种东洋界华中区与华南区共有种占明显优势。保护区内43种爬行类均属“国家保护的有益的或者有重要经济、科学研究价值的陆生野生动物”;14种被列入“中国濒危动物红皮书”;有2种被列入CITES附录Ⅱ,1种被列入CITES附录Ⅲ;有3种为优势种,5种为常见种,其余35种为稀少种。结合该区实际和爬行动物资源状况,提出了该区爬行动物资源的威胁因素和保护建议。  相似文献   

数是数学符号和观念的合集,除了用来计算,表示字面意义之外,更多表达了文化内涵.塞尔的隐喻意义理论区分了语言中的字词意义和说话者所表达的意义,前者被成为字面意义,后者为隐喻意义.要正确理解汉英数字字面意义之外的隐喻意义,关键是了解数字中所蕴含的文化内涵.文章从对塞尔的隐喻理论观出发,基于数字的哲学内涵,对英汉数字的隐喻意义进行了对比分析.  相似文献   

本文对高等数学教材与教法进行了探索与改进 ,注重直觉思维 ,帮助、启发学生理解 ,改进了教材的一些繁琐证明 ,并且总结出一套属于自己的思想方法和解题思路用于教学 ,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

桥联配合物是从化学键的角度通过桥配体结合起来的化合物.多核配合物是从原子数目上讲含有多个金属原子的化合物,从概念上讲二者略有不同,不能将他们混为一谈.文章讨论了二者的联系与区别,提出了桥联配合物的定义、命名,并研究了主族元素桥联配合物的结构与功能和在周期表中形成的倾向性。  相似文献   

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