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The author briefly describes the activity of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation in support of asynchronous learning networks (ALNs) in universities, an activity that goes back to 1992. These networks can provide the essentials of the traditional learning experience electronically, delivering the same ultimate result at roughly the same cost as traditional classroom delivery. However, asynchronous learning networks can assemble a diversity of students and teaching staffs and offer a flexibility of delivery and of outreach that permit a vast extension of educational possibilities.  相似文献   

This article applies the concept of classroom community to asynchronous learning networks (ALNs) by taking on the issue of how best to design and implement a course that fosters community among learners who are physically separated from each other. The following factors that can influence sense of community among distant learners are examined: student–instructor ratio, transactional distance, social presence and instructor immediacy, lurking, social equality, collaborative learning, group facilitation, and self-directed learning.  相似文献   

Research on asynchronous learning networks (ALNs) has indicated that there are problems with both the quantity and quality of online interactions that can undermine the aim of inquiry. The goal of this paper is to offer a new way of thinking about these problems in the context of knowledge building, a specific form of collaborative inquiry supported by an ALN. Drawing from interviews with teachers following two teacher education courses that introduced teachers to knowledge building, it is argued that we need to rethink the role and purpose of online work in ALNs—as building a communal learning resource. A framework for doing this is proposed in terms of three notions: collaboration, learning how to learn and idea improvement. The framework is expected to contribute to the literature on knowledge building by providing a new way to distinguish knowledge building from other forms of collaborative inquiry.  相似文献   

基于社会性和探究社区理论框架,通过多元回归分析、结构方程模型等数据分析方法,本文探索了社会性、临场感与在线学习满意度之间的关系机制。研究发现,在线教学的社会性能够促进学生的教学临场感、社会临场感和认知临场感,而这三大临场感又能够显著提升学生的在线学习满意度;社会性与在线学习满意度之间存在链式中介效应,即社会性能通过促进教学临场感,进而促进学生的社会临场感,而社会临场感又能够促进学生的认知临场感,最终促进学生的在线学习满意度。研究结果有助于理解社会性学习环境对在线教学效果的影响机制,有助于广大教师开展更高质量的在线教学活动。  相似文献   

基于CAS环境下的高等数学教学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
计算机代数系统(CAS)是高等数学教学中不可替代的认知工具,对教与学产生了深刻影响,CAS不仅是强大的作图、运算工具,而且是构建“多元表征”教学环境的有力工具,是提供数学实验及其他数学实践活动的强有力手段,能极大促进数学思维。高等数学教学利用CAS可以使自主探索、实践操作、交流互动等学习方式得到具体体现,在强化学生理解数学本质、掌握数学基础的同时,还可以促进学生数学的“发现”和“创造”能力的提升,发展其应用意识。  相似文献   

This study explores the perspectives of rural and suburban adolescents on the nature of schools, teaching, and leadership that influences learning. Middle and high school students with and without disabilities offer relevant insights to educators who are seeking to promote greater engagement, community, and success in their schools. Results suggest that student voices can be a powerful tool for school improvement.  相似文献   

Automatically assessed exercises with immediate feedback can be a powerful tool for enhancing the effectiveness of education. In this article, we discuss the design and implementation of a collaborative learning tool called ViLLE. The design is based on experiences gathered from a previously developed and thoroughly researched visualization tool. Based on our earlier results and current educational theories, we developed four design principles upon which ViLLE is constructed. ViLLE includes various different exercise types which were designed to assist in the learning of computer science, mathematics and other subjects. It also supports different learning and teaching methods, such as pair programming and peer review. To justify the development of a new environment, we present four diverse case studies where ViLLE was utilized successfully: programming education, high school matriculation exam, elementary school mathematics and student counseling at university level. The results obtained from the studies seem to confirm that ViLLE can be used effectively to enhance student motivation and to improve student performance in various heterogeneous educational setups.  相似文献   

This article discusses the perceptions of ‘virtual’ teachers with regard to the benefits of online education for students with special educational needs. Surveys were distributed to teachers from one educational management company about their experiences of teaching in asynchronous (self‐paced) virtual school classrooms. The survey responses revealed the following findings: online education has made it easier for students with limitations to access learning activities; improvements have been made in student academic performance; students have had success with asynchronous (self‐paced) education; student motivation has increased; and more individualised support has been available. Even though these results focused on positive outcomes, some negative perceptions were also recorded. These included discrepancies related to cyber‐bullying in asynchronous learning programmes, matters related to student accommodations, and problems associated with student use of online classroom resources.  相似文献   

数以万计的大学教师发展问题亟待解决,这也是当前提高高等教育质量和建设高等教育强国面临的艰巨任务。引入教学学术理论,从教学学术的视角研究大学教师发展将具有重要意义。教育者、研究者和学习者角色的统一融合体就应该是大学教师最核心和最重要的角色,这样的角色定位有利于大学教师的发展。好的教学还应意味着,教师既是学者又是学生,因此应该加强教师与学生之间的交流,形成一个师生学习共同体。教师与教师之间的学习共同体和教师与学生之间的学习共同体都可以促进大学教师的发展,大学教师的发展也都需要这些学习共同体的熏陶和培养。每位教师都必须坚持忠诚的最高标准,既要重视教师职业道德修养也要加强学术道德修养。  相似文献   

Constructing the digital learning environment for ubiquitous learning and asynchronous distributed learning has opened up immense amounts of concrete research. However, current digital learning environments do not fully fulfill the expectations on supporting interactive group learning, shared understanding and social construction of knowledge. This paper introduces cloud computing to the construction of the digital learning environment for its on‐demand services with high reliability, scalability and availability in the distributed environment. Then a digital learning environment based on cloud computing (DLECC) is proposed, including the architecture, co‐construction and sharing model, and incentive mechanism of DLECC. Finally, an Educational Technology Space (ETS) platform under the concept of DLECC is constructed and applied to the educational technology training for 110 teachers from primary and secondary schools. The experimental results demonstrate that the co‐construction and sharing model and incentive mechanism of DLECC may provide meaningful learning support and interactive communities and promote the co‐construction of befitting educational resources.  相似文献   

学与教的理论是教育技术学乃至教育学的核心理论基础。文章基于建构主义的研究方法论之"二阶控制论",深入探讨了一种新型的教学理境——理解性学习与倾听式教学,意即学生的学需要从"接受"转向"反思",教师的教需要从"灌输"转向"倾听",以期促成传统学与教理念的转变,逐步在实践中形成全新而有效的教学观。  相似文献   

The aim was to assess the influence of a training program on teachers' attitudes and perceptions related to the implementation of cooperative learning in educational contexts. This influence was assessed based on the teachers' knowledge area, educational stage, age, gender and years of teaching experience. 990 teachers from 60 schools participated. Results indicated a positive attitude from the teachers, regardless of their subject area or educational stage. However, significant differences were found regarding age and teaching experience. Training has proven to be a powerful predictor of success for the implementation of cooperative learning in educational settings.  相似文献   

琳达·达林一哈蒙德(Linda Darling—Hammond),美国斯坦福大学教育学教授,教育学博士,美国当代教育改革分析家,美国教师专业化改革取向的领军人物,奥巴马政府现行教育政策改革团队领导人.斯坦福教育领导研究所和斯坦福教育机会政策中心联席主任。她和她的团队自20世纪90年代开始聚焦于教育教学改革及实践研究。2008年出版了《高效学习:我们所知道的理解性教学》一书,该书是琳达·达林一哈蒙德(Linda Darling—Hammond)与布里基·巴伦(Brigid Barron)等7位知名学者花了10多年进行学习研究的成果。作者基于人是如何学习的理论观点,聚焦于阅读与素养、数学、科学这三大主要学科领域,从理论和实践层面探索了“理解性教学”的教学形式:基于项目学习、设计的学习问题的学习,阐释了在新技术的强大支持下,革新课堂学习环境,促进高效学习的策略以及影响这些策略有效性的因素与条件。作者还提出了变革学校体系,为理解性教学重构学校的主张。2009年华东师范大学学习科学研究团队翻译了琳达·达林-哈蒙德的这部著作,并就该书中的高效学习与理解性教学的教育思想与作者进行了深度交流。琳达·达林-哈蒙德教授的思考给人们提供了认识21世纪学习的新视角,也会对21世纪学校体系变革带来启示。  相似文献   

Web多媒体或多模态语料库作为第四代语料库,其建设与研究已成为研究热点。多媒体语料库具有文本、声音、视频等多种媒体共存、关联、互动的特点和优势,非常适合应用于英语听力教学实践。建立为听力教学服务的Web多媒体语料库除需要有丰富的多媒体数据库,确定语料库结构,并按照一定的标准进行格式化入库等常规建库操作之外,还需设计适于听力教学的辅助功能,如在线练习自动生成,词汇难度列表,语料可读性分析、听力新闻专有名词提取等。具备教学功能的Web多媒体语料库,使语料库教学实施更具灵活性、广适性和可操作性,有利于学习者利用语料库进行移动学习、自主学习和研究性学习,提高英语听力教学效率和效果。  相似文献   

评估——无论采用何种形式——不得不建立在对不同水平和质量的理论思考基础之上。其中至关重要的是测验内容领域要依据教与学的过程来构建。其次,任务是评估相关内容结构的核心工具。因此,在设计对数学的教育评估时,按照合理的标识和特征对任务进行分类就成为一个息息相关的问题,也是一个巨大的挑战。本文重点研究PISA(国际学生评估项目的缩写,是以数学素养为目标的国际比较研究,包括在国家层面德国所做的许多调整)和COACTIV(德国教师数学知识和数学教学知识的一个代表性研究)。两者都旨在实现区分性评估(differentiated assessment),都考虑了评价内容和任务分析的不同方面。区分性评估结果使得我们能够获取有用的信息,进一步推动课堂教与学的发展。这些信息主要表现为两个方面:评估学生不同类型的知识,这些知识类型直接指向课堂教学与学习中存在的各种问题;探索教师知识对学生学习进展的影响,表明哪种教学行为是有效的。  相似文献   

Very few research papers and case studies have shown successful integration of both Facebook and Moodle in the educational experience of students. This study sought to evaluate the educational benefits of the increasingly popular Facebook—which plays an important role in students’ social life as well as their academic life—and to compare it with the widely used course management system Moodle. In this study, the authors surveyed students of the University of Belgrade’s Faculty of Organizational Science in Serbia on their attitude toward Facebook and Moodle as productive online tools for teaching and learning. An analysis of the results was carried out using the SPSS software package. The results of this research answer the question of whether or not using Facebook as an educational tool is more effective than using Moodle and how it affects students’ everyday learning activities.  相似文献   

We investigated biology instruction—using a generic framework of scientific reasoning and argumentation (SRA) with eight epistemic activities—on how to foster student learning in biological literacy which had not been clarified in previous studies. Our analysis of videotaped biology lessons and student achievement showed varying frequencies in using these activities and their effects on achievement. Those students taught with more epistemic activities had higher achievement. We believe that the SRA framework can be a worthwhile methodical tool for teaching biology to foster student learning. Therefore, we draw practically orientated implications for educational research, practitioners, teacher educators, and curriculum developers.  相似文献   

This article addresses the ways in which learners’ silence plays out within asynchronous and synchronous text‐based, online communication. Our study takes an ethnographic perspective in examining how learners and instructors in two online courses use and interpret silence. The ways in which those learners and instructors eventually integrated silence into their online communication were interpreted as non‐participation, confusion, marginalization, and thoughtful reflection. These findings have implications that are relevant to instructors’ efforts to create constructive online learning environments and view silence as an important aspect of social presence. We thus propose the need for the development of a deeper analysis—both empirical and theoretical—on the notions of online silence, social presence, and communication.  相似文献   

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